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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #207

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #207

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God's Plan from Adam to Jesus

November 6, 2001


According to the Edgar Cayce Readings, this is God's Plan.

1. The Pattern for the mind to follow is IN Jesus.

2. Part of the Pattern IN Jesus is that the Master Soul of Jesus is a reincarnation of the Master Soul of Adam.

3. The Soul of Adam was THE Son of Man

4. The Soul of Jesus was THE Son of God.

5. The same Master Soul was both to provide to complete the  Pattern that every individual mind and soul may follow.

6. The Master Soul of Adam entered the earth plane as segment of the Father's Pattern in order to show ALL souls that they must FIRST learn to know themselves to be themselves.., an individual entity called self, with a mind, a body and a soul, that is different from everything and everyone else in creation.

7. Then the Master Soul enters again as Jesus to show that once the soul of self becomes aware of itself..., may prepare itself to return to the Father from which it originated.

That is the born again Pattern for EVERY soul that Nicodemus knew not.


Here is the Pattern. 

All souls are born as sons and daughters of men and women to FIRST know themselves to be themselves.

This allows individuality of the soul the opportunity to learn of  itself. The mind and soul literally learn the  "I AM".


Then the soul, with its learned individuality intact, may leave itself, and return not to be God, but one WITH God, as a Child of the One Creative Spirit.

Every soul is born like as in Adam and moves away from the Father God to learn of itself...,

...and IF...,

...the free will mind is willing..., may return be As One with the Father by denying itself like as the Pattern of the Master Soul of Adam did as Jesus.

If the God, Creative Force, willed not for ALL souls to return to him...,

...think not that God, the Father, would bother to provide and maintain a created living human created body for each mind and soul to FIRST learn of itself?   

Is it any wonder that "thou shall not kill" the created body that literally houses the mind, the soul, and His Creative Spirit?"

Blessings to those that begin understand that God DID provide a Pattern and a Way that the mind and soul may leave itself, and to follow, and to return as "I AM" to be as One with the Spirit of God, the One Creative Force of all creation, the Father of every soul.


The Bible---The King James Version

November 7, 2001


It may seem a bit strange, but I think that somehow the King James Bible when put in the light of the Edgar Cayce Readings...,

...somehow opens or unfolds the mind to the Spirit of God that then begins to flow from within.

The EC Readings state that the mind only needs to use whatever it has at hand at the moment to connect to the Master Spirit.

I believe that all those that wrote the King James Version used the letters they had at hand and wrote from the point of view of One Spirit and not from their own conscious mind set.

The Voice within Jesus said He was the vine and we are the branches.

The Voice within Jesus also said the words He spoke were Spirit, were of the Father, and were life.

In essence, the words that emanated from within Jesus flowed like from the "roots" of tree of life to the branches.

Letters are surely roots of words and His Spirit did say that It was letters. Rev 1:8.

The hidden manna that we, the branches, get our nourishment from are within our own very own words.

Individuals who wrote Scripture were called scribes.

They wrote in One Spirit, and wrote from the point of view of One Spirit, just as John did in the Book of Revelation.

Here is a sign that may show this to be true.

The conscious mind sees the word scribe.

As the mind transforms itself into His Spirit...,

...the hidden manna IN the word scribe may appear as this...

...(S) (CRIB) (E)

Take a "fountain" pen that has flowing ink.
Remove the top so the pen is now (o)pen.
Now put the pen in your hand as you are about to write.

Look at your hand holding this pen.

Your hand is very much, and even looks very much, like a crib that is holding and moving an (O) pen on this earth plane.

The letter O being one of the root letters of the word GOD that was with GOD in the beginning, and was GOD.

The word pen being the first three root letters of nep of nepotism as Jesus went about His Father's business from the opposite point of view of the conscious mind that is in Spirit.

In the hand of a scribe in Spirit, a flowing (O)pen will manifest the Spirit of God within this (E)arth plane.

Now return to the word scribe. To the conscious mind, the word scribe is a blocked word. No sign or hidden manna within this word will be shown to the mind that is not in His Spirit.

Here is the hidden manna from the vine to His branches (scribes) when the mind is in His Spirit.

(S) (CRIB) (E) 

What the mind now literally has at hand is a hand that is as a crib that the transformed mind may write in His (S)pirit in this (E)arth plane.

The conscious mind sees only the word write.

In His Spirit, the blocked word write is easily transformed to (w)rite.

The letter W being His symbol for water and water is the universal symbol of truth.

Is It possible for the mind of scribes to be both conscious and in Spirit at the same time?

Probably. Because the Pattern in the mind of Jesus that we are to follow certainly was. 

When the mind takes up is own cross (t), here is a sign that the mind may be both here and there at the same time.

The blocked word there may be THEN viewed as (t)here.

Blessings to those that begin to take up their own cross to see His Light in (t)heir own words...,

...for they then become His (t) heirs as they follow Him in Spirit.



November 7. 2001


Hi again wakeinbliss,

The first key word in your response was the word amazing.

To the conscious only mind...,

...amazing is a block word that caries NONE of the Spirit of God that the conscious mind can relate to.

However when the mind opens this block word that has, unwittingly, been blocked and encased in the mind...,

...this is what the mind may find.

The opened word (AM) (AZ) ing is a very good match to Revelation 1:8

Amazing Grace is a wonderful song.

The word Grace is also a blocked word NOT directly corded to His Spirit.

Unblocking the word, unblocks the mind and the Spirit of God  will move and manifest through the now (O)(pen)ed mind and the created body and brain

Again G is one of the first root letters that  with was with GOD and was GOD in the beginning.

Here, the mind will open (G) (race)

As the new child mind becomes As One with GOD...,

...the child mind now enters into (G)OD'S racen of forgiveness called (G)race.

Not only is there hidden manna in Grace there is also hidden manna within the within..

...that word being race...,

...and (r) (ace) is the movement and manifestation of One (ace) Spirit rising from within and through the opened mind and opened glands of the created brain and created body to that brain.

Consider this.

The Spirit of God's letter B represents the first root letter of the CREATED human (B)ody and (B)rain.

When the letter B is opened and moved. it takes on His Letter Symbol R which re-presents the movement and opening of B.

Thus, the word BRAIN begins with His B followed by the opening of His R.

 The mind is the key...,

...for when it begins to transform its own letters to the Spirit of God...,

...the Spirit of God will respond accordingly...,

...through the created brain and body of self..., 

... and not only through self...,

 ...but also through the self of others as well.

Your immedediate reaction and response with the word AM AZ ING is a case in point.

We may go in and out of His Door depending on what modus of operandi we attach the letters that the mind is using...,

.,, to Self...,

...or to the Spirit of God.

When the mind knocks on His Door to return its letters to Him, that Door will open wide for the mind that has made a willful decision to return to Him.



Each May Manifest God's Will

Novemeber 11, 2001


"It has been given respecting how the individuals should in themselves, in their meditation, in their study, in their
observation of that being presented in the lesson God and His Manifestations in the Earth..., 

...EACH make the application of that which is conscious in their individual experience.
 As there is given those things into their experience from thine own desire to be the channel through which the manifestations of the spirit of the Christ, of the Christ Consciousness, may be in the experience of such individuals, thy WORDS and thy ACTS are in keeping with that He, the Father, makes manifest in the earth through the Son..., He in His life made manifest in His walks in the earth, doing good to those...,

...whether they were of His fold or those that even rejected that He had done rather as an experience in their lives.
Then, as they each may manifest in the THOUGHT, in the application of those truths as He gave, they may come to those experiences wherein they oft may be as a lamp to the feet of the wayward, as an aid to those who seek, as a light to those that have gone astray, as a guiding hand to those that would know more and more of the love of the Father as  it manifests in the acts, the thoughts, the lives of His followers.
Ready for questions."
(Q) May there be expanded upon the protection of the Father and His goodness in manifestation in the earth?
(A)  "As He has given from the beginning, "If ye will be my children, I will be your God."  

So, as individuals, in the application of that KNOWN in their experience as to what the will of the Father is...,

...go about THINKING, and THINKING it in such a manner that the WORDS of the mouth and the activity of the HAND bespeak the will of the Father...,

...then this activity, this THOUGHT, makes the individual the channel through which the manifestations are in the earth.
Who may know the will of the Father, God, save those that put into the ACTS of their hands, IN the THOUGHTS of their MINDS, those things that He has given and as He shows forth in the experience of all men from day to day?
So SIMPLE, then, is it to KNOW the Father that ALL stumble in that they THINK of themselves more highly than they ought to think.  

Be rather as a CHANNEL through which the Father may make His love, His glory, manifest in the earth.  

LISTEN to the voice from within.  For, He is very nigh unto each of you, if ye will but look WITHIN.  And that thou experienceth with the desire that thy SELF be NOTHING, that the Father, the Christ, may be glorified in the earth, brings to the experience of all the consciousness of being a manifestation of the love of the Father to the sons of man."
(Q)  Please discuss, "How and What are the manifestations of the Father?"

(A)  "The fruits of the spirit.  Gentleness, kindness, the loving word, patience, hope, persistence, and, above all, consistency in thy acts and in thy speech.  Be ye glorious in thine activity.  

Be ye joyous IN thy words.  For, happy is the man that knoweth that his life bespeaks that the Son and the Spirit of Truth DIRECTS the WORDS and the ACTIVITIES of his body!
That YE through the love that He has shown, may KNOW the love of the Father and thus be the greater CHANNEL of blessings to THOSE YE meet day by day.

For YE have been called unto a purpose, as into the service of the Son of man.  

Make KNOWN to Him thy desire, in His
will, and THY will one with His, there WILL come to THEM many blessings...,

...physically, mentally, spiritually."
Reading 262-58
