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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #223

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #223

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A Riddle to Explain the Mind

March 14, 2002


Here is a well known riddle that will show the mind, itself, clearly how it works. 

What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Close answer. Neither came first. What came first were the words.

For without the words, the question could never be asked, and an answer could never be given.

Closer answer. Actually, letters came before the words, for without the letters, there would be no words.

Closer yet answer, Actually, sounds came before letters. It was the human mind that formed letter symbols out of sounds produced by the human body with a free will mind

Closer and closer yet answer.

The human created body and free will mind had to come first before the different sounds could be made.

Closest yet. The Force that created the human body had to come first before the body could be made and sounds produced and then transformed into letters.

Closest closet yet. Actually it was the Spirit of God that was the Force that was the Word God, with a Free Will Mind, that left God, entered into the created body, and then manifested sounds that turned into letters, that turned into words, that turned into thoughts.

In essence what came first, the chicken or the egg?

Answer. The Spirit of God

Blessings to those that are willing to consider these foods---foods for thought :)



March 15, 2002


The handiwork of the Spirit of God.

Until very recently, the human race has never had the opportunity to view where we live from afar.

What a beautiful creation. It is no wonder that billions of souls often visit this incredible planet called earth. The most abundant chemical on the Earth's surface is water. Every living thing on Earth needs water in order to survive.

In essence, in ALL living matter, there is water and that is the truth. Thus, the basic truth of matter is water.

The Spirit of God, the Creator, our Father, was the living waters that proceeded out from within His Son, Jesus.

The Spirit of God and moving living waters of truth within the created mind and body WILL go hand in hand IF the mind is willing. The Spirit of God poured out of willing mind of John that He was Alpha and Omega.

The living body of Jesus was matter. Out of that body poured living waters. What were those living waters? Words formed by letters that moved. Letters corded by the mind to the Spirit of God are not blocked and etched in stone. They are free and move and flow like water from within the human body that is housing the mind and soul in this earth plane.

It is the free will mind trapped in the matter of the body that has dammed this flow from within.

The human body is created and formed from the elements of the earth. Thus, water is the key element in the body.

Here is a sign of HOW the human body that is matter, may be OPENED to reveal the truth of the matter, the flow of water.

Here is what the mind of John did, and every mind can do. 

John, when he moved his own letters as IF they were corded to the Spirit of God, the truth, the living waters, literally moved, and manifested from within his now opened mind and body.  

John's mind simply began to unblock matter so that water will flow.

How did John's mind do that?

He simply used his mind to unblock the blocked word corded to matter that has been holding or damming the truth within the matter of his body.

And what word is that?

The word is matter and that block word has always been corded to matter. Just as the Word God was WITH God, corded to God, and WAS the Spirit of God in the beginning.  

But the Spirit of God, the Word of God, the Force of God, MOVED, created heaven and earth, and was and is IN all living things including Adam. Adam stopped the flow of His Spirit with his own mind.

Jesus was the Pattern that revealed there is a flow. that the Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of the Father, the Spirit of God revealed to John HOW the mind opens that flow.

Here is the sign that the mind, by following the Pattern that Jesus made may convert matter into water, as the mind cords and moves its letters As One with the Spirit of God.

The mind takes up its own cross (t) to become As One with His cross (t).

They move together As One. ma(tt)er becomes mater.

HIS letter M is easily moved and  re-versed to HIS letter W. (M)ater becomes (W)ater.

Mater is the Latin word for mother.

Out of the opened and transformed mind of Mother Mary came the Pattern of Truth that every mind can learn to follow just as John did. 



Triune Thinking and the Trinity

March 15, 2002


Hi Harry, 

Thank you for the post. Maybe we can "figure" it out together.

We all come from different individual points of view. We should all return to One point of view that is One with the One Spirit of God.

Each path returning will be somewhat different, but all paths should merge into a common pathway for us all.

In trying to find my way back, I am using three very basic reference sources that I think have really helped me. 

The King James Bible

The Edgar Cayce Readings

Webster's Collegiate Dictionary

I believe it is the mind that has wandered and these three sources deal with the mind and how it might regain its connection with the Spirit of God.

If the mind is at one point of reference and looks at another point of reference from that point, it is very difficult to see how far away that other point is.

But if a third point of reference is used that is different form the other two, the distance between the two points can be "figured" out.

The Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are three points of reference.

I sort of think of the Trinity like a triangle.

I then sort of use the three triangular reference points of the sources mentioned above to frame my own mind set.

Now I have two sets of triangles, or two triune systems that I am working with in my mind.

When these two triangles, or triunes merge from opposite directions and  merge into one, they sort of form an image like the Star of David. 

Pretty cool, and I think that is the symbolic essence of the Star of David.

The born mind is trained to think from first just one point of view, and then maybe from two, but seldom ever includes three points of view which, I believe are necessary for the mind "see" its way make attunement to the Trinity.

As the Readings state, Like attracts like.

One triune will attract another.

I sort of call it the triune system of thinking because I use three sources rather than just two that most people use.

The dictionary is the first source used by every mind. The Bible is the second source IF the mind is willing to use it.

There are the two points. but we all know how difficult it is to learn anything from just these two points of reference.

There is only One Spirit of God, yet there is a zillion people saying come look here or come look there by using just these two points of reference.

Why? Because, they have NO third reference point to determine the distance between those two points of view.

The Edgar Cayce Readings have provided the human mind with that third reference point of view. Another mind whose consciousness was altered from the normal concious mind set.

The triune system works in that allows the mind learn how and where to connect to His Spirit.

Harry, maybe some questions might help us all to focus on the same pathway.

Perhaps you or some of the others could fire up some questions and see if we can come up with some logical answers.
