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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #26

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WITHIN the Bible there is a passage that one must be converted and become as a little child in order to enter INTO the kingdom of heaven.*

*Matthew 18:2

The Voice emanating from WITHIN Edgar
Cayce stated that the kingdom of heaven is WITHIN ourselves.*

Wow! That leaves two big questions.

First HOW does one become converted AS a little child...

...and then HOW does one enter WITHIN themselves.

*Page 110 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

First consider WHAT must be converted.

According to Nicodemus is it the body that must be born again?

No. According to Jesus, it is the consciousness of the mind that must be converted or transformed as a little child.

Ok now HOW does one enter WITHIN their own consciousness? 

Well, at least the Readings point the mind in the right direction.

The mind must enter WITHIN.

But HOW does the mind do that?

The principle is very easy.

Self must leave its consciousness that it has developed since birth and move into a higher consciousness that, ironically, consists of lower vibrations in the mind.

How may the mind lower its vibrations?

It slows down the speed of movement   of letters that the mind has learned to move so rapidly.

How does the mind do that?


The mind, like a little child AGAIN, begins to move letters very slowly.

However, THIS time the converted one moves the letters slowly so that they may reflect His Pattern.

As the mind begins to reflect His Pattern...

...the mind will begin to come AS ONE with the Pattern.

"Likes beget Likes"*

*Page 36 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.  

Here are just a few examples of HOW the conscious mind may slow itself down and move WITHIN His Pattern.

The mind will simply follow the DRECTION in which it should go...

...and go WITHIN the words that it has "webbed" itself into like a cocoon.

As the mind breaks through this web it will open itself to the higher consciousness by slowing the speed of the movement of its letters.

The mind will now enter WITHIN the word the.

As it enters the word, it slows the letter movement down and thus the mind itself slows down by doing this.


The mind has just moved (t)he into His Pattern that, yes, He did go to the cross (t) to make atonement so we may make attunement.

The Readings state...

...from a Spiritual point of view nothing is by chance.*

*Page 44 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

That brings us to the word Bible.

If the mind is patient and slows down a bit it will FIND the word bib WITHIN the word Bible...(Bib)le.

This fits his Pattern of one being converted as a little child in order to enter WITHIN.

This also fits His Pattern of seek and ye shall find*

*Matthew 7:7

In essence, the mind may convert its own SELF consciousness by slowing down the movement of letters and using them as His from WITHIN rather than as its own.

The letters were never given to us anyway. They were only lent to us.


"Know, the earth and ALL THEREIN is the Lord's...

...All thine own is LENT thee, NOT thine but LENT thee. Keep it inviolate."*   
*Page 370 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


Here is one more example of HOW the slowing down of the movement of letters WITHIN the mind...

...may move the mind WITHIN the Pattern of His consciousness.

First the Pattern, then the movment.

The Pattern

"If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take UP his cross, and follow me.*

*Matthew 16:24
The movement by the conscious mind


There is the movement. There is the men taking up their cross (t).

A coincidence? Nothing is by chance.


The law of One and Love


The Law of One is that two may be AS ONE...yet two.

This is the sign that love coming together from two different sources...

...EVOLVE(S) AS ONE love (S)piritually.



The word above is the sign of the Pattern of the love of the Son (L)...

... and the love of the Father (O)   coming together...

...and evolving AS ONE love.

The (EVOL) (U) (SHUN) is (t)his love that the physical mind has shunned.   


Is the human mind capable of seeing true Spiritual Signs?



...the mind knows HOW and WHERE to look.

This is WHERE to look.

The mind needs to look WITHIN the words that are producd by others...

...and WITHIN THE WORDS produced by its own thought process.

How come?

Because this exercise FOLLOWS the Pattern.

The Pattern IS the word made flesh.

That Pattern IS Jesus.

This is HOW the mind goes WITHIN words to seek His Pattern.


Above is a perfect sign of His Pattern that the word made flesh went to the cross (t).

The point is that the signs are not WITHIN the physical object...

...but WITHIN the WORD attached to the object.  


Because the WORD---made the flesh rather than the flesh made the word.

In order for the mind to follow the Pattern and re-turn...

...the mind must must enter WITHIN the words as IF they were His.


Because ALL the letters that the mind uses are His Spiritual symbols.

How come?

Revelation 1:8 

The Spirit of God stated He was alpha and Omega.

The Spirit of God or the Creative Force will rise from WITHIN as the mind MOVES its own letters as if they were His Symbols.


Because heretofore the mind has MOVED letters as if they were its own.

They are not and never have been.

NOTHING is ever owned by the individual...

...and that includes the letters the mind has been moving as its own.*

*See page 370 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

The letters are His symbols and are only LENT to the mind...

...and IF the mind MOVES his symbols without acknowlegment of this fact...

...NO signs will given to that mind.

The key to seeing His spiritual signs is that the letters ARE His and...

..when they are THEN MOVED by the mind...

...His Spirit will respond and move accordingly from WITHIN the body and mind of such an entity that makes THAT immaculate conception.

This is what is called attunement.
The mind must make attunement TO His Spirit.


Because the mind is first born out of adjustment as it is given letters by its physical parents to MOVE and use as its own.

There is no Spirit "corded" to the  letters that may be corded to the mind.

It is up to the mind to literally give birth to a new mind that is able to follow His Pattern and re-cord the letters to His Spirit...

...the WORD made flesh*

*See page 111 of the Edgar Cacye companion.

If the mind is willing to return the letters and put them in His Pattern the mind may THEN follow His signs in its very own words and in the words of others.

Here is a simple example of stirring the Spirit Within.

The Spirit will know the vibrations of the mind...

...or know its voice... the WAY in which it moves WITHIN words by moving His letters.

Here is an example of how the physical body AND the mind MOVES in unison to attune to His Spirit.   

Here is how "there" becomes "here".


Here IS there...

...WHEN the letters are used as His.

The mind may learn that the severed cord is ANY string of symbols used by the mind to think.

The English alphabet contains a string or cord of 26 letters.

The letters G-O-D are WITHIN this cord.

Allow the mind to seek and find the exact positions of G-O-D in that string and THEN total those positions.

A coincidence?

Nothing is by chance*, remember?

*Page 44 of the Edgar cayce Companion