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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #241

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #241

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The Solenoid Switch Series 

August 25, 2002


From: (silauto) Date: Sun, Aug 25, 2002, 6:50am (EDT+4) To: Subject: 

Re: Love and Healing 

>Hi Tom,
Thanks for the input.To answer to your queries to the best of my 
> My focus is on related cases of this type of healing.
> that a single person is effecting this emotional force 
of love of healing into many individuals, such as what Pearl or Gray 
have allegedly done.
> Gray called it forgotten ancient wisdom.
Wisdom is to Love, as this gives you happiness in the end.Ancient 
because in the earlier days called the 'Sat Yuga'-the good times love 
was prevalent in the hearts and minds of man. Today Love is almost 
I have already given you example that how in love God allows Himself 
to be tied up. Similarly in Love, God allows His energy(Love)to heal 
the sick.Gray, Pearl, Jesus all said that they do not do 
anything ,but it is the power that does the work through them.
If you are familiar with your car you will notice that between the 
starter switch and the starter motor there is a solenoid switch. The 
starter switch is capable of handling only a few amperes of current, 
but in turn activates the solenoid switch, which can handle some 200 
amperes or so of current, enough to drive the starter 
motor.Similarly , if we have Love in us, it can harness God's greater 
love to flow and heal a person or to do any other good that we may 
desire to be done.Love is the whole force, and the others are only 
parts of it.
> Love. dinesh.

> It seems there is something more to this emotion force called love 
than what we have been taught.
> I also am beginning to think that the mind, which works with 
emotions, and love is certainly one of them....,
> ... that the mind, as the builder, in only a few, sort of, 
documented cases...,
> ...has made the right connections to the forces within its own 
created body... 
> generate, at will, this healing power of love to others, even 
to total strangers.
> I think that there is more to the concept of love than the human 
race, right now, seems to understand.
> At one time the human race thought our earth was flat. Maybe there 
is room in the mind to expand our present day concept of love. I 
would like to try.
> Just a thought.
> Tom


The Solenoid Switch

Augst 25, 2002


Dinesh! I think you just helped me figure it out!

It might sound a little crazy, but by looking into my words, and into words of others, I sometimes get a message.

I think you just gave me one.

It is in the word you manifested, Solenoid.

It is the sole, or soul, within the body that is able to jack up the amperage of the Creative Electrified Energy Love Force...,

...when the mind sets itself aside.

Look at this sign.

(Sole) (no) (id)

The Soul is one with God. It has no ID per say. The mind of self with ID steps aside.

In essence, the mind with ID, switches over to the "Solenoid" within the body to generate the additional power.

Wow! It's beautiful!

Dinesh, That's lots of Love! and thanks!



The Soul

August 27, 2002


I think most people would consider themselves to be comprised of a mind, body, and soul.

We all have a pretty good idea about our minds and bodies...,

...but what about our souls that are supposed to be within our minds and bodies.

If you all are like me...,

,.. I seldom, or even ever, have given the soul a second thought.

But, maybe, that is exactly what we should do.

I know I am going try.

There seems, undoubtedly, more to the soul that is within us, then we ever thought to even think about.

The soul is supposed part of God. If that is true, then the soul maybe of the very essence that promotes growth, healing and whatever for the human body that also houses a mind that tries to be the boss.

Maybe it is the soul, that is our real neighbor, that we should love as ourselves, because our soul is really part of ourselves.

I think the mind might be able to  communicate with the soul within by just  talking to it..., IF it were a neighbor...,

...then just be alert to responsive thoughts might just sort of pop into our mind at anytime that just might be emanating from our own neighbor, our own soul within ourselves.

Just sort of be on guard. I think it will work.

We have never given our own souls an opportunity to express itself to us.

Our minds may have been too busy paying attention to physical stimuli from without to even consider that soul might be trying to communicate from within to us, our minds, THEIR neighbors. 

I just have a strong good feeling about this...,
...that began to surface when Dinesh made the statement about a solenoid.

I think that it is the soul that is already connected to Creation that has a need to express itself to our minds if given a chance.

Maybe that little voice from within that people always talk about..., the voice of our neighbor, our very own soul, speaking to us.

Any thoughts?



A Relationship With The Soul

August 30, 2002


I agree Dinesh about the free will mind allowing the soul to return to God.

But right now, for all of us alive on this earth plane, the soul and mind are sort of confined within a same human body created by God.

Maybe, the reason God gave us each a house is that the mind and soul need to learn to get to know each other.

The soul needs to teach the mind that the soul is from and part of God.

The mind needs to teach the soul that it is not a God, but is a part of God, the God Head.

At any rate, it seems that the mind needs to learn and know that its present personality is only a part of each soul's total experience as it travels on through eternity. 

I think I was raised in in a fairly normal environment during this incarnation...,,

...and was never really taught, that my soul, just might be an ever constant companion along the away.

I am beginning to think that there can be a relationship between the mind and soul right now within the living human body.

If the free will mind needs to let go of the soul in order for the soul to return to God...,

...then there should be no reason why the two cannot have a relationship right now.

Personally, and until recently, I never considered the possibility of such a relationship. but the more I consider the possibility, the stronger the feeling of that possibility becomes.

The Bible often relates to soul and Spirit.

The human mind tries to relate to Spirit directly and mostly fails to make a connection, maybe because it fails to consider its own soul. 

Maybe the mind should try to focus and connect, through the imaginative forces of the mind, on what it cannot see, its closest neighbor, its own soul...,

....and perhaps develop a living relationship 

I know I am going to try.

In the Cayce Readings, I was always intrigued about a simple breathing exercise.

"In Breathing, take into the right nostril, strength! Exhale through thy mouth. 

Intake in thy left nostril, exhaling through the right: opening the centers of the body---IF it is first prepared to thine own understanding, thine own concept of what ye would have if ye would have a visitor, if ye would have a companion, if ye would have thy bridegroom!"  Reading 281-28

It is mentioned in another Reading to do each one three times.

So I do that now, thinking the first way is for my body, and the second way is for my soul.

I think that helps my mind and body to recognize and consider my soul. 

If the soul is part of the God Head and is presently residing within in the same cavity as the mind, surely the mind should be able to learn from the soul that apparently has always been as a son of God...,

...but has just wandered away by its companion, the mind with that free will.

I am beginning to think that the mind has relegated its own soul to the back of the boat as it tries to steer its own course through this earth plane...,

..and basically, the mind even has forgotten the soul is there.

Just some some thoughts, but feeling like I am sort of beginning to breathe life back into what I have probably just have, previously, always taken for granted.

Thanks again Dinesh, for helping to plant that soul thought seed in my mind.

I am beginning to think...,

...self awareness of the soul existing right now within the living human body, right along with the mind..., the major factor that allowed Cayce, Gray, and Pearl to develop their abilities.

I think that is the Pattern IN Jesus, that the Father wanted to manifest for the benefit of every living human being.

Just some thoughts, but I gotta pretty strong feeling that they are correct. 




September, 14, 2002


Hi cleerlight,

My belief system is pretty much secure and comfortable in my mind, as, I am sure, yours is in your mind.

As for maybe harboring a misconception in my mind....,

...I am harboring, and will forever through eternity, continue to harbor one...,

...the misconception of Jesus.

He was a Miss Conception.

That Miss Conception promised eternal life...,

...even after death of the human body that God created. The mind and soul shed the body at death just like a butterfly sheds its cacoon as it becomes transformed.

The body is simply a living church for the mind and soul to learn of the Father, the Creator and the Maintainer of human body, while they reside in this earth plane.  

The living human body is also the clothing, provided by the Father for the mind and soul EACH time they enter and reside in this earth plane.

While the living body cacoons the mind and soul in this earth plane, the mind learns it has become spiritual naked from God.

That allows the mind the opportunity, if it is willing, to re-attune itself, or to be born again into the Spirit of the Father, the Spirit of God for the sole benefit, not for the body, but for the soul.

Think not that our Father, as any good father, would good give all his children as many opportunities as possible to make the right attunement?

With my free will mind, I think He would.

There WILL more many more opportunities, IF this earth remains conducive for a living human body, which according to the Bible will not last forever. 

For me, the concept of being born again applies to BOTH the mind AND the body for the sole benefit of the soul that is destined to return home to the Father.

During life on earth,  the word "you" is in three parts that only appear as one. Body, mind, and soul.

After death, yes the mind and soul could wander..., 

...but hopefully the mind has imprinted in its mind a certain direction in which to follow, the Way THROUGH and BEYOND the Cross..., 

...just like as the Pattern Jesus established for every mind, in HOW He returned to the Father.




September 14, 2002


What takes place after death certainly has not been proven yet.

I prefer a rather positive approach like that taken by John Edwards verses a rather negative approach that calls for fire and brimstone.

Whatever the case may be, we are here in a body given to us by God for a reason, or else we would not have have one.

Let's try to get back on track.

The issue at hand, and no pun is intended, in this group, is how do some people help other people by apparently accelerating the healing process within their created human bodies?

I recently heard something like that a test group of people who needed knee surgery had some unusual results.

All of the people thought that they had microscopic surgery, but only half of them actually had it.

The healing success was the about the same in both groups.

I speculate that it is the mind that must have made the difference.



A Neat Love Story

September 14, 2002


A friend sent me this email story.

It sort of reminds me that maybe there is more to the "package" known as God's Love than we presently perceive.


What A Lesson

A young man was getting ready to graduate college.  

For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had 
purchased the car.  

Finally, on the morning of his graduation his father called him into his private study.  His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him.  He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box.

Curious, but somewhat disappointed the young man opened the box and found a 
lovely, leather-bound Bible.  

Angrily, he raised his voice at his father and said, "With all your money you give me a Bible ?"  He stormed out of the house, leaving the holy book.

Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business.  He had 
a beautiful home and wonderful family, but realized his father was very old, 
and thought perhaps he should go to him.  He had not seen him since that 
graduation day.

Before he could make arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his 
father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son.

He needed to come home immediately and take care things.  

When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart.  

He began to search his father's important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago.  

With tears, he opened the Bible, and began to turn the pages.  

As he read those words, a car key dropped from an envelope taped behind the Bible.  

It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired.

On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words...,


How many times do we miss God's blessings because they are not packaged as we expected?

