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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #231

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #231

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June 15, 2002 from Carole Hi all,   Is anyone on this list besides myself and the moderator?   Yes his name was Wm. E. Gray. I have a legal document proving it and have made contact with someone who knew him personally. Gray treated their mother. Yes, Dena L. Smith is her real name. I have her current address and contact information. I'm tracking down Bill Gray's final resting place.   I also have all the newspaper clippings on the trial back in the 40's fascinating stuff! Will make for a good book I think.     The Life Energies Research Foundation closed down a while ago. I have the corporate info on that.   Itz funny you should say that you thought healing was initiated from within. When you think about that, it is true on a much grander scale. We, for instance, are Within the Universe. I think that we are receivers and once we know how to attune ourselves as Mr. A did, then we will have an abundance of celestial nourishment that is particular to our needs. Simple, but complicated.

June 15, 2002 From Carole

Good going arkroc! I have most of the Cayce books and have noted the same parallels in the location of the energy and the parallels in their personal lives.
I don't think the art of healing is lost in any way at all. 

I myself was a licensed Massage Therapist, specializing in Shiatsu Massage which focuses on the movement of Chi thru the body. I know many skilled healers who have the same type of belief in the Creative Force or Power of Powers. 

I recall a famous Japanese healer coming to one of my classes who showed us how he could be on one side of a room and just by using the
energy flowing thru him, he pulled a person to him from the other side of the room (who had his back to him and didn't know what was going on).  

You could feel the movement of energy around this lovely and kind man. So this field is alive and well, but just not highly publicized. 
In Asia and 3rd world countries they probably have a much deeper understanding and wisdom of these types of healings then we can imagine. I don't mean superstitions though, 

I mean they have a public acceptance of true healing abilities

=================================== Discovery channel---electric hands June 15, 2002 =================================== Dang! Just missed "electric hands" on the Discovery Channel. Just saw some Japanese teaching a method called joh... somthing or other. ============= Also found this little test on the net. Place your hands about two inches apart palms facing each other. Begin to breathe deeply and relax, after a short time of doing this you will begin to feel sensations in the hands. The usual sensations are heat, tingling, static electricity, shooting from one hand to the other or a feeling like a cool breeze blowing between the palms. Now slowly move the hands apart and imagine that the energy between the hands is like pastry, stretching thin long strings between your palms. Now push the hands slowly together and feel the energy condense between them. If you don't get any immediate sensations then try again, everyone can feel this energy but the time it takes can vary quite a bit. Try to feel the energy between your hand and that of a friend, this can be an amazing experience. =========== Seemed to notice something, I think Thanks for the information, Carole. I really believe the work of both Gray and Cayce. I really believe that Gray hit the proverbial "nail" on the head, fingernail maybe. Not enough has been done to bring forth the methods he used. You are the only one I have found, other than Ruth Montgomery and those in her book, that seems to be looking into what this man really brought to this earth plane. Have you applied his methods in your work? And when do you think your book will be out? Tom ==================== Letting Go June 17, 2002 ==================== Words like "The Lord is my shepherd, not my will Father, but yours", and thou shall not want," really do indicate a letting go of the conscious mind to another consciousness. It seems like there is a duelling match on who or what controls the body designed by the Creative Force that is housing the mind and soul. The conscious mind seems to "want" to run things relating to the body, and according to Cayce, the body is a reflection of the soul, and the body and soul is sort of the reflection of the entire universe. So it must be that our ego self conscious minds are pretty much duelling with the body all day long. I think Gray said that the master brain of the human body is in the pelvic area and the secondary brain is in the head. The words mind and brain are often erringly intertwined to mean the same thing. According to Gray, the secondary brain in the head is simply a switch board that carries out electric signals through the nervous systems. The mind with free will is able, I think, to open and close some of those switches to the nervous system. I know that there are two parts to the nervous system and one part is automatic. The human heart and lungs are obviously connected to that automatic system. And that means the free will mind cannot directly affect that system, it no matter how hard it might want to. However, It seems like the mind, indirectly affects that system because it gets involved with all kinds of forces it can't even see that causes stress on the nervous system like stress, anger, fear, craving, or whatever. The mind is like a king because of its free will, and seems to do battle with all sorts of forces, both physical and emotional that stresses out the nervous system. Maybe its no wonder, it has to sleep so much of the time. And sleep is a form of relaxation, and relaxation seems to be the key to open the universal electrical energy flow through the nervous system. Entering an altered states of consciousness seems to be directly related to the ability of the mind to relax the body. Cayce certainly used that method, and I think Gray did too. Gray did it by listening intently to the sounds made by a creation of the Power Of Powers, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. which is like the real king of every mind that is a king unto itself. That God creation was the living sound of the human heart. the sound of the human heart is probably the closest sound made in all of creation to the human mind. Gray actually seemed to tune into the Power by DIRECTLY putting his ear on the chest of his patient to hear the various beating sounds of the human heart. No stethoscope used. Cayce said that like attracts like: like begets like. I have always been intrigued with words, and right in the middle of the word h(ear)t is the word ear. Maybe we all should begin to do unthinkable things like Gray, and like learn how to put an ear to each others chest. Now that I think about it. When a mother holds a baby, the baby's ear is usually right against her chest. Just some more thoughts. Maybe someday they will lead somewhere :) Tom


Hands on Healing-Edgar Cayce/William E. Gray

June 18, 2002


From the Edgar Cayce Readings---

"By the laying on of hands, WHEN the body itself has been purified by the healing within its own self..., 

...AND the vibrations RAISED to that where the aura or vibratory force of self..., 

...may accord or TUNE itself immediately with the vibrations of other individuals seeking aid."  Reading 516-4

"Laying on hands TAKES vitality from a body. 

Rub hands thoroughly together, of course before this is begun. 

Keep them very clean but let the vibrations pass through the child's body." Reading  2999-2

The definition of vibration in healing

" Vibration is, in its simple essence or word, RAISING the Christ Consciousness in self to such an extent as it may FLOW out of self to him thou would direct it too." Reading 281-7

The definition of disease

"Disease is, or dis-ease is, a state at-variance to the Ideal or First Cause or First Principle. 

Then in its final analysis, disease might be called sin." Reading 2533-3  

"The Christ Consciousness is the ONLY source of healing for a physical or mental body." Reading 69-4

Individuals may radiate, by their spiritual selves, health, life, that vibration which is destruction to disease.


Caution: If the body healer does not have EXCESS healing vibratory energy, the body healer will deplete its own needed energy fuel which will lead to disease.*

*See above Reading 2999-2 again 

William E Gray either went to the same school as Edgar Cayce in a previous lifetime or Gray learned how to apply the words in the Readings above.

Gray was about 20 years younger than Cayce.

The Key thought process of Gray with disease was that the nerves go into spasms, shutting off nerve energy fuel, and the nerves need to be relaxed to relieve the disease increasing the energy fuel vibrations through the nerves.

The primary nerve receiving center for the hands on healing is the pelvic area of the human body...,

...and NOT the head as normally practiced in some spiritual environments.

Thus disease is really dis-ease---it is  nerves are not at ease and spasms therein close down the movement of nerve fuel vibrations.

The words of the Edgar Cayce Readings AND the healing actions performed and described by William E. Gray...,

...may provide the answers of HOW healing was done thousands of years ago that has seemingly been swept under the rug by modern medical techniques and current religious practices.

The words of these men should not be forsaken. 


Our three suns?

June 19, 2002


We see one sun and have been taught that it is the source of all the energy produced in this solar system.

Maybe we have been taught wrong. It certainly would not be the first time.

According To William E. Gray, who authored. "Know Your Magnetic Field", 

..."We are familiar with the solar system of our own universe, but there are two more with corresponding solar systems in direct influence upon our planet, earth, and there may be any more in operation.

The power, maintenance, and law of life come DIRECTLY from these three systems, uniting or blending to become the one, understood as Trinity, or Power of Powers. 

The combined action of these three forces is our own energy current from the three universes--one wave length from each of the ruling solar suns on a frequency." Page 15


The question, not yet answered, is where are the other two suns?

I scoured the Edgar Cayce Readings for a possible answer, and so far this is what I found. 

The two other suns that DIRECTLY influence the earth's magnetic field, and in turn, our own magnetic field may be Arcturus and Polaris.

Take a look.

Apparently our own solar system moves within other solar systems that directly supply energy to this earth plane.

"The entity (Uhjltd in Persia) came from those centers about which thine own solar system moves--IN Arcturus". Reading 5755-1 

"The Sun and Arcturus, the Greater Sun, giving strength in the mental and spiritual elements toward developing of soul and of the attributes toward the better forces in earth's spheres." Reading 137-4  

"At the correct time, accurate imaginary lines can be drawn from the opening of the Great Pyramid to the second star in the Great Dipper, called Polaris, or the North Star. 

This indicated it is the system toward which the soul takes its flight after having completed its sojourn through THIS solar system." Reading 849-45


With all this in mind, it seems like the soul sort of experiences all that a solar system has to offer and then moves to another, and even sometimes back again fuelled by the energy from these three suns, at least in THIS area of the one vast universe.


Now keep an open mind as we explore another statement made by Gray in Ruth Montgomery's book,  Born to Heal".

"When the sap is going down in the trees, the energy is going down in people, and when the sap is rising in the trees, we are aware of our own rising energies." Page 211.

Remember when Jesus healed the blind man, the blind man first saw men as trees? Mark 8:23

Now consider what Webster has to say about SAP.

SAP---comes from the Latin word sapere---to taste, know. ANY fluid vital to to the life or health of an organism.

Now, remember, what the three wise men gave baby Jesus, the greatest healer of all time? 

Gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Matthew 2:11

I can understand gold by why frankincense and myrrh?

I think now I know. They are derived from dried tree SAP.

Now just consider the word SAP itself.

Could SAP possibly be the acronym for the three ruling Powers or radiating Sun Forces directly affecting the earth plane and the human body?

Maybe. Take a look. The Edgar Cayce Readings state that "nothing is by chance". Reading 1825-1

Sun Arcturus Polaris   SAP