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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #217

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #217

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Cayce Said, Cayce Stated...

January 31, 2002


Edgar Cayce, through hypnosis, entered into an altered conscious mind set..,

...and THEN answered thousands of questions in a very profound way..., 

...which were all duly recorded by a stenographer taking short hand dictation...,

...which were then transcribed into readable texts called "The Edgar Cayce Readings."

As the Readings are basically attributed to Edgar Cayce..., is quite natural for the human mind, when quoting words from "the Edgar Cayce Readings...,

...state that "Edgar Cayce said this, Edgar Cayce stated this, or Edgar Cayce recommended this or that".

We see and hear statements like that all the time about the man named Edgar Cayce.

Human minds that DIRECTLY equate "The Edgar Cayce Readings" with the personality of the man named Edgar Cayce..,

... are most likely, and unintentionally, missing the essence of what the Readings are really all about.

One of the most important lessons that the Readings impart is that Self must set Self aside and become a channel for the Creative Forces to manifest through the mind and body of EVERY individual.

Edgar Cayce did just that. 

He set himself aside, the personality of himself, the conscious mind of himself, aside as to not block the follow from within.   

The Readings stated that the Pattern was in Jesus that EVERY mind MAY follow that will allow its own born mind of Self to be set aside.

Edgar Cayce followed that Pattern.

The Words that Jesus spoke were NOT His own, but were of the Father within Him.

The Pattern is that the mind of Self is the only sin..., it blocks the flow that may emanate from within.

Jesus established that Pattern. 

The altered set aside mind of the SELF conscious mind named Edgar Cayce simply followed and confirmed that Pattern.

In essence, WHEN the BORN mind is set aside...,

...the name of the individual is set aside..,

...and the name above that born name is the Pattern...,

...named Jesus the Christ.

The WAY is for the willing mind to set the born mind aside and to follow His entire Pattern that was duly recorded in the New Testament.

There are some methods to set the born mind aside...,

...IF the mind has FIRST imprinted His Pattern that has been recorded in the Bible. 

One method is hypnosis. 

Another method is to move the letters of the mind As His, as is stated in Revelation 1:8 that was revealed through the altered mind of John that the movement of His Spirit IS the moving mind's own letters As His.

Blessings to those minds that begin to understand that the born mind of Self MAY be set aside for the ever lasting benefit of its ever present companion, the soul, and the NEW mind that will guide the soul back to the Father.


Hi M,

Great question.

February 4,2002


Why didn't Jesus write the Bible Himself?

Probably because it would not be part of the Pattern that was being established THROUGH Jesus by God, the Father.

Self must leave Self in order to connect to God. That is part of the Pattern.

If Jesus did not set Himself aside...,

 ...the Words He spoke would have been of Himself and NOT the Father within Him.

Maybe it would would be better if the mind had not learned language as the snake must have learned in the Garden...,

...and THEN the same learning took place within Adam and Eve who also became spiritually naked.

But the mind must first learn to know and become aware of itself BEFORE it can leave itself.




Hi Eaglewing and M,

February 4, 2002


On what church to attend.., is easy to attend the one church that is within each of us.

That is WHERE the Word made flesh said to pray.

When the mind considers the WORD church as within and attached to Self...,

..and when the mind OPENS and enters through the doors of this CHURCH...,

...guess who is there?
(CH) UR (CH)

That is the CHURCH I worship in. The ONE built by God and NOT by man.

It even has few extra organs.

As to what Bible I use to imprint the Pattern of His Spirit to follow.., 

...It is the King James Version of the  Bible.

It simply contains the Pattern that Jesus established that the mind may imprint on itself.

Once the mind imprints His Pattern, His Spirit will begin to move as One with the mind...,

...for His Spirit fulfilled the Law that produced the Pattern.

Imprinting His Pattern allows the mind to move into a new cycle of learning and following His Spirit from within.   

The KJV did just that for Edgar Cayce, and I think His Words within the KJV will work for everyone.

Why there are thousands of different churches..., that there are thousands of different preachers quoting the SAME scripture and THEN immediately telling the congregation...,

..."in OTHER words that "suits" that particular preacher."

Baloney. The KJV, itself, has enough of HIS Words just in the four Gospels to imprint His "suitable" Pattern on the mind that will THEN OPEN the mind to His Spirit.

Who needs any more, "in other words" to enter the real (ch) ur (ch) of HIS Spirit that is within?




Jesus And the Self Conscious Mind

February 7, 2002


From very early childhood and continuing through adulthood...,

...the self conscious mind may be likened unto the formation of a ball of string that continually wraps itself around itself.

The string, itself, is a fixed string of letters formed into a fixed string of words formed into a fixed string of thoughts wrapping itself around the mind to allow the mind to develop around itself a unique self  consciousness that it has wrapped itself around itself.

Not only has the mind wrapped itself into its own consciousness with what it THINKS is its OWN string of letters..,

..,it has unwittingly and literally trapped itself within itself.

Along comes a man named Jesus, the WORD made flesh, whose "soul" purpose in life was to teach, and to show by example, HOW the mind of self may set itself, and its companion, its soul, free, by unwrapping or unfolding itself so that self may return to the Father.

HIS Spirit, the WORD made flesh, stated it WAS Alpha and Omega in the beginning, and WILL BE Alpha and Omega in the end WHEN the mind makes the connection TO Revelation 1:8 that the MOVEMENT the mind's letters are HIS.

The conscious mind is very much like the physical human body. The human body has wrapped itself in a very long string of letters called the genetic code. The human mind has wrapped itself in a very long string of words formed from a string of what it THINKS are its OWN letters called the alphabet.

Again, Jesus, the WORD made flesh, is the Pattern for the mind to follow.

Again, here is part of His Pattern. 

The body of Jesus, the WORD made flesh, was wrapped and place in a sepulchre, and a large stone was placed at the opening to seal the sepulchre to entrap the mind and body of Jesus.

We know the rest of the story. The stone rolled away, and all that was left in the tomb was the unwrapped or unfolded linen burial cloth.

The body and mind of Jesus, as the Pattern, became unwrapped or unfolded and was set free and returned to the Father.

When the mind strings what it THINKS are its OWN letters into strings of blocked words, it unwittingly traps itself in itself.

Jesus, the Word made flesh, the Master Spirit of the free will mind and created body, shows the mind how it may follow His Pattern, unwrap or unfold itself from itself, so that self may be set free to return to the Father, the originator of self.

Blessings to those minds that learn HIS Pattern that includes using HIS Letters THEN called Alpha and Omega..., 

...and that those SAME symbols called letters...,

...are NOW called the alphabet, the  physical letters, and the ONLY physical things that the conscious mind IS able to move.

Again, here is pictorial representation of the self conscious mind that has literally, and unwittingly, trapped itself within itself.


Unfolding the Mind and Body

February 9, 2002


"...while that from Abraham to Christ would be the MENTAL UNFOLDMENT of the BODY. 

"For that which leads to the Christ is the MIND. And the MIND'S UNFOLDMENT may be indicated from Abraham to the Christ"*

*Edgar Cayce Reading 281-63 

The Pattern presented in the King James Bible is that BOTH the MIND and the BODY may UNFOLD so that their respective forces may connect AS One which is called Christ.

Jesus established THE Pattern called THE Christ that EVERY mind may learn to follow WITHIN itself.

