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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #234

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #234

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. 
Please come back and visit again! 


Boosting The Energy Flow 

June 14,2002


Thanks for the post Fred.

I also think it is extremely vital not to  deplete one's own energy field level in an attempt to assist another.

That is why I have not yet even attempted to do it yet.

I know a plane can fly. But I will not even attempt to fly it until I learn how.

Still trying to learn an application that my intuitive mind knows will be appropriate for others, as well as myself.

I think allowing the mind to use one's own created body system for boosting extra energy flow would be more descriptive than stored energy.  


Maybe I could think of it in this way imaginative way.

The mind is the on and off switch to the brain which is electrical in the natural setting of the human body.

The mind can also subconsciously determine the energy charge or wave needed by the subject that the mind has focused on.   

The mind then directs the brain to transfer the electrical impulses to the spinal cord which can act like a coil in a car's electrical system that continually boosts the electrical charge that can then be passed on.

That continuing boosted charge is then directed by the mind to the desired subject in the amount and frequency that is necessary for that body, and then the mind has the innate ability to shut down the boosting system at will.

It seems that the mind, in this way, is able to function on the conscious and sub-conscious level at the same time.   

What do you think?

I do know that the mind may see here and there at the same time. The Powers did give me this sign.


Which is a sign that indicates the mind may see here and there at the same time. 



Closing Group August 1, 2002

July 15, 2002


Thank you all for stopping by and joining in.

Hopefully, the Spiritual Ideal of why we enter this earth plane has been fully covered.

The Pattern of that Ideal is in the recorded history of man named Jesus.

Temporarily set any religious beliefs aside and examine the history of this man and you will find what, who, and why you are here in this earth plane.

Once you know why you are here. It will easier to help others along the way.

Many of the messages in this club have bee archived in the Riverside Warehouses that can be found at 

I have just recently started a new club called Born To Heal that deals with the electromagnetic field that is apparently generated by the human body. It is also a tie in to the Edgar Cayce Readings which  covers this subject in some detail.

Hopefully, you all will join in.

The Edgar Cayce Readings will be an important cornerstone of how we can help others, and ourselves, with the healing process as we journey through this earth plane.

God bless you all, and God bless B. Ernest Frejer that inspired the manifestation of this group with the best book this writer has ever read.

Hope to see you in Born To Heal.



What is Reiki?

July 15, 2002


Found on the Web


"It is not massage.

It is not a religion.

It is not a belief system.

It is not a substitute for traditional medical treatment. 

It is a form of energy healing. It works whether one believes in it or not - even if the recipient is unconscious. It works on animals and plants. 

Practitioners can easily use it to treat themselves as well as others. 

It works well with things positive. It can enhance the effects of other types of treatments. It accelerates the healing process. 
It may help with personal and spiritual growth. 
The name originates from the Japanese 
language where there is no equivalent to the English 'R' sound. 

Japanese pronunciation: "lay-key"
Anglicized pronunciation: "ray-key" 

Literal translation: "energy of the spirit"

Common interpretation: "universal life energy" 

"Reiki" refers to both the energy and the practice."


Just beginning to learn. Did not even know how to pronounce it until now.

Not sure want to follow the exact application of Reiki. Want to see what Pearl wrote first.

Already found something I thought was very interesting in Reiki.

Exhaling the Haa sound.

My most recent focus has been on the English alphabet letters with a connection to Spirit.

Evidently, Reiki uses the Haa sound in attunement.

Here is my take on HA.

These are the two letters added by God to the name of Abram to become Abra(ha)m. 

The letters A and H, as symbols clearly represent two may join as One.

When used together, they witness each other as the same thing. AH HA clearly represents an expression made the mind that has just received understanding or a revelation.

I was very pleasantly surprised when my first encounter with "ray-kee" was Haa.

Just think it is all starting to come together.




July 16, 2002


Fred, I have been reading the messages from Reiki group.

Is it as good as many of them are thinking or are they fooling themselves?

I sort of have the feeling they are.

They are buzzing practically everyone and everything in sight.

I read that Gray once buzzed a steak to tenderize it, but not much else as far a inanimate objects, at least to my knowledge.

The Reiki thing seems like almost like a chain letter type thing. One must first get it from someone else before one can pass it on.  

It seems that one cannot attune themselves, but must be attuned by others first, according to Reiki.

I don't think Gray or Cayce did that.

I read where when one hears something almost to good to be true, It usually is.

Any thoughts?



Dr. Eric Pearl

July 23, 2002


Just received Dr. Pearl's book, "The Reconnection", and about to read it.

If anyone else has checked on Dr. Pearl, let us know what you think.

Here is Dr. Pearl's web site.

Dr. Pearl may be the present day healer in the same vein as William E. Gray.

It will be an interesting study and comparison.

Born To Heal is a new discussion group based on the strong possibility that a human being has the power to generate healing to others as well as itself.

Please join in.



Dr. Eric Pearl's Book

June 24, 2002

Just finished Dr. Eric Pearl's book, "The Reconnection".

Fred's recommendation of this book is correct. It is a very good book.

The work that Dr. Pearl is doing right now with the universal creative healing energy validates not only the healing work done by William E. Gray, but also validates the prophecies in the Edgar Readings regarding the beginning of manifestations of the Universal Christ Consciousness now beginning to unfold in human minds on this earth plane.

Check out his web site,

Get his book and learn the application of the attunement process so often mentioned in the Edgar Cayce Readings but never fully explained.


J.J. Hurtak

June 25,2002


The book that was the beginning influence to further open the mind of Eric Pearl was "The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch" by J.J. Hurtak.

I recently ordered this book, and it may be purchased through the non-profit organization that Hurtak started.

As a student of the Edgar Cayce Readings, I had learned that the Pattern for the mind to follow was in Jesus.

According to the Readings, Jesus not only was an earlier incarnation of Adam, but was an earlier incarnation of Enoch as well.

Pearl seems to be successfully applying, or making application right now, a part of that Pattern that was IN Jesus, that dealt with healing

Therefore, in order to pursue my goal to further understand that Pattern, I will study Enoch as well.

"The Reconnection" read was easy. This one might be a little tougher.
