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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #218

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #218

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The Spirit of God and Self Awareness

february 10, 2002 


According to the Edgar Cayce Readings, all souls in the universe were created in the very beginning as part and parcel of the One Spirit, the One Creative Force.

In essence, all souls ARE part and parcel of that One Creative Force called God, the Father, from which each soul originated.

In the beginning, every soul was formed with a free will mind that forever guides its own soul on its mission for the soul to FIRST learn to know itself to be itself and yet...,

... THEN learn to be AGAIN, As One with God, or part and parcel of God. 


Here is the Pattern that the mind of every soul follows to FIRST know itself to be itself, and THEN learns that it may return with its soul AGAIN, to be As One WITH God. 

The Pattern begins in the Book of Genesis where the Spirit, the Creative Force moves and creates earth...,

...a place created wherein the children of God, the minds that guide their souls..., 

...FIRST learn self awareness so that they THEN may learn that they are not God, but are As One with God, the Spirit of God.

Adam and Eve represent the beginning lesson of becoming aware of themselves.


By beginning to learn that they were different from each other and everything else that was created in this earth plane.

Remember how all of a sudden they knew were naked as they became aware of themselves?

This beginning self awareness learning began when they began to listen to a voice that seemed to speak to them from outside themselves. the voice of a snake, another creature of creation.

Prior to the snake, the Voice that seemed to becoming from God somewhere, was really coming from the Spirit within their created bodies.

When their free will minds, that were born and created as minds directly connected to the Spirit of God, began to disconnect to the Voice of God within, and began to listen to the sounds of creations from without...,

...this was the beginning lesson of the self awareness of the free will mind that guides the soul.

Every soul that enters the earth plane follows the Pattern set by the free will minds of Adam and Eve.

Every soul enters to FIRST learn of itself, so it may know itself, so that it can THEN learn to return to be As One with the Spirit of God.

AFTER it learns the FIRST part of knowing itself, the mind may be born again to learn the second part, that is to return to be As One with God, the Spirit of God.

Jesus entered into the earth plane to HELP the mind free itself from itself, as the mind has NOW learned to know itself, but, in so doing, the mind, unwittingly, has literally become entrapped in its own self awareness, as it has never learned to connect to any other awareness, as was the case in the very beginning that Adam and Eve had with the Spirit of God.

In essence, the beginning and ending are the same. The Word God was in the beginning as Sound heard by Adam and Eve from within themselves. In the mean time, the developing mind TOOK those sounds, added symbols to those "relative" sounds, and used them as their OWN to learn self awareness. 

That is WHY the Spirit of God manifested Revelation 1:8 through the mind and body of John, and for the benefit of every mind, stating that "I AM Alpha and Omega." 

When the mind begins to understand that Alpha and Omega are symbols that represent sounds of HIs Spirit that the mind HAD to take as its own to know itself...,

...if the mind IS willing, it WILL learn this revelation, that the symbols called letters that mind moves may be directly connected to the Spirit of God as they were in the beginning with Adam and Eve.

Blessings to those minds that begin to recognize the true significance and importance that Revelation 1:8 is to the COMPLETE development of the human mind for the sake of guiding its own soul.


The mind---roots and water

February 20.2002

Can roots and water be significant in the further development or unfoldment of the conscious mind into the Truth that emanates from within?

Maybe. Take a look.

Look in any gardening book. Roots of plants and trees "naturally" SEEK water.

Water is the universal symbol of truth.

Does the mind have roots?


The letters of the alphabet are the roots of every word the human mind forces to move in its thinking process.

With that in mind consider this.

The Bible states that Jesus was the Word made flesh.

The Words spoken by the Father THROUGH Jesus were Spirit, Everlasting Life, and Truth.

The Holy SPIRIT states in Revelation 1:8 it IS Alpha and Omega, the first and last ROOT letters of the Greek Alphabet.

Here is what the mind might consider doing.

Let go of its OWN roots, its OWN root letters, so that they may "naturally" seek the Truth or water will begin to flow from the Spirit of Truth from within.

This process will literally allow the mind to meditate "naturally".

Instead of trying to let go of a zillion words formed by combinations of 26 root letters that have been in-"stilled" in the mind, simply let go of ALL of the roots so they may "naturally" find the water within.

If the roots are allowed to SEEK the well of water within, the mind will follow.

In essence, as the mind releases and transforms is OWN letters to HIS Spirit, the mind will follow "naturally" into that transformation.

Every mind follows the movement of the root letters it moves. Just type a few words on the key board and let the mind see for itself where it goes.

Blessings to those that begin to understand that the mind IS like a garden whose in-"stilled" roots will lead to the well of water within IF the mind is willing to re-think its pre-conceived notion that its roots are forever bound to the mind itself.., 

...BUT may be set free to SEEK and FIND the Spirit of God within, just as John did as he wrote, in Spirit, the Book of Revelation IN the Greek language on the Greek Island of Patmos.