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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #214

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #214

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An Edgar Cayce Inspirational Quote:

Decembr 28, 2001


"All things having force or power in the earth, in the heavens, in the sea, are GIVEN that power from Him; 

...that those (minds) who SEEK..., 

...may KNOW Him the better.  

He hath not willed, He hath not destined that any soul should perish.  

In patience, in persistency, in consistency of thy manifestations of His love before and to and of thy fellow man..., (your minds) become aware that thy soul is a portion of the Creator, that it is the gift of the Father TO THEE.  

This is manifested in thine daily experience.  

That portion of thy body (physical) which is of the earth-earthy..., 

...remains with the earth..., 

...but THAT thou hast glorified..., 

...that (physical body) that thou (mind) hast used as a channel for the manifestations of His Spirit - of thy soul in communion with Him..,, 

...that (soul body encased in that physical body) will be raised with Him in righteousness'*  

*Reading 272-9

Echoes from the 

(Blessings to those minds that begin to understand WHY every mind and soul is temporarily housed a physical body built and maintained by Spirit of God...,

...the Power and Positive Force...,
....that exists WITHIN every created living human body.)


S.S. S

January 5, 2001


Hi Cleerlight,

To me, S is is a very interesting letter. As His Letter, S is is the first root letter of His Spirit.

Under the Law of One, When two Spirits, S. and S. MOVE as One, they may easily be viewed as One S, as you have shown, with out a period to stop the movement. Thus S. and S. may become S

Another very interesting movement of S as His, is when two S's, or when His Spirit and our Spirit unite as As One.., 

... they may, at the same time, reflect eternal life...,

...just as He so much has promised in His Book.

Here is that sign... 8

As there is no gravity of the situation in His Spirit plane, 8 is easily moved to reflect the symbol of infinity.

As is Stated in His Book, His Spirit overcame the fixed, set in stone, letter of the Law, and therefore, the mind no longer has to ALWAYS follow the letter of the Law, but may follow His Movement As the Moving Spirit of the Law.

The mind and His Spirit are the able to then move and play with As One for now the mind is playing with HIS letters and not its OWN.

When the mind moves letters as His, and WITHIN Pattern matches that He set in His Book...,

...both He and the mind are here and there at the same time.

And here is a movement of letters, of the heretofore blocked word, that reveals a sign that the mind may be both here and there at the same time.

(t)here becomes here and there...,

...WHEN the movement of HIS (t) is considered by the mind.

Letter movements with that consideration will reveal His Signs WITHIN the mind's very own words.

If any mind thinks the movement (t)here is just a coincidence, then that mind would would also consider this movement just a coincidence.


Two coincidences in a row?

More like co-incidences.

When the mind, moves letters As His, and unblocks its own words, and SEEKS for His Patterns, and then FINDS them, the mind will resonate to His Spirit within. It is called attunement for His Atonement at the t.

As illustrated above, when the mind opens movement to (move)(men)(t), the mind also opens to His Spirit, as (move)(men)(t) becomes a perfect match of attunement to Matthew 16:24.

The Bible is crucial for it contains His Patterns. First the mind imprints His Patterns within itself, and then it has been prepared to His FIND Pattern matches by opening the mind's own blocked words.

Opening the words, opens the mind, and when the mind finds a Pattern match...,

...the mind and His Spirit are in sync, or in attunement. The heretofore gap between the mind and His Spirit has been bridged.

This your mind you can try at home. 

It is a New Way for the mind to think that has NEVER been taught in schools because schools must follow the Letter of the Law and religion has never "thought" to take His Spirit of the Law literally...,

..they simply took Alpha and Omega for granted as their OWN letters.

That, in fact WAS the KEY Revelation to John which the Spirit of the Lord had repeated 4 times from WITHIN John to John, in hopes that John would be sure to get the message.

Blessings to everyone that gets the same message.