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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #235

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #235

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=============== Dinesh July 27,2002 =============== Hi all, As per Cayce 'Magnetic energy is raised in meditation and if this energy is given to a patient by laying on of hands, healing may take place.' Though Cayce had specefied some points for laying on of hands, it was not known to me earlier, so I had experimented and found the following laws(?) in connection with the transfer of energy. . a)Patient has to ask the healer for healing. b)Direction:The patient has to sit facing the west and palms facing up as if begging or asking from the healer. The healer has to sit facing the east with his palms facing down as if giving, and resting on the outstretched palms of the patient, completing the circuit. c)Prayer: Prayer for 'Healing' was the prayer for Love or Christ Consciousness "Thy will O Lord be done in us and through us each day" In this case always our intention was good for the patient, but not superceeding God's will, as we did not know the reason for the illness.Both the patient and the healer had to keep on repeating this prayer countless number of times, till the healer gets the hunch that it is over for the present. We did not find any case of instant healing, but the patient used to get energized and feel lighter. At the same time we were asking the patients to repeat the prayers everyday in their houses, and were also suggesting the use of various oils or diets as suggested by Cayce. Another typical thing we used to do was charging the peanut oil. The bottle of peanut oil was held with both hands and the prayers repeated. Thereafter whenever the oil was applied by the patient on any aching part of the body, there used to be instant alleviation of the pain. Later when I had taken a course in Reiki, instead of using the usual reiki methods, I used to take a glass of water in my hands, say something like the following; Say victory for the Lord Say Victory for the Lord Say Victory for the Lord Say Victory for Jesus Christ too. Thereafter I used to feed the water to the patient and the patient used to feel immediate releif. The other day my daughter was having cramps on her lower abdomen.After the morning prayer and meditation I fed her the water being used for the same and immediately her ache was gone. I am through for the present.Any queries, I'll be glad to answer. Dinesh.


Dinesh's Techniques

July 27, 2002

Thank you for the interesting post Dinesh.

I have on hand both water and peanut oil at home. I will try your techniques.

On water, I give water only to the birds, animals, and plants in my back yard everyday in the name of at least one  disciple. Matthew 10:42

On peanut oil, It is interesting to note that peanut oil was the only oil that Gray's body could successfully assimilate internally.

A question for you, Dinesh, Before practicing your healing techniques..., 

...did you, in your work, do any type of  hands on work with individuals as like Pearl did?

He was a chiropractor.

The reason I ask, is that the Cayce Readings state that one may use what it already has at hand, perhaps in a new way, to reach the next level of awareness.



On Healing, God, and Jesus

July 28,2002


Here is a take on what I think I have learned on these subjects so far.

God is a Positive Energy Force not detectable by the physical human senses.

Craving is a negative energy force not detectable by the physical human senses.

However, either force may affect the mind.

When it does effect the mind, the mind gives intelligence to that force.

Apparently every human mind has more or less disconnected itself from the Power that some call God, and therefore its intelligence.

The human mind seems to sort of gone away from the Power that is the essence of itself, in order to grab power for itself.

If The Power is a positive force, then the mind might be negative in the natural setting of its own created body.

Maybe that is why we are always told to TRY to think positive, to make a "Reconnection" as described by Pearl.

Maybe we are born negative.

Cravings are wants that are the opposite of "thou shall not want".

Maybe to become positive we need to be-- don't want anything for ourselves, for we right now, ALREADY, have everything that we need.

Maybe if we mentally return everything to 
the Power, thus allowing the Power to  use what we already have taken at hand, the Power may use it for the better good.

ie water, peanut oil or any other thing a human being already has at hand.

Cayce referred to God as the Creative Force.

Cayce referred to Jesus as the one that manifested the Creative Force within himself as simply THE Pattern that every mind may follow.

Jesus referred to the Force within himself, that no one could see, as His Father.

Gray referred to that Intelligent Force or Power as The Source or The Power.

Gray stated that... "The Power that goes through me is in everyone.. Only the wisdom of its application is necessary."*

*Page 12 of "Know Your Magnetic Field".

Dr. Eric Pearl stated, "I am not the healer, only God is the healer."*

Page 108 of "The Reconnection".

According to Pearl, Pearl gets himself out of the way, and lets the Higher Energy Power (God) work through him.

The same thing Jesus, Cayce, and Gray did.

Whatever that intelligent energy force is CALLED does not seem to be the problem, but MAY set up blockages in the mind.

The Force, The Power, The Source, the Creative Intelligent Energy. is probably more descriptive of this unseen phenomena than even God or Father to the vast majority of human minds.  

The real problem seems to be HOW a human being can set itself, its mature ego frame of mind aside, so that this unseen Power can do its thing...,

...THRU the body and mind of an individual to help another including itself without being blocked by the ego mind. 

Jesus may very well have been the first to allow the Power to do its thing, and became the Pattern for that application.

Cayce, Gray. and Pearl basically used that same Patterned Way of connecting to that Power Source by using only the tools they EACH had at the time.

Cayce had learned hypnosis, and he had that at hand, BEFORE he tuned into the Universal Intelligent Power and began to use it for the better good.

Pearl learned the chiropractic profession BEFORE he tuned into the Universal Intelligent Power, and apparently is beginning to use it for the better good.

It seems apparent that no matter what state of being a person finds itself in, the Power seems to know what that individual has at hand that may be useful in helping others.

It seems that the mind simply needs to say to itself, needs to say to its own created intelligent body...,

 ..."This is what I can do, this is everything that I know, and this is all I have at hand right now, Use me and use what I already have to help others and even myself".

It seems upon reading the Bible, Cayce, Gray, and Pearl, that basically is HOW the Power works THRU an individual to aid others.

As the  human mind continues  developing or unfolding probably from the point of conception or birth...,

...still seems to be a very long way from even coming close to duplicating the intelligence within its own created body.

So if we can just somehow let go..., 

...and TRUST in being used by this Higher Creative Power..., 

... which is not destructive power...,  

...with whatever we ALREADY have at hand..., 

...I think the Power will move through us.

That seems to be the Pattern.

In Pearls case, it seems that his fingers that he ALREADY has at hand, not only does the walking, but does the thinking and talking as well.

Maybe human bodies can communicate between themselves, IF we just give them a chance, and THEN simply allow our own fingers do the thinking, walking, and talking for us.

The human body, after all is very intelligent, and even the very best minds still just make educated guesses on how it really works to heal itself.

Just some thoughts.



Hi Dinesh and Robyn

July 28, 2002


Thank you for the posts.

I think everyone will have a slightly unique application to healing as each person comes from a slightly different perspectve.

From my previous message, I just got this thought.

Maybe we CAN talk to ourselves, but in a new way. Maybe we talk to our own intelligent creative bodies, and even other intelligent created bodies,just as if they were another person, and then just wait for responses that are thoughts which are generated to the mind from wthin our bodies...,

..and then allow our bodies to follow THAT thought process.

Maybe that would induce the resonating effect descibed by Pearl. One human created body resonating to another, using sort of intuitive thinking.

Any thoughts on it?



Edgar Cayce Companion Club---Yahoo

Many, Many Thanks

July 31, 2002

Closing Club 08-01-2002 

Opened 11-16-1998

Thank you all for your comments and spending a little time here.

Thank you B. Ernest Frejer for compiling the most useful and enlightening
information I have ever read in one book, "The Edgar Cayce Companion".

Thank you Edgar Cayce and the ARE for manifesting and and making available a
great storehouse of simply remarkable information in a single source.

God Bless you all, and surely we will cross paths again.
