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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #226

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #226


Israel---Symbolic of Troubled Minds?

April 4, 2002


According to The Edgar Cayce Readings,
the word Israel is anyone who is seeking the Lord.

A possible unique comparison may be made of the name Israel and the physical location of the area, in and around Israel.

The Readings often deal with the oneness of the mind,  the body, and the soul...,

...and the oneness of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual.

Here is what might be interesting.

The Readings often describe the constant warring struggle between the free will mind and the soul.

The free will mind wants to do its OWN thing for its OWN SELF, but the soul wants to seek and return to be As One with God.

Both the mind and soul are residing in the SAME physical LIVING created house, the human body.

The human body evolved from the ground called earth. 

Many have heard of the so-called facial structure on the planet Mars.

What about earth?

Italy, certainly looks like a foot, and Michigan looks like a hand. 

Now consider Israel as sort of the brain area of the body called earth from which the human body evolved.

Consider the Mediterranean "Sea" as sort of the eyeball in front of the brain area, Israel.

There is even an opening in the eyeball area called the Straits of Gibraltar.

Now back to the brain area, Israel.

According to the Readings, the are seven major glands called churches that, when opened and connected through the cooperation and efforts of the free will  mind, allow the Life Force, or Creative Force, to flow through the human body.

Two of these glands, and probably the most important glands, are in the brain, and are called the pineal and pituitary glands.

Now look at a map of Israel, as the area of the brain.

There are two bodies of water that ARE connected and look very much like glands that could be in the brain.

The interesting thing is that these two bodies of water, glands, are connected by a river, the Jordan River, where Baptism has it roots.

Now back to the mind. The free will mind that works with, and through, the brain.

The minds of the individuals in these areas around Israel are constantly at odds with each other.

The question is, are their minds, which are IN a symbolic part of the earth that is like the brain, SEEKING the Lord, which is within their LIVING created human bodies..,

...or are they simply seeking the land, OUTSIDE of themselves, from which their bodies were formed?

The answer is obvious, their minds are symbolic of EVERY mind that does not know WHERE to seek the Lord.

Troubled minds in the brain area of the body known as Israel, may be a wake up call that the human mind needs to seek the Lord within themselves while they still HAVE a living created human body to worship within.

According to the Edgar Cayce Readings, the human created body is the real church, temple, mosque, or place of worship, WHERE the mind should seek the Lord.

It is not land OUTSIDE the human body.

The explosive turmoil, beginning to occur in the LAND of Israel, may be a final sign and wakeup call of WHERE the mind should go to seek the Lord while there is still time.

The human created body is WHERE the mind should seek the Lord, and woe to those minds that kill that only true place of worship. 

Blessings to those that begin to see the signs of the times.



April 14, 2002


"Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief"

Mark 9:24

Here is something in the Bible that is truly remarkable and ironic.

Here is a man telling Jesus that he believes what Jesus is saying, but that he needs HELP in believing what Jesus is saying.

Here the mind should remember that the Words Jesus, the Word made flesh, spoke were Spirit, and that those Words emanated from the Christ Conscious Mind of Jesus.

Here the mind should remember that the words spoken by the man were not Spirit and emanated from the man's own SELF conscious mind that was built around block words that block the mind.

The word believe is just one of thousands  of block words that the human mind has enclosed its own consciousness in.

According to the Edgar Cayce Readings, the human mind acts much like a stylus in that it records EVERYTHING it encounters and stores it in the subconscious mind.

All the information is there, but the conscious mind has difficulty drawing on the information because of its constant focus on the input the mind senses and receives in its conscious state.

Edgar Cayce tapped into information in his subconscious because he entered into an altered state of consciousness which opened his blocked conscious mind.

Now back to the irony of the man that believes, but asks Jesus to help him with his unbelief.

Remember, here are two different levels of consciousness trying to communicate with each other.

What is the problem?

One is allowing Words to flow from WITHIN himself, and the other has blocked his own flow with an example of a blocked word that the man has learned to use that blocks the mind.

No can deny that the word believe is a word that has been etched in stone and literally set in block form.

Is it possible that if we could help the man unblock that word, that his mind would then open?

Maybe. Take a look at what the subconscious mind has stored in that blocked word that the blocked conscious mind simply overlooks.

Because the word is blocked, the conscious mind overlooks word that are IN the word believe, that the subconscious mind sees immediately.


Here is the block word believe.

The conscious mind sees believe.

The sub conscious mind sees believe as it is being stored, but also sees these words that it has also stored.


So here is the irony for the man's mind.

He wants to believe but also senses sub-consciously be-lie-eve.

It is truly amazing that we are ask to believe by using the blocked word believe, when the lie of eve are like little stumbling block words WITHIN that word.

Here is what the human mind would do extremely "well" to consider.

Jesus, the Spiritual word made flesh, came to FREE the mind and its companion, its soul, from the blocked words it has encased itself in.


By allowing the mind to OPEN the block words that the mind has encased itself in.

How can the mind open them?

By moving the letters of those blocked words that have been set in stone by the likes of Webster, whose name even indicates that a web has been set for the mind to trap itself in.

Will that work?

Look at Revelation 1:8. Any revelation is like an AH HA! for the mind.

The Spirit of the Christ Mind said it WAS, IS, and WILL be Letters. The Spirit of the Word made flesh FULFILLED the Written Word Law and became the Law that the mind CAN follow.

Therefore, the mind MAY move its own letters AS His to open its mind..., 

...and when the mind does that, His Spirit ALSO moves, for the mind and His Spirit are now connected. 

Blessings to those minds that are willing to re-view and make application of Revelation 1:8 in their own minds.


Email Response on Blocked Words

April 15, 2002


I received an email requesting more information on blocked words.

Here is my reply.

Hi ----- 

Check out the use of our OWN letters as His Letters. It is quite interesting and true. 
Here is one of my favorites. 

The Word God was WITH God in the beginning. John 1:1 

That is the letters G O D. 

D is the 4th letter of our ABC's 

G is the 7th 

O us the 15th 

Total = 26 

They are the symbols that are AS the 3 measures of meal that will leaven the whole loaf of our alphabet that the mind moves...,

...into His Spirit. 

Now here is the block word SIGN. 

Look what happens when the mind unblocks this word. 


Without the G in the word, the word is SIN. 

With the G in the word SIN, the mind will see His SIGNS along the way in its very own words. 

Why? Because the sign IN the word shows that the Spirit of God covers SIN. 

The signs in our own block words contain the hidden manna for the mind. 

Open the block word (S)IN and find that the (S)pirit of God is IN, in each of us. 

Here is the most common word in the English Language. 


Unblock this little word that usually comes before everything, and it shows that he went to the cross t. 


That is a Spiritual movement of the mind that takes His Letters and moves them as His. 

