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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #233

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #233

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To those That Reject GOD

June 29, 2002


The rejection of the word GOD by a certain court has brought a very loud and emotional counter reaction from the vast majority of people in the United States.


Is there something about the Word GOD that instinctively effects the emotions of the English speaking mind?

Yep. There is something IN that Word.

What is IN that Word?

The letters G-O-D.

So what?

In John 1:1, these are the letters that formed the Word that was WITH GOD and WAS GOD in the beginning.

So what?

These letters were the essence of the Spirit of GOD in the beginning.

So what?

So SEW, the Spirit of G-O-D INTO our OWN English Alphabet..., 

...and they will emotionally spiritualize the mind into the Spirit of God.



Remember how leaven was HIDDEN in  three measures of meal that leavened the whole loaf? Matthew 13:33.

G-O-D is the leavening agent HiDDEN in our OWN English Alphabet and is well known by our subconscious minds...,

...and that is WHY G-O-D strikes an emotional cord.

According to the Edgar Cayce Readings, nothing is by chance...,

...and neither is the placement of the letters G-O-D HIDDEN in our OWN English Alphabet that is like the leavening agent for the whole loaf of letters for the mind.

The loaf consists of exactly 26 letters.

IN that 26 letters, the letters G-O-D are strategically placed to leaven the whole loaf.

To those brilliant conscious minds that cannot see to connect emotionally to GOD...,

...write down the letters your mind is using right now, in sequential order, that every conscious mind has learned...,

..and see exactly WHERE GOD has chosen to place G-O-D.

It is NO accident that the total placement exactly equals 26.

It is NO accident that English is the most powerful language in the world today.

It is NO accident to the subconscious mind..., 

...that is coherent in the English Language that..., 

...IN GOD we DO trust.


Search For God Study Groups

July 13, 2002


Other than the ARE itself, the only groups that grew out of the Edgar Cayce Readings were the Search For God study groups.

Why this type of group rather than any other, like health groups, etc?

Because the Readings could and did reveal who, what, and where God was which was the essence of the human life that so many wanted to preserve by improving their health.   

The Readings offered them health, but offered them and YOU even much more.

The ultimate goal or Ideal was to become one with God and good health allowed the mind to focus on that rather than the nagging physical problems of the body.

The Readings stated that good health was rather insignificant if the mind of person continued to follow a path that led to the illness in the first place.  

According to the Readings, the object, goal, or Ideal of life is not health for health's sake, but health to allow the mind to freely attune to God, the Creative Force, that brought the mind's soul into existence and performs the ultimate healing within the living body.

That is why Search For God groups were formed. They found God and the record of this finding has been set forth in the Readings for your mind, IF your mind is willing to know the real reason for your being.

God will bless every mind and soul that seeks Him.