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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #228

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #228

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The Human Mind is Blocked

April 18,2002


Again, the law that is ever present: like attracts like, like begets like.

Blocked words, which the human mind has surrounded itself in, has caused the human mind to be blocked in its own consciousness.

No one can deny that the word mind is a word that has been forever blocked and firmly attached to the mind.

Then, if the mind is blocked, then the body is also blocked because the same law will apply.

If the mind is willing to open its blocked words, the mind will open, and body will open to allow the little will power force of the mind, and the Force in the created body to become As One.

That combined Force is called Christ and was set before the human mind by a man named Jesus who came to this earth plane to set the mind and its companion, the soul, free from the bondage that the mind has encased itself and its soul into.

Allow the mind to detach itself by opening the word mind and look for some signs.


There is the direction the mind needs to go. (in). That is where the Force is that is known as the Spirit of God that has been blocked from uniting with the mind, by the mind itself.

We all know it is the human body that does the healing, the mind does the altering through drugs and surgery, but there is an intelligent Force in the body that does the healing.

It is the process of altering movements, that will allow the Force to do the healing. 

So, when the word mind is altered and  opened, m(in)d, the direction for the mind is to in.

Look at the other sign that is there.



That is not a coincident. It is a co-incident between the little force of the mind and the great Force, called the Force of Creation, the Spirit of God.

Here is another opening that the mind might think about.

The Force of Creation is a positive force within the human created body.

The mind is born and bred as a negative force.

How many times have we been asked to just think positive. Why? Because the mind is born and bred to be negative by surrounding itself with blocked words.

Take a look at another sign.


Right in the middle of the mind is the first root letter of (n)egative.

Cast out the (n) and the mind becomes mid. See dim from the opposite point of view, His point of view, and mid becomes dim.

A little light, but not much for the little free will power of the mind.

However, now that that mind is open and the body becomes open...,

...from within WILL arise what...,

...because of the same law that is ever present?

The Light* of this world, the Creative Force, the Spirit of God.

*John 8:12

Blessings to every individual that is willing open its own mind to the healing Light that will begin to move and emanate from within.


You Can Connect to the Voice of God. 

April 22, 2002


"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it." Revelation 2:17

The Spirit of God is Speaking to John.

Where is the Voice of the Spirit of God coming from that is speaking to John? From the sky that is often called the heavens? No.

The Voice is coming from WITHIN the mind and body of John who was IN Spirit that day."I was IN Spirit on the Lord's day,..." Revelation 1:10

The Spirit's Words are vibrations of symbols moving THROUGH the open glands of John's created body, two of which are in his brain.

The glands of the human body are as THE churches, as stated in the Book of Revelation, that His LETTERS symbols may be sent through.  

The glands are capable of carrying His Spiritual I'm-port through the body AND mind by the altered and opened mind.

As the glands are OPENED by the opened mind, they literary reflect this sign.

(G)lands---- (G)od's land. 

The Glands are where the mind moves His LETTERS within itself. 

Through the will of John's mind, John's mind and John's body, did OPEN to His Spirit that did THEN emanate from and through the churches in his own living body that is a creation...,

...that houses His Spirit, the Living Force of that creation.

That is WHAT John meant by being IN Spirit, his opened mind was IN Spirit, and that is what the Spirit meant when the ear is open to hear the Spirit from within.

Everyone has ears that may open to the attunement of His vibrations that THEN will emanate from within the churches within its own created living human body.

In essence, the Force, WITHIN the human body, that is the LIVING FORCE of CREATION, may communicate directly to the mind encased in that body.

Why would the Force of the created body want to connect to the mind?

Because also encased in that body and connected to the mind is the soul.

The soul wants to return to to the Father, the source of its existence...,

...but may do so ONLY if the mind, connected to the soul, OPENS, and MAKES the connection to the Spirit of God.

It is ONLY the human free will mind that CAN bridge the gap between the Spirit of God and the soul, that is a child, and offspring of the Father, God.  

In essence, the soul is at the mercy of the free will mind.

The mind is like the bride, and the (G)room is like the Spirit of God.

Remember the Word that was with God in the beginning? That Word was formed with the Spiritual Symbols G-O-D.

Look what happens when the bride includes His G within itself.

brid(G)e. The bridge has been completed and the WAY is opened by the mind.

If the mind continues on the course it has learned to follow since birth, the soul will only continue to be lead astray, and in circles, by the mind doing its OWN thing with its OWN so-called letters.

That is WHY His Spirit stated that He was, is, and will be, Alpha and Omega.

At present, the mind literally follows its OWN self. It follows the movement of letters that it moves that it THINKS are its OWN.

WHEN the mind makes the Revelation, as John did, that the letters its moves, reflects the movement of the connection to His Spirit, the human mind will THEN begin to follow His Spirit rather than continue to...,

...more or less chase its OWN tail.

You too, can be IN Spirit, just like John.

Just STOP taking the symbol letters your mind moves for granted. They were never granted or GIVEN to your mind. 

Allow you mind to return them to His Spirit, and your mind, guaranteed, will return with them.

Blessings to EVERY mind that does just that.


Breaking the Mode of Self Consciousness

April 228, 2002


America's greatest psychic, Edgar Cayce, did 
some amazing mental things to help others and himself.

His conscious mind was well rooted in the Pattern of the Mind of Jesus as described in the Bible.

Hopefully, many of you have done the same, because that will enable our minds to focus on what the mind can really do when it has been grounded in His Spirit.

Hopefully, you have seen A connection between His Spirit and the movement of letter symbols in the mind.

This is a little sign given to me that there IS a connection that many of you have seen before. (t)he

Hopefully, you have also learned that in order to enter into a higher consciousness, the mind must set self aside. That is, the CONSCIOUS mind must set its itself aside.

This is a little sign given to me that this can be done. (S)elf.

This dovetails with what the Voice within Jesus stated about being converted as little children in order to enter WITHIN---the kingdom of heaven.* 

*Matthew 18:3

Hopefully you have also learned that the conscious mind has basically blocked itself in its own consciousness.

And hopefully, you have learned that the mind is ABLE to set its conscious mind aside so that it may move freely and safely WITHIN, and tap into the higher consciousness that the conscious mind has ALWAYS been part of, but has unwittingly blocked itself out of.

Hopefully you are beginning to see, as I am, that we are really not physical beings.

We, our souls AND our minds, are simply  temporally housed in a container created by the Spirit of God, our Father, that is called the human body.

Here is what EACH of us has ALWAYS been and, FOREVER will be...,

.... living eternal intelligent ENERGIES.

We have ALWAYS been part and parcel of the total cosmic intelligence AND..., such...

... our minds were created with the ABILITY to access ANY of information in THAT cosmic intelligence, as we have ALWAYS been part of it.

Our minds simply need to learn HOW to re-connect to what we have, unintentionally, blocked our minds out of.

Hopefully, so far we have learned that there truly is A connection..,

...and that we can learn from each other HOW to tap into that cosmic intelligence that Edgar Cayce described as the Book of Life, or the Akashic Records.

How can we do it?

The same way that Edgar Cayce did it.

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis.

Through these methods, he set the physical aspects of his self conscious mind aside so that the eternal soul aspects of his mind could then proceed to receive information from the cosmic intelligence, and then his sub-conscious mind relayed that information to his self conscious mind to HELP others and even himself.

Hypnosis is the method that allows the conscious, everyday mind to slow way down, relax, take some time off, so that the subconscious mind can come forward to help out by tapping into the Cosmic Consciousness for the POSITIVE and CONSTRUCTIVE benefit of other conscious minds, as well as its own conscious mind. 

As has been stated before, the born mind FIRST learns to become conscious of itself. 

Ironically, that learned consciousness has caused the mind to trap itself in itself, and has caused itself to block itself from DIRECTLY connecting to the Cosmic Intelligence of which the mind and soul have been part and parcel thereof from the very beginning.

As the Readings have stated...,

..."self, or the conscious mind of self, is the only sin." 1362-1

Hypnosis allows the mind, to set that sin, that conscious mind of self, aside.

Some of you may be already on that path, and maybe you can help us along the way.

I am just beginning to learn about hypnosis.

From the Edgar Cayce Readings:

"Begin with the study of self, which may BEST be done by suggestive forces TO the body through HYPNOSIS." 3483-1.

" It is also dangerous to submit to submerging of self through hypnosis...,


...the body-mind of the operator, (which in the case of self-hypnosis, is your own body-mind)..., in accord with CONSTRUCTIVE, forces IN the body." 458-1

The Creative Intelligent Force IN the human body IS CONSTRUCTIVE and POSITIVE.

"ALWAYS use positive, NEVER negative suggestions." 1163-2

With all of that in mind,  come along, as we begin to embark on a journey into the realm of consciousness that Edgar Cayce knew so well.

Hopefully, those that have already started on that journey may give us some helpful positive thoughts along the way.

I have just started on the path by reading "Hypnosis for Beginners" by William W. Hewitt. I like the book and will most likely learn the routines as presented therein.

You can check out its reviews on Amazon. In one of the reviews, there was mention of another book called "Fun With Hypnosis". I have ordered the book, but have not yet received it.

My IDEAL is not to have FUN, but to open my mind to the Intelligent Forces, that have been beyond my reach, so that I may help others as well as myself. 

If I, or we, happen to have FUN along the Way..., be it.



There is A River

May 5th, 2002


This is the book that first attracted my interest in Edgar Cayce. It is a wonderful book about HOW this man became America's greatest psychic.

All Edgar Cayce ever wanted to do was to help others. He did just that, and did it in a way that some may not approve of, but I surely think God did.

If you ever thought about reading a book about the person known as Edgar Cayce, this is the one.



Right Brain-Left Brain Experiment

May 8, 2002


Here is a little something I thought was interesting that I read in "Fun With Hypnosis". 
Supposedly, you can easily determine which hemisphere of your brain is dominate. 

Supposedly, the right side of your brain controls the left side of your body, and the left side of your brain controls right side of your body. 

Here is what to do. 

Simply and quickly, just interlock your fingers and thumbs together sort of like clasping them as in prayer. 

Notice which thumb is on top. 

Left thumb on top---Right Brain person 

Right thumb on top---Left Brain person. 

What is really interesting to me is that EVERY time I try it, the SAME thumb is ALWAYS on top.  

Wonder if others experience the same results?


Report on Hypnosis

May 15, 2002


As I mentioned earlier, I purchased two intro books on hypnosis.

"Hypnosis For Beginners" and "Fun With Hypnosis".

I decided not to really pursue that avenue, even though that was what Edgar Cayce used to enter his altered state.

Basically, I found that relaxation of the body is the first step in the process to allow the conscious mind to become super focused.

I did listened to some of the relaxation scripts and they were great.

But that is as about as far as I got.

I just want to stay focused on the Spirit of the Lord through the focus on Alpha and Omega.

When I "gaze" upon our own letters in words with focus, I think I sort of enter a trance anyway.

Here is a simple example of a gaze that just recently crossed my mind.

Here is probably the most popular pictorial rendition ever made of Jesus.

He is gazing upward.

This is exactly what hypnotists sometimes suggest.

Even in prayer, many people sort of gaze in an upward glance.

But to me, here is what is really interesting about the word GAZE.

Dead center in the middle of G(AZ)E is AZ.

AZ is the modern day English equivalent of Alpha and Omega of the Greek Alphabet. 

The Spirit of Jesus, the WORD made flesh, DID state that IT was Alpha and Omega.

Then there is (G) representative of God and there is (E) representative of the Earth plane.

According to the Readings, nothing is by chance. Right or left brain makes no difference to the Spirit of Jesus, it is the movement of the WORD made flesh that really counts...,

...and that is done through the movement of each mind's letters AS His.

Blessings to those minds that just GAZE and ponder HOW the mind can use its own tools of the trade, its own letters, in a new way.