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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #213

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #213

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The Act of Giving Water

December 14, 2001 


The Spirit of God, through Jesus spoke these Words.

"And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward." Matthew 10:42

Most of us often give water to a great variety of living creations.

Do we ever think of giving them water in the name of a disciple?

Probably not.

Why not?

Probably never thought about it.

Here is why maybe we should.

When in the act of giving water..., silently stating to yourself...,

...this act of giving of water is in the name of any of the many of the disciples of Jesus..., 

...the body AND mind is acknowledging and remembering the words of promise spoken through Jesus that are stated above.

This act, by the created body AND the acknowledging mind, registers within to the Spirit of God that resides within that created body.

The more the mind and body practices this act...,

...the greater the connection to His Spirit is being made.

This is the reward. 

The mind, by remembering to do so... 

...begins to get re-warded back into the consciousness of His Spirit that is dwelling within.

It is (t)his simple act by the body AND mind that will help produce great re-wards.

Try to remember and practice the advice given in Matthew 10:42 when you give water to your plants, to your pets, to your children, to any living thing, and even to yourself.

You may "well" begin to notice a stirring that begins to come from within.

This holi-day season is a good time to start.



Merry Christmas Everyone

December 21, 2001


Jesus is the reason for the greatest Holi-Day this world has ever seen. His Spirit is truly the One Gift that forever keeps on giving.

Thank you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as You are One, and that we may be As One with You.



Out of Born Darkness Comes His Light

January 1. 2002


Greetings and a Happy, Prosperous and Healthy New Year to Everyone.

Every born mind may bring, if it is willing, to the Lord's table, its very own individual point of view. 

Every born mind has a table set by the Lord specifically for each born mind.*

It is stated in the 23rd Psalm.

That Psalm, ironically, is really for the living rather than the dead.

All the willing mind needs to do..., seek and find that table that the mind ALREADY has at hand, by looking at things differently than than it first thought to perceive. during any and every moment the mind is active within this earth plane.

For my mind, it was letters that I ALREADY had at hand, and THEN considering them from His Point of View.

For instance, my born mind learned to perceive table.

My mind, more or less, born again, easily sess table as (t)able.

With HIS (t) cross firmly established in my mind..,

... and that His Spirit truly IS Alpha and Omega..., stated in Revelation 1:8...,

...I then see the SIGN that I am ABLE to follow His Spirit from within the created body that I also ALREADY have at hand.

As I move MY letters, as HIS, using my mind, and its constant companion, my soul..., 

...AND my created body...,

...we all THEN seem to move As One.

It truly is the mind that is ABLE gives birth out of itself.., 

...and it usually takes many physical reincarnations for the developing mind that is ALWAYS the guidance system for the soul, that never dies, to finally make that revelation.  

That new mind is truly an immaculate conception out of itself.

The Bible is like a, sometimes, rather confusing road map, and the Edgar Cayce Readings is like a com-pass that allows the mind to stay directly on course.

Every tool that the mind, that is the builder needs, each of us ALREADY has it at hand as is expressed in this Reading.

"By the use that in hand does one attain the next plane."*

Reading 5472-1 on page 13 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

Blessings to everyone (t)his year who begin to see what they already have at hand..., 

...that may be seen in His Light, which is from His Point of View rather than its own.

One other thing the mind and soul ALREADY has at hand..., 

... it is this earth plane that provides the matter and environment for the created body.

According to the Bible, someday this beautiful earth creation may no longer be at hand, but His Words, that the mind has   forever imprinted on its own mind, for the benefit of its own soul, will never pass away. 


Returning Full Circle

January 3, 2001


Hi everyone. I too, was raised in a Christian environment. Then wandered around lost in the desert for a while, passed through some new age material, and returned full circle to the Spirit of God that was Personified in Jesus.

While wandering through the dessert, I did stumble across some stones that literally became stepping stones that lead me straight along His Way

Here are two of those stepping stones.

John 1:1 and Revelation 1:8

John talks about a Word that was with God and was God.

That Word corded to God was formed by the letters G-O-D.

Revelation 1:8 reveals that the Spirit of God IS letters. "I AM Alpha and Omega".

Thus, the letters G-O-D, would therefore be the essence of His Spirit that was with God in the beginning.

Letters are what the mind moves in
order to think.

In the beginning in Genesis 1:1 His Spirit moved across the waters.

Thus the Letters G-O-D moved as His Spirit, in the beginning, and were then contained and moved within Adam.

Now the mind comes full circle.

If the mind can read these words, it has 26 English letters of the alpha-bet to move into thought.

Has the mind ever been taught to cord any of these individual letters directly to the Spirit of God? No.

Remember the story of how three measures of meal will leaven the whole loaf?

Allow the mind to consider G-O-D as the three measures of meal.

Look for them, and their placement, in the NOW immovable string of letters called the English Alphabet.

G is the 7th letter in the loaf

O is the 15th letter in the loaf

D is the 4th letter in the loaf

These immovable positions total exactly 26, which is the SAME exact number of letters in the whole loaf.

This is not a coincidence. 

It IS a co-incidence with the Spirit of God within the human mind and living created body...,

... which is created by The Sprit of God..., house the mind, and its companion, the soul in this earth plane.  

When the mind mixes and moves the formerly immovable G-O-D as His Spirit, as the leavening agent, the entire loaf of letters will begin to rise from within..,

...and the mind, the soul and His Spirit will THEN begin to move As One.

Blessings this year to those minds that begin to O-pen their minds, and to see and feel from within the movement of this "relative" relationship that has been so truly presented in...,

...John 1:1 and Revelation 1:8.


Hi cleerlight,

January 3, 2002

Thank you for clearly expressing your viewpoints.

Everyone has their own self conscious viewpoints..., 

...and that is one reason why many minds, over the eons of time, have established such a wide variety of religious beliefs that other minds have clinged to.

According to the Edgar Cayce Readings,.., 

...which were exclusively manifested by an altered self conscious mind...,

...there is only One God...,

...and only One Spirit of that God...,

...and it is the Creative Force that indwells in every living human being.

That Force literally spoke through Jesus as the Pattern for the mind to follow.


Cleerlight, you raised only two questions, and I would like to respond to each of them.

"Do I really need a book to be conscienciously conscious?"

Yes, and according to the Edgar Cayce, that book IS the Bible.

"The Bible has passed through many hands.  Many that would turn that which was written into meanings that would suit their OWN purposes, as ye oft do. 

But if ye will GET the spirit of THAT written THERE ye may find it will lead thee to the gates of heaven...Read it to be wise. Study it to understand. Live it to KNOW that the Christ walks through SAME (the same book) with thee."*

*Reading 262-60

Edgar Cayce was known to be America's greatest psychic. The Bible was his most favorite book. He read the Bible completely through at least 67 times. Surely enough to acquire the Spirit of the Words written in that Book.


Your other question.

Where is the spirit in the children?

Again allow the mind to consider its letters as His, according to Revelation 1:8...,

...and look within the word child that is corded to every child.

The letter L is the first root letter of the Lord.

His L is hidden right smack in the middle of the word chi(l)d that is corded to every child.

Now here is a sign and what may be  quite remarkable in answering your question. 

Not only is His L hidden WITHIN...,


... His L is even hidden within the word HID that is hidden within C(HI(L)D).

This is a sign, and perhaps the answer to your question.

The Pattern is that His Spirit is hidden within the within, in the holy of holies within the created living human body that is the temple, and the real church..., 

...and only the mind that is willing to leave its own shell of self consciousness to seek Him...,

...will find His Spirit within.

"As ye raise the consciousness to THAT within self, He meeteth thee in thine OWN temple, in the holy of holies; in the third eye."*

*Reading 1782-1

The holy of holies is perfectly expressed as His L IN the Word CHILD that has been corded directly to every child.

The positioning of that letter in that word is not a coincidence...,

...rather it is a co-incidence with His Spirit that is within the within.

Blessings to everyone in their Search For the One God that is already within themselves...,

...and is waiting patiently for the free will mind to make the first move.
