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July 31, l999 Verifly and Verily


According to the Law of Webster that is as written in stone for the conscious mind... check for accuracy or correctness of. very truth...truly


When the conscious mind finds these two words in the Law of Webster, they are right next to each other.

When the minds of (S)elves enter WITHIN these words they will find this.


Only in the conscious world do "things" appear by chance.

Nothing is by chance in the spiritual world which is the essence of the physical world.*

*Page 44 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

In the Gospel of John, the Pattern uses "VERILY VERILY" many times as He speaks. 

These words witness each other in truth.

The (F)ather and the (L)ord are as one as the Pattern speaks.

Verify and Verify even fit this pattern of oneness in the Law of Webster.

Here is HOW truth is RE-corded by the mind, as the builder, into His Pattern.

The Pattern is "take UP yor cross and follow me."

(t) His cross

(r) movement 

(u) you

(t) your cross

(H) His symbol that two are AS ONE

This is an exact match UP by the builder according to His Pattern.

The builder knows that IF "things' are matched up...

...they will not burn down.

This is a play WITHIN WORDS...

...and that is exactly HOW communion with the WORD made flesh is re-corded.

When the mind moves its own letters as IF they match His vibrational Pattern...

...the mind itself will move into His Vibrational Pattern.

The rationale for this mental unfoldment is verified in this reading. 

"Know, the earth and ALL therein is the Lord's.  ALL thine is only LENT thee, NOT thine but LENT thee. Keep it inviolate."*

*Page 370 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

This is exactly where Adam went astray.

The Spirit corded to the symbols of communication was severed by the mind of Adam as He took the Letters as His own.

As His words became (S)piritually naked, He became consciously naked.

As nothing is by chance...

...Hence the influence of the (S)nake.   

Ths is also exactly where Adam as Jesus re-corded the severed cord and made the ATONEMENT.

The entire and complete UNFOLDMENT of the mind is the Pattern reflected from physical birth and development of the mind (Adam)... the Pattern of the RE-cording  of Spiritual unfoldment of the mind (Jesus)...

...ending in the wonderful REALI(ZA)TION...

... that the letters Alpha and Omega are HIS symbols that are representatve of any letters that the mind uses as TOOLS for communication.

The mind of the human race has simply continued to follow the Pattern of Adam without considering the Pattern of His return as Jesus.

We have all gone astray as Adam.

We may all return and RE-cord by following the Pattern of Jesus and using the mind and its tools, as the builder, to do "sew".

All the mind needs to do is "thread" 
(t)his needle () with (t)his string of 26 letters.


According to the Law of Webster...

...the position of every letter in this cord, or string of letters is as written in stone.

Seek and find the positions of G-O-D.
Total the positions and remember nothing is by chance WITH God. 


Learn the Pattern


According to the Readings Jesus is the Pattern.

According to the Readings the mind is the builder.

Therefore, in order for the mind to build according to the Pattern... must FIRST know the Pattern.

How does the mind do that?

It simply studies His Book.

If the minds opens and unfolds His Book it will see the Pattern to follow.

The Pattern WITHIN His Book is not exactly the individual words...

...but the Pattern that the words weave.

Here is a simple example of the Pattern.

Immediately after the four Gospels ending with Jesus the Pattern going to the cross (t)...

...there is Pattern of a whole bunch of LETTERS that are sent to various churches.

Then in Revelation, again, a whole bunch of letters are sent to the churches.

The Readings state the glands of the  human body are as the churches in the Book of Revelation.

Thus, the Pattern IS the MOVEMENT of Letters, His Letters, through the human body.

The immaculate conception WITHIN the mind is that the letters are His.

This is the process that enabled Edgar Cayce to speak from a consciousness other than his own.

He absorbed the Pattern WITHIN the Bible.

Once Edgar Cayce had the Pattern or  the ONE Ideal set before him it was relatively easy for his mind to unfold.

The Readings direct the mind to focus on the Pattern WITHIN His Book so that the mind may unfold*

*Page 195 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

This writer learned much about the Pattern by falling to sleep at night
listening to Bible tapes by Alexander Scourby(?).

They are wonderful tapes and this writer listened to Genesis, the New Testament, and Revelation many nights for about a nine month period.

Then this writer had a vivid dream that he didn't need to listen to them any longer.

He knew that he knew the Pattern.

Once the Pattern is in place, the mind may start building...

...AND the next building steps come from WITHIN just as the Readings state.*

*Page 110 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

This is HOW this writer learned about the movement of letters.

The next steps WERE given. 

If a mind doubts the valdity of this information...

...simply allow the mind to at least "Learn of Him"* so it may have the opportunity to build WITHIN His Pattern.

*Matthew 11:29

Even the words of His book are as etched in stone so that His Pattern will not pass away.

It is the destiny of the human mind, as the builder... provide the movement for the  manifestation of His Spirit from WITHIN.       

Here... a single word... the Pattern of that movement.

(move)(men)(t)...take UP your own (t) and move and follow His Pattern.

Very simple, yet very profound.

Weave Them Together


If the mind is willing... has a very unique opportunty to do somethng it has never done before.

The mind NOW has at hand two books...

...not one but two...

..that witness each other in the PATTERN of truth.

The Bible is one of the books and has always been available.

The Edgar Cayce Companion is the other and just recently became available.

Why is this second book so important?

It is important because it is like a manuel of HOW the mind may DRAW the Pattern from the Bible so that the mind may begin the building process.

The individual Readings are very much like the individual verses in the Bible.

They are interesting and worthy in themselves but do not reveal the Pattern.

When the mind weaves the information WITHIN both of these two books together...

...the mind moves in the direction of His consciousness for both books witness each other in truth and "contain" the Pattern.

Why are these TWO books different?

The information set down as in stone WITHIN these books...

...originated from WITHIN altered states of consciousness of individuals who were in attunement with the Pattern.

The "Companion" really is a companion to His book as it "DRAWS" the Pattern for the individual mind to build upon. 

This writer knows of no other book that directs the mind on such a perfect course as the "Companion."

If the mind, as the builder, will simply take these two books as "building blocks"...

...weave them togther... it will find that that the blocks will become one huge stepping stone...

...that the mind may easily move away  so that it may OPEN to His Spirit WITHIN.

Sound a little like the stone being rolled away from His tomb?


Why? Because the mind is beginnng to match His Pattern by building into His Vibrational Pattern through the process of attunement.

Here is the movement letter sign that the mind is correctly following His Pattern.

WITHIN attunement, the mind takes UP its cross and becomes as one with His cross.


Then u becomes as one WITH God (o).

This is the sign that THROUGH attunement the mind may enter WITHIN 
His Pattern.

And what is that Pattern?


The personality of u (self) is transformed into the personality of o.

This mind building activity exactly matches both the Pattern WITHIN the Readings...

...and the Pattern WITHIN His Book.

Before the "Companion" came into our hands...

...the mind was a builder who had the right kind the wood...

...but could not find the "saw".

Once the builder sees (t)he saw, it may begin to build.

You see, (t)he saw (was) (t)he Pattern...


...and "still" is...

...until the mind is willing to take the first (move)(men)(t) step WITHIN.


Page 111 ... August 1, l999


As nothing is by chance... 111 is the perfect place to discover the missng (L)ink between the human mind and the Creative Force or God. 

The missing (L)ink is a cord that IS set WITHIN the inner man.

This is the missing link for we were never taught that a cord ever existed...

...or that a cord could exist WITHIN the inner man.

The mission or destiny of a human being is to re-cord or re-connect this cord through the mind that is the builder.

The Readings on ths page even describe HOW this may be done.

If the mind is willing to absorb the information on this page... will, in deed, begin to transform itself, and its companion, the soul, into His Pattern of Consciousness.

It is on this page where the mind will begin to understand about the movement of letters.

It is here that the Readings introduce the importance of vowels.

What are vowels?

They are action or movement letters that are as tools for the mind to use as the builder.

When the mind understands the Pattern of vowels and their movement...

...the Pattern of vowels will be expanded to include ALL the letters that the mind uses.

When the mind realizes how Letters are used WITHIN the inner man... will have made the Revelation of Alpha and Omega.

It will have re-corded the severed cord.

This is the missing (L)ink, the Lord's ink, that the human mind has wandered away from by continously following the pattern set by Adam.

This is why Adam returned as Jesus to to re-cord the natural Pattern that Adam severed through His own will.

When the mind does the Father's will it will use its own letters as His rather than its own.

This simple transformation of the use of letters will begin the transfromation and movement of the mind into His consciousness.


"The law that is ever present: like attracts like; like begets like"*

*Page 36 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

-8- 08/01/99

From the point of view of the conscious mind...

...this undoubtedly is the number 8.

From another point of view...

...this symbol could easily represent the symbol for infinity.

According to the Readings...

..."the body physical is of a circuit, in the form of an 8."*

*Page 246 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

The Promise of Everlasting Life* is very much like infinity.

*John 3:16 

This symbol is very much like going in and out of the r(evol)ving door WITHIN.  

This symbol is also very much like Edgar Cayce going WITHIN and OUT  from a conscious mind cycle to an altered state mind cycle.

This symbol is also very much like breathing in the left nostil and exhaling through the right nostril*.

*Page 250 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

Perhaps a little practice using the hand and...

..."drawing" the circuit of the "figure" 8 with His Pattern of infinity in mind...

...rather than simply the number eight in mind...

...may just "draw" the mind a little closer to His Pattern.

Most assuredly the vibrations of such an activity will be "well" noted from WITHIN.


Pray and a Prayer

"NEVER worry as long as you can pray.

When you can't pray--you'd better begin to worry. 

For then you have something to worry about."*

*Page 363 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

"Pray for the dead. For they only sleep, as the Lord indicated.

And if we are able to ATTUNE to such, there we may help.  

Though we may not call back to life as the Son...

...we can POINT the way."*

*Page 15 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.








(and name each individual ) 



*Reading 281-62


The Stone and Self

The stone that rolled away from the tomb of Jesus... the same pattern that Self must follow to manifest His Spirit WITHIN.

Self must roll, or move away from from the personality of itself so that His SPIRIT may manifest from  the created body WITHIN. 

This is exactly what Edgar Cayce did when he entered into his altered state of consciousness.

When he was in that consciousness the personality of Edgar Cayce was of non-effect.

It would probably much more correct to say that perhaps the personalty of Ra was manifesting and THAT  personality was in accord with His Spirit.

Ra being one personality of the ENTITY who most recently was known as the personality of Edgar Cayce.

The mind of every individual personality now wthin the earth plane is capable of setting self aside to one degree or another.

The Pattern stated that one must be converted as a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven (within).

As in the case of Edgar Cayce, as well as everyone else... is the MIND of self that must be converted.

In essence, the entity of one really must be born again and again...

...until its MIND learns HOW to be BORN again.

In order for the mind to be born again it must re-verse the process of the body being born.

No, it does not crawl back in the womb as suggested by Nicodemus.

When a child is born the cord is cut.

When the MIND is reborn the severed cord is RE-CORDED to its own body WITHIN.

The mind then begins to literally take on the personality of the Maker of the created body.

This WHY the information on page 111  of The Edgar Cayce Companion is so important.

Viritually no one has ever even heard of the cord...

...let alone that every human being may be born with a severed cord.

As the Pattern, Jesus, did not have a human Father, He was not born with a severed cord.

Adam was not born with a severed cord, but the mind of Adam did sever the cord and that is exactly WHY he was called Adam.

When He severed the cord he created a blockage or a dam so that the Spirit of God could no longer manifest through him.

It was if a stone blocked the entrance.

It may may because (s)tones, (s)piritual tones, were no longer emanting from WITHIN.

Spiritual tones emanated from WITHIN  Moses long enough to write the spiritual words in stone in order to preserve them util Adam could return and make the a(tone)ment as Jesus.

The mind of Jesus and the mind of Mary...His twin soul made the immaculate conception that every mind may follow and re-turn to the natural corded Law WITHIN.

Thus the Pattern of the written law was fulfilled and and the Pattern of the Natural Law would become the Pattern for the human race.

This is exactly why the natural law was converted to the written law and preserved in stone.

It was preserved until the prepared conditions were right so Adam could return as Jesus to show the wprld the correct Pattern of the Natural Law of communion and communication WITHIN.

This is exactly WHY th words Alpha and Omega appear in Revelation 1:8.

The missing (L)ink for the human race...

...has been the forgotten knowledge of the severed cord by Adam...

...and has not yet fully understood His re-appearance as the Pattern of Jesus.

When the MIND is born again... leaves the grown up self born of a human being and becomes coverted as child of God. 

This is the sign that the mind of Selves have (L)earned to leave Selves and become as little chidren...


The children known that with (G)od their SINS are no more...

...and those SINS are converted to His SIGNS along the way.

Here is the sign that mind has moved into one accord with the Spirit WITHIN...

...and that it understands this truth.

...SI(G)NS...He has covered the SINS.

The Short Course Part 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Part 2 The short course is ALLOWING the information to flow like a river from WITHIN the created body as the mind unfolds and opens up. The long course is the mind that keeps abosrbing information from without and then trying to empty it all out through meditation. Through the RE-CORDING by the mind, as the builder, to the body... ...the information from the WITHIN may begin to flow OUTWARD. This informational processing is the re-verse of how the born mind works. The mind must acknowledge that the human body certainly is a masterful piece of work... and guess what... is one heck of a lot bigger than the little brain that it houses. The body literally houses the Creative Force, the mind and the soul. The will of the mind is like a little switch that has the ability to open or close the mind to the Creative Force WITHIN. The physical mind of Self prefers or DESIRES to do its OWN thing. The problem with this is that Self does NOT OWN any thing... ..any thng is only lent to self.* *Page 370 of the Edgar Cayce Companion. This desire blocks the opening. The will of the soul wishes its companion, the mind, would forget its selfish desires... ...and return to be as one with the will of the Creative Force WITHIN. When the mind... ..that has wandered (sin)ce Adam set that Pattern... ...begins to see HOW he made the atonement and Pattern as Jesus... ...the mind will then have made an immaculate conception of its own... ...and begin to become the genius it was destined to be... simply taking the short course that even a child could "pass".