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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #211

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #211

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The Pattern is IN Jesus

November 29,2001


The Edgar Cayce Readings clearly stated that the <<>> for the mind to follow was IN Jesus.

Here is what Jesus said that was IN Him.


John 14:9

"Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, show us the Father?"

"Believest thou not that I am IN the Father, and the Father IN me?"

"The words that I speak unto you I speak NOT of my SELF; but the Father that dwelleth IN me, he doeth the works."

"Believe me that I am IN the father, and the Father IN me: or else believe me for the very works' sake."

When the mind OPENS and enters into the Pattern within Jesus..., enters through the OPENED word Pattern that contains letters that are firmly attached to the Pattern itself.

Here is a sign that the mind will find IN the word Pattern...,

...that the Pattern in Jesus and the Father are As One and the same.

Here is the word Pattern.

Here the mind moves away from the negative.


That leaves Patter

Here the mind takes up its cross t and follows His cross t As One.*

*This is part of the Pattern that the mind follows as described in...,

...'If any man will come after me, let him deny him SELF, and take up his cross, and follow me.*

*Matthew 16:24 


That leaves Pater.

Go to the law book, Webster, whose letters are not connected to Spirit, whose words are as blocked and etched in stone without movement, and look up Pater.

Pater just happens to be the Latin word for Father.

A coincidence or a co-incidence.



Webster and the King James Bible

November 29, 2001


I use Webster as a generic name for any dictionary book that the born mind is taught to follow in order to think, in our case, the book begins with the learning of the English Alphabet.

Noah Webster just happens to be the first to develop such a book in the English Language. 

Every dictionary sets out a specific tract for the mind to follow, and there is NO mention of any Spirit that is to be connected with the letters in that "type" of book, and no pun intended.

EVERY dictionary is in conflict with the KJV of the Bible, that also is a book that the mind may follow that does state that letters ARE connected to Spirit in Rev 1:8.

The KJV Bible is the Bible that Edgar Cayce, allegedly America's greatest psychic, knew so very well.

Although Noah Webster never connected, or corded Spirit to the English Alphabet, he was a very devote Christian.

It is each individual mind that must be born again by becoming as a little child..., 

...and begin to learn how connect Webster's letters symbols it has learned to His Spirit, and then move them.

That connection and movement will resonate throughout the mind body and soul.

It is this very connection that also allows the mind to see His Signs in its own words and in the words of others to show that the mind is moving along His Way, the Way back to God,  which is the Force of all creation, including the Force within the living created body that is housing the mind and soul.

Remember how God changed Abram's name to Abraham to reflect the new vibrational connection made by his mind?

Here is that change---Abr(ah)am

The letters A and H just happen to be the key letters that reflect the Law of One God. The configuration of each letter indicates that two may be As One Yet two, and they also witness each other in truth.

ie. The Pattern of the Father and Son being As One established by Jesus, the Word made show how the mind of self might be set free.

Now, this is really cool. Back to the name Noah Webster.

Again, the self conscious minds of children learn their ABC's...,

...but have never learned that there just might be a connective relationship of the symbols that the mind has learned, to His Spirit, as is stated in Revelation 1:8.

Are the following signs just more coincidences or co-incidences?


No(ah) There is no ADDED AH in Noah as there were in Abram to reflect a new mind set.

(Web)ster The mind is stuck in a web created by its own blocked words that the mind has imprinted on itself.

The signs of No Spirit and blockage are definitely within this man's name. Is Webster at fault? Absolutely not.

Again, in order for the mind to lead its soul back TO God, it must FIRST learn to know itself to be itself. It does that by taking letter symbols as its OWN and it  gradually learns by using blocked words to know that self is relatively different from everyone and everything else. The mind FIRST learns Self consciousness. That is why Adam entered this earth as part of the Pattern for the mind to follow.

Then as Jesus, the soul of Adam, the Son of Man, shows the world, that the mind of Self can leave itself and become As One with the Father. That certain ONE mind set Pattern that Adam~Jesus established is called THE Christ, the Son of God.

Adam~Jesus is the Pattern of the developing self conscious mind, with its companion soul returning again to the Father, with the resulting new mind set and soul, known as Christ Consciousness. 
Every mind, no matter what letter symbols it uses, may connect them to His Spirit and THEN His Spirit will begin to move and manifest from within, hand in hand, with the mind.

It is that simple. Yet it is that profound.



The Spirit of God and the Letter of the Law.

December 2, 2001


Is there a connection between The Spirit of God and the written law that the mind follows? There is IF the mind is WILLING to consider the written law from His Point of View that is---"I AM Alpha and Omega."

His Spirit overcame the Written Law for the mind to follow, and became THE Law. 
When the mind connects His Spirit to the movement of its own letters in the mind, His Spirit moves as the willing mind moves the letters as His. They are One.

Allow the mind to consider the words believe, receive, and conceive, and the "ie" rule in the written law from His Point of View

---"i before e, EXCEPT after c"--- 

The word believe. FIRST the mind of self self learns to believe. i before e

The word receive, THEN the mind receives the Revelation that His Spirit IS the movement of His Letters by the mind of self within itself, There is c---see?

THEN the mind considers c as His, i and e move, as c comes before, as the (c)hrist and the Way.

The word conceive, THEN the mind is able to manifest, or conceive His Spirit THROUGH its own mind and created body. This is the Pattern that the Virgin Mary and the Word made flesh presented. 

The little i will definitely will move, WHEN His c is considered by the mind.

AS the mind of Moses was in Christ, and was receiving the Law from within himself, and in the "act" writing it down, at that point, his mind and the Spirit of God were moving As One. 

AFTER the law was written that every mind was to follow, it became very difficult to follow because there was NO movement. The Spiritual Law became as literally written in stone.

Here is the word stone. Is there any movement of Spirit? No. Now watch what happens when that stone is opened and begins to move by the believing mind that is willing to conceive.

Remember HOW the stone just happened to roll away from where Jesus was entombed. The lesson is the stone will move WHEN the mind makes the connection that its letters are His. 

Look at this hidden manna when the stone moves.

(s)(t)(one)  one (s)pirit to His Cross (t)

S(t)on (e) There is the Son on the cross in this earth plane.

(s)(tone) The vibration of His Spirit moving. Again, is this movement of stone just another coincidence, or is it a co-incidence? 

Remember in the Book of Revelation, the WHITE stone that the new mind will receive?

"To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and IN the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saying he  that RECEIVETH it."*

*Revelation 2:17

When the stone is moved, the mind has already seen new names within that stone. What about WHITE? Take a look. H is His Symbol that reflects the Law of One. W is the universal symbol of truth that will flow like Water from within the created body. R is His symbol of B opening, the opening of the created (B)rain and (B)ody. Watch what happens when the mind moves its OWN letters as His when the mind is IN His Spirit.

When the mind and His Spirit are together (H) As One, and move, that movement is represented by His letter R. W(H)ITE becomes W(R)ITE which can also easily be moved to (W)RITE.

The movement of white stone by the mind AND His Spirit from within the created body and mind...,

...THEN becomes His Spiritual Truth that is the Spiritual RITE between the Spirit of God and the new born mind,

It is a co-incidence.



HELLO Out There

December 2, 2001


That is a very interesting block word we have learned.

Hello is probably the most common salutation used in the English Language to greet another.

Hell-lo---Isn't that just great! 

Wouldn't Heaven Hi be a much better salutation?

Give me a break, although Jesus, who is the Pattern for the mind to follow, never got one either.

If you think we are educated, what about Nicodemus? He was the most educated man of his time in the Jewish faith and had asolutely no idea of what Jesus was talking about.

Even His Disciples found the Spiritual Words that emanated from within Jesus difficult to understand.

Why were His Words so difficult to understand?

The Words were Spirit....

... and unless...,

... and unless, even the well educated, mature, SELF conscious mind, as was the mind of Nicodemus, be willing to transform itself, it will NOT connect to His Spirit that dwells within.

The Edgar Cayce Readings gave the following advice regarding this subject.

""Nevertheless, it be correct--but do NOT make the mistake, as has often been given through these channels, of attempting to discern spiritual interpretations with a material mind, nor material interpretations with a spiritual mind...,

...UNLESS same is SIGNIFIED by that of the incident, accident, or state of being is EMBLEMATICAL or of any activity that is of the nature that represents a condition."

Reading 288-27

There is a gap between the Spirit within the human living body and the born developed mature, material, physically oriented mind.

The gap can only be bridged by the mind that is willing to transform its mind through the transformation of the emblems, its own letters,  that it has been using to build its OWN consciousness..., 

...rather than NOW trying to use to build towards His Consciousness.

It is not difficult to do. It is simple.

A little kid who has just learned how to read and write can do it.

The learning method is exactly the same..,

...except for one little difference. A child of God has learned to emblematically return its letters to His Spirit... ,

....and then just move them. His Spirit will then also MOVE in sync, for the mind has now transformed and corded its own symbols to His Spirit. Revelation 1:8.

A simple example.

A born child in the material world who learned the word hello can easily write the word...


A born again mind can easily cord the emblems of that word to His Spirit that will produce, IN Spirit, the word (t)he.

Think not that His Spirit would rise joyfully from within towards the mind that did just that with a very simple word transformation...,

...that truly reflects that He went to the Cross as Atonement so you and I could THEN make attunement to His Spirit?

EVERYONE should ponder HOW a born material mind develops, then retrace those same steps with His Spirit emblematically corded to those very letter symbols that the mind has been moving as its own. 

That mind will then become born again into His Consciousness rather than remain in its own self educated frame of mind, as was the mind of Nicodemus.
