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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #224

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #224

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The Mind of Jesus

March 20, 2002


Jesus brought to this earth a different type of mind called a Christ Conscious Mind. 

He is the only person ever to state that the Words that He Spoke emanated from the Father within Him and were Spirit.

No other person that has ever entered this earth plane has ever made that claim.

As the Edgar Cayce Readings stated, IN Jesus is the Pattern that every mind CAN follow.

The mind of the human being today is called the SELF-conscious mind. 

The FIRST natural evolution of the mind is simply consciousness. 

The mind becomes aware of its earth environment. The mind sees things that are relatively different from each other. 

The SECOND evolution of the mind is the consciousness of SELF. 

The mind becomes AWARE of itself, as it NOW sees that it is relatively different from every thing AND every one else. 

The THIRD evolution is the Christ consciousness. The mind NOW understands and employs the true significance of Revelation 1:8.

This is the immaculate conception of the self-conscious mind..., that it no longer needs to be alone by itself, but may be AS One with the Father, just as the mind of Jesus WAS and IS As One with the Father. 

The purpose of the soul of an entity comes to this earth plane to develop a free will guidance system called a mind that is capable of propelling and guiding the soul home to the Spirit of God and into everlasting life. 

The body of an entity will eventually die, but the soul, and its companion, the mind, will continue on and on, and on. 

How would you like your soul to TAKE from this earth plane a guidance system powered by the speed of Light? 

You are able...Jesus brought this Light for our minds. 

Develop this Light in your mind, not for the sake of your body, but for the sake of your soul. 
It is called Christ Consciousness, and it is developed WHEN the mind receives the  important Revelation that the symbols called letters that the mind as been moving as its OWN...,

...may once again be re-corded to the Spirit of God, as HIS, because the mind is designed to become As One with God.

As the mind moves its OWN letters as HIs Letters, the Letters move the mind INTO His Consciousness.

God's Spirit and the human mind are designed to have a SHARED commonality.

That commonality are SHARED symbols called letters that the mind is designed to move As One with HIs Spirit. 

In Revelation 1:8, the Spirit of God reveals to the mind of John, that the letters John's mind were moving as his OWN...,

...are actually Symbols of the Spirit of God.

When the mind of John understood and accepted that Revelation...,

...and THEN moved the letters...,

...the Spirit of God MOVED with the mind of John, as John's mind began moving the letters NOW corded to the Spirit of God.

The Spirit of God moves from WITHIN the mind and body WHEN the mind, as the builder, makes the Spirit-Letter connection, whereas previously, there was NO connection.

"I AM Alpha and Omega" were the Words of the Spirit of God TO the mind of John.

Re-view Revelation 1:8 and allow YOUR mind to make that SAME connection for the benefit of your closet friend and companion, your own soul. 

Blessing to every mind that begins to see HOW important Revelation 1:8 is to the further unfoldment and evolution of the human mind.


How the ARE Spins the One Ideal

March 22, 2002


Not only does the ARE spin the importance of the man, Jesus, they even spin the words IN the Edgar Cayce Readings that are directly connected to Jesus.

Here is a word IN the Readings they have spun for their OWN purposes.

The Word is IDEAL.

Here is some of what the Edgar Cayce  Readings say about this word.

"Man may not have the same idea. 
Man--ALL men may have the same IDEAL not the one idea, but thou shall love the Lord thy God with ALL thine heart, thy neighbor AS thyself. This (is) the whole law". 3976-8

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, THE IDEAL". 2283-1

The Readings clearly state that there is ONE Ideal that ALL men may have, and THAT Ideal is God.

The Readings also state that THE Pattern is IN Jesus.

With that in the mind, here is the spin by the ARE.


FIRST, their position is that the mind should get used to focusing and practicing on Ideals to condition the mind, like practicing to having goals for the ideal marriage, the ideal job, etc.. 

ONCE the mind gets good at that. THEN the mind might be prepared to be able to focus on the One Ideal that every man MAY have.


What the bunch of baloney in that they spin the word in an attempt to draw to mind away from the central One Ideal to other ideals.

Why do they do that? 

Very simple. The One Ideal that every mind can follow is in One Book that cannot be copyrighted.

It is called the Bible, and more precisely, The King James Bible.

The ARE needs to SELL books in order to survive. Those books NEED to be copyrighted to protect themselves and their income.

Alos keep in mind that many of the books offered by the ARE are written by those employed by the ARE, and of course are duly copyrighted

Here is evidence that anyone, and everyone, can easily see. 

Take a look at ANY book catalogue ever published by the ARE Press.

No where will you ever find where they have EVER offered to promote a King James Bible.

This One Book clearly contains THE Pattern and THE One Ideal that the mind CAN follow.

Even The Edgar Cayce Readings quote from this One Book many, many times.

Edgar Cayce, himself, considered this Book to be the most important book in his life.

Now here is what is really ironic.

One of Gospels of this Book supposedly was written by a man named Luke.

According to the Readings, that man named Luke has recently reincarnated, and is living among us this very day.

Not only that, and I hope you are sitting down...,

...according to the Readings, this present day man, who was Luke, did not actually write that Gospel, his nephew did.

That nephew, who also reincarnated recently, passed away a few years ago. 

And now for the rest of the story, according to the Readings.

Who was that nephew? None other than Edgar Cayce himself. Who was that uncle that is still with us today?

None other than Edgar Cayce's grandson, Charles Thomas Cayce who is the current head and chief benefactor of the income derived from the ARE.

Again, everyone should question the motives and priorities established by the ARE.

They still need to sell books and stuff that are helpful everyday living that will help prepare the mind to reach THE ONE Ideal..., 

...but of God's sake, tell them not to bury the One Ideal for the sake of just making money.

It only hurts others and themselves because these efforts divert the mind from its true IDEAL course and destiny.

Blessings to those that receive this message and pass it along to others, including the ARE. 

Edgar Cayce would like that.


A letter to a friend in response to the ARE Spin Zone.

March 24, 2002


The A.R.E. is wrong in their presentation of the Edgar Cayce Readings and A.R.E. knows it, but most of the unsuspecting public does not.

Truth always surfaces sooner or later.., 

...and if I can help it along, I will.

The Readings led to Search For God groups.

Those groups, interacting with the altered conscious mind of Edgar Cayce, found God.

The A.R.E. needs to say, "Hey look what we found", rather than to keep people floundering around in the dark looking for answers over here, or over there, when the A.R.E. knows exactly WHERE the answers to the Search for God are in the Readings.

They are literally playing pin the tail on the donkey with the lives of many people. 

They try to blindfold everybody, spin them around with their OWN A.R.E. words, not words in the Readings, and then try to get everyone to  wander around in the darkness of their OWN A.R.E. publishing..., that certain A.R.E. people can profit from the spin zone that they create..., literally spinning certain KEY words that have been duly recorded in the Reading.  

Not me. I can see right through it, and will not stop in my efforts to help reveal the truth that they trying so hard to cover up.

My efforts are based on the Edgar Cayce  Readings that clearly state that:

The Pattern is IN Jesus...,

The Pattern IN Jesus is IN the King James Bible 

The soul entity most recently known as Edgar Cayce literally WROTE the Gospel of Luke, and was then known as Lucius, and that very Gospel contains part of the ONLY Pattern that the mind can truly follow to reach the One Ideal, the Christ Consciousness.

The soul entity, most recently known as Charles Thomas Cayce, the now living grandson of Edgar Cayce, was then the uncle of Lucius, then known by the name of Luke.

Blessings to those minds that begin to see through the blindfold that the A.R.E. has attempted to create for others in order to simply benefit themselves.
