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Amazing Grace arkroc

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) 06/29/1999 07:07 am EDT


"For He came into the earth that...

...THROUGH Him... MIGHT have access AGAIN to...

...the GRACE and MERCY that are...

... THE DIRECTING IDEALS of each soul-entity."*

*Page 13 of The Edgar Cayce Companion 

See page 111 to see HOW and WHY man might have THAT access again.

The information at the bottom of page 111 is the most important spiritual 
"connection" ever recorded outside His Book the Bible.

It is derived from Reading 275-43.

It reveals the cord that man had...

...then forgot...

...and may have access to again. 


Most everyone who has read some of the Readings have heard about the great changes from coming from '58 to '98.

Has anyone noticed any really great changes?

Sure there have been some great changes...

...but the greatest changes have come in the field of communication.

Do not the Readings also focus on the Ideal and the communion and communication with the ideal.

Here is an extraordinary coincdence emanating from a very extraordinary man.

If the mind can find a copy of "There is a River...

...get it.

Take a look on page '58 of this book.

Edgar Cayce begins to make the biggest change of his life by falling in love with his future wife, Gertrude.

Now take a look on Page '98 of this book.

It is on this very page that that Edgar Cayce begins to lose His OWN voice and begins to find the Voice WITHIN.

It is on this very page that his life begins to make a another very extraordinary change.

Is it possible that "58 to "98 is EMBLEMATICAL of changes in the body of a person formed from earth rather than the earth itself?

Is it EMBLEMATIC of a polarity change WITHIN the body and mind that allows a Voice to literaly emanate from WITHIN rather than the normal conscious Voice that emanates from WITHOUT?

Is it possible that the appeal of this book is because it strikes a responsive cord WITHIN the mind and body that reads the book?

The answers to all three questions is positively yes.

This book is literally a Pattern of HOW the mind may enter WITHIN...

....and INTO the Pattern of the  consciousness of the Creative Force.

The river is the manifestion of an everlasting flow of Spiritual words that MAY and WILL emanate WITHIN...


...the mind...


...prepares room for the Spirit WITHIN the body to manifest.

How does the mind do that?

Move Self either by letter or word to step aside and allow the Spirit WITHIN to come forth and manifest itself for human kind. 
In essence, Spiritize into...


...the written Law of Webster that has been set in words that have no movement and are set as if they are in blocks of stones.

Edgar Cacemeete his angelic self

Edgar Cayce meets his angelic self on page 27 of "There is a River".

The angelic self is described on page

9 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

(3) x 9 = 27

The Father, the Son, the Self transformed to the Angelic Self

A coincidence?

"Nothing happens by chance"*

*Page 44 of the Edgar Cayce Companion  
"Except ye  must be converted as  little children..."*

*Matthew 18:3

Edgar Cayce's Ideal WITHIN the ideal

"Then I saw that she was not my mother. and she had wings on her back."

She said to me, your prayers have been answered, little boy.

"Tell me what it is  you want most of all, so that I may give it to you."

I was very frightened, but after a minute I managed to say...


..."most of all I would like to be helpful to other people...

...especially children."* 

*Page 27 of "There is a River"


Ec Bible Truth Water

Although Edgar Cayce only went through the ninth grade, he was well versed in the Bible.

One might even say his education was "grounded" in the Bible.

Many may agree that the Bible is spiritual.

Many disagree with that point of view.

Allow the mind to think of this possibility.

That water is the universal symbol of truth.

That the MOVEMENT of water is the universal MOVEMENT of truth.

That the Bible is emblematic of truth...

...however there is NO MOVEMENT to the  words In the bible as they are as etched in stone.

Now, at the edge and the bend in the creek or river sits Edgar Cayce "well" "grounded" in the Bible.

As he is reading the Bible, he becomes mesmerized by the MOVEMENT  of the flow the water in front of him. 

The combination of the mind Grounded in truth and the mind mesmerized by the movement of truth brought forth his angelic self.

This is the process of manifestation of the Creative force.

The Bible was written by many minds...

...whose minds were so focused on the Ideal...

...that their conscious minds were set aside... mezmerizaton of one form or another so that the Creative Force could manifest itself through the individual's transformed self...

...its angelic self.     

 Edgar Cayce through faith grounded himself in truth...

...and most assuredly and unwittingly...

...entered into his FIRST self induced hypnotic trance by the movement of the water.

Most assuredly the sun was  reflecting off the moving water also.

Here is truth.

AS the the PROCESS setting down spiritual words from WITHIN...

...IS a spirtiual movement.

...As soon as words are "grounded" in one physical form or another...

...there is NO MORE spiritual movement?

Why? Because the MIND, as the builder, must provide the movemnt.

The words in the Bible were written down by many minds being moved by ONE spiritual Force WITHIN.

The words and letters well grounded WITHIN Edgar Cayce simply took on movment as his self conscious mind  was set aside... the mesmeric MOVEMENT of the water. 


...through faith in His Book, the Bible...


...FIRST established the Pattern of Jesus in his mind.

The "grounding" of that Pattern in his mind took on movement through the mesmerization of his conscious mind... he gazed upon the movement of the water.

Three Very Good Books

It was mentioned that EC only had a ninth grade education.

If that is true then where did he GATHER all that other knowledge?

Anyone can learn do very much the same...

...IF they first learn the Pattern of Jesus...

...and then follow the Pattern as Edgar Cayce did.

There are some on this planet who could possibly do what EC did right now for there was more than one initiate in the White Brotherhood.*

*Page 11 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.
Their minds only need to be awaken to that fact.

If anyone reads this message they may be initiates ready to be awakened.

"For nothing is by chance."*

*Page 44 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

The Bible is the Book that will pre-sent the Pattern.

The book, "There is a River" tells the life story of a man who is an initiate, and who was awakened to the Pattern and Creative Force that is the essence of the Pattern.

The book, "The Edgar Cayce Companion" virtually tells what steps the mind may take to awaken itself to its true companion WITHIN...

Here are a few helpful hints.

The Bible is the Pattern.

The mind should view the Bible as THE Pattern from the point of view of that the Bible will simply open up the mind and body.*

*Page 195 of "The Edgar Cayce Companion.

Allow the mind to seek the overall Pattern of Adam // Jesus rather than to get entangled in the details that often become as stumbling blocks. 

The mind is truly the builder.

In order to build the mind must follow a pattern or design.

The Bible IS the IDEAL designed Pattern.

Every mind may start that building program right now with just those three books.

No other books are needed.

Remember the awesome knowledge EC obtained with no more than a ninth grade education.

The knowledge "contained" in the human mind and body is already there.

IF the human mind and body seeks the information ONLY for Self enhancement...

...access will most certainly be denied for the connection will not be made for the information is not for Self.

If the information is sought to assist others and for (S)elf to move closer to the Ideal and move away from Self...

...access most assuredly will be granted.

The "FOLLOWING" Words are not idle words.

They are IDEAL Spiritual Words of the...


...that HE has set as in stone.

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock and it shall be OPEN unto you."*

*Matthew 7:7 

Ask, seek, and knock all verbs that are action words.

When mind as the builder takes the action according to the Pattern...

...the above will happen.

What will happen?

"shall be OPEN"

To the physical mind "shall" is simply the blocked word shall.

To the mind entering into His Spirit...

...this is shall...(S)hall.

Look familiar?

Sort of like the (S)piritual hall records that OPEN to the mind?

Edgar Cayce, an initiate, followed this Pattern of activity.

Those who just happen to read these words may also be able do just that IF the mind is willing.

Re: ninth grade education

I think in Edgar Cayce's days...

...a nine year schooling was fairly common.

This author knows a person with an eight grade education who became president of a very large corporation.

The remainder of their education came probably from the school of hard knocks and intuition that altered their minds spiritually.... 

....rather than hard drugs that alters the mind of many of today's students physically.


"Jesus" is the Pattern*

"Christ" is the Power*

*Pages 224-227 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


"Vibration is, in its simple essence or word...

...raising the Christ Consciousness in self to such an extent... it may flow OUT of self TO him thou would DIRECT it to.

As, "Silver and gold I have none, but such as I have...


...I unto thee.

IN the NAME of "Jesus" "Christ"...

...stand up and walk."*

*Page 260 of the Edgar Cayce Companion   


The human mind is both physical AND spiritual.*

*Page 83 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

To the physical mind Jesus Christ is often used as a swear word.

To the physcal mind...

...unfolding in His Spirit...

... the Name Jesus Christ becomes a...

...(S)wear word.

As the mind of self becomes transformed into His Consciousness...

...the mind begins to wear His (S)piritual words.

This is "the sign" of that activity.


No More Karma

No more Karma arkroc (58/M/Longwood, Florida) 07/09/1999 10:45 pm EDT =========== "In the beginning... ...HE... ...was the Son (Adam)... ...made the Son... ...those of the Sons that went astray... ...and through the varying activities... ...OVERCAME the world through the experiences... ...bearing the cross in each and every experience... ...reaching the FINAL cross with ALL power, ALL knowledge in having overcome the world... ...and of Himself ACCEPTED the cross. =========== "Hence doing AWAY with that oft termed karma, that must be met by all." =========== "The immutable law of cause and effect... ...IS... evidenced in the world today... ...IN... ...the material, the mental, the spiritual world... ...but He... overcoming the world, the law... ...became the law." =========== "The law then becomes as the school master or the school of training... ...and we who have named the Name then... ..are no longer under the law as law... ...but under the mercy as IN Him."* "Him refers to the Father, He to the Son." =========== *Page 227 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

Name the Name (58/M/Longwood, Florida) 07/09/1999 11:36 pm EDT =========== "Jesus" is the Pattern* "Christ" is the Power* *Pages 224-227 of the Edgar Cayce Companion. =========== "Vibration is, in its simple essence or word... ...raising the Christ Consciousness in self to such an extent... it may flow OUT of self TO him thou would DIRECT it to. As, "Silver and gold I have none, but such as I have... ...GIVE... ...I unto thee. IN the NAME of "Jesus" "Christ"... ...stand up and walk."* *Page 260 of the Edgar Cayce Companion ========== The human mind is both physical AND spiritual.* *Page 83 of the Edgar Cayce Companion To the physical mind Jesus Christ is often used as a swear word. To the physcal mind... ...unfolding in His Spirit... ... the Name Jesus Christ becomes a... ...(S)wear word. As the mind of self becomes transformed into His Consciousness... ...the mind begins to wear His (S)piritual words. This is "the sign" of that activity. .............(t)he..........

Change the Mental Self arkroc (58/M/Longwood, Florida) 07/10/1999 10:08 am EDT =========== "The Christ Child was was born into the earth as man... born in due time... man's spiritual evolutution... ...that man might have a Pattern of the personality of God Himself."* *Page 224 of the Edgar Cayce Companion =========== How does one GAIN the personality of God? First one must give up the personality of self by giving up the desires of self. This will allow room and movement for the personality of God from WITHIN... manifest through the mind and body of the one making the change. =========== "Unless each individual put away those selfish desires which arise... ...and become as little children... may never quite understand the simplicity of Christs faith... ...Christ-like faith... ...Christ-like simplicity... ...Christ-like forgiveness... ...Christ-like love... ...Christ-like helpfulness to others* *Page 226 of the Edgar Cayce Companion. Here is a very simple way to change the mental self. Both selfish desires and the Christ Force are able to rise from WITHIN. The will of the mind is a very small force that determines which powerful force will rise. "likes beget likes."* *Page 36 of The Edgar Cayce Companion If the mind seeks desires from without... ...the desires of the mind will rise to meet those desires without. If the mind seeks the Christ Force WITHIN... ...the mind and body may MANIFEST that force from WITHIN.