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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #225

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #225

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The Bible and The Hidden Manna

March 26, 2002


This is pretty much the way it has gone and still goes.

You go, or have gone, down the road to a church somewhere.

You, your friends, your neighbors are like called the flock, and together you are often called the body of Christ.

The church, being you and your friends and neighbors, is often called the body of Christ in the church, as you are all pretty much like-minded Christians.

The ordained pastor is in charge of your flock, even though the spiritual words in  the 23rd Psalm clearly states that the LORD is my Shepherd. 

He, or she, sort of leads the flock while the flock has been gathered in this temple like structure, called a church.

During the service, the pastor most assuredly, will ask the members of the flock to OPEN their Bibles to such and such verse, and will then often ask the flock to read verse together.

And then, sometimes, the Pastor will say "in other words", in an attempt to TRANSFORM those words into words that hopefully, the flock will be able to perceive and follow.

He supposedly is qualified to do that because he has been trained and  ordained to do that.

In essence this is the scenario. You have been taught to OPEN the Bible, read the Bible, then go to church to have the Bible explained to you from an ordained persons point of view for clarification of the spiritual words that your material mind has been exposed to.

Here is the erroneous way that almost all members of flock are drawn into, and WHY there is so many different doctrines in organized Christian religion.   

First each ordained person is taught by another ordained person with a certain point of view regarding interpretations of the Bible.

Those numerous and various points of view develop into many different  "church" doctrines.   

Sort of like a sheep that wants to return home, you look at these different church doctrines and pick one that you feel sort of comfortable in, and there you be.

There you are told to OPEN your Bible, read some verses and then allow your mind to be led by the different doctrines...,"In other words."

Is it possible that ALL of these "in other words" could be directing your mind in circles WITHIN a certain mind set cycle, that unintentionally prevents the mind from moving into its true destiny?

Absolutely yes, if the Edgar Cayce Readings are correct, and I think that they are.

The ordained person has done well in gathering the flock, but NOT done well in leading it, because he has failed to consider mind process that deals with emblematical transformation.

"In other words", the process involves the transformation of emblems which ordained ones have not bothered to  consider.

Took a look at this Reading.

" NOT make the mistake...., of attempting to DISCERN spiritual interpretations with a material mind, no material interpretations with the spiritual mind....UNLESS same is emblematical". From Reading 288-27.

The "try" of the ordained person is helpful in directing the mind to the proper source, the Bible, but fails to get "a cross" what the mind needs to learn.

The ordained person is using a material mind to interpret spiritual words WITHOUT going through an emblematic transformation as this person gives the interpretation.

That process will not do the job for the mind and THAT is why there are many, many, different doctrines regarding the content within the same basic Book.  

All words are food, manna, to the mind.

The hidden manna is the manna hidden within words that is found WHEN an emblematic transformation is employed by the material mind as it interprets spiritual words.

Next message will show the mind HOW  to use the emblematic process, as the Readings so state, in opening its mind to the Hidden Manna within the manna.

Blessings to those that stay tuned.


"OPEN your Bible and turn to..."

March 27, 2002


This is what your ordained person will probably suggest that we do during the church service we are attending.He wants to go over a particular Verse with us, and then probably relate the Verse of God's Law to a particular type of situation that we sometimes confront in life.

When the ordained person asks us to open our Bibles, It often feels like such a strain. Do we really have too? It is such an effort. And we know how tough it is to the Laws presented therein.

Even the Catholic Church, just recently, has learned how hard it is even for the ordained ones to follow the Law.

With all that in mind, and this may sound a little childish, but there really is another Way to open your Bible.

Instead of opening your Bible to find the Law, open your Bible to seek and find the Spirit of that written Law.

If the mind does that, it does NOT have to follow the written letter of the Law, but may follow His Spirit of the Law with His  Signs following.

His Spirit over came the written Law and became the true Law that the mind CAN follow easily.

Next Question is HOW does the mind do that?

Just as the Edgar Cayce Readings have stated, the Pattern that the mind may follow can be found in the recorded history of a man named Jesus that is IN the Bible. Here are just a few wave points of that Pattern that the mind can use to establish His Pattern in the mind.

Sort of let your mind be born again as a little kid as stated as a wave point in Matthew 18:3.

Sort of let your mind know that His Spirit  has something to do with letters that are symbols, are emblems, are emblematic things that the mind has learned to use to Read the Law that has been presented in the Bible.

Sort of let your mind know that an emblematic transformation must take place in order for the mind to grasp spiritual understanding.

Now sort of let the mind put all three of these thoughts in place and THEN OPEN the Bible, not to find manna, which is the Law, but to SEEK and FIND the Hidden Manna, which is His Spirit of the Law.

One of the beginning wave points in His Pattern that the mind will find, is in John 1:1 where in the beginning the Word was WITH God and WAS God. That Word God was His Spirit---That Word was made flesh. Pretty foreign thinking to the mind, right?

It even gets better, One the ending wave points in His Pattern is that HIs Spirit is Letters, emblematic things that literally form words. This is stated in the major Revelation for the mind, Revelation 1:8.

Now allow the mind to put all this together, and OPEN your BIBLE.

Stop right now, even before you open that Book. The new mind is going to make an emblematic transformation BEFORE it even opens the Book. How's that? The mind is going to transform its letters that are symbols, that are emblems, to His Spirit and THEN move them as His. John did this same same thing when he wrote the Book of Revelations.

NOW we are really going to OPEN the BIBLE and find Hidden Manna, not the Law, but the Spirit of the Law.

OPEN simply means OPEN right? No. Not any more. OPEN has always meant to the mind as an act to open some thing.

Just as it was in the beginning, His Spirit was the WORD corded to God. What word is corded to the command OPEN? The word must be OPEN. Just as the word Harry is always corded to the person Harry and the word tree is always corded to tree. That is HOW His Spirit is tied to everything.  Letters form words tied to things and the Letters are Spirit WHEN the mind makes the emblematic transformation.

With that in mind, the mind is now going to OPEN and MOVE the letters of the word tied to OPEN and move them. WHEN the mind does this, His Spirit literally moves within the mind and body that does the moving.

Hidden Manna is IN the word OPEN and it appears as His Signs that the mind can read, as it moves the letters of the word.

Watch HOW the mind opens OPEN.

(O)PEN  The mind may now write as with an (O)PEN rather than with its own. O is God's unviversal symbol for togetherness.

Not only that, but when the mind moves the letters and re-verses the order, the new word is NEPO. NEPO is the first root four letters of nepotism, and nepotism is the word for going about Our Fathers business. Sound familiar?

Next: Watch the word BIBLE open to reveal even more Hidden Manna.



Open Your Bible

March 27, 2002


Here is how the mind opens the Bible when it emblematically transforms the letters it has been moving as its own to His Letters.

Again, His Spirit is the movement of the  letters by the mind that have been blocked into words and attached to any and every thing.

"The Father Loveth the Son, and Have given ALL things into his hand." John 3:35

Letters are things that the mind moves. They belong to the Son and His Spirit. The human mind has taken them for granted, and the mind moves them as IF they were given to the mind. 
That is WHY His Spirit says I AM letters in Revelation 1:8.

Remember that the Word God, was attached to God. John 1:1

The Word BIBLE is a blocked word, formed of letters, that is directly attached to an object called the BIBLE.

The mind, this time, instead of opening the object that is attached to the word BIBLE..., will open the word BIBLE, by moving its letters and looking for His Signs that are the Hidden Manna within this blocked word.

The word BIBLE is in a block form and is closed and there is no movement of letters. Thus, there is NO movement of His Spirit.


Now the word is opened, the letters are moved, and there is Hidden Manna revealed as His Spirit is moved.

A BIB is what a young child wears around its neck when it partakes of food.

When a BIB is tied around the child 's neck, it really looks very much like a yoke.

The BIBLE is the yoke that the child can wear easily. It is NOT difficult.

Remember the Lord saying my yoke is easy and my burden is light? Matthew 11:30

In the now opened word (BIB) (L) (E) there is also the first root letter of the (L)ord, and there is the (E)arth plane.

In essence, as the mind transforms its symbols, it transforms its mind, and the  mind will seek and find His Signs, NOT in physical objects, but IN the words that have been blocked and tied to physical  objects.

This is HOW the mind does it.

Lets take the word SWORD

The word SWORD is blocked, tied, and corded to an object known as a SWORD.

Open and move the letters of the word SWORD.


(S)WORD has become a (S)piritual WORD.

Remember that one must be transformed or converted as a little child in order to enter into the kingdom of heaven.

The emblematic transformation of the mind's letters, by the free will mind, will absolutely make that conversion possible.

Blessings to those minds that are willing to let go of its most important possession, the things called letters it moves that allows the mind to think.

Remember the 23rd Psalm. "Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, and that includes the letters the mind has taken as its own.

Letters are the ONLY things that are BOTH physical and Spiritual, and are the bonding agents between the human mind and the Spirit of God.

Revelation 1:8 needs to be re-viewed by every mind. It is repeated four times in hopes that every mind would get the message.


Love God with ALL Your mind

March 28, 2002


"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God...with ALL thy mind." Matthew 22:37-38

This is part of the first and great commandment.

How do you do that? How do you show your love for the Lord thy God with ALL thy mind?

It is so easy that most minds have never given the possibility a second thought.

The mind simply makes the greatest sacrifice it can make. 

It RE-TURNS ALL its letter symbols back to the Spirit of the Lord who emphatically stated in Revelation 1:8 that His Spirit IS the letters the mind needs to recognize that it has been moving as its own.

WHEN the mind mentally does this, it fulfills statements made in the Bible AND in the Edgar Cayce Readings.

In the Edgar Cayce Readings, the statement is in many statements like these. 

"When ye know the truth, the truth, shall indeed set you free. Free from what? That of Self---"Self is the only sin." ---"The self is constantly meeting self. As you LEARN to stand side and watch self pass, there come more and more the knowledge".

Readings 1538-1, 1362-1, 1771-2 respectively

In the Bible, the statement is in this passage: "If any man will come after me, let him DENY himSELF. and take up his cross, and follow me". Matthew 16:24    

It is only the individual free mind that can set self aside from self.

When the mind sets its own letters aside, it literally is setting itself aside and denying itself. Where can the mind set aside its own letter symbols? With the Spirit of God that is stated in Revelation 1:8.

Again, allow the mind to focus on letters, words and things.

Four letters, blocked as in stone, form the word SELF. This word is blocked and attached, corded, and forever dragged around by the human thing called SELF.

In essence, the word SELF has ALWAYS been blocked and bound to SELF.

Watch how the mind breaks this bondage from SELF, and not only sets SELF aside by converts SELF into a little one just as stated in Matthew 18:13.

The mind will move the letters as His to unblock this word and re-move SELF.


(S)ELF has just broke the bondage and has become a (S)piritual little one LEARNING to move letters again, this time as His.

That is HOW the mind deny's itself.

This is HOW the mind takes up its own cross, its own symbol t, and returns it to His Spirit so that the mind may be here and there at the same time.


Blessing to those minds that use ALL of  their minds to implement Revelation 1:8.


His Cross and His Two Swords

March 29, 2002


Good Friday is a Very Good Day for your mind to contemplate His Cross and His Two Swords in a different light than your mind has previously thought about them.

First the Two Swords:

Allow your mind to consider this passage, 


As Jesus was about to be taken prisoner, His disciples said this to Him...,

"And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords, and He said unto them,
It is enough." Luke 22:38


It was enough. Remember that Jesus was the Word made flesh. Here are two marks used by your mind to separate out words. ( ) They look just like two swords. 

Next His Cross. 

Allow your mind to consider this passage.

"If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." Matthew 16:24

The key symbol of the Word made flesh, Jesus, is the Cross.

The key symbol that your mind uses to think, that most closely resembles the cross, is the letter symbol t.

Now keeping both His Swords ( ) and His Cross t IN mind, head to Revelation 1:8.

Revelation 1:8 states that His Spirit IS Letters. Allow your mind to move the letters as His, and His Spirit will move accordingly, for now His Spirit and your mind is corded As One.


Now with all that IN mind, allow the mind to use His Two Swords and His Cross to follow the Word made flesh IN Spirit in YOUR own words that YOUR own mind uses everyday many times that will reveal His signs along the way.

Here is the most common word in the English Language, and you use it many times everyday.


Now let your the mind use His Two Swords that are enough, and let your mind take up your own cross, and follow Him, IN Spirit, the Word made flesh, just like this.


Your mind has just followed "he" to the cross "t"..., using the Two Swords to take up and move your own cross "t".

Allow your mind and body to make these letter movements during this Easter Season...,, 

...and you will see and feel yourself moving closer to the SPIRIT of God that is within your own body that will also begin to move closer to your mind within you.

Because (t)his is HOW you can be here and there at the same time...





terror fear scared

April 12, 2002

According to the written law that the mind has 
been taught to follow...,

...that has been set in stone and recorded in dictionaries such as Webster...,

... the blocked word terror is defined basically as the blocked word fear.

Another blocked word very similar to terror and fear is scared.

The human mind has been taught to think in terms of blocked words set as in stone.

No one can deny the fact that the mind MOVES blocked words in order to think.

No one can deny that in order to form block words, the mind must MOVE letters which are usually attached to blocks.

Remember as children, how our minds used to play and MOVE letters attached to blocks to form block words?

The mind, that is the builder, has been trained to think according to the movement of BLOCKED letters and  BLOCKED words.

Take a look at your keyboard. Letters are literally on blocks that the mind and body move.

The word terror is just one example BLOCKED letters MOVED into a BLOCKED word by the mind.

The letters of the word terror have been forever blocked into the written law book for the mind to follow in order to give the word a set meaning.

terror is terror and thou mind shall NEVER move the letters of this word terror.

Now allow the mind to consider a law that was mentioned in The Edgar Cayce Readings that is forever with us.

"The law that is EVER present: like attracts like; like begets like".
Reading 541-1

Now allow the mind to apply that EVER present law to itself, its own mind.

As the mind, as the builder, builds itself its own consciousness through its exclusive association with block words.., it not possible that the mind just might have blocked itself in itself?

In the light of the law that is ever present, is it possible that the human mind has become blocked because of the "blocked word" WAY it has been trained to think?

Remember the Word of God, Jesus, the Word made flesh, that entered this world to set us free?

Free from what? Maybe to free the mind that has blocked itself in itself.

The Words Jesus said He spoke were Spirit and flowed from the Father within Him.

If our own blocked words could be opened, could that then open the mind, according to the law that is ever present?

That just may be the case. Take a look.

The Spirit of God DID state to John, as a Revelation, that the Spirit was letters remember?

That Revelation, Revelation 1:8,  was only repeated four times in hopes that the mind might make the connection..

With the above thoughts in mind, consider UN-blocking the words terror, fear, and scared by MOVING their letters which is absolutely AGAINST the written law established by the likes of Webster.

HOWEVER, Remember that His Spirit FULFILLED the letter of the Law and became the law that the mind could follow to set the blocked mind free.

Watch. Here are those blocked words that the mind will open by MOVING their letters AS IF they were His Spirit.

terror becomes (t)error

The error is that the mind has NOT considered the letters it moves are His.
The Word made flesh went to the cross (t) for our minds. The error that the mind has made is that it has taken His t, His Letter Symbol, and blocked it, and has used it as its own.

Remember how When Jesus spoke Spiritual Words of the Father, many minds could NOT hear even though they had ears to hear?

Fear becomes (F)ear which is an opened attuned ear to the Father, the Spirit of God within, just as it was with John on the Island of Patmos.

scared becomes s(ac)red as the mind moves out of the block words that have blocked the mind.

In essence, the mind may follow the Pattern in Jesus, the Word made flesh, to escape from its own consciousness into The Spiritual Consciousness of our Father which is called Christ, or Christ Consciousness.

The opening and movement of the above blocked words is NOT a coincidence.

It is a co-incidence of the mind with the Spirit of God that is the Creative Force within each of our created bodies. 
