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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #219

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #219

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The King of kings

February 17, 2002


"These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful."*

*Revelation 17:14

Allow the mind to consider:

A revelation is something that the mind may receive.

Allow the mind to consider itself a king.

It has free will. It can do whatever it wants. It is the free will guidance system of its only subject, its own soul.

Consider it a real possibility that there is another Mind, another King, that is WILLING to be the King of every mind, of every king, that enters this earth plane.

Consider that King to be the Spirit of God that resides within every living human created body waiting to be manifested, just as it manifested itself from within John.

Consider the mind to be the king and lord of its own created soul.

Consider that there may be a Mind Force that IS able to lead every created king back to its Creator if that king is willing.

Consider the stories of many kings in the Bible as minds that are the Pattern of   unfolding themselves in their search to return their own subjects, their own souls, to the Father.

Consider that the name Israel NOT to be a physical land mass, but the name of the state of mind of every mind that is seeking God.

Consider the Mind of One Man named Jesus as THE Mind that established a Pattern of HOW every mind may return to its Creator.

If any mind is willing to ponder and accept these considerations..., will receive a revelation that there is, indeed, a King of kings, and Lord of lords that each mind may become As One with for the benefit it its own subject, its own soul.

That King is the Spirit of God that is, and is, WITHIN symbols called letters, that EVERY mind has previously thought to move as its own, and as a king.

In the case of John, on the Greek Island of Patmos, the King of Kings stated that  the letters, Alpha THRU Omega, the letters that John's mind was moving belonged to the King, and NOT to the mind of John, AS a king...,

..and when every mind that is a king, makes that SAME kind of revelation with its OWN letters, as did John...,

...that king will move, and become As One with the King of kings.

Blessings to those kings that ponder Revelation 1:8..., 

...for it is far more significant than previously thought.


Numbers, Letters, and the Spirit of God

February 23, 2002


The Spirit of God stated in Revelation 1:8 it was, is, and will be..,


Numbers are symbols invented by the SELF conscious mind that are symbols OF symbols, or groups OF symbols, called letters.

The number 666 is a group of symbols invented by man to represent groups of letters like six hundred and sixty-six or as stated in the Bible...,

...Six hundred threescore and six.*

*Revelation 13:18

In essence, when the mind employs and moves numbers for its own sake and convenience, it, in effect, is moving a step further away from His Spirit. 

The word, devil, re-versed, is the word lived, which indicates 666 must have died, and is NOT of everlasting Spirit..., 

...and that the Spirit of God, Letters, represented as Alpha and Omega, lives and represents everlasting life.

Blessings to those that understand that numbers are symbols created and used by the conscious mind as convenient tools to be employed in the physical earth plane...,

...and are NOT symbols that may be DIRECTLY connected to, and moved As One with, the Spirit of God. 

Numbers have NO direct connection to the Spirit of God as is stated in Revelation 1:8.

In essence, 666 is representative of ANY number created by the self conscious mind as a symbol to represent movement of symbols called letters with NO direct connection to the movement of the Spirit of God.

When the mind moves its letters as HIS Symbols, the mind moves WITHIN His Spirit.

When the mind moves its letters as its OWN, it is one step away from His Spirit. 

When the mind moves symbols that represent its OWN letters that are symbols, the disconnect to His Spirit widens even further.

Letters are symbols which are physical to the mind itself, and MAY also be Spiritual to the mind AND His Spirit...,


...the mind is willing to make the connection that is revealed in Revelation 1;8

Numbers are purely physical symbols to the mind. They cannot be directly connected to His Spirit by the mind.

His Spirit said it was letters, NOT numbers.

Again, blessings to those that understand the difference between letters and numbers as HOW they relate to the Spirit of God.