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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #32

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #32

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As the conscious mind re-views the readings... is impossible NOT to notice that the words emanating from  WITHIN appear to flow just like a river.

Remember the rivers that flowed out of the garden in Genesis...

...and the  pure river of water of life* proceeding out of the throne of God and of the lamb.

*Revelation 22:1

Remember where that throne is located?

Is it not located in the holy of holies that is WITHIN Self?*

*Page 110 of The Edgar Cayce Readings.

Now, is it any wonder to the mind...

...WHY Adam was given the name Adam?

Because the NATURAL flow from WITHIN was stopped by Adam as re-corded...

...oops... as severed... in Genesis and then re-corded in...


..which deals with His Spirit and the human mind and body...

...and the falling away of  that great EMBLEMATIC ego city of Self...


If the mind would insert the (i) into Babylon it would become Baby lion, the king of the jungle. 

Babylon is is EMBLEMATICAL* of a human being...

...first being born to the physical world to develop the consciousness of the mind of Self.

*Page 2 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

Once that is achieved, it is the destiny of Self to give way to the birth of a new consciousness that comes fROM WITHIN the the human created body that has been contained in that body by the blockage of the development of the Self conscious mind.

Is this sort of EMBLMATIC of  Adam//Jesus perhaps?

The Pattern is that Adam stopped the flow and jesus resumed the flow.

In the awesome wisdom of the Father...

...does the mind think that the Father would EVER let the Son wander to far away?


Adam HAD to take on a self conscious mind FIRST to become conscious of Self.

Then Adam as Jesus, the Pattern, was able to sacrifice Self to the Christ conscious mind that every mind may then follow. 

This is the ONLY Way that Self is ABLE to leave SELF.

How can the mind leave Self if it is not aware of Self?  

It is the SElf conscious mind that gives rise or birth to the Christ conscious mind...

...that is the Creative force...

...the Father...

...that is literally WITHIN the Created body...

...that houses the soul, and its companion, the mind of Self. 

This is EMBLEMATIC of the words in Genesis 1:11

"...after His kind...whose seed is IN ITSELF. 

Is it not ironic that the re-cording of missing link...

...the severed cord...

...just happens to be revealed on page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion...

...and it is this cord...

...when re-corded allows the mind to produce a seed out of ITSELF...

...after His kind?

Probably very ironic for when the mind moves His letters a bit...

..ironic may easily become (nor)(i)...

...and (i) (c)hrist is born.

Allow the mind to think AB(OUT) (t)his.

When it is ready to go WITHIN...

...after it has had time to think AB(OUT)... the mind to take WITHIN the AB that was WITH...(OUT).

U C...AB is a perfect match to the C that is already waiting WITHIN.

The above words are simply words of joy that somehow just seem to flow from WITHIN...

...........   :)

How to Open "a dam" door

The free will power of the mind is sort of like a switching mechanism that takes very little effort to flip...

...but may produce very powerful results.

An automatic garage door opener is sort of EMLEMATIC of the switching power of free will.

The door is OWNED by the Creative Force and merely LENT to the mind.*

*Page 370 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

The free wiLL power switch WITHN THE MIND may open or close the DOOR WITHIN THE MIND that separates the mind...

...from the created body...

..and from  the Creative Force that is  WITHIN THAT BODY.

Here is a way of HOW the will power of the mind may open the door of the mind of self.

It may be helpful to think THAT THE DOOR WITHIN the mind has two locks...

...a "dead" bolt and a "key" lock as many doors do.

The "dead" bolt would be EMBELEMATIC of Self that needs to be unlocked.

This is how to unlock Self...(S)elf.

NOW here is a way to unlock the "key" lock that is EMBLEMATIC of EGO...

...that is directly attached to Self...

...and is part of the door's locking mechanism.

Now, remember that the mind of (S)elf is the builder...

...but, in this case, calling it a locksmith may be more appropriate.

This procedure will not only unlock the ego that is attaced to (S)elf...

...but will move (S)elf directly into the presence of the Creative Force.

Take a look.


The locksmith knows that two negatives will make a positive.

The locksmith knows that NOW the tumblers...

...the letters, may NOW be moved around... 

...for the spirit has movement...

...and so are His Letters that are as one with His spirit.*

*Revelation 1:8

Here is HOW the locksmith MOVES the tumblers.








(S)elf has just detached itsef from Self and its ego...

...and "moved" its child like (S)elf to be as ONE with God.

That is HOW one may be CONVERTED to one as a little child in order to enter the kingdom of heaven WITHIN.*


*Page 115 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

Re-cording the Mind to the Body

Allow the mind to focus, just for a moment, on Revelaton !:8

It is unequiocally stated and revealed here that His spirit is Letters.

Now, according to the Readings where is His spirit?

His spirit is the Creative Force WITHIN the body.

Now, also according to the Readings the mind is the buider.

What does the mind build with?


Now, WHERE is the connecting point bwtween the mind and body where...

...L E T T E R S come into "play"?

The connecting point is what both the body and mind have in common and at hand.

And pray tell what is that?

The hand.*

*Page 13 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

Practice makes perfect.

It is the hand and "eye" coordinating the movement of His letters that  WILL re-cord the mind back to the created body.

This is exactly what (t)his writer does nearly everyday here.

If would do everyone "well" to practice THE PATTERN OF these same recording movements...

...using their own words...

...and their own hand...

...for that is what will re-cord the mind back to WITHIN THE CREATED BODY...

...and the "river" of in-formation will begin flow from the "well" WITHIN.

The Father's Playground cog vlub

The Spirit of God is the WORD made flesh.

Words are formed with the MOVEMENT of letters.

Both the the spirit and the mind will move together when the child moves letters that form words using letters as if they were His.

The mind really does't know it yet...

...but the letters the mind has been uses ARE really His. 

Here is a simple example.


Without God the WORD is SIN

WITH (G) the word SIN becomes a SI(G)N.


These word games involve movements of letters that every child learns to do  at a very young age. 

However there is one very major difference.

When a born child learns to move letters to form words... perceives the letters it moves are its own.

When a child of God learns to move letters to form words... perceives that the letters it moves are God's. 

The reason WHY the child of God makes this perception is that takes  Revelation 1:8...


...where the spirit states that He is Alpha and Omega.

When the born child moves letters has its own...

... the child develops a self conscious mind.

When the born again child moves letters as His...

...the child will move away from a self conscious mind and into His Pattern of consciousness...

...which is the Christ conscious mind.

If any minds doubts this information then allow the mind to conside the word...


This is HOW the born child, mind perceives this word.


This is HOW the born again child's mind perceives this simple little three letter word.


The child of God has just MOVED the letters as His... 

...and it shows clearly that He went to the cross. 

The child of God learns to look for his signs in its very own words...

...for NOW the letters it uses are perceived as His.

There is no other play ground in the world like (t)his.

Would you like to join in.?

The game is easy to play...

...and the obect of te game is quite profoound...

for it will enable the self conscious mind to transform it itself... and out the Door of His Consciousness. 

Play time cog



...(emit) from WITHIN

(t)his (t)he  

(w)here is here

(t)here is here

The human body is formed of earth.

We enter the (ear)th to hear with our ear.

R is His movement letter for it signifies the  opening of the (B)rain and the (B)ody.

ie th(r)ough (r)ive(r) (r)an (r)un

H and A are His Letters signifying the Law of One...

...two or more maybe AS ONE...

...yet two or more...

ie God the Father...

...Adam//jesus the Son.


World... the WORD made flesh.. the (L)ord was in (t)his WORLD and few even knew it.

Why they failed to see (t)his sign.


The Master wrote a Master's thesis on who HIS parents were.

His Father God and His Mother the Virgin Mary.

That thesis was a "parent thesis" called the Bible.

According to the law of One...Parent thesis IS word.

The symbol for that one word is ( ).

Paren(t) and (t)hesis merge at the t or cross...

...and fits the Pattern of "take up your cross and follow me.

So (t)he mind picks up ( ) parenthesis and follows Him in the mind's own words and in the words of others.

It's the seek and ye shall find version of hide and seek.

So throw some words (t)his way and see if we can follow Him.

Mind u...

...practice AND patience makes perfect.

Letters have roots


Every word is made up of letters.

Letters are the roots of ALL words.

The mind, as the builder, moves letters to build its mind.

Allow the mind to ask parents, teachers, professors, anyone this question.

Where exactly did the letters that my mind moves everday...

...originally come form?

the mind knows that the parent or teacher gave them to the mind but where did THEY get them? 

Oh, they were just handed down from generation to generation.

Well, how about the word that was with God in the beginning.*

*John 1:1

By the very definition of the word WORD...

...the word had to have been formed of letters...

...that letters must have been with God in the beginning.

And what about the Spirit of God stating in Revelation 1:8...

...that He IS Alpha and Omega? 

In the beginning the letters were ROOTED WITHIN the created body of Adam formed forme the earth...

...but Adam, through the free will of his mind...

...STRIPPED the spirit from those letters and took them as his OWN...

...and for granted.

At that point adam knew tha his mind was spiritually stripped naked as well as his body.

From that point on...

...the letters were handed down spiritually naked from generation to generation.  

That is why Adam returned as Jesus to make atonement for that sin...

...and that is why Adam//Jesus was called the WORD made flesh...

...and tha is why the Readings call Jesus the Pattern.

Adam//Jesus re-corded the natural law of of communion that was WITHIN Adam in the very beginning.

The written law was established because Adam severed* the natural law by taking the letters of the Creative Force as his OWN.

*Page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

That is why Adam returned as Jesus to fulfill that written law... that the Pattern of the natural law could be re-corded WITHIN the minds and bodies of the human race.

The natural law is...

...the natural communion of the mind with the Creative force...

...that built and maintains the created body that literally houses the mind, and its companion the soul, while they reside within the aearth plane.



... the mind would do very "well" to to return its letters to is original owner...

...rather than continue to move them as if they were OWNED by the minds OWN Self.*

*See page 370 of The Edgar Cayce Companion for the truth of this matter.


Here is an example of HOW Self returns the letter S WITHIN to its origin. 


The mind of self has just returned His letter S...

...and in SEW doing...

...the new mind of (S)elf has just converted Self as a little child in order to enter WITHIN* the kingdom of heaven.**

*Page 110 of The Edgar Cayce Companion. 

**Matthew 18:3  

The Missing Link 08-17-99

The evolutionists have been looking for the missing Link for a very long time now.

I guess they have never considered THE wisdom of little children.

The missing Link WITHIN the human race is right in front of them RIGHT NOW and they cannot see it.

How can they NOT see what is right in front of them?

Because the evolutionists are looking for THE physical object.

The missing Link is NOT a physcal object.

What is it then?

The missing link is LINK.


You heard it right... The missing link is a word and that word is L-I-N-K.

What the evolutionists do not know... that in order to find the missing Link...

...THE mind looks WITHIN the WORD ATTACHED to the object rather than the object itself.

U C, the missing Link are spiritual words written with the (L)ord's ink.

One might call this "type" of writing  His book or the Bible.

The missing (L)(ink) is spiritual words set down or written in ink.

That is the essence of creation and the essence of how Adam was created.

The missing (L)ink for the human mind... that every mind is born with a severed cord handed down from Adam to generation after generation.

Adam severed this cord...

...and it has become the missing Link for the human race.

Why it has been missing for so long... because it is very difficult to realize that something is missing if no one even knew it was SUPPOSE to exist.

The severed cord did exist and it is possible for the mind, as the builder, to re-cord that cord WITHIN the created body.

Most everyone has heard that human beings are born into sin.

They really are...

...but not quite the way that it is being put before the human race.

We are all born away from the communion with the Father WITHIN...

...because Adam severed that natural cord of spiritual letters that he was allowed to use as communion with the Father WITHIN Him.

Jesus, the word made flesh, re-corded that natural law of communion and we are able to follow the Pattern that He set before us.

Just one little three letter word to show that the evolutionist have over looked the obvious.

Even the word evolutionist is usually preceeded by the word the.

Most everyone takes this little three letter word for granted and just casts it aside.

What does "the" mean anyway most would say.

Well, hold on to your hats for (t)his little insignicant word is one of His major signs.

He WAS the WORD made flesh.

When the mind goes WITHIN the word the...

...this is what it will find.


...He, the word made flesh, DID go to the cross (t) so that we may follow His Pattern WITHIN our very own words.

When the mind goes WITHIN words it WILL find His Pattern.

Someone should ask an evolutionist what they think about the word the...

...that they most certainly are WILLING use as their OWN hundreds of times a day.

The symbol of the cross

To a little Child of God, in the eyes of God, the Father...

..does the mind really think that He wants them to keep their minds focused an image of His Son dying on a cross?

No way.

That is NOT the true EMBLEMATIC symbol that the cross represents to Children of God...

...and the Children of God know it...

...and the children of MEN know it not.

First the cross is NOT a symbol of dying it is the symbol of living.

This is HOW the Children of God know the truth.

Adam was the Son of God...

He was formed out of the created earth and communed with God, the creator WITHIN HIM through symbols that are NOW called letters.

Adam severed that relationship WITHIN and TOOK the letters as His OWN to develop his OWN self conscious mind. 

This is the original or cardinal sin.

Adam returned AS Jesus, the Word made flesh to make atonement for that sin.

He did just that.

What the Children of God know that children of men do not know... that the cross is the symbol for the letter t.

Adam//Jesus went to the cross to be as one again with the cross...

...which is symbolic of the SEVERED cord of God's Letters...

...the letter t being a symbol for it also looks like a (s)word that could sever.

Thus, the Pattern of the mind is that the mind of Adam...

...the severed self conscious mind...

...returns as the mind of Jesus, the re-corded Christ conscious mind.

The Son has returned to the Father WITHIN.

This is evidenced by the statement in his book the Bible , the parent thesis, that one should TAKE UP its cross and follow Him.*

*Matthew 16:24 

The Children of God know that they go TO the cross...

... AND simply take UP their cross (t) and foLlow His spirit in their very OWN words.

If a mind thinks that this is absurd.. 
..allow the mind to consider their word their.


This is a spiritual SIGN.

The Children of God have inherited the right to use His letters for they the know the Father is WITHIN.

This is the sign given to the  Children of God that verifies the truth of the cross.


This is the sign that His book, the Bible, is truly the MASTER'S parent thesis on who His Father and Mother are.

....parent thesis..

according to the law of One--- God.. and IF He did write a parent thesis...

...then parent thesis should be one word.

It is...

...and guess what?

It comes together as one...

...right where the two t's or crosses are as one.

....paren(t t)hesis

This is the SYNBOL of that new word that is as ONE word, yet two, according to the Law of One God.

...parentheis...( )

These become the tools that the Children of God use to move (t)heir minds from their own self consciousness into His consciousness...

...the Christ consciousness.

These tools ( ) are used by the Children of God to seek out His signs in the mind's very own words and in the words of others.

The are truly gifts of the spirit and are to be used as such.

The Children of God would like to show other children an example of HOW the tools are used.


WITHOUT (G)od the word is SIN.

WITH (G)OD the word SIN becomes a SI(G)N.

To the Children of God, the SIN of  Adam is turned and converted into SI(G)NS along the way of the WORD made flesh.