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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #210

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #210

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Why A Bible is important

November 21, 2001


All Bibles, even with their individual variances, carry the same theme that every individual mind may learn to follow.

As described in the Edgar Cayce Readings..,

...the theme in a Bible is... 


Only One living individual that has ever entered this earth plane, Jesus, showed the world through HIS atonement that the willing mind could the follow that atonement..., tweaking its own mind into attunement with that atonement and the result is a transformed mind that is at-onement.

Every individual that has ever learned to read and write, has learned to follow instructions from books that are void of His Spirit.

Only a Bible that presents HIS atonement..., 

..."contains" a Pattern of His Spirit that is contained IN letters that are contained in His Words.

The Spirit said, I AM letters.*

*Revelation for the mind---Revelation 1:8

In essence, HIs Spirit is saying I AM letter symbols that every mind moves and the minds are unaware of it.

His Spirit IS aware of it, but the mind is not.

Hence, He made THE atonement, so our minds could then make the Revelation that we are THEN able to make attunement to that ONE atonement of Spirit...,

...and when the mind does that, it is at-onement.

And when the mind is at-onement, it will know, and it will see signs of that in its very own words.

Here are some signs.


See the word tone in the word?

See the word men in the word?

See the letter t which is symbolic of His Cross in the word.

He was the WORD made flesh remember?*

*John 1:14

Now look up HIs Words in Matthew 16:24 that will be found in HIs Book.

"if ANY man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me."

When the blocked word Atonement is opened up, the mind finds a perfect match to His words just stated above.

It gets even better. Notice the o in tone.

O is His Symbol for completeness or a certain t O ne that matches His.

Now look at attunement.

Notice the word tune?

Also notice there are TWO t's and the letter U.

IN attunement, when u take up your t match it with His t, the two t's become As One..,

...the really neat thing is that U in attunement is transformed into O in atonement and the mind becomes At-onement.

Again notice how the Voice from within Edgar Cayce MOVED the  letters of Atonement, ever so slightly to reflect At-onement? 

Again, these movements are not coincidences, they are co-incidences.

ONLY when the mind im-prints His Pattern of Spirit in the Bible on the mind, as Edgar Cayce did many times.., 

...which is basically found in the New Testament and in the Book of Revelation...,

...can the mind THEN be awaken to find matching Patterns within its own words that are REAL signs that the mind is STAYING in sync or attunement with His Spirit.

This is truly loving (t)he Lord, thy God with ALL thy mind, ALL (t)he time.*

*Matthew 22:37

Blessings to those minds that are willing to connect ALL the time.


Spiritual Writing and Dead Letters

November22, 2001


This is what Paul may have had in mind as he wrote---"the Spirit gives life, the letter kills."

AS the created body and mind move letters with the mind being connected to the point of view of His Spirit..., 

...that movement represents the vitality of life between the mind body and soul acting in perfect unison.

AFTER the letter is written, the movement is stopped, and the letter becomes written as in stone.

An example would be Moses writing the Law in Spirit, and when the writing was done..,

...the law was written in stone void of movement and vibrant life...,

..and void of further movement of Spirit.

The letter becomes a dead letter.

It takes an active moving mind, hand in hand, with His Spirit within..., bring LIFE to His Letter Symbols and the movement thereof.

Forming letters in Spirit by the active moving mind produces life.

Once produced, the written letters become void of the movement of His Spirit, and become as dead in His Spirit



The Knowledge We Should Acquire

November 28, 2001


That knowledge is found in the Edgar Cayce Readings.

Take a look at this suggestion

"The study from the human standpoint, of subconscious, subliminal, psychic, soul forces, is and should be..., 

...the great study for the human family, for through self, man will understand its Maker, when it understands its relation to its Maker, and it will only understand that through self..., 

...and that understanding is the knowledge given in this state."* 

*Reading 3744-4

Blessings to those minds that are willing to begin acquiring that knowledge that has been presented in the Edgar Cayce Readings.


Going Within The Words

November 28, 2001


The human mind and created body can open and unite when it breaks open its block words and looks for Pattern matches established by the Word made flesh, Jesus.

Catholic, Each letter can be broken down, but for simplicity (Cath)olic.

Go to Webster. Cath is the first four root letters of (cath)ode, the positive terminal of a battery, which is very much like this symbol †.

The born human MIND of the ego self is born away from God, the Creative Force in the Created body which is represented by †.

The mind is born -(n)egative in nature of flesh, and no pun is intended.

If you would like a sign of that characteristic look within the word mind.


There is the first root letter of (n)egative in the word in that is right in the middle of the word mind.

A coincidence? More like a coincidence.

It is the mind that u must turn around.

When His Letter n is re-versed it becomes a new u..., in as u being born again.

Another coincidence? Probably another co-incidence.

Cath is a sign that at least directs the attention of the negative born mind to the † pole of the Force within the created body. 

Just as the earth as polarity, so does the creation of the human body and mind

 † the created body   - the born mind

Now Satan,

Move the letters around a little and bingo.

Santa. A humanized character that reflects the fruits of Spirit, but does NOT manifest His Spirit.

Again, there is the negative n in Satan.


This one is really neat.

According to the Edgar Cayce Readings ego represents the mind of Self that Self must set aside to become As One with God.

Here are a few of His Letter moves that are signs that it can be easily done.

First here is a sign that self may remove self to become a little child of God.

(s)elf A Spiritual little one.

A perfect match to the Words of Jesus in Matthew 18;3 

Just another coincidence?

Now ego.

This is a sign that the mind may literally transform its own ego to be As One with God.  

Here are the letter moves by the mind.


Now let ego reflect its true BORN (n)egative value. ego(n)

Now let egone be gone.


Now let gone become one God.


G being the first root letter that was with God in the beginning.*

*John 1:1

The human mind is capable of conception.

It may conceive a new † mind that is One with God out its born -mind. 

Are all these moves just a coincidence or could they reflect a co-incidence?

Ponder WHY Jesus was called the WORD made flesh.

The Words manifested from within Him were Spirit moving. In order for the Words to move His letters had to move.

Again, ponder WHY Spirit said it IS Alpha and Omega.*

*Revelation 1:8




November 28, 2001


Hi Wakeinbliss,

"You drive us nuts with your veiled words."

Your words not mine.

But the mind IS like a nut, a seed that will open.

The words used by the born mind ARE veiled. His hidden mannna is within the movement of His Letters within those words as the mind seeks and finds.

When the Word made flesh, the Bridegroom comes...,

...with Revelation..., 

...that veil on the mind with veiled words is lifted and the mind is set free. 

When that VEIL is literally lifted from the blocked mind, it literally and easily becomes moved to LIVE as in everlasting life.

Is this just another coincidence, or the  resonance AND renaissance of another co-incidence?

Do not confuse the mind with the brain.

The free will mind may trigger the opening of the created brain and body and not vice versa. Again no pun intended on vice versa.
