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Green Acre Factory Warehouse #22

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Going TO the CHRIST


"For that which leads to the Christ is the MIND."*

*Page 195 of The Edgar Cayce Companion


The human mind...

is BOTH...

...physical and spiritual.

Desire is the motivational driving force of the mind of an entity.

"SEEKING the whole duty of an entity."

*Page 110 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

Q- To what development must the soul reach before it may first find LODGEMENT in the flesh?

A-"Desire for flesh."

*Page 327 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

The WILL of the soul and the DESIRE of the mind are lodged together in the house of Creation called the human body.

It is WITHIN this house that DESIRE...

... may attune itself to the  will of the soul...
...that is ready able willing to return to its maker.

Only the DESIRE of the mind may block its return.

If only the mind will open the blockage of DESIRE...

...the mind of the entity may return to its maker.


Here is a few signs of spiritualizing DESIRE.*

*Page 326 of "The Edgar Cayce Companion.



Sired by the true Father WITHIN the (E)arth plane of human body.



Honoring the father as SIR

These are just samples...

...of signs...

...of HOW the mind may transform its desires INTO the Pattern of...

...His Will...

...His Spirit... always following the Pattern for signs...


To the physical mind...

...the letters that the mind moves...

...have NO "relationship" to His Spirit.

To the spiritual mind...

...the letters "contain" His Spirit...

...for His Spirit fulfilled every letter of the Law that was as written in stone.

Today that stone law is the Law of Webster. 

When the mind makes the immaculate conception...

...that the "movement" of His Letters...

...WITHIN the conscious mind...

...RE-LEASES*  the contain(men)(t)

of His Spirit for the purpose of manifesting the Creative Force.


*"Know, the earth and ALL THEREIN is the Lord's...

ALL thine OWN is LENT thee...Not thine but LENT thee.

Keep it inviolate."*

*Page 370 of the Edgar Caye Companion     

"I AM...




*Revelation 1:8

Allow the mind to add up ALL (t)his information regarding the mind.

The most important things lent to the entity ARE His letters...

...for they ARE FILLED with His Spirit.

The human mind is needed as a Companion to move His Letters.

That is exactly WHY the mind is called the builder.


This is the EXACT reason WHY (t)his passage is in His book.

"The foxes have holes...

...and the birds of the air have nests...

...BUT (t)he Son of man hath not where to lay HIS head."*

*Matthew 8:20


The mind of the entity + His Letters lent thee = (t)he Mind's mansion built...


...the Father's house of the created human body.

This IS the MANSION...

...that "man" has "formally" "shun"...

...because of "stone walling" by the Law of Webster.

No puns intended...

...but they just appear as signs along the way.


...pun(S) are the first three "route' letters of the word (nup)tials with the bridegroom.

Pretty neat and very profound.

His Book: The Pattern. arkroc

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) 06/22/1999 12:01 am EDT


The development of the embryo...

...from conception to birth...

...parellels or is emblematic of the history of man...

...from Noah to Abraham.


The MENTAL unfoldment of the BODY... from Abraham to Christ.


The MIND'S unfoldment may be indicated from Abraham to Christ.


"For that which leads to the Christ is the MIND."*

*Page 195 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

This is the Book that Edgar Cayce so loved to read by the river.

This is the Book that unfolded the self of Edgar Cayce to his angelic self.* 

*Page 45 of "There is a river"

The Bible is the emblematic Pattern of opening or unfolding the mind and body. 

The Edgar Cayce Companion is like a earth "manuel" that tells HOW...

...the mind as the builder...may weave 
itself into...

...and be as one with the Pattern.

It is all there IF only the mind will seek exactly where one the greatest minds ever...

...said exactly where it is...


The Try


"It is the TRY that is more often counted for righteousness...

...and not success or failure."*

"Each individual may have the try counted as righeousness; not as an excuse, neither as justifcation.

For ye have been justified once for all...

...THROUGH the Christ Consciousness that ye seek."*

*Page 352 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

Here is a simple example of the try of seeking that Consciousness.


The symbol or sign that the Word made flesh, he, did go to the Cross (t).

The cross...The Way


"As He struggled with His own Cross... ye... ye struggle...

...have the assurance that His presence abideth...

...Keep ye the faith in NOT the Cross as sacrifice...

...but as the WAY, as the LIGHT, the LIFE."*

"For without the Cross there is not the crown"*

*Page 361 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

This is the Cross of the Way... 



Because it allows the conscious mind to see signs along His Way.

That is why the minds of (S)elves have created the Green Acre Sign Factory.

This is where His signs are re-stored that lead to His consciousness...

...(t)he Christ consciousness.

The Method

With every reincarnation of the soul...

...the subconsciousness of the soul produces a personality.

Every action of that prouced personality is recorded in the subconsciousness.

The personality of a living human being is called Self and has a conciousness.

The soul has recorded all previous personalities and is in the process of recording the present personality.

IF the mind of the present consciousness of  Self is SET aside...

...the subconscious mind may interact with the superconscious mind AND the conscious mind.*

*Study Pages 80-81 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

The personality of Self separates that cord of connection of the three levels consciousness.*

*Page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion   

The Method

Edgar Cayce restored that cord by setting aside completely through hypnosis.

The Method

The minds of (S)elves do it one step at a time by returning the letters the mind of Self uses.



"Destiny is WITHIN...

...or is of faith...

...or is as the gift of the Creative Force.

Karmic influence is...


...rebellious influence against such."*

*Page 42 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

The first stepping stone to His Spirit arkroc

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) 06/26/1999 

11:28 am EDT

There are THREE simple verses in His book called the Bible that are key stepping stones for the mind to follow...

...that may have been stumbling blocks.


The First stepping stone


"...after HIS kind...WHOSE seed is in itself"*

*Genesis 1:11

These words are the keys for the mind to know that...

...WITHIN the human SELF...

...there IS the SEED after His Kind.

That seed is the Creative Force

That is WHY (S)elf must leave the shell of self so that this seed may manifest itself ...

...that is after His Kind.

The second stepping stone to His Spirit 

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) 06/26/1999 

11:17 am EDT


The Second Stepping Stone 


"In the beginning was the WORD...

...and the WORD was WITH G O D...

...and the WORD was G-O-D.*

John 1:1

To many minds...

...this verse has been a stumbling block along His Way.

Here is HOW to turn that stumbling block into a stepping stone.

Allow the mind to substitute His Spirit for the word... WORD. 

This would be correct according to His Pattern for the WORD was made flesh...

...THROUGH the Immaculate Conception by Mary.

Now, IF the WORD (His Spirit was with G O D)...

...and was G-O-D.


...the Letters G and O and D...

...were as ONE with His Spirit in the beginning.

Now allow the mind to think HOW the mind ITSELF thinks.

There is only one way.

The mind must MOVE letters.

How many different letters does the mind use and move?

IF the mind is capable of reading this information... has total 26 letters at HAND.

Now, remember... the beginnning... was stated that the WORD...

...(His Spirit)...

...was G-O-D.

Allow the mind to locate the position of the Letters G-O-D in its OWN string of 26 letters it has at its HAND

...G = POSITION 07 

...O = POSITION __ 

...D = POSITION 04 


Allow the mind to find position of the letter O and then add the total.

That total is NO coincidence.

"Nothing happens by chance"*

*Page 44 of The Edgar Cayce Companion 

The third stepping stone to His Spirit arkroc

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) 06/26/1999 11:06 am EDT


The Third Stepping Stone


" I am ALPHA and OMEGA...

...the beginning and the ending...

...saith the Lord..."*

*Revelation 1:8

This simple verse has always been a major stumbling block...

...for most minds have literally take this verse out of context.

The Spirit of the Lord has always been the same.

It is the MIND that CHANGED and LEFT the Spirit...

...taking HIS Spiritual Letters and using them as its OWN.

This is what has literally been happening...


...the beginning and the ending.

The great revelation for the mind...
..."will BE to know"...

... that ALL the letters the mind MOVES are AS ONE with His Spirit.

When the mind "knows" that the letters it moves are AS ONE with His Spirit...

The Spirit WITHIN will move...


...for they are AS ONE.

The very number accorded to verse of Revelation 1:8...

...reveals a sign...

...when moved by the mind.

The Letter 8...

...according to the Readings...

..."The body, physical, is of a circuit, in the form of 8."*

*Page (246) of The Edgar Cayce Companion

When 8 is...


...or allowed to lay down it becomes the sign of infinity...

...or everlasting...

...which exactly fits the Pattern expressed by His Spirit.

When the mind thinks ENO(UGH)... call upon the LORD...

...WITHIN... will be following the Pattern 


...when men FIRST began to call upon the name of the Lord.*

*Genesis (4:26) 

It is also no coincidence that the
numbers of the above references are exactly the same...

...except they have been MOVED according to His Spirit.

Three stepping Stones

Just as the Readings state...

...His book is emblematic or parellel to...

...the OPENING of the human mind and body... the immaculate conception of the Christ Consciousness.*

*Page 195 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

When the mind OPENS His Book... may literally..., a little child...,



...and jump...

...right "across" the sea of truth on these three "passage" ways...

...that are His stepping Stones.


In the beginning...

... Stone Passage Genesis 1:11



In the middle

...Stone Passage John 1:1



In the ending

Stone Passage Revelation 1:8


WHY are these stepping stones?

As the letters and words...

...made PASSAGE THROUGH the mind and bodies of the individuals who were physically re-cording the words...

...His Spirit WAS MOVING accordingly.

AFTER the words were set down...

...there is NO MOVEMENT to them.

IN ESSENCE...the Spirit set those words in stone.

This is EXACTLY WHY the Spirit, or the Creative Force...

...WILLS that the mind become the builder.

In order for the Spirit to manifest it must NEED a vehicle that is BOTH physical and Spiritual.

My friends that is the human mind.*

*Page 83 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

Jesus, the man, set the Pattern of manifestation.

Edgar Cayce followed that Pattern of manifestion.

How did Edgar Cayce follow the Pattern?

He simply opened "His book" the Bible.

But WHOSE book is His Book?

The Book belongs to the Spirit and was lent to Edgar Cayce...

...and is lent to everyone that has a "Pattern" of His Book*

*Page 370 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

The Spirit is "contained"... in stone...


the Spiritual words written in His Book.

It is the will of God that EVERY mind... the builder...

...ROLL AWAY the stone... that the Spirit may manifest THROUGH that mind and the body that houses that mind.

Does this "sound" parallel the stone that was rolled back from the door of the sepulchre?

It does.

When that stone is rolled away by the physical/spiritual mind... is the SIGN of that movement.


It is the vibrational (tone) of His (S)pirit being "re-leased" according to the Pattern. 

When the mind as the builder KNOWS that His Letters ARE only Lent thee.

Not only will the mind be able to..


...the mind will literally be able to RE-LEASE and manifest His Spirit for...

...the Spirit AND the Letters OF the mind...

...have made the attuement for His atonement and that my friends...

...THAT IS at-onement.*

*Pages 9-11...112...133...225-228 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.