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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #244

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #244

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The Healing Power of God

September 30, 2002


Hi Cleerlight,

Good luck with your group, I have begun to read some of the past messages.

You stated in this group that...

..."Only the power of God can truly bring healing to this desolate planet."

I agree about God and healing, but uncomfortable with the word desolate.

I think this earth is still an absolute beautiful creation, and hopefully, the human race will somehow keep it that way.

It seems that certain people can literally magnify the power of healing and successfully transmit it to others almost instantaneously.

What puzzles me is..., 

...can anyone somehow learn how, or are some people just born that way like William Gray?

Even Gray said it was lost ancient wisdom, which sort of indicates it could be learned.

Jesus was THE Master of healing, He also gave His Disciples the power to heal, but sometimes even they did not understand it thoroughly, and He had to explain it to them. 

Maybe the ability to produce extra healing power is  first a gift of His Spirit, and then learning how to use the gift somehow comes from intuition from within.

Any thoughts?



Water As A Symbolic Movement Of Truth

October 1, 2002


From what I understand so far, water is the universal symbol for the movement of truth within matter.

The earth (matter) is about 75% water.
So is the human body.

Water moves, ie. rivers, tides. waves.

Even the letter W could easily be a symbol of water movement. It looks looks very much like a wave.

Water is the essence of matter of life in the earth plane.

In a spiritual sense, water is the symbolic movement of truth through matter in this earth plane.

Jesus, the WORD made flesh in a body of matter, was literally a movement of His Father's Words in truth from within.

Here is a sign of that movement.

Here is matter.


Here is what happens when matter is moved according to truth, the Spoken Words of Jesus, the Word made flesh.

"Take UP your cross and follow me"*

*Matthew 16;24

Watch the movement and transformation of matter into water as His Spirit, who spoke these words, "I AM Alpha and Omega.* " is also applied to this movement.

*Revelation 1:8

When the mind moves in truth and takes up is own symbolic cross (t) and becomes as one with Him, and His symbolic cross (t), the two crosses become As One.

Matter then becomes Ma(tt)er or Mater.

Look up Mater in the dictionary. It is the Latin name for Father.

This movement is no coincident. It is a co-incident of movement from within of the mind and His Spirit.

As the mind reverses its direction goes within to find Truth. the symbol of that reverse movement is the symbolic letter M being reversed to the symbolic letter W.

(M)ater then becomes (W)ater.

Again, from what I understand, water is  the movement and manifestation of truth through matter.

(ie) the Words of Truth of the Father that were moved and manifested through Jesus.

Here is another sign that we ARE able to symbolically, take up our own cross (t) and "move", and follow Him in the Spirit, for His Spirit has never changed,  and that HIs Spirit IS letters, even today, that the mind has learned to move.


*Again Matthew 16:24---men, move, take up your cross (t) and follow me.

 He IS the Symbols that the minds of men move as letters, even today. 

He WAS the alphabetical symbols that the mind moved in Grecian times. He WAS the Alpha and Omega then..., He IS the A to Z for the English speaking mind today.

His Spirit has never changed, it is the human mind with its free will that has changed over the years...,

...and that, (a) (parent) (ly), is the truth of the matter.



High Vibrations

October 7, 2002


Hi Dinesh,

Concerned and puzzled over your statement regarding your wife.

"I was told that each time God Consciousness is channelled  through my wife to my awareness, she has to suffer physical torture...,

...due to the high vibrations..., 

with the result that it becomes more difficult for her to remain in this world to complete her mission."


The Edgar Cayce Readings suggests that LOWER vibrations will produce the Higher Consciousness

Meditation is an a example of trying to slow the mind down to vibrate at a slower rate.

It is apparently somewhat ironic, but it is lower vibrations that leads to the Higher Consciousness.

Here is a quote from the EC Readings.

"The lowest form of vibration electrically gives creative forces, rather than the highest. It is the high vibration that destroys."* 

*Reading 933-3


"After the initial few months Sundays were off for prayer as Sunday is the day of rest for Jesus. 

(Does it mean that on Sundays Jesus becomes one with Holy Father??)"


It is my belief that it is the mind, with its free will...,

...that moves away from the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to take a break and do its own thing.

I believe that the Spirit of God is patiently waiting for the attention of the mind...,

...24 hours a day, 7 days a week.



Re: Flaming Sword Symbol

October 15, 2002


Hi Cleerlight,

I have not had much opportunity to do much posting lately.

For sure, water and fire easily could represent symbols of Truth and His Spirit respectively.

The flaming sword could easily represent the Spirit of Jesus, the Christ.

Michael and Gabriel certainly could represent Lords of the Way with the Spirit of Jesus being represented by the flaming sword.

The EC Readings definitely state that emblematic transformation must occur within the mind to ascertain the spiritual from the physical.

I have learned that emblematic transformation within the mind is very simple.

The emblems that can be transformed are the very letters that mind has been "given" and is moving as its own.

The movement of emblematic transformed letters connects the mind directly to the movement of His Spirit.

That movement is then felt throughout the physical body.  

I think most everyone misinterprets Revelation 1:8.

I take Revelation 1:8 at its face value.

The Spirit of God is stating I am the letters that minds move, inferring that minds have moving them..., if the minds have taken them for granted as their own with no connectivity to His Spirit.

 I think that human minds have taken HIS tools of the emblematic "trade"  for granted as their own.

When the mind makes the Revelation that the symbols the mind has been "given" to move are HIS, the mind and His Spirit began to move as one.

This Revelation is sort of the same awakening jolt a child learns...

..."Whadda ya mean there is no Santa Claus."

As children, we are taught a certain thing to prepare us to learn that the essence of that thing is the opposite of what we were taught. 

My favorite emblematic transformation movement with His Spirit is the movement of the most common word in the English Language.

It is the word the.

First I emblematically, and mentally return the letters to Him.

THEN I move them.

The word the, as it stands alone, has no Spiritual attachment to His Spirit within the mind.


Now it does. 


The movement now reflects that "he" did go to the cross (t) for us.

( )----this being a symbol of vibration and movement.

Now to the word Sword.

This word as its stands alone has no Spiritual attachment to His Spirit.


Now it does.

(S)word--- He was the (S)piritual Word made flesh.

If the mind would take its own (S)pirit and His (S)pirit and bring them together as One Spirit....,

....the resulting symbols, S and S, could easily combine and represent the symbol of infinity or eternal life. if one of those S's would simply turn around.
