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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #33

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #33

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The symbol B

This symbol is the first root letter of of the word (B)rain and the first root letterof the word (B)ody.

When the mind is willing... may OPEN the (B)rain and (B)ody... opening the first root letter attached to the (B)rain ansd (B)ody.

This is the sign that the mind, as the builder may do this.

.....B is opened to R.

The bottom of B is open so that the  flow of IN-formation will come from WITHIN and through the opened body and brain like a (R)ive(R).


Here is the "inside" story of a Child of God.

When the child first enters the earth plane, the child is given letters to move around to form words that are attached to the child and allows the child to build its OWN self conscious mind or personality.

The problem is that mind of the child 
was never taught to connect the movement of its letters to the very spirit WITHIN THE BODY that created, maintains and houses that very mind within this earth plane.

The mind of the child sort of wrapped or entrapped itself in its own self consciousness...

...because it has attached or corded of itself to all the words that it formed by moving letters of those words as its own.

This is WHY one must be born again. 

The individual or the personality of that self must once again move letters, but this time, the child is willng  move the LETTERS HAS HIS.

This allows the self conscious mind to unwrap or unfold into its natural consciousness...

...the Christ Consciousness.

When the self conscious mind continues to move letters as its own...

...self continues to meet self for likes beget likes.

When the self conscious mind begins to move letters as His...

...self will begin its journey to meets it maker WITHIN for likes beget likes

Very simple. Very profound.

The Father WITHIN would NEVER make it difficult for a little Child of God to enter WITHIN the kingdom of heaven.

It is the children of men that make it difficult for the Children of God to unfold...

...for they have FOR GOTTEN HOW to themselves.  

Another eperience of going WITHIN.


Here is another interesting story and manifestation resulting from a person who entered WITHIN.


"About 14 years ago I had composed a poem in gratitude to God and how he was working in my life. 

This poem came to me from WITHIN and was as if he had written it for me, instead of me writing it for him. 

Anyway, I was pondering the script REVERSAL of every other line...

...and it made sense that...

...just like as...

...we breathe in and breathe out.

It is like a folding loop, or a childs yo-yo that flies out, then winds back again."  


Here is that poem

Breathe in  > 

Breathe out <


Yeshua, beloved brother >
tree a by fulfilled <

All men must rejoice >
see to him want and <


That we who are unworthy >
secure do gift his <

The prophecy fulfilled >
pure is that life with <


His pain wasn't wasted >
receive shall we for <

All that's required > 

believe we that is <


When Yahweh does lead us >

fight the join all we'll <

To praise and give glory >

might our of all with <


For truth shall begin >

living all of height the <

Just walk with the Father >

forgiving is he for < 

======= L.S.

The author's mind moved into attunement with the created body as this poem reflects the activitIes of the created body...

...and the results were manifested through the created hand.

This is another excellent way to practice tuning the mind to WITHIN  the created body.

The reason is both the mind and the body have to cooridinate A communion with each other.. that the spirit may be glorified and manifested from WITHIN the created body.

There are as many different paths to entering WITHIN... each mind that has wandered off in its OWN drection.

To return WITHIN...

...every path is different.

But every path FOLLOWS the same Pattern.  

IF the  mind is WILLING... may  follow the (L)ord's Pattern WITHIN the created body...

...through the movement of its very own words cooridinated with the movement of its very own body...

...the hand that is the ...

...ap(pen)dage that will manifest...

...the missing (L)ink.

Broken English


Many spiritual leaders speak the English language today.

However, in many cases, it is in sort of a form of...

...Broken English.

Broken English causes the mind to pay close attention to the words that are spoken in order to comprehend the thoughts that the words convey.

Those that speak in Broken English may be closer to the Pattern than even they may think.

Why? because those that speak Broken English have learned English AFTER they learned their native language.

Their minds had to be re-born and  start all over.

This is exactly the Pattern that the born again mind must follow.

It must break away from its own words and begin to use words from WITHIN.

HOW does one break away from its words?

It doesn't.

It simply breaks away the words that are attached to the mind.

This allows the mind to move away from the Self conscious words that it has attached itself to.

Here is a simple example and sign of How the mind may break away from this World and return to the Word.


Here the mind just broke the word world that it was attached to...

...and moved closer to the Word of the (L)ord. 

U C...

...the Word...

...the (L)ord...

...was WITHIN this Wor(L)d and the world knew it not.


God's Alphabet

This is God's alphabet that a Child of God has the inherit right to use.

This is the alphabet that children of men have taken for granted.

This alphabet was never granted to any one other than the Son of God.

This is WHY Revelation 1:8 exists today.

"I am alpha and Omega."


These are God's letters. They were with Adam in the beginning. 

Letters are things. 

The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into His hand. 

John 3:35 
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord 

Revelation 1:8   

These letters were granted to the Son of God, Adam, as He returned as Jesus. 
That is why the Spirit states that He is Alpha and Omega. His Spirit is the essence of  all symbolic letters that the mind uses. 

His Spirit has never changed. 

It is the mind that changed. 

The mind has even changed the shape of His Letters to suit its self from time to time. 

Whatever the mind changes, the essence of the symbols that the mind uses still contain His Spirit that never changes and will be released through the continuing unfoldment of the mind. 
Letters have been given to human minds by their parents and teachers to use as their own. 

These letters were given only into the hand of the Son of God by God, the Father, within. 

The letters were never granted to the children of men. 

His Letters will be lent to a Child of God if the human mind is willng. 

It is the will of God and the destiny of the soul that the mind consciously return the Letters to the Son. 


The mind communicates by moving a cord of 26 letters called the Alphabet. 
The exact positions of the letters G-O-D  will never change in this cord of letters. 

G is ...............07 
O is ...............15 
D is ...............04 

The essence of this cord of letters is the reflection of the true light that enters into the human mind and the mind has known it not. 
The mind will know it if it is willing to make an immaculate conception of its own. 

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. 

Matthew 11:30 
His Letters are a reflection of His Light for the human mind. 
This cord of letters was severed by Adam and was re-stored by Adam as Jesus. 

Adam , as Jesus, became the Pattern of re-cording this Light so that everyone in the world may see how to follow His Pattern. 

It was the Spirit of God that moved and formed this world in the beginning.  

That Spirit was the Word made flesh within Adam. and that Word was formed with the movement of God's Spiritual Letters, G-O-D. 

These are the Letters of Spirit that formed the word God that was with God in the beginning. 

John 1:1 

Stripped letters

Everyday, all day long, the human mind moves letters around to form words that form chains of words that form thought Patterns.

The human mind was NEVER taught that  there might have been spirit attached to those letters.

The spirit did not say I am Alpha and Omega for nothing.*

*Revelation 1:8

The human race has misinterpreted this verse from the beginnng.

This is the correct interpretation.

In the beginning Adam was as one with "A" SPIRITUAL cord of letters called Alpha what was corded to the Creative Force WITHIN his created body.

How else does the mind think communion with God was taking place.

Today we call that the alphabet.

Adam severed that Spiritual cord called Alpha and took the Father's Letters has his own.

He severed the communion with the Creative Force or spirit or Father WITHIN.

They that were one were now separtated and two.

That was in the beginning.

The human race evoled from that point on...

...using His letters as their own... 

...often changing the symbols and creating their own meanings with no regard at all to the possibility that these tools that the mind was using WERE spiritual.

Therefore, BETWEEN the beginning and the ending...

...the human mind took the letters as its own.

The immaculate conception in the ending for the mind is that the letters that are MOVED by mind are truly spiritual.

In the ending the alpabet for the human mind is called Omega.

WHY the word Omega in the end?

Because when the mind makes the immaculate coneception that the letters are spiritual and are His..

...and the mind THEN moves the letters with such forethought...

...Omega may be easily moved into His Pattern of (O)(game).

The human mind PLAYS WITHIN HIS FIELD called the created body.

He created (t)his body to house the mind and its companion, the soul while it is here in the earth plane.

WHY was this done?

So that the mind could learn of creation and the Father, the Creative Force WITHIN.

HOW does the mind learn?

In the beginning, there was a connection or cord called Alpha.

Adam severed that cord called Alpha.

Adam//Jesus re-stored that cord called Omega.

The human race is now beginning to move into the ending called Omega.


This is the immaculate conception of the mind.

The mind has taken Alpha, in the beginning, for granted, and has used it as its own.

This pattern was produced by the two edge sword od Adam's free will.

Adam returned as Jesus, as the Word made flesh, and made the correct atonement...

...and the true natural Pattern of communion was re-corded... pun intended... His Book, is Bible... His paren(t t)hesis, ( )

That true, born again mind of  natural communion, is called Omega...

...for the mind OPENS to the uderstanding that...

...the letters are His..

...the Pattern is His

...our mind's may be As One with His. playing His game WITHIN His field and not our own.

The game is called Omega and the mind, of its OWN free will...

...must make the first move.


ie before e 08/19/99



Everone who has learned their English ABC's knows the spelling rule about i before e except after c. 
Look and see how exactly this fits the Pattern of Jesus who SAID that He is Alpha and Omega. 


i, ego, mind of self, comes before its own (e)arth created body that literaly built and maintains the house... 

...that the mind, and its companion, the soul, reside WITHIN while on this earth plane. 

Self, or consciousness of Self (i), comes BEFORE consideration of the spirit WITHIN the (e)arth created body. 
WHEN the mind makes the immaculate conception to let i take the lower... 

...and following positon... 

...and lets (c)hrist take the first... 

...and leading posItion WITHIN the (e)earth plane of the human created body... 

...then... deed... 

...does i come before e EXCEPT after c. 

First the word is bel(ie)ve. 

Then... the mind and Letters MOVE WITHIN 

His Pattern... 

...the mind is re(cei)ved by Him. 

The Letters are His, and the mind makes the FIRST MOVE because it was given free will. 


...the mind and spirit will move and work hand in hand to produce His manifestations. 

The Spirit of Jesus, the Christ, flat out stated He IS Alpha and Omega in 

Revelation 1:8. 

ALpha and Omega ARE Letters and they are 
His Spirtiual Letters. 

The SPIRITUAL (sign)ificance of the symbols that the mind move has NEVER changed. 

It is the mind that alway changes and wanders away. 

It needs to go home. 

His letters do not move by themselves. 

The mind must move them. 

Here is the evidence of this fact. 

"and Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; 
but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head."* 

*Luke 9:58 

The Pattern is that HIS Letters need conscious minds to MOVE HIS Letters AS HIS... 

...rather than the conscious minds moving letters as their OWN. 


Because when the mind is first born... takes His Letters for GRANTED to build a self conscious mind. 

His Letters were NEVER granted to anyone except the Son of man. 

After the mind becomes conscious of itself... 

...the mind returns His Letters and then moves them as His. 

When the mind moves His Letters... 

...the mind moves into His Consciousness... 

...the Christ Consciousness. 

That is being born again. 

The mind itself just weaves a nest of 

His Letters for the Son of man to lay 

His Christ Conscious head. 

Very simple thing to do. Very profound thing to do... 

...for it is the true destiny of the mind to conceive a mind out of its own mind... 

...a christ conscious mind... 

...that is as a Child of God. 

Two Leeters one symbol

As stated...His Spirt and these Letters are As One.*

*Revelation 1:8


These two particular letters are important symbols that witness each other...

...that two may be be As One.

A and H

It is no accident that these particular letters were added on to the name of Abram. 

ABRAM...was changed to...


*"Neither shall thy name any more be called abram, but thy name shall be abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee".

...And I will establsh my covenant between ME and THEE and thy seed  after thee in their generations for an ever lasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to the SEED after thee."

Here is that SEED.

...after His kind whose SEED is in ITSELF.*

*Genesis 1:11

This is the Pattern that the mind may follow.

WITHIN the self conscious mind there is another mind that is EMBLEMATIC  of a SEED that is WITHIN the mind itself...

...and is always ready to be born.

The seed that is WITHIN the self conscious mind is is the essence of the self conscious mind and is called the Christ Conscious mind.

In essence...

...the self conscious mind...


...may give birth to a new mind following the Emblematic Pattern of the WORD born as flesh THROUGH the mind and body of the Virgin Mary.

And what was born of Flesh?


And what is a WORD formed of?


And HOW does a self conscious mind give birth... a seed out of itself after His kind.?

The self conscious mind will MOVE the letters of its mind AS HIS rather than to continue to move the Letters as its OWN.

This is HOW a child of man becomes a Child of God.

When the mind acknowledges and MOVES its Letters as His...

...the immaculate conception WITHIN the mind will have taken place. 
Simply allow the free will of the  self conscious mind to return His letters and the mind will begin to take on His consciousess.

The ESSENCE of any symbols that the mind moves ARE spiritual...

...because the essence or seed WITHIN  MIND IS SPIRITUAL...

...and is Patterned after his Kind...

...the Christ Spirit.*

"I am Alpha and Omega"*

Revelation 1:8

ANY symbols used by the mind were  spiritual and His in the beginning...

...and will be considered by the mind to be spiritual and His in the the ending.

In between the beginning and the ending...

...the self conscious mind has taken them as its OWN.

When the mind decides to return them WITHIN to its rightful owner...

...the mind will also return...

...As One WITH that rightful owner the Father WITHIN.

The child of (S)elf has just learned HOW to return and become a Child of God, the Father.

It is so simple, yet so profound.