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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #212

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #212

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The Knowledge IN Jesus

December 3, 2001


"And it is not the knowledge OF Him but the knowledge IN Him that counts.  

For as ye live and move and have thy being IN the Father, so IN Him is the manner, the way of life itself."
Reading 1765-2 




December 8, 2001


An Edgar Cayce inspirational quote from the

(Q)  Will I ever be able to diagnose ailments, and what spirit will give this to me?

(A)  "Will the body-consciousness intend or desire, that may BE a portion of the entity's work.  

This will be accomplished by a unison of cosmic or universal forces, as here.  

This may be raised in ANYONE that so CLEANSES their OWN physical consciousness, or raises the vibrations of their own physical bodies, TO that attunement that brings HEALINGS to others; for, as has been given, 

"Who healeth all thine infirmities? 

Who bringeth the hope, the abounding forces of love, in thine life?"  

As has been given, "Though I give my body to be burned and have not love, it profiteth me nothing.  

Though I may be able to interpret, though I may prophesy, though I may BRING that faith so as to remove MOUNTAINS, and have not LOVE, it is NOTHING!"  Then, first know what love meaneth,
"for God so LOVED the world that He gave His Son, that we THROUGH Him might have life, and have it more abundantly.
From the abundance of the heart the MOUTH speaketh."

Thoughts ARE deeds, and as their currents run bring either those of MIRACLES or crimes.  

As He purged His own life, so may WE purge OUR lives that they may be one IN Him, and as He laid His hands on many, so may the healing FROM self be to
 many, wilt thou BELIEVE and ask in HIS name."*  

*Reading   281-3 


Do You Hear What I Hear

December 10, 2001


O Can you see the Christmas Spirit IN USA?

Most minds would simply consider USA to be the United States of America.

According to the Edgar Cayce Readings...,

...All is One, and there might just be much more to the acronym USA than first thought.

When the letters of the mind are moved from within and from the point of view of the Spirit of the Lord as in Revelation 1:8, take a look at IN USA.

U You

S  His Spirit

A His symbol that two may be As One, according to the Law of One God.

Again, looking withIN USA

(US)(A)...US together As One

The signs are there. God has certainly blessed the USA.


============================== Why we enter this earth plane. December 12, 2001 =============================== "For, individuals enter not merely by chance, but as an influence or force that they may make manifest that as may enable them to become aware of their individual relationships with the Creative Forces, or God.    For He hath not willed that any soul should perish, but that ALL shall come to KNOW their relationships with Creative Force..., ...AND make MANIFEST such in their dealings with their fellow men."   Edgar Cayce Reading 2170-1 Echoed by