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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #194

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #194

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Edgar Cayce's 1-2 Punch

July 22, 2001


Get them healthy and enlightened through the knowledge GIVEN in the Readings.

The Readings helped those get well, so it might WAKE them up to their true spiritual heritage..., 

...which follows the same Pattern that was established by Jesus and in Jesus.

Again, The words of this Reading probably best state the primary goal of the Edgar Cayce Readings.

"The study..., 

...from the HUMAN standpoint, of subconscious, subliminal, psychic, SOUL FORCES..., and should be the great study for the HUMAN family, for through SELF..., will understand its Maker when it understands its RELATION to its Maker... 

...and it will only understand that THROUGH itself..., 


...and THAT understanding is the KNOWLEDGE as is GIVEN here in this state."* 

*Reading 3744-4 


That state...,

...his voice is referring to..., the state of his altered conscious mind that, perhaps, has produced some of the most profound string of words recorded in modern history. 

Every human mind that has seen the  words in Reading 3744-4 has a choice. 

The mind can ignore the words or really learn the knowledge that this altered conscious mind is offering. 

No where else on this earth plane is this knowledge made a available. 

No modern day religious or university institution has ever before has presented this knowledge to the world. 

Those that ignore it may continue to face the harsh realities of karma. 

Those that begin to learn the knowledge given in the Readings may allow them to bypass much karma..., 

...and begin the process of everlasting mind transformation into attunement with its Maker..., it begins to understands its relationship to its Maker. 


The choice belongs to each mind that has been endowed with free will by the Father. 

The little force, called free will power of the human mind, is no match for the Force of the Maker, the Father..., 

...the Force of Creation...,

...that exists within every living HUMAN created body...,

...but the problem is that the free will mind force is born NOT directly connected to Force of the Father that is within the created body.

However, if the mind is willing to attune and to hook up to that Force...,

...As One with that Force..., 

...that combined Force then produced..., then an awesome CREATIVE power. 

It can be done, and the goal of the Readings is to give every mind the knowledge..., 

...that every mind is destined to someday acquire for the short term benefit of the physically created body that is housing that mind...,

...and for an everlasting benefit of its own created soul.

So just allow your mind to get on with the One Great Study and hook up...,

...not for the sake of the mind itself...,

...but for the sake of the companion that it is guiding, its very own soul. 

Blessings to those minds that are willing to do it.


You get to do it again

July 22. 2001


One of the really neat lessons that the mind learns through the Edgar Cayce Readings is...,

...that you will get to do it again and again.

You, as an incarnated entity with an eternal mind and soul, and a disposable body, probably already have had, and will have, many more opportunities to enter this earth plane...,

..that is, IF this earth plane is still inhabitable for human life.

Again, according to the Edgar Cayce Readings....,

...and Pattern for the mind to follow is in Jesus and Jesus manifested the personality of God.

According to the Readings...,

..."Know that the Lord, thy God, laughed even at the Cross. Man alone in God's creation is given the ability to laugh."*

*Reading 2995-1 on page 358 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


Jesus laughed in the face of death.

Is it possible that this personality...,

...that is the Pattern for the mind to follow...,

...knew that the human body can easily die..., 

...but the mind and soul will never die...,

...and may easily incarnate again through a new body into this earth plane?

According to the Readings, it most assuredly is not only possible, very probable.  

Remember the Voice from within Jesus saying this?

"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away."*

*Matthew 24:35

According to the Readings, heaven is within the human created body and the body is formed from elements of the earth.

All that passes away, but there must still be minds to hear at least His Words.

And guess what is right there with the mind? The soul.

Jesus laughed in the face of death for His mind knew the sting of death is always but a fleeting moment to a disposable human created body..., compared to the eternal life of the everlasting soul and its companion, the mind.

According to the Readings, the mind and soul are presented with many opportunities to enter the earth plane in a new created body...,

...that takes on a new personalty that always has predetermined mission to make attunement to the Force of Creation that is within the human created body.

According to the Readings, sometimes the entity gains in that mission and sometimes it loses grounds...,

depending on how it responds to Karma and Grace. 

Why does that happen? It happens because the history of the mind has not yet completely learned the lesson on how to handle its "soul" mission as its enters into the earth plane.

With the knowledge to understand that is given in the Readings, we should all do our best to laugh even when each of us, sooner or later, comes face to face with the temporary of sting of death...,

...because we lave learned that we can receive a new body again and again.

Even more good news from the Readings is that we often reincarnate amongst many of the same loved ones we have known before, but usually in different  relative relationship to deal with the  Karma and grace of those past relationships.

Even more good news is that IF the mind has learned the lessons of attunement to the Creative Force...,

...that is within the created body drawn from the created earth plane...,

...the earth plane itself will become rather insignificant because...,

...according to the Readings, the mind is the builder, and IF it has learned to be in attunement with the creator, the possibilities for building more and more  habitable creations are unlimited. 

In essence, through death's door, our lives continue on in our eternal journal,  whether in this earth plane or in another creation.

Blessings with your everlasting individual eternal journey,


Edgar Cayce and the Door

July 23, 2001


The Voice, the Spirit of God, the Personality of God, the Pattern in Jesus, spoke these Words through the created body of Jesus and were duly recorded.

"I am the door: by me if any man should enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture."*

*John 10:9

Inquiring minds of Study Group # 1 in 1932 wanted to receive the knowledge to understand the Spiritual Words recorded above.

Edgar Cayce, in an altered state of consciousness gave it to them in a series of Readings. 

Hear are some such words that emanated from within the altered conscious mind of Edgar Cayce that were also duly recorded.

"In learning the application of those lessons that have been given...,

...may the individual know HOW..,

...and the MANNER in which SELF may contribute to that lesson, in the application of THE OPEN DOOR...,

,,,SELF must open the door that He may enter in."*

*Reading 262-28


With that Pattern of knowledge imprinted in the  mind, we now know that SELF must open the Door that the Spirit of God is As One with.

Who is Self?

Self is every mind, body, and soul that has entered and living in this earth plane.

Of those three, which one is capable of opening the Door so that He, the Father, the Spirit of God, may enter therein?

The mind.

And where is therein? The consciousness of the mind.

HOW does the mind open the door that the Spirit of God is As One with?

Again, here is where His Pattern of Alpha and Omega comes into play.*

*Revelation 1:8

The Spirit of God also said that He was Alpha and Omega---Letters.

Now we have the Pattern that He is the door AND He is letters.

With that Pattern imprinted in the mind---this is HOW the mind may THEN open the door.

Just as the mind cannot see the Spirit of God, it cannot see the door that is As One with the Spirit of God.

But what it can clearly see are the letters that form the word door that IS directly corded to the Spirit of God.

With that in mind. the mind simply opens the word corded to the door...,

...and then the door AND the mind of Self will open because of the law that is ever present... attracts like: like begets like.

By using the Law of One, and using the Spiritual Words in His Pattern...,
...."So the last shall be first, and the last first.*   

*Matthew 20:16...,

...the mind, as the builder, simple moves the letters of the door into His Pattern like this.


rood---the first becomes the last.

r(oo)d---apply the Law of One.


The sign of the rod of Moses.*

"And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, where with thou shalt do signs."*

*Exodus 4:17

Blessings to those (S)elves that are willing to open their minds..., opening the door to the Spirit of God...,

...and begin to look for His signs along the Way.


Cayce, Religion, and the Mind

July 24, 2001


It is pretty well known that the conscious mind of Edgar Cayce was very well grounded in the Christian Religion.

He was raised in a strong Christian family. he read the King James Bible many, many times during his lifetime and  taught Sunday School for many years.

His conscious mind had learned, and later taught the Christian system of religion that focused on simply believing...,

...even though a great many Christians found it difficult to simple hold on to such a belief system, and wanted to further understand. 

As Edgar Cayce began developing his subconscious mind, people begin to inquire about knowledge that might be  forth coming from this, apparently, very unusual source of information.

Edgar Cayce obliged those inquiring individuals who were mostly Christian housewives who had formed small Search for God study groups from the early 1930's to the mid 1940's.

They wanted to go beyond belief to actual  knowing, and Edgar Cayce's subconscious mind obliged them at ever turn.

These groups literally found out what God was, where God was, where heaven was, and HOW the mind may to attune to God.

In essence, their search for God was very successful in further opening their minds to the truth. 

Again, in essence, the Readings sugest that the destiny of the human mind is moving ever closer to unfolding into its ultimate goal of moving away from its self conscious mind...,

,,,and is beginnning to move and unfold like a slow blossoming flower that continues to open further into its new consciousness.

For confirmation of this trend, consider the words from this Readings by a  Search For God study group in 1945 in Virginia Beach.

Q-Would the history of the Jewish race from Abraham to Jesus...,

...parallel the development of the embryo from conception to birth?

A-Rather (that parallel of the embryo) would be the history of Noah to Abraham...,

...while that from Abraham to Christ would be the MENTAL unfoldment of the body.

For that which leads to the Christ is the mind...,

....and the mind's unfoldment may (also) be indicated form Abraham to Christ.*

*Reading 281-63 on page 195 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.     

Thus, as the mind unfolds, it triggers the unfoldment of the created body that has heretofore "contained" the Spirit of God.

As the open mind opens the the body, it enables the opened mind..,

...and THEN His contained Spirit is now able to move and to re-join the in-coming mind in what is called the Christ Power or Consciousness.

In essence, the mind may move and  unfold INTO the now higher moving Consciousness called Christ. 

In essence, the Edgar Cayce Readings, through housewives...,

...and seemingly, without too much formal education...,

...have provided the mind with the next steps in the unfoldment process of enlightenment for the human mind.

Blessings to those housewives who have helped the mind.., develop the understanding of what God is, where God is, and how the mind may attune to God...,

,..and all THAT knowledge to understand has been duly recorded...,

...and just waiting for willing minds to take the next step...,

...from believing to knowing,,,, the mind's destiny of the taking the next steps in mind's unfoldment process.


Re: Cayce, Religion, and the Mind

July 24, 2001


According to the Edgar Cayce Readings...,

,.,the mind is like a stylus needle that records everything the mind comes in contact with...,

...and its companion, the soul...,, like a recorder that stores everything forever in what is called the subconscious

...with one exception.

Through Grace, the Forgiveness of God, the Father, many things may forever be erased from each individual entity's Book of Life that is stored in the soul.

..and through His Grace is how Karma may be erased.

Whether Grace or Karma becomes a dominating influence to the entity..., 

...depends on one thing.   

The will of the free will mind and its state thereof.

If the will of the mind, like a wayward rebellious child, continues to do its own thing in its own self centered way.. will only continue to bump into itself...,

..and the destructive results and effects of that continual bumping is called Karma.

If the mind begins to start following the Will of the Father, rather than following its own self centered will...,

...the mind will begin to ease into Grace rather than continue to stumble and fall into Karma.

What good father in this earth plane would not give his wayward child EVERY opportunity to change its own ways to return to the One Way that will lead its own companion, its own soul, safely home?

None. And the good Father, God, of ever soul is no exception.

Watch this sign how GOOD becomes GOD by allowing the mind to follow His Pattern of Alpha and Omega and the Law of One.


Everyone knows that it can change its mind, make up its mind, and NOW through The Edgar Cayce Readings...,

... it may learn that it is NOW able to  "altar" its mind into the Will of the Father, and no pun is intended.

Blessings to those who are willing to turn Karma into Grace, and follow the Pattern set in His Son and become a child of God and a member of God's race..., well as the human race that it was "initially" born into, and, again no pun is intended

When the mind is willing to OPEN itself to God's Will and Way that comes from within...,

...rather than continue on its own outward rebellious will and way...,

...signs along His Way will be given in the mind's own words and in the words of others...,

... and here is one of His Way Sign's that the mind most assuredly will find....,

...(G) race---God's Race.


Re: Cayce, Religion, and the Mind

July 25, 2001


According to the Edgar Cayce Readings...,

..the Pattern in Jesus is what the mind should follow...,

....and also according to the Readings..., 

...Adam reincarnated as Jesus.

If that activity is also part of His Pattern.., 

...then we definitely get to practice life again.

Just a little thing of knowledge to understand  that has NEVER been taught in the church built by man..,

...but was duly taught in the church built by God. 



Re: Cayce, Relgion, and the Mind

July 25, 2001


According to the Bible, the Pattern, the Voice in Jesus, is telling this to the greatest religious mind of the day, Nicodemus...,

..."Except a man be born of water and Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of spirit is spirit."*

*John 3:3

This is the born again thing that most every christian church, built by man teaches....

....that each person gets just ONE life time opportunity to allow its mind to be born again into the spirit of truth, where the truth is symbolized by water.

Baptism.  A little water sprinkled over the head? It would probably be better if the water could be sprinkled over the self conscious mind instead.

And remember that if you DO NOT get born again during this lifetime, you WILL spend ETERNITY in hell. Nice thoughts.

Remember those fire and brimstone speeches followed by the passing of the hat for donations after trying to scare a bunch of minds out of their wits? 

A neat way to extract money. 

Now, here comes Christian oriented Edgar Cayce, where a voice begins speaking...,

...from within the church that God created...,

... from within Edgar Cayce's own created human body that basically says...,

...yes, the mind born of flesh, must be born again of spirit...


...the mind, and its companion, its soul, will ALSO get lots of chances to be born again in the flesh, until the mind finally gets it right for the benefit of its soul.

The whole process is called the gradual  movement of the unfoldment of the everlasting mind into the Consciousness of the Creator for the benefit of its everlasting companion, the soul.

Again, the churches built by man tell their members that they are going to burn when they die if they don't get with God right NOW in this lifetime.

Baloney. According to The Edgar Cayce Readings, the real magnificent physical church is your very own created body that is a million times more intelligent than ANY voice emanating from inside a church built by the physical hands of man.     
No wonder there are thousands of different churches built by man...,

...and ONLY one basic church built by God that is the UNIVERSAL human living created body.

 The individual minds of MANY selves refuse to alter their own ways, so they THINK it is easier to build a church to suit themselves rather than to attune their OWN minds to the ONE Church that the every mind is already in.

If the mind wants to meet friends, go to a place of worship built by man and pay the offering.

IF the mind ALSO wants to meet God, then allow the mind to go within its own created church and simply pay respects to the Father, while the mind is still in His God created Church...,

...and the earth is still there to provide the Father with the building blocks that He needs to build ADDITIONAL churches for each mind and soul as they are needed.

 Jesus laughed in the face of death because He was One with the Creator Force that produces every living created human body.  

He is the Pattern to show the mind that the ONLY thing that is going to die is the body. 

The mind and soul are eternal, and the mind, as free will guiding force of that soul, IS able to make attunement to the everlasting Force of Creation that exists in every living created human body.

BUT here is the kicker. The mind can do so only within a living created body formed from the elements of this earth..., long as the earth is still inhabitable.

Remember, that the Pattern stated this earth plane, and the bodies created herein will pass away, but His Words will not.

Blessings to those that desire their minds to recognize the created body as the real church, and begin to record His Pattern..,

...and begin to make everlasting attunement to the everlasting Will of the Father, rather than its own, WITHIN that created church...,

...while there is still an opportunity.