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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #196

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #196

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The Guidance System for the Soul

August 4, 2001


According to the Edgar Cayce Readings, the mind is the guidance system for the soul.

The mind, with its free will, moves 26 symbols, called letters, into all kinds of combinations called words to form thoughts that lead to body movements...,

...that also includes the movement of what is in the body, the mind and its companion, the soul.

The mind has the free will to mix and match any combination of letters that it wants to, except for, maybe four.

There are four letters that the mind is unable to change, because if it did, it would lose sight of itself.

 Ironically, that is exactly what the Readings state that the mind should do.

Lose itself or set itself aside, so the mind may enter through its own self into the created body to meet the Maker of its soul, God, the Father, the Creative Force.

Here are the four letters that the mind has forever corded to the mind that forms a blocked word that causes the mind to block itself in itself, with no way out....,


The mind has been taught from its physical birth that these four letters are to be forever etched in stone and directly corded to what is called the mind.

MIND is blocked and corded to the mind.

Along comes the Pattern IN Jesus, the Word made flesh, the Maker, the Father, the Creative Force that is within the created body, and states...

..wait a minute mind..., 

...the letters of those words you have been using to build un-movable blocks are  Mine, and are Spirit, and when YOU move them as such...,

...My Spirit, that is within, will move with your mind...,

...for  WE will THEN be corded together As One rather than to have your mind "still" being corded only to those block words that have blocked you in.

The mind looks at Revelation 1:8, looks at what John is doing IN Spirit, and thinks, hmmm, maybe there is something to this.

So the mind, with its free will, decides to do something that it has never before been taught or allowed to do.

It will undo the corded block word that has been blocking itself to see what happens.   
Again, here is what the mind has been dragging around...,

...MIND-----blocked and corded to the mind that has caused the mind to become emblematically blocked within itself 

Here is the mind that breaks open that block.

MIND becomes M I N D. The blocked letters begin to move.

As the mind has NOW freed itself..., can NOW look for NEW directional signs, as it is still the guidance system for the soul.

Lo and behold, is this a coincidence or what?

It looks like the mind may have just found two signs even as it begins to enter itself.

Take a look.

M (IN) D     (IN) (MD)

According to the Readings, nothing is a coincidence to the spiritual aspect of the mind that goes IN.

In fact, everything IS a co-incidence when the mind becomes As One with the Father.

Apparently, as the mind un-blocks itself and enters IN to itself..., will find the real MD that does the healing within the created body.

Blessings to those minds that are willing to learn HOW to re-move the blocks of letters, called words, etched in stone..., 

...that have encased their minds into its own self consciousness since birth.., that it may escape from itself and enter into the Consciousness of Father where every mind will begin to receive true everlasting "headings" along the Way.


THE Seed Money for the ARE

August 4, 2001


The seed money that enabled the developing ARE organization to manifest the Edgar Cayce Readings that held the Christ Consciousness as its Ideal through the Pattern in Jesus..., 

...was basically gifted to the organization by two young wealthy Hebrew brothers in the roaring twenties...,. 

...Morton Blumenthal (900) and his brother Edwin Blumenthal (137), both New York stock brokers. 

The first to provide seed money was Morton Blumenthal who happened to have an earache and who happened to know David Kahn who ran a furniture business in New York and who happened to know Edgar Cayce. 

Blumenthal was so impressed with the Reading results from Edgar Cayce who was living in Ohio at the time..., 

...that the Cayce family was invited visit to New York where Blumenthal had become a self made millionaire stock broker. 

The entire story reads like a good TV drama with a few ironic twists and turns. 

Here are a few. 

First, remember the most famous self portrait of Edgar Cayce who was a professional photographer by trade? 

In that picture, Edgar Cayce is either twitching or pointing to his ear. 

A coincidence? Again nothing is a coincidence to the spiritual aspect of the mind. 

Then, it might be interesting to note that Morton and his wife joined the Catholic Church, and so did his brother Edwin. 

Even though the Readings specifically state that people should stay with their individual religions, but could still focus on the Pattern that was IN Jesus, who was also Jewish. 

Morton's wife (136), in her twenties at the time, had a great difficult time in equating her born religious beliefs to what was emanating forth to her in the Readings. 

As quoted in "Edgar Cayce on Dreams" by Harmon Bro...,1968 


.."But it wrenched her that she found Edgar Cayce in his trance state, however tolerant in waking life..., 

...adamant that Jesus had in truth been the most complete pattern for men to follow, whatever their religious affiliation. 

She knew that Cayce did not push her to become a churchgoer, and in fact, encouraged her in her hopes of rearing her son to be a religious leader in Israel. 

But the force of the respect he gave to the figure of Christ put her under inward stress, as as outward tension with relatives." Page 15 


Then, it might be interesting to note that both brothers eventually divorced. 

Then it might also be interesting to note that Edgar Cayce had a falling out with Morton and that was the beginning of the end of the seed money. 

Lots of problems later "ensued", no pun intended, but the seed money for the manifestation of the Readings had already been planted. 

THEN, ironically, this also might be interesting to note. 

Remember that son born to Morton and his wife that may very well be living today? 

He was born May 15, 1927. 

The child (142-1) was given a life Readings at the age of 1 month as requested by his parents. 
According to the Reading, this child was the reincarnation of Alexander Hamilton. the first Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. 
And even in an earlier reincarnation this child was, again, the son of his current mother (136) who happened to be none other than the Helen of Troy. 
And so, as the world turns..., 

..with souls re-turning. 



Fulfilling the Law

August 5, 2001


This may be the program. 

According to the Edgar Cayce Readings the mind is BOTH physical AND spiritual.

Moses, by himself, physically used his body AND mind to climb up a mountain.

His mind then enters into its spirit mode, exactly what John did in the Book of Revelation. as it begins to move letters, not as his own, but as those of the Creative Force, God.

His physical body and mind chisel out the words in stone AS they are spiritual presented to his mind from within.

AS he is writing down the letters. the Creative Spirit, God, and the mind and body of Moses are moving As One.

Once the Spiritual writing session is finished, the mind and body switch back to the physical mode only.

The mind and body of Moses physically descend the mountain to present the written law that was written in the Spirit of God that emanated from within him..., 

...but is no longer directly connected to the Spirit of God that remains hidden within living human created body of Moses, just as the Pattern of the Father was hidden within Jesus.

The rest of the human race has had a pretty tough time following this written law, that was spiritually presented from WITHIN Moses to Moses. but is now etched in stone for all to see...,

...but with none of God's direct Spiritual attachment.

Again, enters the Pattern IN Jesus.

Through the Pattern IN Jesus, Spoken Spiritual Words are not just given to just one person to write down. They are given to everyone that has ears to hear them.

The Spirit, the Pattern, the Creative Force in Jesus, even stated this through Jesus.

"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy but to fulfil."*

*Matthew 5:17

The Pattern within Jesus is going to fulfil the law with what?

With the LIVING SPIRIT that Moses left behind as he physically descended from the mountain with Spiritual Words physically blocked in stone with no MORE Spiritual movement therein.

The Pattern in Jesus was the Spiritual Word of God, the Creative Force, moving for many to now see and hear HOW Moses received the Law.

Many scribes who saw and heard the Pattern in Jesus wrote His Words down also.

Again, the same cause and effect occurs. Once Spiritual words are etched in stone or written down in a physical format...,

...the words are no longer directly corded, to Spirit from the point of view of each human mind AND body.

A Preacher today will often quote Spiritual Words etched in stone or blocked into print, and attempt to say, "in other words", to try to explain the essence of the Words.

It is a commendable effort, but falls short of what the Pattern IN Jesus is all about.

Here is the difference between John and Moses.

When the law was given to Moses in Spirit, that law did not include HOW Moses received the Law.

The Pattern IN Jesus came to fulfil that Law and explained HOW Spiritual Words may be manifested through EVERY individual, if the mind of that individual is willing.

John, in the Book of Revelation, in Spirit, on the Isle of Patmos, is informed of  HOW that is done AS he is writing.

AS John is moving letters, the Spirit states I AM the letters that your mind is NOW moving...,

...and my Spirit, your mind, and your body, we are ALL moving As One AS your mind and body are MOVING the letters as mine, John, rather than as your own.

The mind is the builder. and as the mind returns its 26 letters, back to the Spirit of God, (Revelation 1:8) the mind will follow...,

..and begin to move WITHIN and to be CORDED to the Sprit of God...,

...because according to the Edgar Cayce Readings, like attracts like, like begets like.

Blessings to those minds that are willing to return and THEN move the letters, not for the sake of their minds, but for the sake of every mind's companion, its soul.


The Way is No Way for the ARE

August 9, 2001


Here is a very important excerpt from the Edgar Cayce Readings...,

...echoed by the,

...that will probably never become an official mission statement communique from the ARE.

Why? Because this Reading includes the Word Jesus that, apparently, is part and parcel of the Way that the mind needs to follow within as...,

... THE WAY...,

...for the mind to reach the ideal called the Universal Christ Consciousness...,


...for some unknown reason, the ARE refuses to acknowledge the role of Jesus as part and parcel of the Way...,

...that certainly SEEMS to be the truth emanating from within the very Readings the ARE is charged with preserving.   

 Even Reading 2533-7 states...,

..."The Pattern is in Jesus". 

Take a look at the following Reading, and see if there is any other way, or any other human being that should be considered.

Take a look


"For as ye behold the face of thy friend, of thy neighbor, of thy foe, yea thine enemy, ye behold the image of thy Savior.
For ye are all His, bought, not only with the birth of the God-Child into flesh, but with the death...,

...that ye might know that He, thy Brother, thy Savior, thy Christ, has been and is...,

...the Way to the Father in this material plane."

(Notice the word Way is capitalized.)


"For as He chose to enter, so YE have entered. As He chose to live, so may ye live.  

As He chose to give of Himself that there might be a greater understanding, a greater knowledge;

yea, the showing forth of the wisdom of God that God IS love, poured forth upon the children of men in this experience.
And as these changes come and as ye make known that as has been the raising of that consciousness of His Presence in
THINE experience, by thy dealings with, by thy conversation with, by thy life with thy fellow man..., may ye hasten the day when HE, CHRIST, may come into thine own heart, unto His OWN peoples, to reign; yes, in the hearts and lives!
Then indeed should each of you at this Glad Season make the hearts of others Merry..., thine own happiness in the birth,
the life, the death of thy Jesus, thy Christ!
Know this had no beginning in the 1900 years ago, but again and Again and AGAIN!  

And it may be today, He may be born
into thy consciousness; not as a physical birth...,

...but each moment that a physical birth is experienced in the earth..., an OPPORTUNITY for the Christ entrance again!"
262-103  12/10/1936


Portions of this Reading should probably be nailed to the front door of the ARE to help bring about the true enlightenment that is given in the Readings.

Blessings to those that ARE beginning to see the true Light* of this world that was established by the Pattern IN Jesus...,

*John 8:12

...and confirmed IN the Edgar Cayce Readings.


The ARE Mission Statement

August 9, 2001


Here is the Official Mission Statement of the ARE.

The purpose of the ARE is..., 

..."to make manifest the love of God and man." * 

*Reading 254-42 


That is exactly correct. That is the Purpose and the One Ideal that the mind should strive for. 

However, where the reader is left suspended in darkness is ... 

...HOW does the reader manifest the love..., 

...of God..., 

...and man. 

That HOW..., manifest the love of God, or the Universal Christ Consciousness, may be accomplished by the human mind, that is the builder, by..., 

...FIRST imprinting on itself, the Pattern found in Jesus. 

Take a look at this ARE Official Mission Statement link..., 

...and see if you can find even a hint as to HOW to fulfill the ARE Mission..., 

...even though the knowledge of that  HOW..., 

...has been duly recorded in the Readings for everyone to see. 

Blessings to those that desire to not only know WHAT the Mission is...,

 ...but HOW to accomplish it. 

That HOW is at the very core of The Edgar Cayce Readings.