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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #199

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #199

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Jesus and Religions of the World

August 26, 2001


On January 3rd, 1925

Morton Blumenthal (900), a wealthy young New York Hebrew stock broker, who became a financial cornerstone that led to the Edgar Cayce legacy, inquired about the role of Jesus.

Here is an excerpt from Reading 900-17 regarding that inquiry.

(Q) It has also been given in these readings that Jesus lived a man and died a man. 

It has also been given that God so loved the world as to give His only begotten Son to act as an example, in the flesh, to man. 
Explain these things to us. 

How may we regard the truth regarding Jesus in relation to the Jewish and Christian religions, AND to ALL the other religions of the world? 

(A) "In that the man, Jesus, became the ensample of the flesh, manifest in the world, and the will one with the Father, he became the FIRST to manifest same in the material world. 

Thus, from man's viewpoint, becoming the ONLY, the FIRST, the begotten of the Father, and THE ENSAMPLE to the world.., 

...whether Jew, Gentile, or of any other religious forces. 

In this we find the TRUE advocate with the Father, in that He, as man, manifest in the flesh the ability of the flesh to make fleshly desires one with the will of the spirit. 

For God is spirit, and they who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth, just as Jesus manifested in the flesh, and able to partake of the divine, for making all laws susceptible to the mandates. 

For the will was one with the Father, and in this we find He takes on all law, and a law unto Himself. 

For with the compliance, of even an earthly or material law, such an person IS the law. 

And in that Jesus lived as man, and died as man, and in that became THE ENSAMPLE to all who WOULD approach the Throne of God. 

As we see in all the religions of the world, we find all approaching those conditions where man MAY become as the law in his connection with the divine, the supreme, the oneness, of the world's manifestation. 

IN Jesus we find the answer."


Apparently, no matter what religion the mind has entered into..., 

...the Pattern, or Ensample, for the mind to follow was established in the ONE man named Jesus.

Blessing to those minds that recognize the Ensample, the Pattern of the Father, God, the Creative Force that exists IN EVERY human being that Jesus was able to manifest from within Himself.

The mission statement of the ARE is to..,

... "make manifest the LOVE of God and man.

The mind of every human being IS able to manifest the love of God...,

...IF that mind, willingly. acknowledges and follows the ONE Ensample that only ONE man ever established.


Edgar Cayce on the Lord's Spirit

September 1, 2001


As I was growing up in a Christian environment..,

...I was taught that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost were all one and the same being...,

...and sort of ran the world from heaven that was somewhere up in the sky.

It was so difficult to comprehend that I sort of drifted further and further away from even trying to understand what was being said in church and stopped attending church for years thereafter.

Then one day, a friend suggested that we  get a psychic reading. So, out of curiosity, I decided to go.

That day ended up changing my life.

The psychic told me things about myself she could not have possibly known.

God, I thought, this lady knows what she is talking about. She then suggests, that I read the book "There is a River".

With her validity then firmly entrenched in my mind, I took her advice, went to a store and bought the book.

This book started me thinking again about religion, but not in such a far out way that I had learned in the beginning.

All that early stuff that I learned as a young person was now beginning to make sense. 

As one Edgar Cayce book led to another... 
...heaven was no longer in outer space somewhere and neither was the Spirit of the Lord.

They were all within myself, and the Spirit of the Lord, was the Force of Creation that provided me with a created body and the where-with-all to keep it in repair.

Not only that, but this Force seem to be   the Lord that all those people in the Bible kept communicating with.

They were not talking to the guy in the sky, and they were not talking to themselves. 

They were speaking to the Creative Force within themselves, within the living created human body that provides the mind and soul with its own mansion while the mind and soul are in this earth plane together to learn.

My mind is beginning to understand its true relationship to my own created body...,

...and to the Spirit of the Lord of that creation...,

...that my body is a living creation in this earth plane that my mind may communicate with for the benefit of my soul.

As my mind begins to understand, It also begins to understand these words...,

...spoken by the Spirit of the Lord...,

...spoken by God, the Father...,

...spoken by and through the Son...,

...for they all were and are one as the Pattern for the mind to follow.

 "In my Father's house (of all creation) are many mansions (created living human bodies): If this were not so, I would have told you."*

*John 14:2

To me, as EVERY mind continues to unfold in its role to guide the soul home to be as one with the Father, the Force of all Creation...,

...EVERY mind and soul will continue to  be provided with additional housing called mansions until that goal is accomplished..., it is the Father's will that every soul will eventually return home...,

...and the mind will find that Way through His finest living creation, the human body that is truly a mansion.


Blessings to all...,

...and thank you Lord for creating and maintaining my many mansions while my mind, slowly, unfolds in the understanding needed to return my soul home to you.


Living Reincarnated Entities

September 2, 2001


Edgar Cayce, on behalf of their parents gave life readings for a number of children born in the late 1930's and early 1940's, and, most certainly, many are still alive today, including the reincarnations of Thomas Jefferson and Frances Willard. 

Here is an excerpt from a reading dealing with the reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson. 

Edgar Cayce Readings 1208-1
M 2 DAYS (Christian Background) 

This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 23rd day of June, 1936, in accordance with request made by the parents. 

Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mr. [ 391 ], Thomas House and Hugh Lynn Cayce. 

Born June 21, 1936, at 2:45 P. M., Sunday (Father's Day), at the home of his parents, Virginia Beach, Virginia. 

"Before this, as given, the entity lived in the earth during those periods when there were the turmoils in that known as the Revolution, and in the activities of the Colonists. 

The entity then, as Thomas Jefferson, made these contributions to the activities of the people - that are well known, or may be had through the many references that may be drawn upon my those seeking to know. "


Here is an excerpt from a reading dealing with the reincarnation of Frances Willard. 

Edgar Cayce Reading 2015-3
F 15 DAYS 

This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 12th day of October, 1939, in accordance with request made by the father. 

Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. 

Born September 27, 1939, 8:10 A. M., in ..., Kentucky. 

EC: "Yes, we have the records here of that entity now called [ 2015 ]. 

Before this we find the entity was Frances Willard, who was active in creating those influences for temperance, as well as for the under privileged." 


Article from the Encyclopaedia Britannica: 
WILLARD ,FRANCES ELIZABETH CAROLINE (1839-1898), U.S. educator, reformer and politician, was born at Churchville, Monroe county, N.Y., Sept. 28, 1839. 

She became a teacher upon graduation from the North-Western Female college at Evanston, Ill., in 1859. In 1871 she accepted the presidency of the newly organized Evanston College for Ladies. 

When it merged with Northwestern university in 1873, she was appointed dean of women. She resigned this post in 1874 to become corresponding secretary of the National Woman's Christian Temperance union. 

In 1879 she was elected president and held this office until her death. 

In 1883 she organized the World's Woman's Christian Temperance union and was its first president. 

The organizations in which she was active were committed to temperance reform, woman sufferage and improved industrial codes for women. 

In recognition of her pre-eminence in the cause of womankind, she was chosen president of the National Council of Women in 1888. 

She participated in the Industrial conference, forerunner of the Populist party, held in St. Louis, Mo., in Feb. 1892. 

She died in New York City on Feb. 18, 1898.

Edgar Cayce gave 2500 Life Readings that all revealed individual past reincarnations. 165 were for children under i5 years of age.

1944 was the last year Edgar Cayce was actively giving readings.

 "The Return of Frances Willard" authored by Jeffrey Furst and published in 1971 is an interesting case study of entity 2015.

The book also talks about a lad referred to as JT. They really called him TJ for his real name this time around is Thomas Jefferson Davis.

He is the living nephew of Gladys Davis Turner who was the stenographer for most all of Edgar Cayce's 14000+ readings.     


Famous reincarnations

September 3, 2001


Out of the 2400 Life Readings given to indviduals by Edgar Cayce during this past century, some of these souls had led pretty famous past lives.

Here are some of those.

0254-032(13), 0900-006(8), 0900-038(12,18), 0900-063, 0900-261(11-14,16), 0900-275(9,10), 0900-426(7)

Achilles' Mother 

Adams,John Quincy 

Alexander The Great 





Da Vinci,Leonardo 


Eric The Great's Mother 

Eric The Red 

0341-001(14,24), 0341-008(14), 0341-016, 0341-044

Ericsson The Great 



0136-070(10), 0142-001(9,10)





Joan Of Arc 

King Louis XV 
King Louis XVI Of France 

Marie Antoinette 

Nebuchadnezzar's Wife 



Queen Elizabeth I Of England 

Socrates' Daughter 
0538-005(23), 0538-009(10), 0538-059





If you are an ARE member, these readings may be found on-line at:


Many Mansions

September 8, 2001


According to the Edgar Cayce Readings, the Pattern is in Jesus.

What is that Pattern?

Apparently, the Pattern was the mind of Jesus...,

...that was attuned to the Father that was in Jesus...,

...but the Father could not be seen by the human conscious eye, but He could be heard by the human conscious ear.

Jesus even stated that the Words He spoke were not His own..,

...but were of Spirit and of the Father within Him.*

*John 14:10

According to the Edgar Cayce Readings, the Father is in each of us and is called the Creative Force that builds and maintains the creation known today as the.., human body designed to provide housing for the mind, and its companion, its soul, as they dwell within another of the Father's creation called earth. 

Here are some interesting words that emanated from the Father from within the mind and body of Jesus.


"In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

And whither I go YE KNOW, and the WAY ye know."*

*John 14:4 


With the above information in mind, allow the mind to consider this possibility.

That our Father's house is the entire created living universe.

That mansions are the living created human bodies in the universe.

That the Father was the Creative Force and Spirit that created and maintained the Body of Jesus to provide housing for His Mind and Soul...,

...and is the Pattern for every mind and soul in its relationship to its own mansion, its own body.

Even Jesus, the Pattern for the mind to follow, said the Father was in Him, right?

So where did Jesus, the Pattern, go to be with the Father?

He went INTO His Father's House, the created living human body called a Mansion, and the Mind and Soul of Jesus, the Son, were As One with the Father, the Force of all creation. 


Here is the Pattern.

When the mind, leads its companion, its soul, into attunement to the Force within the living created human body.., 

...the Edgar cayce Readings call that process...,

...attunement for His atonement that allows the mind and soul to MOVE into at-onement.


Now allow the the mind to consider this.

According to the Bible, Jesus was the Word and the Spirit of God made flesh.

According to Webster, it was the Phoenicians that began to transform spoken words into written words.

Even today, phonetics is used to help children learn to spell.

Now allow the mind to consider the word mansions from a phonic point of view.

Mansions become Man-shuns.

These are the mansions, the created living human created bodies that the mind has taken for granted and shunned. Man-shuns.

It is IN these mansions that the mind has virtually shunned and paid no a-tent-shun.

The human body is God's created tent where the mind may make attunement therein.

Allow the mind to consider the possibility that is WHY the Spirit of God returned in human a-tent-shun form to show HOW and WHERE that the mind MAY consider as the WAY to guide its soul home.

Blessings to those minds that begin to see  human bodies as not just flesh..,

...but flesh, as mansions...,

...where the mind and soul and may re-unite with the Father, the Creative Force, the Spirit of God.