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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #193

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #193

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Hindering the A.R.E.

July 19, 2001

The A.R.E. has fallen on some major stumbling blocks that have not only hindered their own growth, but in so doing, have also hindered the further unfoldment of the human mind.

The stumbling blocks are certain words manifested in the Edgar Cayce Readings that seem to have been taken out of context by many.

Here are those certain words.




The Readings clearly indicate that THE Pattern is in Jesus.*

*Reading 2533-7

The verbiage of many attach the word Pattern to the words Christ Consciousness...,

...thereby ignoring the word Jesus...,

...which word the Readings DID very clearly attach to the word Pattern.

According to the verbiage of many, 
the Pattern is The Christ Consciousness.

Wrong. And that thinking creates a hugh stumbling block and hinderance for the A.R.E. and the human mind.

The Christ Consciousness is the RESULT of what the mind may attain.

It is the Ultimate Ideal Goal that the human mind is capable of reaching.

The Christ Consciousness is the result and NOT the Pattern.

The Pattern is the HOW and the WAY the mind may achieve that result.

There is only One Way for the mind to get that result.., allowing the mind to follow the Pattern in Jesus.

When Jesus is taken away, the Pattern is  taken away. When the Pattern is taken away..,

...there is NO One Way that the mind may follow to reach the ultimate goal called the Christ Consciousness.

A pattern is a way to do something.

The verbiage of many have clearly tied the word Pattern to the result, and NOT how to get the result.

A very major stumbling block for the A.R.E. and the human mind.  


Another stumbling block for the A.R.E. and the human mind is the use of the words Way and paths.

According to the Readings..,

..."There is ONE way, but there are many paths."*

*Reading 3083-1

Many have also taken these words out of context...,

...and have made them stumbling blocks for the A.R.E. and the human mind.

The common error is to think that there are many paths to the One Way...,

...and to think that the ONE Way is also the result, and NOT the Way to the result.

It is true that there is definitely billions of  individual paths TO the One Way...,

...and once every mind gets on the One Way, the One Path, it will use that to reach the Christ Consciousness.

Every mind has wandered off on its OWN path, and must turn around and retrace their own paths back to the One Way.., 

...and THEN follow that Pattern and One Way to return its soul home to the Christ Consciousness.

And what is the Christ Consciousness?

It is the ability of the human mind to re-cord and attune to God.

And according to anyone who has re-viewed the Readings...,

...God is the Creative Force of everything created..., 

...and also just happens to be the Active Positive Creative Force WITHIN the living human created body...,

...that is housing the mind..,

...that is the guidance system for its companion, the soul.  

Blessing to those minds that are willing to NOW recognize these stumbling blocks..., that they will turn them into stepping stones.., order that they may continue on their journey to guide their companions, their own souls, back home to their Father and Maker.

"For, HE alone is the way. HE alone can make the path straight".* 

* Reading 378-46

(Obviously the individual paths that many self conscious minds are taking are not straight and need to return to the One Way that is straight.)

Christ* is the Power* manifesting from the re-union of the mind and the Creative Force.

The Pattern* and One Way to that Power is in the life and times of only ONE man who literally manifested the Pattern of the Personality of God*..,


*Readings 2533-7 and 5758-1

"Thus it became NECESSARY that God in His goodness give AN example, A PATTERN, BY which man might conduct his life, his ideals, his hopes, his fears, ALL of his idiosyncrasies."*

*Reading 5211-1


Establishment and Confirmation

July 20, 2001


The Voice emanating from within Jesus ESTABLISHED the Pattern for the mind to follow and was duly recorded in the Bible. 

The Voice emanating from within Edgar Cayce CONFIRMED that Pattern in Jesus for the mind to follow and was duly recorded in The Edgar Cayce Readings. 

Both recordings witness each other in the truth that emanates from within. 

The recorded records of establishment and confirmation provide the mind with the proof and courage that is necessary to venture inward beyond the level of self conscious belief. 

Blessings to those that just do it. 


Please Keep the Pattern in Jesus

July 21, 2001


According to the Edgar Cayce Readings...,

..."The Pattern is in Jesus".*

*Reading 2533-7

The Readings did NOT state that the Pattern was in Christ, or is Christ, or is the Universal Christ Consciousness..., MANY would like you to believe..., that the name Jesus could be conveniently deleted from being directly corded to the word Pattern...,

...that is so clearly stated in Reading 2533-7.

A pattern is what the mind may follow, and the Readings clearly state that the Pattern is in Jesus.

When the mind follows the Pattern in Jesus, it may lead the conscious mind into a new mind set called Christ.

The Christ, or the Universal Christ Consciousness, is the end result, and NOT the Pattern or Way to reach that result.

Christ is the name given to every mind that willingly attunes itself to be As One with the Spirit of God, the Father.., 

... that is referred to in the Readings as the Creative Force that exists in every living created human body...,

...that is literally housing the mind in this earth plane.

The Pattern in Jesus offers the mind an opportunity to follow His Pattern to reach that end result.

Without that certain Pattern to follow, how else can the mind reach the end result  mind set called Christ?

It cannot. The Bible even states that He is the Door and the Way.*

*John 10:9 and John 14:5

The Pattern contains the Spoken Words of the Spirit of God, that Jesus called Father...,

...that emanated from within Jesus, and are duly recorded in the Bible.


A Sign

If the mind should combine the Law of One, where two or more may be As One, yet, two or more...,

...with Revelation 1:8 where the Spirit says, I am letters...,

..."I am Alpha and Omega"...,

...the mind can then find a very convincing SIGN within the word Pattern..., 

...the very word that Edgar Cayce corded directly, and exclusively, to just one man named Jesus.

Allow the mind to remember that the Voice emanating from within Jesus called that Creative Force that was within Him, Father...,

...and the Voice emanating from within Edgar Cayce called that what was in Jesus, the Pattern.

If both of those statements are true, then it stands to reason...,

..according to the Law of One and Revelation 1:8...,

...that the words Pattern and Father should also be As One.

They are.

When the mind goes into the word, the word Pattern...,

...this it what it may find.

First. the mind will cast out the negative letter n as it begins to attune itself to be As One with the Positive Creative Force, the Father.

That leaves Patter (n)

Then the mind will combine the two t letters As One, according to the Law of One. 


That leaves Pater.

Then allow the mind to look up Pater in the dictionary to see if it is not a perfect attunement, or match, to the word Father.

Blessings to those minds that are willing to look for the Pattern, the Father, IN Jesus, and then just follow it.