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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #215

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #215

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Next Step---Connecting to God

January 10, 2002

Many have heard of "Conversations with God."

Probably, not very many know HOW their minds may really connect with God.

These Words are part of God's Pattern that is in the Bible.

"Seek and ye shall find. knock and it shall be opened unto you."--Matthew 7:7

Many individuals sought out Edgar Cayce to find cures for their illnesses and had been helped with the suggestions that emanated from within his altered state of consciousness.

Many of these individuals also wanted to seek answers to life itself.

In essence, many wished to seek and understand God.

According to the Readings, ANYONE who seeks called is called Israel. 

"For those who seek are indeed Israel, and Israel indeed is ALL who seek...,

...meaning not those as the children of Abraham, but of every nation, every tribe, every tongue---Israel of the Lord! That is the full meaning of Israel."*

*Reading 2772-1

In an effort to seek, understand, and find God, small "Search For God" groups were formed in the 1930's and early 1940's..., 

...and many questions concerning such search were directed to the altered conscious mind of Edgar Cayce.  

Believe it or not, the search of the original "Search For God" groups was successful. They literally found God! 

It is truly ironic that the ARE is still forming "Search For God" groups when the search has already been successfully completed, and is documented in the Edgar Cayce Readings.

The ARE should NOW be forming groups on HOW the mind may connect to God.

In a short series of messages following..., 

...just HOW the mind may easily do that will be presented right here according to the Readings.

The Readings clearly hint HOW that connection may be made. and here the mind will learn of a next step, one step beyond the Readings, in the connection process, that has literally been given from within.

The Bible presented a Pattern for the mind to imprint, The Readings describe how the mind, as the builder, can utilize His Pattern to make the connection.

Sounds like pie in the sky? Probably to most all minds.

But, sometimes, the truth is stranger than fiction.  

Next: Where and What is the One God that most are seeking, and apparently, still trying to find.

Blessings to every seeker,who, through patience, will find and connect with God, our Father.


=================== They Found God !!! January 12, 2002 =================== The Search For God Groups that questioned the altered conscious mind of Edgar Cayce, found what they were looking for. They found God. The Voice that emanated from within the altered conscious mind of Edgar Cayce revealed the knowledge of WHAT God was, WHERE God was, and even hinted on HOW the mind may re-connect directly to God..., ...and all of this information is duly recorded in the Edgar Cayce Readings. First, What is God? According to the Readings, God is a Force. Just as any other Force, it cannot be seen with the human conscious eye. That dovetails precisely with what Jesus was saying about His Father. the Father was in Him, and He was in the Father. God was the Creative Force WITHIN the created body of Jesus, and was the Force that passed through the re-born and re-connected mind and body of Jesus that produced the miracles regarding things and created living bodies. According to the Readings, the Pattern IN Jesus is what the mind may learn to follow. In essence, according to the Readings, God is the Creative Force that is IN every living human created body..., ..and creates and maintains the living human body that is designed to house the mind and its companion the soul, as the mind and soul incarnate into this earth plane. According to the Readings, the Pattern is in Jesus, and the Mind and Soul, the Spirit of Jesus, was directly connected to the Force, the Creative Force, God, the Father, that was indwelling within Him and indwells, "still" WITHIN every living human being even today. In essence, the Pattern is..., ...that the Free Will Mind, as the Active Force, and Soul of Jesus, had returned, been born again, as directly connected, As One with the Force, God, the Father. According to the Readings, Jesus was born again...., ..and was Adam in the beginning with a body created by God. Where was God then, and where was God Speaking from when He Spoke to Adam? He was the Force indwelling WITHIN Adam and directly connected to the Free Will Active Force Mind of Adam in the beginning. Remember that God gave Adam a Free Will Active Force Mind. It s the Free Will Active Force Mind of Adam that severed the direct connection to the Creative Force within Adam. That severed, disconnected mind is the genetic set up, that EVERY human being is presently born with and is guiding its ever present companion, its own soul. Why did God allow Adam to do that? Here is the answer to the Original Sin that everyone is now born into. First God, had to teach the mind, which is the guidance system of the soul, to know itself to be itself, to learn to be conscious of itself..., ..and once that occurred, the mind, as the active force, and its companion soul, would understand that they were not God..., ...but they may be As One with God. In essence, the Pattern for the mind is that the born mind and soul is born separated from the Father to FIRST know itself and then may literally leave itself to return to be As One with the Father. The Mind and Soul of Adam//Jesus successfully recorded that Pattern for every mind to follow. Next How EVERY mind and soul born INTO sin..., ,,,.may restore that severed connection to His Spirit, the Creative Force, that "still" resides within, and is patiently waiting for the free will mind, to make the move to re-connect. Blessings,


The Greek Connection to God

January 12, 2002


There is a Way for the mind to make a direct connection to God. One may call it the Greek Connection, and that connection is found in the Book of Revelation in the King James Bible.

The writer of Revelation was a man named John who was on the Greek Island of Patmos at the time he wrote the Book.

The key Revelation that John received began with  Chapter 1 Verse 8 where the Spirit of the Lord revealed to John...,

..."I AM Alpha and Omega".

The Spirit of the Lord repeated these Words four times to John, in hopes that John would get the message.

Most assuredly John was writing down these Revelations in the Greek Language that was used on this Greek Island.

In essence, the Spirit of the Lord was saying to John, the letters your mind is NOW moving and My Spirit are As One.

John even said in the beginning, that he was In Spirit on the Lord's day.

In essence, when the born mind moves its heretofore OWN letters as His, the Spirit of the Lord will begin to move with that mind..., 

...for ONLY letter symbols form a string of symbols that are the ONLY physical things that are relative, and essential, to BOTH the mind AND the Spirit of the Lord.

A string of letter symbols moved by the mind..., the common thread between the Spirit of God and the free will mind that is willing to make the Revelation and connection..., did the mind of John.

In John 1:1, in the beginning, the Word was WITH God and the Word WAS GOD.

The Word with God, was Spirit, and those letters were G-O-D.

Today, the English speaking mind has a fixed string of 26 letters it moves to produce thought.

Remember the verse of how 3 measures of meal will leaven the whole loaf?

Consider G-O-D as the three measures of meal and the other 23 letters of the English Alphabet as the rest of the loaf that may be raised in Spirit by the free will mind.  

Allow the SELF conscious mind to ponder this. 

Look at the exact fixed positions of G-O-D in that loaf.

G is in the 7th position

O is in the 15th position

D is in the 4th position.

The total of these forever fixed positions exactly equals the entire loaf.

A Coincidence?

As John knew on the Island of Patmos, it is NOT a coincidence...,

...but  is a co-incidence with the Spirit of the Lord that was IN the mind and IN created body of John.

Blessings to those that wish to re-ponder the true significance of Revelation 1:8.




Confirming The Severed Connection 

January 14, 2002


Of the 14,000 plus Readings given by Edgar Cayce,there is one segment of one Reading that stands head and shoulders above all. 

The Reading was among a series of Readings, spanning a number of years, that was given for a young lady who had a serious illness. The Readings not only helped this young lady through her illness but also provided an unusual insight into a past lifetime association she had with Edgar Cayce. 

During past lifetimes together in Egypt, 10,500 years ago, the incarnated soul body of Edgar Cayce was named Ra Ta and the soul body of Margaret Zentgraf was named Ai-Si.  

Ai-Si worked with Ra Ta in the Temple Beautiful, and her expertise was working with symbols. With this background in mind, here is the most profound statement of revelation in the entire collection of the Edgar Cayce Readings. 

It deals with a SEVERED cord, that every human being is born with, and was known at that time, but long since forgotten. 

 "Follow that known in thine own present as i-e-o-u-i-o-umh..., 

...for the raising of that from within of the Creative Forces, as it rises along "that which is set" within the inner man as that CORD of life, that once severed, may separate, does separate, that balance between the mind, the body, the soul."* 

*Reading 275-43 

 The letters that EC mentioned were symbols called vowel letters that were ALREADY being used by her mind and along with other letters that formed a STRING or CORD of letters called the English Alphabet. 

Vowels are the "movement" or action letters of the English Alphabet. It might also be interesting to note that the written form of the Hebrew Language contains NO vowels, only consonants. 

With the above information in mind, now allow the mind to re-view a few verses in the Bible to make a connection to this Reading given for Margaret. 

Go to Revelation 1:8."I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and ending, saith the Lord..."  The Spirit of the Lord is stating it IS letters. Now go to Matthew 16:24. "If ANY man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and FOLLOW me." 

(A person may deny its own self consciousness,  or self, by denying the letters it moves belongs to the mind of  self, but rather they belong to the Spirit of the Lord.)

ie: The letter t is now His and word "the" now becomes (t)he in the mind, which NOW produces a sign of perfect attunement to Matthew 16:24. Now go to John 6:63  Again, as in Matthew 16:24, the Spirit of the Lord is speaking to His disciples from within the mind, body and soul of Jesus. "It is the Spirit that quickeneth: the flesh profiteth nothing: the WORDS that I speak to unto you are spirit, and they ARE LIFE." 

Now return to Margaret and her work with symbols. She is told to FOLLOW the movement of the English letters, as symbols, that she ALREADY has learned present to raise the Creative Forces of the Spirit of the Lord along that cord of LIFE from within, that once was severed, and does sever the connection between the mind, the body, and the soul. 

Now return to John 6:63 

"It is the spirit that quickeneth". Quickens what? His Spirit will quicken the mind and soul encased in the living created flesh body that is created and maintained by the Father, the Creative Spirit that is within that very body,,, 

...when the mind re-cords that severed cord by confirming that the movement of His Spirit may be corded to the movement of the letters within the mind as is stated in Revelation 1:8.

Blessings to those that comprehend the true significance of Revelation 1:8 and make the connection.