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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #236

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #236

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August 1, 2002



I have a strong belief from what I have read that the following persons somehow effected an immediate healing in others.

Jesus, William E. Gray, and Eric Pearl.

I am sure that there are others, but these are the ones I have read about, and believe that they directly assisted in the healing of others.

I really feel that a person with a correct mind set may do what these people have done, and in Pearl's case, what he is apparently doing right now..., 

...but I can't quite put a finger, or hand.on yet how it is done. :)

At present, I just joined the Reconnection yahoo group and have read about 70 of the 120 messages posted so far. It also seems to be fairly inactive so far.

So far in both the Reconnection and Reiki groups I have seen a lot of words but not much in verified results.

In our capitalistic society, money usually does the serious talk and walk.

Americans give billions each year to the medical profession to assist themselves in the healing process which success has been very well documented.

On the other hand, individual healers, so far, seems to lack the documentation that generates the walk and talk dollar trail that the medical profession thrives on.

I believe there is a positive, creative universal energy available that human minds can accelerate to help their fellow human beings heal with very little, if any cost involved to the recipients.

I think Jesus walked that path, Cayce walked that path, William E. Gray walked that path, and Pearl may be trying to walk that path.

I think in due time, this new information age will bring forth the light and documentation needed to restore the natural God given healing process that has apparently all but been erased from the human conscious mind.

Fifty years ago, I had to walk six blocks to the library to look up all the documented information in the entire world, in a single set of encyclopedias. 

Today, like through Google, I have access, at my finger tips,  to billions of bits of information.

The human mind, if properly rooted, will successfully cull out what is needed from the explosive flow of all this future incoming information that it will have instant access to.
I think in due time, this new information age will bring forth the light and documentation that is needed to restore the natural God given healing process that, apparently, has all but been erased from the human conscious mind through lack of communication.

Just some thoughts.



Money and Healers.

August 1, 2002


Really agree cleerlight. If it only takes knowledge to make application of a free source of energy...,

...then that knowledge should be freely given, or at most, given on a basis of the cost to communicate that knowledge.

Apparently that knowledge is out there somewhere, and with the explosion of the information age, that information will be freely manifested sooner or later.

Perhaps many more born healers will be  stepping forward freely with their knowledge because of how easy it now is to communicate.

I can certainly understand that massage therapy and other occupations in that area should be paid for their services..., 

...but crossing over and integrating universal energy healing into that paid type of service just doesn't seem right.



Enoch, Gypsies, Jesus, and Cayce

August 01, 2002


I found a little thread between Cayce, Gray, and Pearl that I am going explore.

The thread between these men involves gypsies and Enoch.

Here is the thread. 

I was struck by the notion that both Gray and Pearl were influenced by gypsies.

Here is how Cayce ties in.

The gypsy that encouraged Pearl suggested that Pearl should some stuff in  "The book of Knowledge": The Keys of Enoch" by J.J. Hurtak, who I think is still among us and created a non-profit organization.

Here is the web site for that book and his organization.

What struck me again was that the Cayce Readings stated that Enoch was an earlier manifestation of Jesus.

So now my next "seek and ye shall find", or my next "in search of", is reading this book which I should receive in the next couple of weeks.

The Cayce readings stated that the Pattern is in Jesus.

Part of that Pattern for healing may also be in Enoch as suggested by the gypsy.

It should be enlightening.
