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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #31

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #31

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Going WITHIN - Part 2 arkroc

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) 08/14/1999 09:17 am EDT


The ARE and the SEARCH for God groups have performed an unbelievable service to mankind that the human race will soon become more aware of.

They FOUND the missing link that, heretofore, no one even knew was missing.

The missing link is a severed cord.*

*Page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

How can the mind, as the builder, repair something that it never knew existed, let alone was severed.

This is WHY we all are born in sin.

We have ALL inherited a little genetic defect handed down from Adam in the form of a severed cord in which was never discovered until the Readings brought forth that information.

Adam was not created by the Father with that defect.

The free will of Adam's mind, the Son of God, the first human being, created that defect by severing the cord. 

Adam was created and corded to the natural law with the Father.

It was his free will that severed the cord...

...and the genetic changes then produced WITHN his body were passed directly on to the human race.

Only through free will of the mind may the severed cord be re-corded.

The mind works only with letters, and those letters move.

The mind of Adam stripped the Spirit from thoses letters...

...and he then knew that he was (S)piritually (nake)d.

It is no coincidence that a (s)(nake) also just happened to be in the garden at the time. 

It is also no accident that the (s)nake also has a split tongue.

In algebra, the mind is able to solve a problem by reversing the process.

In this case, Adam severed the cord with His free will.

The human race is unaware that it is born with this severed cord.

Once the mind learns of this severed cord... 

...the process of re-cording to the Father and the natural law...

...may be done by the mind as the builder... the same free will that Adam was given...

...that allowed HIMSELF to sever the cord. 

The bottom line is that the severed cord provides a perfect explanation of WHY we are born in sin... 

...and the Readings Explain HOW that cord may be restored once again.

The mind may sever the physical cords by breaking open the words attached to the obect...

...and then re-cording them back the Father WITHIN.

How does the mind do that?

It simply, and consciously, gives the 

Father back the Letters that Adam began to think were his own.

Very simply, but very profound.

Excerpts From A Reading...Part 1 arkroc

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) 08/14/1999 02:09 pm EDT


...As passed on from the Traveler 

GC: You will have before you the inquiring mind of [1602], present in this room, who seeks guidance - impersonal guidance and light regarding the teachings of Jacob Boeh...

...the German philosopher and mystic of the 17th century...

...who used the corresponding Principles of Nature - of the entire Astral, with man... the true Spiritual approach to the Primal Light beyond the Circuit of Reincarnation.

Will you clarify the answers to the following and help me to understand them in relation to Spiritual Evolution - as I ask them: 

EC: Yes, we have the inquiring mind, and those tenets and teachings and illustrations as presented by Jacob Boehme.... respecting the relationships of man in his SEARCH...

...for the Creative Forces...

...or God. 

Excerpts From A Reading...Part 2 arkroc

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) 08/14/1999 02:05 pm EDT

In giving first those approaches as we find of same, much of that presented by Boehme, in illustrating the activities, the various phases of consciousness or awareness...

...the effect of the astral, the cosmic consciousness of same in its    relationships to the emotions and activities of which the body is conscious in its various stages of development...

...we find these ARE IDENTICAL with those presented by John in Patmos. 
And as the individual analyzes or studies the bodily forces and emotions as arise through the activities in a material sphere in relationship to the influences arising from without...

...these come to be the representations and     interpretations of that presented by John in Patmos. 
Here, though, we will find these are variations in some of those things presented. 

For here we find with Boehme more     of the consciousness through which man has passed in his study and in his search for that as might be used as an illustration of same, as related to what has been termed by   some as the consciousness related to the seasons and the changes and the zodiac, as well as the planetary forces and the activities of same. 
 All of these, as we have indicated through these channels from time to time, are relative as one to another; and as in those influences or forces indicated through the sojourns of     the individuals in activities in the planetary forces and the astral aspects of the individuality of an entity...

...these become rather those manners in which the influences as indicated through the activities of an individuality... the motivating forces become expressed, or what may be said to have been the CHOICE taken by an entity as regards that which is constructive or destructive in its experience...

...motivated, of course, by the spirit of that which becomes the impelling influence in the activity of the individual. 

Excerpts From a Reading...Part 3 arkroc (58/M/Longwood, Florida) 08/14/1999 01:49 pm EDT =========== EC... "ready for questions."              (Q) Three hundred years ago Jacob Boehme decreed Atlantis would rise again at this crisis time when we cross from this Piscean Era into the Aquarian. Is Atlantis rising now? Will it cause a sudden convolution and about what Year?              (A) In 1998 we may find a great deal of the activities as have been wrought by the gradual changes that are coming about. These are at the periods when the cycle of the solar activity, or the years as related to the sun's passage through the various spheres of activity become paramount or Catamount [?] [Tantamount?] to the change between the Piscean and the Aquarian age. This is a gradual, not a cataclysmic activity in the experience of the earth in this period. =========== (Q) Is it gradually becoming responsive through the     restoration of Phosphorus so that man will talk back and forth with the Cosmos - like the radio principle - as prevailed in Primitive Light Man?              (A) This is gradually a development to which the awarenesses of the use of the spiritual consciousness may be as a medium through which such may be done. ============= (Q) What does the "restoration of Phosphorus" signify?              (A) The relationship of the individual to that awareness of     the universal consciousness which should be... ...and is the promise of all who have wholly put on Him. For as He has given, "he that abideth wholly in me and I in him, to him     will be made aware all things from the foundations of the world." This is ALL there, in His words, in His promises to man. Just as indicated in His exhortation upon the activities of John and as to what they meant in the affairs of man. That place, that awareness. And yet when individuals will, even as John, become aware of being WITHIN the presence of Life itself, God Himself made manifest, - how few accepted it? Only such as had known INDEED the reviling of man!              ============

Excerpts From A Reading...Part 4 arkroc (58/M/Longwood, Florida) 08/14/1999 01:22 pm EDT ============ (Q) Can a date be given to indicate the beginning of the Aquarian Age?              (A) This has already been indicated as the period when it should pass... ...but that is when it BEGINS to affect. It laps over from one to another, as is the natural sources, as he holds to that which has been, which is. As has been indicated... ...we will begin to understand fully in '98.              (Q) Are there any thoughts along these lines, beyond these, that can be given at this time?              (A) Holy, holy is His name! ============ Then a soul, the offspring of a Creator... ...entering into a consciousness... ...that became a manifestation in any plane or sphere of activity... ...given that free-will for its use of those abilities, qualities, conditions in its experience, demonstrates, manifests... ...shows forth, that it reflects in its activity towards that first cause. ============ The mind is the builder ever, whether in the spirit or in the flesh. If one's mind is filled with those things that bespeak of the spirit, that one becomes spiritual-minded.      ============== (Q) Explain, in the light of reincarnation, the cycle of development towards maturity in individuals.              (A) As an individual... any experience, in any period, uses that of which it (the soul or entity) is CONSCIOUS in relation to the laws of the Creative Forces... does that soul, that entity, develop towards - what?... ...A companionship with the Creative influence!         ============ But he that looks WITHIN is higher, for the spirit knoweth the Spirit of its Maker... ...and the children of same are as   given... ...And, "My Spirit beareth witness with thy spirit,"... ...saith He that giveth life!        ============ The companionship in God is being one with Him... ...and the gift of God is being conscious of being one with Him... ...yet apart from Him - or one with, yet apart from, the Whole.              ===========