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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #203

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #203

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On training the mind

September 28, 2001


"But go that the self may be aware of those very effects as has been given...,,

... that Life is continuous...,

...that there IS divinity in the soul of man..., 

...that the training of the spiritual consciousness of the mind..., as necessary as the training of the physical consciousness to enjoy even the conveniences of the day.
So to enjoy the glories rather than conveniences of the holy spirit within...,

...train thy spiritual self to know - even as ye forgive ye are forgiven.  For this is law, this is love, this is divine - that ye meet every whit, yea, but IN HIM!  

God no longer seeketh the sacrifice, but the Sacrifice once being made for all is ever present in thine own inner soul!  

For thy body is indeed the temple of the living God, and in same He meets thee!  

THERE not to demand, there not to COMMAND, but there to COOPERATE with the divine IN THEE!  

And as the face then answereth to the face in the mirrors of life...,

...yea,as ye are born of water and of blood..., are the forgiving forces in thee magnified by thy forgiving thy brother.
And they be blotted away!  

Not that these do not bear an influence, but relatively so...,

...depending upon how great is thy seeking to become the channel of blessing to a soul!

For his sake, not for thine!
For, gave He life for His own sake?  

For, gave He breath and all the beauties of a universe, or even of a peoples or of
nations, for Himself?  

Rather that YE may SEE in all of these His love for thee..., 

...that ye might be one with Him!"*
*An excerpt from EC Reading 1298-1


The word WOW

Sepytember 28, 2001


I couldn't help but move the letters of WOW around to match, probably, the most emotional word in the English Language...,


...which could also easily be the acronym for Mind Over Matter, which was the case with the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus. 

I really like to seek and find what I can find IN words when I open and move the letters of those words into the Pattern that Jesus established for us.

As I link the letters IN my mind to His Spirit according to Revelation 1:8...,

...and then move them in such a manner to reflect words In the Bible, I feel His Spirit and my mind and body literally begin to move As One.

Here is one example of many of His Signs that I have found so far.

" if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me."*

*Matthew 16:24

First, I deny myself, by denying the letters that I move are as mine, but are as rather corded to His Spirit. 

Then, I open my own words and the words of others to find a match to His Pattern.

When I find a match, both my mind and body sort of re-son-ate together, it seems, with His Spirit.

Here is a nearly perfect match to Matthew 16;24 by opening the word---movement.

movement---(move) (men) (t)

I think that His Spirit rises from within, as He recognizes that the mind is beginning to move away from itself, deny self, and is beginning to move within and towards Him and taking (t), the cross within the mind, to be As One with His.

When I make this letter link, the open words are more like His than mine, as I try to match them to His Spirit.

ie. We were never taught that we could open words that have been blocked and etched in stone like the law of letters and blocked words produced by a dictionary like Webster's.

You might notice that nowhere in Webster is there any mention of a cording of His Spirit to the letters of the alphabet that the mind is supposed to move.

His Spirit has evidently been stripped from our alphabet.

A direct conflict with Revelation 1:8

Yet, the Bible clearly states that His Spirit fulfilled every letter of the law that the mind moves..

Here I open the blocked word link.

Link---(L) ink  

When the connection is made, the new Link in the mind now becomes the (L)ord's ink.

Even these ( ) are significant as the mind transform its own letters to Him.

The conscious mind sess them as parenthesis. The altered conscious mind sees them related to the Bible...,

.... as His Paren(t t)hesis written by the Master about who is His Mother and Father were according to the Law of One.

The mind, because of its conditional learning of blocked words...,

...overlooks the fact, that according to the Law of One, the two t's  may be As One.

Again, a coincidence? Yes a co-incidence with the Spirit of the Letter of the Law within the mind and body for the benefit of the mind's companion. its soul.

When I began to read the material produced through the Edgar Cayce Readings, I had no idea that I was being lead to the Christ, the Spirit of the Master Soul, that was manifested in this earth plane by Jesus.

Blessing to everyone on the journey of their minds to return their souls home.



Oct 2, 2001


Here is some excellent wisdom from the Edgar Cayce Readings during these very disturbing times.


"NEVER worry as long as you can pray. 

When you can't pray, you'd better begin to worry. 

For THEN you have something to worry about.*

*Reading 3569-1



The Spirit of God and the Word Connection

October 4, 2001


According to these Bible verses..., 

...there is a direct connection between God and words. 

"In the the beginning was the Word, and the Word was WITH God, and the Word WAS God. The SAME was in the beginning with God." John 1:1

"And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us," John 1:14

"For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: For God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him." John 3:34

"...the words that I speak unto you, THEY are  spirit, and THEY are life." John 6:63

"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and ending, saith the Lord " Rev. 1:8 


There IS a direct connection between the Spirit of God, words, and life itself.

What other thing is directly connected to words?

The human mind.

Then, if the Spirit of God is directly connected to words and the human mind is directly connected to words...,

...then should not the human mind be directly connected to the Spirit of God?

It should be, but it is not.

Why not?

Look to Webster. Webster is representative of the very letters and words of the English Language that human minds learn to use in thought and communication.

Is there any of the Spirit of God directly connected to the letters that form the words that produces the words the mind moves into thought and communication?


Letters in the English Alphabet have no direct connection with the Spirit of God.

The letters that the human mind moves have literally been stripped of any direct direct connection to the Spirit of God.

Webster is in direct conflict with Rev 1:8.

How can that conflict be resolved?

It can be easily resolved by the human mind that has free will.

According to the Edgar Cayce Readings, the mind is the builder.

It is the will free mind, as the builder itself, if it is willing, that may literally bridge the dis-connection between the mind and the Spirit of God.

In the above paragraph, there within one word, is a sign and hidden manna that the connection may be made.That will be  revealed in a minute.

But first, here are the words in the Edgar Cayce Readings, that refer to the connection and movement of letters, ALREADY in the mind, that may be connected to His Spirit.

"Follow that known in thine own present as i-e-o-u-i-o-umh...," 

...(which just happens to be the letters that the mind has ALREADY learned from Webster)...,

"...for the RAISING of that from within of the Creative Forces, as it rises along that which is set WITHIN the inner man..., that CORD of life that once SEVERED...,

...may separate, does separate, that balance, between the mind, the body, the soul.*

*Reading 275-43


Now for the sign. The word is bridge. Do you see the Sign?  Maybe this will help. 

Remember the story about the ten virgins (minds) being ready as brides to become as one with the bridegroom (the Spirit of God)?

Here are the BRIDES. Here is one the letters of the Word that was with GOD, and was GOD in the beginning. (G).

Here, as the prepared mind makes the connection, the Sign of that connection is...,


Blessing to those minds that begin to understand Revelation 1:8 and make the connection.


God Bless America
October, 5, 2001


God certainly is blessing America through His Son.., 

...and here are His Signs of that Blessing WITHIN words that Americans are using.

Here are the words of a great song that is a tribute to a great nation, the USA.


God Bless America, land that I love
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above.

From the mountains to the prairies
To the oceans white with foam

God bless America, my home sweet home
From the mountains to the prairies
To the oceans white with foam.

God bless America, my home sweet home


Now, here are some important words from the Edgar Cayce Readings that the mind may do well to consider.

"There is builded about each name that which carries its OWN meaning or significance, that gives  rather the impelling of, and the lifting up to, meeting such conditions."

"So does the changing or the altering of a name set about varied environs or vibrations, that makes for the conduciveness of such changed surroundings."*

*Reading 452-6

As the mind takes into consideration all of the above words and alters some of them, the mind will find Signs of His indwelling Spirit conducive to then begin the uplifting from within.

Take a look.

The word most often used in the great emotional song of God Bless America is the word---the.

It is used eight times in the song.

It is also, most certainly, the most often word used in the English Language.

That word may easily be altered to match His indwelling Spirit like this.

(t)he---a perfect match that he DID go to the cross t as atonement..., you and I, US (A) could make attunement together As One. A, with His indwelling Spirit. 

Here is another Sign.


The conscious mind that has been taught to stay within the box of blocked words and USA immediate reflects ONLY United States of America. 

If the mind considers Revelation 1:8 that Spirit is Letters and the movement of His Spirit is the movement of His Spirit via the movement of His letters by the mind...,

,..take a look.

There is US (A) together As One. His symbol for As One is reflected by the configuration of the letter A.

With that in mind, now take a look at...,


As in Revelation 1:8, both the beginning and ending are the same. A and A.

Then there is ME, Self

Then there is R,  His Symbol for opening of B of the created (B)rain and (B)ody that makes for  the conduciveness of His Spirit that may THEN arise from within.

Then there is I, not self I, but the Christ I.

Then there is C,  Christ.

In the beginning (A), and ending (A), U, ME, I, will all move (R) together As One with S, His (S)pirit.

The alteration for His conduciveness.

(A) (ME) (R) (I) (C) (A)



The Transformation of the Mind

October 10, 2001


Ego and Shifting of the Poles 

According to the Edgar Cayce Readings, self must set self aside in order to enter the kingdom of heaven that is within each of us to meet, and to become As One with the Father, the Creative Force, God..

The word ego, according to Webster, where the mind learns all of what words "mean"..., 

...ego is basically synonymous with the word self.

According to the Bible, one (self) must become AS a little child in order to enter the kingdom of heaven within where God, the Father is.

Even Jesus said the Father was in Him and He was in the Father.

That is the Pattern that Jesus established that every mind MAY follow.

The mind may not be willing, but IS able.

WHEN the mind makes the revelation that the letters of the mind are able to be  connected to His Spirit...,

...His Spirit will move when the mind moves its own letter symbols that it has already learned.

Here is a perfect match of transforming words of self and ego...,

...that reflect signs of a transformation of the mind..., the mind transforms itself into a little child that is AS One with God.

First self.

(S)elf--- self has just been transformed to a Spiritual elf, a little one.

Then ego.

According to the Readings self is the only sin, and that sin is being away from God.

Here is a sign that ego can be transformed and MOVED into being one with God.


As the ego is way from God, it is at the (n)egative pole called the born mi(n)d

The Spirit of God is at the opposite pole, the positive pole, † or t, that is within the created human body.

Jesus, the Pattern of the Spirit of God, His created body and the cross t were As One.

The mind of self is always taught to "try to think positive which means its born state is away from the natural positive pole within the created human body and towards the negative pole, the born mind of Self.

Thus, in order to reflect ego in its born state, it is necessary to add the negative state that it is born into like this.


Now, allow the mind to move the letters As His as is stated in Revelation 1:8 and the mind will begin traverse to the positive pole within through its own words.




The letter g was the first letter of the Word that was with the Spirit of God in the beginning, that Word being God.

(one) (god)

In this sequence, the mind of self has left self, to become as a little one, and its ego has been transformed to be one god, which is One with God.

These signs are a reflection of a  co-incidence and not a coincidence within the transformed mind.

As promised, this generation will see His  Signs..., 

...and they are as the hidden manna that be found in the mind's own manifested words and in the manifested words of others. 

If this information sounds somewhat confusing, it is because the mind refuses to acknowledge that the mind must learn all over, as a little child, to  move its learned letter symbols As His..,

...rather than its own that Webster has conveniently blocked into words that block the mind from moving away from itself.

If any mind has any doubt, just look at the hidden word in Webster...,

...a (web) ster for a (young) ster.
