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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #198

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #198

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A Sign to Ponder

August 21, 2001


According to the Edgar Cayce Readings, the Pattern is in Jesus.

What is that Pattern?

According to Jesus, what was in Jesus was the Father.

According to the Readings, that Pattern of the Father is God.

According to the Readings, God is the Creative Force that exists in every living created human being that provides and repairs the housing for the mind and soul while it is in this world.

According to the Bible, that God was called Lord.*

*See Genesis 4:26

According to the Bible, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God and that Word was made flesh.

This Word, this God, this Lord was made flesh IN this WORLD, and this WORLD was made by Him..., 

...and most of this WORLD did not know it then and "still" doesn't know it now.


Now for a Sign of His in this WORLD we call home.

His Sign is IN here. 


Where is His Sign? 

It is in WORLD.

According to the Bible, He was the WORD made flesh, remember?

That WORD was the Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Lord, made flesh by the immaculate conception from WITHIN Mary.

So, where is His Sign?

His Sign is found WITHIN this WORLD when the mind decides to enter this WORLD.

Here is HOW the mind OPENS and ENTERS into this WORLD.


There is (L), the Alpha and Omega, the Spirit of the Lord, and there is the WORD.

In deed, the Lord was (t)he WORD IN this WOR(L)D.

Many might say that this is just a coincidence.

They are right and they are wrong.

According to the Readings, nothing is by by chance.

This is not a coincidence, but a co-incidence when the mind decides to venture within to reach the Word made flesh, the Spirit of the Lord...,

...the Pattern of the Spirit of God that may be found IN every human being...,

... the Pattern made known in a man called Jesus.

Blessings to those minds that are willing to venture within...,

...and that is done by the mind going THROUGH its own stored blocked words that every mind has encased itself in... find His Signs along the Way.

The WORD made flesh, the Lord, did enter into this WORLD..., establish a Pattern and a Way that the mind could follow..., set itself and its constant companion, its soul, free from the self conscious mind it has built and blocked itself into.

The Readings state that Self must set Self aside.

This is how that is done. (S)elf


Heaven or Hell

August 22, 2001


"Heaven is that place, that AWARENESS, where the soul...,

....with ALL its attributes..., 

...its MIND, its BODY....,

....becomes AWARE of being in the PRESENCE of the Creative Forces, or One with same."*

*Reading 262-88

"All ye may know of heaven or hell is WITHIN your own self."*

*Reading 4035-1

"The kingdom of the Father or the kingdom of Heaven is within. Why?
Because our mind the son, is within us."*

*Reading 1576-2


Here is NOT His Sign IN the mind of the Son that is within us.......the

Here is His Sign In the mind of the Son  that is within us.......(t)he

Blessings to those minds that begin to see the difference.    


Edgar Cayce's Picture Puzzle

August 22, 2001


Putting all the pieces of a big jigsaw picture puzzle together used to be a lot of family fun.

The dining room table was off limits until the puzzle was completed.

For me, the King James Bible, the one that Edgar Cayce knew so well...,

...AND The Edgar Cayce Readings...,

...are very much like the picture jigsaw puzzles that we used do as kids.

Remember how we used to prop up the box top picture so it would help guide us to find a way to put the puzzle together?

To me, the Readings are like the box top with the completed picture...,

...and the puzzle pieces were like many of those sometimes very puzzling verses in the Bible. 

When I began to "see" the pattern of the picture of what was in the Readings...,

...the puzzle pieces of the Bible verses just seem to begin to fit together perfectly.

To me, Edgar Cayce, and ALL those involved in producing and recording the Readings, including the Search For God study groups..., 

...DID the work of manifesting the picture of the puzzle that Edgar Cayce already had in his mind.

All that remains is for each mind, as the builder, is to start putting the pieces together..., that it has a picture to follow.

Blessings to those that ARE beginning to clear away the dining room table :)


The Book the ARE Ignores...,

August 27, 2001


...but Edgar Cayce did not...,

...and neither did David E Kahn.

Every year the ARE offers its members and the public hundreds of books that suggest ways to find enlightenment.

There is one book that the ARE has, so far, never offered as a book to enlighten the mind,

The book, undoubtedly, is the most IN-spiring book ever read and studied by Edgar Cayce.

That book is the King James Bible.

There is a very good reason WHY this book was so IN-spiring for Edgar Cayce.

According to the Readings, Edgar Cayce had an earlier incarnation as a man named Lucius* who actually wrote the Gospel of Luke in the New Testament of this Bible.*

*Reading 294-192  and Reading 1598-2

Yet, it is almost inconceivable that NO status TODAY is ever even given to the most important book the mind needs to review to find the enlightenment that the ARE proclaims that the mind can find.

There is only one possible explanation that this writer can see.

More money.

Apparently the ARE would prefer you to buy and study books that THEY, themselves, manifest, many written by their OWN employees..., 

...rather than the ONE book supposedly written partially by the very soul of the man that also manifested the very  Readings that others ARE currently using as a stepping stone to promote their OWN efforts.

Take a look at these words from Reading 1966-1.

"Study and know thy relationship to the Creator. No better handbook may be used than Scripture itself."

The version of Scripture, that the Readings so often refer to is..., 

...the King James Bible.

Why this book? 

Because the Scriptures in this book provide the mind with a Pattern to follow that was in Jesus...,

...and Lucius / Edgar Cayce documented and witnessed the testimony of that Pattern in the Gospel of Luke.

The New Testament truly describes the Pattern in Jesus that the human mind may follow to fulfill its destiny for its own  companion...,

...its own soul.

Blessings to those minds that are willing to reach out for a King James Bible in One hand that contains the Pattern for the mind to follow..., 

...and The Edgar Cayce Readings in the other hand that shows HOW the mind may build according to the Pattern as described in the King James Bible

Get the best, and forget the rest.

Just Get BOTH documents that were manifested by ONE soul....,

...known as Lucius / Edgar Cayce.

There is one very influential man in Edgar Cayce's life that did just that.

 He was one of the most influential players, throughout the years, in helping Edgar Cayce to manifest the Readings.

He  was a Hebrew furniture dealer from New York named David E. Kahn.*

*See Reports in Reading 254-42 that was given 7/15/28.

DEK is David E. Kahn

7/17/28 EC's letter to DEK: 

"Morton was here last week-end, and I think we had one of the most interesting readings on the WORK that we have EVER had. I'm sending you a copy of it." 

7/26/28 DEK wrote: 

"The rdg. on the work was wonderful. 

I have ordered a NEW TESTAMENT and shall immediately begin to get my information so I can use it. 

I will discuss this more at length when I see you at Va. Beach."

Blessings to those minds that begin to think like David E. Kahn.


On Being Born Again

August 29, 2001


An excerpt from Edgar Cayce Reading 262-60 on being born again.


(Q) Please explain the Master's statement to Nicodemus , "Ye must be born again." 

(A) In its WHOLE setting, rather, should this word be understood.  

Nicodemus was among those of the Sanhedrin, those of the teachers, those of the elders...,, 
...with that privilege of being in access to all that had been given from the time there was delivered to Moses on the mount...,

....the ordinances, the relationships of individuals to individuals, the relationship of the individual soul to its Maker. 

Much had come now to be rather as hearsay, as omens, rather than the ordinances of old. 

And when Nicodemus asked, "How can such things be?"...,

...the rebuke came in His answer..., 

..."Art thou a teacher in Israel and knoweth not these things?" 

Ye must be born of water and of blood. Or, of the spirit and THROUGH the flesh. Or, that ALL must pass under the rod..., 

...even as was given by those teachers that as Moses and the children passed through the sea they were baptized in the cloud and in the sea; as an example, as an omen, as a physical activity of a spiritual, a physical separation from that which had been builded in their experience as the sojourn in Egypt. 

As the Master gave to Nicodemus, ye must be born of the spirit WHERE ye may make manifest the fruits of the spirit. 


In the earth! 

Not that these come in their order as indicated in the question by Nicodemus , but in their relative position as to...,

... their development, their necessities, their needs for their soul growth, their soul understanding. 

O that all would gather more of that understanding that the soul is a body..., 

...and the physical is...,

...the mere temple, the mere shell, the mere material manifestation of that which may not be touched by hands! 

For, it appears that we must be born again that we may dwell in those mansions not made with hands - but are prepared for those that have washed their robes, their bodies, their souls in the blood. 

For, ye are ones that may know the truth, if ye will but manifest in thine own experiences that ye have learned in thine meditations with thine God. 

Ye must be born in flesh, in spirit..,


...that ye may make manifest that ye have experienced in thine own soul!"

