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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #230

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #230

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Edgar Cayce Was Right !

June 1, 2002


Every organized religion is going down the tubes because it has centered itself ON itself to perpetuate itself.

Nothing created by the human conscious mind lives forever. 

According to the Readings, the real place to worship is WITHIN yourself, communing within, and with your higher self.

According to the Readings, Jesus, and NOT Christian Religion, or any other religion, is the Pattern for that communal flow that will emanate from within.

NO where else may that Pattern be found but in the recorded Words that emanated from within Jesus, and verified by Edgar Cayce, who, in an earlier incarnation, actually wrote some of those Words as Lucius, the nephew of Luke.

Worship NOT through somebody else's self. 

Organized religion is a lot like mob rule. 

(Go with THEIR flow and repeat after ME.)

Forget the ME, the mob rule, and that flow. 

The real flow comes from within.

The Force, within, that created the human body that stated, "thou shall not kill", is a million times smarter than ANY conscious mind of a ME that has ever occupied a human body. 

Has a human conscious mind ever even come close to BUILDING a living human body?  

No human conscious mind will ever come close. 


Nice try with the ingredients, but what does the actual building, Mr. Human Conscious Mind? 

Mr. Human Conscious Mind, sometimes, even wants to kill what the Spiritual Force of God has created.

When Jesus, the Pattern, went to Jerusalem to over turn the tables of the money changers, He called for two, not one ass to ride.

Matthew 21:2

Why two?

Because one was a smart ass, and the other was a dumb ass.

Guess who got to ride the dumb ass, Mr. Human Conscious mind?  


"Born To Heal"

June 7, 2002


Well known author, Ruth Montgomery wrote a book called "A Search For Truth'"  in her quest to find the truth in the field of psychic phenomena.

She did find some very interesting things to write about.

In fact, one entire chapter, of "A Search for Truth" was devoted to a man who had some very unique healing techniques that helped others.

Her readers became very interested to know more about this unusual man and his abilities, so she wrote an entire book about this man.

The man's name is William E. Gray, the book is titled "Born To Heal".   

Here is a quote from Chapter 17 of "A Search For Truth", titled "The Ancient Wisdom", that led to her write "Born To Heal".


"Healing was a vibrant part of early christian ministry. The Man of Galilee told His disciples that what He could do, they could do also, and the New Testament records numerous occasions on which not only Christ, but His followers as well, healed the sick and the lame.

What has happened to this miraculous power? Was it intended for use by only one generation of men, or have we simply ceased to listen to the inner voice that would teach us ancient wisdom?

Living today (in the early1960's) is a man who has effected thousands of seemingly miraculous healings by the laying on of hands.

The method that he uses bears no relationship to faith-healing or prayer-healing. 

He calls it "revitalizing the magnetic field", and he asserts that by placing his fingers over nerve relay centers in the lower abdomen, a human energizing current is transmitted throughout the body. 

I have seen him work and have interviewed many who can testify to his amazing healing powers; but he does not consider what he does amazing in the least."

"It is actually a lost art", he says simply. This was the commonly accepted practice of healing in the early church."


Maybe some of you can help in finding that lost art..., I formed a Yahoo discussion group to try to understand and apply the healing techniques that Mr. Gray apparently knew so well, and has been described to some degree.  

Please stop by.


Observations on "Born to Heal"

June 14, 2002


Just finished reading Ruth Montgomery's book again. It has been a few years since I first read it.

According to Ruth Montgomery, many of the names were changed to conceal the real identity of the people.

Now, not even sure that Mr. A was really William E. Gray, or his close Dr. associate was named Dena L. Smith.

Could find nothing on her on the net, and very little on William E. Gray.

Also, supposedly, a foundation was created to explore the working of Mr. A, called Life Energies Research Foundation.

I ran down the address given in the book for the Foundation, found two Dr's in the building, but that was all.

The only thing I found on William E. Gray was being the author of "Know Your Magnetic Field", which I have, and need to read again.

"Born to Heal" is only 224 pages and is easy to read. 

On the somewhat humorous side.

Page 199, Mr. A generates a mega dose of matched current human life energy to an individual, and it was so strong, a man behind this man fainted, as he received some of the some of that energy, which did not match his own. The man quickly recovered and was fine.

Gees, he could have probably knocked out Tyson :)

Page 210, Mr. A buzzed, zapped, whatever, one of two steaks to tenderize it before cooking. The test evidently worked quite well.

Page 210, Mr. A buzzed HIS pansies, before planting, but not his wife's. His grew a whole lot bigger and prettier.

Mr. A gave numerous demonstrations of his ability to increasing a body's, sometimes, instant ability to correct itself, by generating matched life energy to a body's own depleting magnetic energy field.

Page 219, Mr. A's words, "We must respect the body as an individual planet."

That certainly dovetails with the magnetic field concept. Two poles and a magnetic field around a body.  

I always thought that healing was initiated from within. Not so sure now.

Apparently, the body draws energy from the energized air around the body into the lungs to begin the process.

Wonder if a possible reduction of air on Mars led to its demise?

Without air, the human body is doomed. 

Mr. A seemed to be able to draw extra ordinary amounts of life energy into his own body, transform it to match the frequencies of another body, and buzz it into the other body.

I longed believed that the mind and body are basically transformation factories.

The problem is that it is tough to transform something that is invisible, like energy.

Apparently Mr. A, simply followed the information presented to his instinctive mind, and his conscious mind followed that information.

A lot like Cayce did.

One more interesting note, before I close.

Page 211, Mr. A's words, 

"The 21st of June is the highest point of energy in the Northern Hemisphere. and the 21st of December is the lowest. The reverse, of course, is true in the Southern Hemisphere.

It is in this low energy period, especially felt here in November, December, January, and February, that resistance to illness drops, and people are most apt to develop ailments. 

When the sap is going down in trees, the energy is going down in people, and when the sap is rising in the trees, we are aware of our own rising energies.    

Someday, those in each of the Hemispheres will generate and radiate energy to each other doing low periods." 


So for right now, start breathing deep and storing up that energy for yourself and others.

We beginning to studying this man and his work. Please join in.


Edgar Cayce / William E. Grey

June 15, 2002


Both of these men were very psychic and had quite a bit in common.

Both seemed to wander off on their own as very young children and seemed to receive information from within themselves.

Both were born in the late 1800's.

Cayce on March 18, 1877

Grey born on July 13, 1895

Both born as a water sign.

Both had very limited educations, but both possessed great psychic understanding.

Both focused on the pelvic / lower abdominal area of the body as the key to rejuvenation of the human body.

Cayce focused on castor oil packs to that area. Gray generated human energy to that area through his own hands and called it the magnetic field.

Grey suggested that couples marry persons with compatible energy fields to rejuvenate the magnetic fields of each partner.

ie earth to earth, but different birth months

The same with fire, water, and air.

Guess what?

Gertrude Cayce, the wife of Edgar Cayce, who was the conductor who guided Edgar Cayce into his altered state of consciousness sessions, was born February 22, 1880 

Both water signs, but different months.

Both Cayce and Grey more or less dealt with the human body as an electrical energy field that moved through the nerves.

The depletion of the energy field was the underlying cause of all illness.

Stress on the nerves cause spasms that block the flow and deplete the field.

Mis-matched energy fields between individuals also causes the stress on the nerves according to Gray. 

Remember the design of of wet cell battery like device manifested by Cayce?

Grey was hands on healing, and his body generated excess human electrical energy  to what he called the magnetic field located in the pelvic area.

Cayce called his source of wisdom the Creative Force. Gray called his source the Power of Powers.

Nethertheless, it is an intelligent Force that always has been, according to Gray.

The natural healing force generated by individuals to other individuals has been lost down through the ages.

It is about time to bring that knowledge forward.

Cayce and Gray is a good place to start.

Blessings to those who desire to seek this Power of the benefit for the human race.