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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #24

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The pen is a literally a tool that self has at hand that will enable self to reach the next plane.

"By the use of that IN HAND does one reach the next plane."*

*Page 13 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

This HOW it works.

The body is connected to the pen.

The pen is MOVED by the body.

The body is connected to the mind.

The mind is BOTH physical AND spiritual.*

*Page 43 of tthe Edgar Cayce Companion.

When the mind dwells on the physical...

...the emblematic* "drawing" or raising is physical.

*Page 2 of the Edgar Cayce companion. 
When the mind dwells on His Spirit...

...the  emblematic Symbols of His Spirit are manifested as they move in ATTUNNEMNT with the mind that dwells on such.

"That ye dwell upon, that ye become...*

*Page 31 of the Edgar Cayce Companion   
Here is the "relative" difference.

When the physical mind simply VIEWS  and dwells on the word the...

...there is NO movement.

When the spiritual mind dwells...

...and MOVES the word...the...

...through the attunement of the mind hand and body... 

...this word is spiritually manifested and it is...

...EXACTLY... attunement for his atonement.. 

...and it reflects perfect at-onement of...

...His Spirit... 

... and the mind...

...and the body all MOVING in ONE accord.


The Power of the Pen comes from WITHIN.

The Power comes from POP, our Father, the Creative force WITHIN.

This is the natural law that was with Adam in the beginning. 

The Power of the Pen will (S)low the (F)low of the vibrations of the mind down... that the (low)er vibrations of the (F)ather and the (S)on...

...may rise to take the seat of  higher consciousness IN the mind of self...

...that self... the builder... willing to match by lowering its vibrations.

As the mind uses these symbols ( )...

...the mind must move or vibrate slower to look for His signs along the way.

Jesus, the word made flesh is the Pattern.

The SLOWER the minds moves or vibrates symbols WITHIN His Pattern...

...the HIGHER is the consciousness of His Constructive Vibrations.


"Remember life is a vibration. So is mind. So is matter.

The LOWEST form of vibration...

...electrically... creative forces, rather than the HIGHEST.

It is the high vibration that destroys."*

"The LOWEST form of of electrical vibration is the basis of life."* 

*Page 49 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


No pun intended...

...but therefore...

...His Consciousness...

...and the vibrations of the mind...

...literally have an....



This IS the natural law of HOW the mind may move to be like the Mind WITHIN.

This is the (in)(verse) relationship  that the Pattern had with the Father.

This is the same (in)(verse) relationship that the mind of Edgar Cayce had with the Voice WITHIN the mind and body of himself.

Everyone may have that same (in)(verse) relationship...

...if the mind is willing.


"Study and know thy relationship to the Creator.

No better hand-book may be used than the Scripture itself."*

*Page 193 of the Edgar Cayce companion

There is such a thing as Hidden Manna.

It is the Creative Force or Spirit that is the essence of every created thing.

Every created thing has a name corded to the thing itself.

That name is AS ONE with that thing.

Because no association is by chance*, the mind may find the sign of the hidden mannna in the name itself.

*Page 44 of the Edgar Cayce Companion 
Here is an example.

IN the word manna there is another word...


Anna lived just prior and just following the entrance of Jesus into the earth plane.

She was the Essense who chose the 12 maidens from whom Mary was one.

The maidens were chosen to to bcome channels that might know truth so thoroughly that they could be MOVED by the Holy Spirit.*

*Reading 2408

When going WITHIN (m)(anna) there is the indication of Spirit (Anna) going MOVING THROUGH (m)atter.   

The Bible will reflect the Pattern that will open the mind and body.

"For in the the study of these (scriptures) ye WILL find that ye DRAW unto that force from which the writers of same gained their strength, their patience..."*

* Page 193 of the Edgar Cayce Companion. 

This is what happened to Edgar Cayce as he used to read the Bible by the bend in the river.