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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #205

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #205

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Through The Ashes

October 16, 2001


Hundreds by hundreds coming,
followed by even more.
Open up the gates, Lord.
Open them up wide. 


The Americans are coming, Lord,
marching side by side.
There are mothers and there are fathers. There are daughters and there are sons. 

They had so much left to do, Lord,
Before their lives were done.
Open up the gates, Lord
Open them up wide. 


The Americans are coming, Lord,
marching side by side. 

Oh Lord, there are so many
that are coming thru the gate. 

It was not their time, Lord.
They're here because of hate. 

Open up the gates, Lord
Open them up wide. 


The Americans are coming, Lord,
marching side by side.
They come from out of the fire
and the ashes and the dark. 

They're marching to the Light, Lord
On the earth they've made their mark. 

So, open up the gates, Lord
Open them up wide. 


The Americans are coming, Lord,
marching side by side. 


Blessings to the unknown author 

====================== Evolution and the Mind October 17, 2001 ====================== When the conscious mind ponders the word evolution..., usually begins to think about how different species evolve..., ...including the species called human beings. The very essence of the Edgar Cayce Readings is also focused on evolution..., ...not so much on the evolution of the human being..., ...but rather on the evolution of the mind of a human being. Words used in the Edgar Cayce Readings concerning this evolution of the mind are...., ...unfoldment of the mind..., ... through attunement of the mind..., ...that is an attunement to His atonement which opens the mind..., be as one with His Spirit that is called at-onement. ============ With that in mind, allow the mind to look at, and within, the word evolution..., a new point of view way. Here is the word...evolution Allow the mind to enter this word. (evol) (u) (tion) Opening this blocked word that the mind has learned,., ... just might help unfold the mind. Take a look. (love) (u) (shun) According to the Readings, God is within, and God is Love..., ...and according to the Bible..., ...the Word God was with God in the beginning. Could it be that the mind itself has unwittingly blocked itself into its own blocked words that have prevented the mind from unfolding into His Consciousness..., ...and that the Word made flesh entered this world..., order to set the mind and its companion , the soul free, so that they may return to the Father? This mind definitely thinks that this has been the "encasement"..., ..and by unblocking words like evolution..., ...that have been blocked and then embedded into the mind..., ...that unblocking will reveal the love that the mind has unwittingly shunned itself away from. Blessings to those minds that begin to follow Jesus, the Pattern of the Word made flesh..., ..that will allow the mind to free itself..., ...from itself..., it may seek and find signs WITHIN its own words that will lead its soul back to our Father.


How to Move a Mountain

October 19, 2001


"And Jesus (the Word made flesh) said unto them...,

...If ye have faith AS a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto THIS mountain, remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."*

*Matthew 17:20


WHEN the mind decides to move its letters AS connected to the Spirit of God AS stated in Revelation 1:8...,

...the mind and the Spirit of God WILL move AS One.

For WITH God, all things are possible.*

*Matthew 19:26

Take a look and see a Sign from the Spirit of God..., 

...that you may not only move a mountain..., and the Spirit of God may move that mountain to Montana.

Here is the Mountain.

From the point of view of the Spirit of God, you is u, and the Spirit of God is i.

Here is the movement as we open and move the mountain.

First u and i become As One, and that re-union is reflected and represented by the configuration of HIS Letter A.

Mo (u) nta (i) n

Montan (A)

We, u and i, have just moved the Mountain to Montana

Now go to Webster, the written law book that the mind has been taught to follow...,
...wherein no connection has YET been made of the letters in that book to the Spirit of God...,

 ...and look up the word Montana.

Montana just happens to be the Latin word for mountain.

A coincidence? 

Yes, a co-incidence WITH the Spirit of God that may be manifested from within our own created bodies and minds...,

...WHEN the connection is made through the MOVEMENT of symbols in the mind...,

...that those symbols are BOTH physical to ourselves AND Spiritual to His Spirit.

Blessings to those minds that begin to see (t)he connection.


The Reincarnation of Luke

October 21, 2001


This story is sort of like between Ripley's, Believe it or Not...,

...and Paul Harvey's, The Rest of The Story.

Here is the story as it unfolds from the information contained in the Edgar cayce Readings.

There is soul of a man living today, born in 1942, who apparently had a past life as Luke of the New Testament.

This man had a grandfather who passed away in about 1945 whose soul had a past life as a man named Lucius.

According to the Readings, Lucius was the nephew of Luke, and this nephew actually wrote the Gospel of Luke for his uncle.

Also according to the Readings, the soul of this man living today had a past life that included being his own great great grand father.

Also according to the Readings, the soul of this man in an earlier China incarnation was the father of his present day mother.

The Reading also stated a warning for this man.

"(Q) Any special time of warning for the physical, from astrological conditions? 

(A) The eleventh of any month."*

*Reading 2824-1


And now for the rest of the story.

Who is this man, now living, whose soul once incarnated as Luke?

Charles Thomas Cayce, President of the Edgar Cayce Foundation and the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.)

Who was his grandfather whose soul once incarnated as Lucius, who literally wrote the Gospel of Luke?

Edgar Cayce

Who was this living man's great, great grandfather that was his own soul incarnated?

Thomas Jefferson Cayce, Edgar Cayce's beloved grandfather who died when Edgar Cayce was about five years old.

Does the soul die along with the created body? Apparently not according to the Edgar Cayce Readings. 

The soul, that apparently is the composite individuality of ALL the personalities it has taken on through previous reincarnations, 

...may return again and again.

Blessings to the many departed souls of our loved ones that will return again and again.  



A Riddle for the Mind

October 30, 2001


How can a two edge sword cut a perfect circle that will create a pattern that the mind can follow? 


When the mind, AS the two edge sword, is spiralled, has a certain point, and turns within..., will create a perfect circular opening that the creative mind may follow to free itself from itself. 



A Riddle of Time

October 31, 2001


When is all time one time for the mind? 


When the mind sees one as won and goes to the opposite point of view within..., 

...won is now and time is emit. 

Blessings to those minds that are willing to enter within and to emit or manifest from (t)here now.