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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #220

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #220

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It Really is Easy

Here are the Words of the Spirit of God, of the Father, that emanated from within Jesus.

"Take my yoke upon you, and LEARN of ME; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."


Here is how easy it really is.

The Spirit of God is first found in Genesis.

Read Genesis to learn of Him.

The Spirit of God is then found in Jesus.

Jesus and the Spirit of God within Him are then found in Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John.

Read those Gospels to learn of Him.

The Spirit of God then may be found in the Book of Revelation.

Read the Book of Revelation to learn of Him.

The rest of the Bible, Just glance at the Pattern in it.

There is a lot of stories in the OLD Testament regarding various religious figures, kings, and what nots trying to cope with the Written Law.

Who needs it?

Here is who needs it. People, including preachers, evangelists, and anyone else who is attempting to get us to focus on the written law as it has been presented.

Why do they do that?

To perpetuate their OWN programs that most often require money.

Then after the Gospels, there is the rest of the NEW testament dealing with those that received the Spirit.

That is cool, but that is all you need to know. Better to just notice that AFTER the Gospels, a whole bunch of letters were moved..., more than just one sense.

The persons who wrote the letters not only moved letters into sequences to produce the letters, they then actually moved the entire letters of compositions to other various locations. 

So, in essence, letters were MOVED and MOVED again.

That is a very important part of the His Pattern to learn because of what the Spirit of God reveals in Revelation 1:8.

Here, it is REVEALED that His Spirit IS letters.

So the next thing to do is glance over the Book of Revelation.

No one NEEDS to do an in-depth study of the Bible to LEARN of Him.

The Gospels state that one just needs to become as a little kid to enter into His Spiritual Consciousness. Matthew 18:3

Simply learn of Him in order to make the connection and move into the light.

Again, who is Him?

Him is the Spirit of God that Spoke through Adam, Spoke through Jesus, and Spoke through John.

That is where you LEARN of Him.

Where is Adam found? In Genesis

Where is Jesus found? In the Gospels

Where is John found? In Revelation

That is WHERE you will learn of Him.

It is counterproductive to get bogged down in Biblical details.

Many would like you to, so that they then can tell you what this or that means.

Why? To help preserve whatever institutional thinking THEY represent.

The real institutional WAY to think is THROUGH the church within each of us, and within that church is A Real Voice just as it was IN Adam, Jesus, and John.

It is His Spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing.* John 6:63

Here is what to remember.

To really connect to His Spirit, the mind must just learn AGAIN..., the mind did as a young child.

Start with letters to build words and then build words into thoughts.

EXCEPT, this time the mind moves the letters as HIS rather than its OWN.

Adam, Jesus, and John did just that and THEN His Spirit emanated from within them.

If you will look, you will learn in the Bible about the horns of the altar where sacrifices were made.

Here is a tool that you can use right now.

(  )..... These are very modern day representations of the horns of the altar.

You simply MOVE and sacrifice the tools of the trade, letters of the mind, THROUGH the horns of the altar, and into His Spirit...,

...and the mind will follow into His spirit.

The tools that the mind works with are symbols that represent sounds that they created body makes and are called letters.

Letters are not only tools of the trade for the working mind, but the working mind may literally trade them in.

IF the mind will sacrifice and trade them in THROUGH the horns of the altar (  )...

...the mind will follow.

The letter of the law for the mind is that as the mind moves letters, the letters will, in turn, move the mind. 

When the mind moves the letters that it has for taken for granted as its OWN, the mind simply moves in circles around its own itself and remains in its OWN consciousness.

When it moves the letters as His, it has made the sacrifice necessary to connect to His Spirit.

Again, the Words, "I AM alpha and Omega", Revelation 1:8, are not just pie in the sky.  

Here is proof that the above statements are true that no one can deny.

In the Gospels, the Spirit of God states Through Jesus, that one should, DENY himself, and take up its OWN cross, and follow Him. Matthew 16:24.

What is the one symbol that the mind has taken as its own that looks like a cross that it can take up and can DENY that it is its own?

The letter symbol t.

This mind will now pass this letter THROUGH the horns of the alter and return it to His Spirit.


Remember now that the Spirit of the Lord was the Word made flesh in Jesus who sacrificed Himself for us.

Now here is probably the most common word in the English Language,

It is the word...the.

Watch what happens when the mind moves the letters and enters the word...,the.


The result is  PERFECT representation and SIGN that HE and the (t), cross were one.

The resulting process for the mind is the beginning of co-incidences with His Spirit WITHIN  the created body, as the mind and His Spirit connect, and begin to move As One.

The process is that simple, yet that profound.

The mind and His Spirit become bound together WHEN the mind sacrifices the only things the mind THINKS are its own to His Spirit.

Allow the mind to try it. It should begin to receive responses and SIGNS of His Spirit from within itself from within, and THROUGH its own words, and NOT through the words of some other mind.

Blessings to those minds that are willing to try.


The Key Cayce Reading and Letters

March 2, 2002


Reading 275-43 reveals HOW the mind may connect to the Spirit of God. 

It calls for the mind to move letters and re-cord them to the Spirit of God known as the Creative Force. 

Letter symbols to the PHYSICAL aspect of the mind are letters that the mind has severed from the Spirit of God. 

Re-corded letter symbols to the altered consciousness mind..., was IN the mind and body of Edgar Cayce..., 

...are letter symbols corded to the Spirit of God rather than ONLY to the mind of self. 

Cayce set his own mind of self aside so that letters corded to the Spirit of God could move and manifest THROUGH his created body that had heretofore "contained" the flow and movement of the Spirit of God..., the mind itself. 

In his altered state of mind, Cayce often said the mind of self must be set aside. 

In order to do that, the mind must be transformed. 

Edgar Cayce transformed his mind through hypnosis. 

During that process of hypnosis, his mind transformed itself by severing letter symbols corded to his mind and allowed them to be corded to the Living Creative Spirit within his body. 

The severing and re-cording process of letter symbols is the SAME Pattern established by Adam who reincarnated as Jesus. 

The Pattern is that Adam severed the Cord of Letters to the Living Creative Spirit, and the Adam returned as Jesus and re-corded it. 

Here are the most important words in the Readings that describe THIS Pattern of severance and re-cording. 

"Follow that known in thine own PRESENT known as i-e-o-u-i-o-umh., for the RAISING of that from WITHIN of the Creative Forces..., it RISES along that which is SET within the inner man as THAT CORD of life that once SEVERED, may separate, does separate, that balance between..., 

...the mind. the body, the soul." 

*Reading 275-43 

During this most important Reading, the altered conscious mind and body of EC is telling 475 to follow the letters that she ALREADY knows at present..., 


What kind of Letters? 

MOVEMENT letters, and the letters EC referred to just happen to be the movement letters, vowels, of the entire English alphabet she ALREADY knows. 

Adam severed that cord of movement letters between the mind with free will, the created body, and the soul within his created body. 

He returned as Jesus and re-corded the Letters, He AlLREADY knew between his own mind, body and soul. 


His mind and soul returned to the earth plane with the conclusion..., 

...and made the Revelation..., 

...that the Living Creative Force, the Spirit of God..., 

...WAS in the beginning the letter symbols the mind moved, IS the letter symbols the mind moves, and WILL BE the letter symbols EVERY mind moves in the end. 

"I AM Alpha and Omega" said the Spirit to John in Revelation 1:8.


Love Letters

March 3, 2002


According to The Edgar Cayce Readings..., 

..."God IS Love, Love IS God".

*Reading 3744-4

According to Revelation 1:8, the Spirit of God IS Letters. If both statements are true, then God is both Love and Letters. God IS Love Letters.

"I AM the Alpha and the Omega", are Love Letters that John was moving to write the Book of Revelation.

Has the human mind ever considered that the letters, which are symbols that the mind moves, MAY also be be God's Love Letters?

No. Why not?

The mind was NEVER taught that the individual Letters could be attached to anything but to the mind itself.  

That is WHY the Voice within Jesus, the Force of the Father, the Spirit of God stated...

"Except a man be be born again. he CANNOT see the kingdom of God.

A human being is born with a mind that was given, and has taken, symbols, called letters, for granted with NO instructional forethought to learn that they may be corded and then moved as Love Letters that are directly connected to the Spirit of God.

It s the MIND of the human being that must be born again in order to move its letters AS IF they were directly connected to the Spirit of God.

That re-connection is what Revelation 1:8 is all about. 

It is the Key Revelation that opened John's mind and will open every mind to the MOVEMENT of Spirit of God that will then began to emanate from within.

Learn that Jesus WAS the WORD made flesh. Learn that His Spirit, the Spirit of God, is Letters that the mind took as its own, but are His.

Allow the mind to be re-born and then MOVE its OWN letters as HIS Love Letters..,

Here is a very clear and simple example of HOW born again mind uses its letters as HIs Love Letters.

Here is just one of the letters that the born mind was "given" by its parents or teachers with NO thought that there may be any direct connection to the Spirit of God.

Here is the letter t.

As the letter t stands alone it is connected to nothing.

Here is that same letter used by the born again mind as it mentally passes this letter through the horns of the altar as a mental sacrifice of its own letter to the Spirit of God within.


Once the mind mentally re-turns and re-cords the letter to the Spirit of God, the mind is THEN in  BOTH, its OWN present physical plane and His Spiritual plane at the same time.  The mind and His Spirit will THEN move As One with signs following.

Here is a word that the mind probably uses every day by moving letters as its own. 


Considering the above IN-formation, here is the sign following when the mind enters within and transforms this word.


The born again mind is BOTH here and there at the same time. this is NOT a coincidence. It is a co-incidence.

Blessings to those minds that are willing to be born again.


YOUR Mind and God's Spirit

March 6, 2002


First, thank you for hearing the messages that I have been trying to convey regarding the possibility that there may be more to the mind's use of letters than first thought.

The Spirit of God manifested itself through Moses, and Moses wrote those manifestations in stone.

The Creative Force, called the Spirit of God, and the active force called the mind, in this case, the mind of Moses, was acting in unison, or As One, only while the writing was taking place.  

That act ended the moment Moses stopped writing for the results of that unifying action were now set in stone as the law for his multitudes to follow.

And as you know, the Written Law was very difficult for them to follow.

Then Jesus, the Pattern and Spirit for the mind to follow, fulfilled that written law, and His Spirit became the Law that the mind should follow.

That very SAME Spirit said within the mind and body of John, it was Letters,
Revelation 1:8,  which is the Key Revelation for the mind.  

The Spirit of God, the Creative Force is "contained" in every human body and mind that is born into this earth plane.

Only each individual mind may move the One Spirit that indwells within the body.

His Spirit WITHIN Moses and John AS they were writing.

The writings did not have the same significance to those that they passed it on to, as far as His MOVING Spirit was concerned.

As soon as the Spirit AND mind manifests His Spirit in writing,  His moving Spirit turns into a block of stone as it did with Moses and John and THEN becomes difficult to follow.

Here is the point.

The actual movement of the mind and His Spirit is a very real, but very private, thing that MAY and should occur within EACH mind and created body.

The ONLY thing that the mind AND the Spirit of God have as a commonality...,

...are the SAME letter symbols, and the movement thereof, WITHIN each individual mind and body, just as it was WITHIN Moses and John.

I believe that this thought process that I have been trying to convey to you emanated from His Spirit from within me.

As I was writing them down then, and as I am writing right now, I know that His Spirit was and is MOVING WITHIN me AS I write.  

Here is a sign that this may be true.

Jesus was the Word made flesh and His Spirit IS the Spirit of God that fulfills the Letter of the Law.

The Letter of the Law, ONCE written, is etched in stone.

There is then NO movement of His Spirit.

Now here is HIS Sign etched IN stone.

The born conscious mind sees ONLY the blocked word stone. Here is the movement of His Spirit that has been blocked in that stone by the conscious mind, but moves as the word is opened.

(s) (tone) a (s)piritiual (tone) or vibration that begins to move from within..., His Spirit begins to move WITHIN the mind and body.

(s) (t) (one)

When the word stone is opened, it also reveals... 

... (one) (s)pirit, His Spirit (s)...

...that went to the cross (t).

As the LETTERS of the WORD stone are moved by the mind that recognizes that the Letters are connected to HIm..., 

...His Spirit WILL move, just as His Spirit moved in Luke 24:2 as the stone was rolled away from His Tomb.

The FREE will transformed mind of self, that transforms itself by moving its letter symbols As His...,

..becomes the FREE will angelic mind of self that has the ability to roll away the stone..., 

..and to free the movement of His Spirit that dwells within EVERY mind and body.

Blessings to EVERY mind that makes its OWN angelic transformation through Revelation 1:8...,

...and begins to move with His Spirit that is patiently waiting for THAT individual mind to make the FIRST move.