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Hypnosis 6-13-99

According to the written Law of Webster...

...hypno..."Greek word for sleep

...Hypnos..."Greek mythology...the god of sleep..."

...hypnosis..."A trancelike condition usually induced by another person in which the subject is in an altered state of consciousness."

Sound a little like the Pattern of Edgar Cayce perhaps?


"BEGIN with the study of self...

...which may best be done by...




...the body...

...through hypnosis"*


"It is also dangerous to submit to submerging of self through hypnosis...


...the body-mind of such an operator is in accord with...

...CONSTRUCTIVE, forces IN a body.*




...negative suggestions."*


*Page 88 of the Edgar Cayce Companion 

The body-mind...

...the Creative Force is positive and constructive...

The brain-mind may be both positive and negative...

...constructive and destructive. 
Allow the brain-mind of self to...


...ask the body-mind of self for constructive help for others and self along the way...

...with a THANK YOU following.

With patience the help will come from...


First self becomes conscious of self.

Then self learns...

...step by step... leave self and enter within to commune with its Creator.

Baby steps are taken by teaching the mind to leave its own Letters and return them to Him.

This is where (t)he and (t)his are seen as symbols that these baby steps are in the right direction according to His Pattern...

...that is the ideal for the mind.

As the mind begins to unfold... 

...hypnosis may be a future step.

Allow the mind to be absolutely "positive"...

...that the  suggestive steps...

...under hypnosis...

...are in accordance with His Pattern.

The mind will know...

...IF... seeks (t)he signs following.

Gnosis 6-13-99

According to the written Law of Webster that is etched in stone... know...
...knowledge of spiritual things.

Allow the mind to notice that the letter (G) is completely silent within this word.

The letter G is also the first root letter of the word (G)od.


Edgar Cayce... Hypnosis...Gnosis

Is this the Pattern that Edgar Cayce followed?


Hypnosis without (G)od is sin.

This is hypnosis WITH (G)od...


The (G) is silent...


..the mind enters...


This is Edgar Cayce sleeping WITH the knowledge of (G)od...

...the Creative Force.


Allow the mind to know (t)his...

...without (G)od...

... words of the mind are sins...

...with (G)od...

...the sins literally become... along His Way.

Just as IN the Pattern of Jesus...

...when the stones of the written words of Webster's Law...

...are rolled AWAY by the mind...

...His Spirit will then be manifested from...


...those words...

... especially those words emanating through...


Shhh!  The Law of Webster wants (G) to remain silent!

SLow the mind and body down

Ironically, as it normally is with spirit... order to reach the vibrations of the HIGHER consciousness...

...the LOWER the vibrations of the mind and body must become.

This is what must be called the greatest irony of all.

Edgar Cayce may love this.

It is an in-"verse" relationship! 

That is why sleep or next to sleep produces more awareness.

That is why slow breathing exercises are prescribed.

That is why meditation is prescribed.

That is why yoga is prescribed.

That is why hyp(G)nosis is prescribed.

That is one reason the minds of (S)elves go within words... seek signs like (t)his.

It slows the mind down...

...and when they find some...,


...Pattern of His vibrations kick in... 

...for they are one.

For an example when is there here?

When the mind slows down...

... and takes up its (t), cross and goes to be as one with His cross...


"On earth as it is IN heaven WITHIN."

There is literally here when the mind goes...


This HOW to slow down self...

...(s)elf... become a little child.

...With God...

...all things are possible...

...and all thoughts are things.*

*Page 84 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

With (G)od sins become si(g)ns.

According to the Law of Webster...

..the word the is called the "definite article".

The definite aritcle is definitely a thing.

All things were given unto the Son.

Thus... all the the's are His..

Here is the sign that (t)his is true.


The Symbols Within The Body

There are symbols...

WITHIN... the human mind-body...

...that parallel the symbols WITHIN the pyramids.

In the pyramids the symbols appear along the passage ways as the body MOVES through.

In the human body the symbols MOVE along the passage ways of the glands of the body... the body is at rest.

The glands are emblematic of the seven churches in the Book of Revelation.

Guess what kind of symbols moved along those passage ways?

L E T T E R S 

If you match "things" up...

...they will not burn down.

How many symbols in the word letters?

How many letters are in the English Language?

In THAT string, or CORD of letters, find each position of the letters... the word...G O D

Total those positions.

Read John 1:1

Read Revelation 1:8

Read the bottom of page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

When (S)elf sets Self aside... suggested by the Readings... ALSO sets aside the letters of that mind of Self.


...the mind of (S)elf will be able to commune with the Letters...

...that are symbols...

...of the Creative Force...

...that pass through the seven chuches, or glands of the body.

That is How the mind of (S)elf... in Edgar Cayce's case...

...became a passage way or channel  so that the Creative Force could manifest itself through his physical body...

...and mind of self of the personality of Edgar Cayce that he set aside.

This HOW the natural law works.

This is the law that Adam broke.

This is the Law that Jesus restored...

...ironically... breaking the written law to restore and fulfill the natural law.

The natural law is the law followed by Edgar Cayce...

...when he set his "current" personality of self aside.

In the beginning...

...the communion was WITHIN.

Man communed with the Lord using the Lords symbols called letters.

Adam broke that law by taking the letters as his own.


...and the letters that every mind uses today...

...ARE His symbols.

That is WHY the passage...

...Revelation 1:8...

...was written.

Page 370 of the Edgar Cayce Companion sums it up very "well".


...the earth and all therein IS the LORD'S.

All thine OWN is LENT thee...

...NOT thine but LENT thee.

Keep it inviolate."


...not for the sake of our Selves...

...but for the sake of our souls...

... please allow the mind to return His symbols as it goes WITHIN... there were His symbols from the beginning.

Say Please arkroc

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) 06/15/1999 01:43 am EDT

When the mind is asking for something... will very often say please.
When the minds of (S)elves enter within the word please...

...guess what it finds?



...take a look at the previous message and see what quote is on page 370.
The letter P is the first root letter of the two major glands in the Brain.
In fact. IF the P's were combined as one...

...they could easily form a B.

In spirit there is nothing by chance. 

This is exactly HOW one's mind may get an entirely... lease on life.


...Say Please...

...and acknowledge you are only leasing His letters. 

Re: Say Please arkroc
(58/M/Longwood, Florida) 06/15/1999 08:57 am EDT

By saying please to the Father within... attunement for His Son's atonement...

...which WILL bring at-onement*...

...not only WILL the minds of (S)elves receive a re-ward of a new lease on life...

...Saying Please...

...according to His Pattern...

...the mind WILL also receive this re-ward as it goes within to meet the Father.


P...Pituitary** and Pineal** Glands



The minds of (S)elves will have found 
and returned to a state of...


...Rather than DIS-EASE.

"Then... its final analysis...

...dis-ease might be called sin."***


*Page 133 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

**Page 248 an 249 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

***Page 259 of The Edgar Cayce Companion


The Vine and the Branches


"Abide in me...

...and I IN you.

As the branch cannot bear fruit of ITSELF...

...except it abide in the vine... more can ye...

...except ye abid in me.


I am the the vine... are the branches.

He that abideth in me...

...and I in him...

...the same bringeth forth much fruit...

...for without me ye can do nothing.


If a man abide not in me...

he is cast forth as a branch...

...and is withered...

and men gather them ...

...and cast them into the fire...

...and they are burned.

IF... abide in me...

...and my WORDS abide IN you... shall ask what ye WILL...

...and it shall be done unto you."

John 15:4


These are the Words spoken by Jesus.

These are the Words that form the Pattern.

This is the Pattern that Edgar Cayce literally followed.

These are some of the words that Edgar Cayce was "well versed" in.  

So well versed in the Pattern...

...he was given what...

...what he desired...

...for his desire of self...

...and the will of his soul were as of one desire... help others.

Because His desire of self was as one with the will of his soul...

...and the will of the Father, or the Creative Force... was very easy for him to set the mind of self aside.

The Words WITHIN the Bible prepared his mind for the destiny that he fulfilled.

Every mind may follow the same Pattern.

The essence of the Pattern is to set the conscious mind of self aside...

.. and at the same time...

...OPEN the mind and body as a channel... that His Spiritual Words may flow THROUGH the channel.

Edgar Cayce did that by setting his entire personality...

...of his MIND of self aside...

...through hypnosis.

The minds of (S)elves do the same thing...

...but on the level of more like a little child. 

Instead of setting the mind of self aside...

...they simply set the letters that the mind uses aside...

...and then return them to the Creative Force...

...the Father...


They THEN look for His signs in their very own words...

...for they are now MOVING His Spiritual letters in their minds.

Here is a sign of (t)his activity.


This activity allows the mind to be...


...there and here at the same time.
The mind will literally see the  Pattern of His Spirit in the mind's own words.

Very simple. Very profound. 

The PROCESS is called atunement for His Atonement.

The RESULT is called At-onement.*

*Page 133 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

Full Circle

To the seeking mind...

...the Readings lead and direct the mind...

...perhaps in many cases...

...right back to where it started seeking from in the beginning.


...which is emblematic of ALL that seek...

...wandered in the desert for forty years.

In the forty years from '58 to '98...

...the mind has also wondered and wandered...

...about what direction in which to go. 


The Readings...

...a number of years ago...

...specifically suggested HOW and WHAT road the mind should travel. 

Just as the human mind is entering into NEW forms of communication...

...these very advanced forms of  communication will provide the Readings with a platform that will...


...allow the mind to come full circle and to find what it has been seeking.

Every now and then the human race, apparently, passes through a certain forty year cycle to achieve a...


...of the same religious thought.

And what is that thought?

We have a God, the Father.

And what is the NEW application?

It is the process that allows the mind to commune with the source of its being, God...


The Pattern of that communion was established by Jesus.

Edgar Cayce not only followed that Pattern ...

..the Voice within him detailed the the precise way for EVERY mind to follow that Pattern.

This informaton has been available...

...but only in the past year or so...

...'98... the magnitude of the information...

...leading to this NEW understanding is becoming availabe to most everyone.

It is no coincidence that the inter-net forms a basis of One Source of comunication for the entire pla-net.

Both will "play" a key role in "net"ing the souls of mankind back to the Father.

The table has been prepared for the return of the soul to partake of the hidden manna... learning to shed the shell of Self.

The DESTINY of the human race is that it WILL happen...

..and it is beginning to happen right now.

Fill the Letters...Fill the Pattern

The human mind may easily follow His Pattern by simply filling the letters of its mind wih His spirit.

HOW does the mind do that?

Take the letters WITHIN and give them back to the Force...

...that built the house (body)... 

...that literally houses the mind on this earth Plane.

All things are His anyway.

Until now...

...the mind just assumed that its letters were a given.

The letters were NEVER a given.

The mind needs to learn that the letters it is moving around... its mind...

...are His and must be...

...sooner or later...

...acknowledged as such.

Everything that the mind THINKS it posseses is only lent to the mind...* 
...and that most certainly goes for the things called letters that are the tools of the mind.

*Page 370 of The Edgar Cayce Companion  

When the mind begins to move the letters as His...

...the mind begins to move to that point of view WITHIN.

"like attracts like; like begets like."*

*Page 36 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

Here is a simple example.

Here Self moves the letters as its own.


Here Self moves the letters as the are His.


The mind just gave back the S which is the FIRST Root Letter of His  (Sp)irit..

Notice HOW the mind has just become as a little one.

This exactly fits His Pattern of being converted to a little child in order to enter the kingdom of heaven WITHIN.*

Matthew 18:3

This is literally the process of being reborn.

The Emblematic Pattern of the immaculate conception is for the MIND to make the conception...

...that the letters that self is using are His.

Once that conception is made...the MIND itself... birth to a new mind out of itself.

The born mind is born in sin becaue it has moved its mind away from His Spirit. 

The born again mind is forgiven as the mind moves back into His Spirit.

How can the mind tell?


When the mind returns...

...the sins are literally converted into His signs that the mind can follow.

Here is the sign that this is true.

....sin...becomes a si(G)n when the mind returns the letters.


...of course... the first root and "route" letter of God.

Every mind has gone astray according to the pattern of words it has developed as its own.

No two stray paths are exactly alike. 
However, All minds MAY...

and one day...


...return to Him by following His Path in its very own words. 

In every minds own set of words there is a single path that will lead the mind WITHIN to its maker.

In order for the mind to follow His steps... at a time...

...allow the mind to seek WITHIN ITS OWN WORDS... word at a time for His signs along the way.

There is only one difference between the spirit mind that is ABLE to go WITHIN...

...and the physical mind that has NOT YET made the conception... the builder.

Here is the sign that spirit mind may may be here and there at the the same time.


There and here are two words that are As One Word.

This is exactly according to His Pattern and the Law of One.

When the mind decides to make the conception... will definitely begin to see signs in its own words...

...for the letters have always been His.