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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #192

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #192

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===================== Edgar Cayce's Mission July 13, 2001 ===================== Helping people to become healthier was the secondary goal to the ultimate goal of Edgar Cayce's Mission. He helped those get well, so it might wake them up to their spiritual heritage..., ...and to why they are even here on this earth plane. The words of this Reading probably state his ultimate mission best. "The study..., ...from the HUMAN standpoint, of subconscious, subliminal, psychic, SOUL FORCES..., and should be the great study for the HUMAN family, for through SELF..., will understand its Maker when it understands its RELATION to its Maker... ...and it will only understand that THROUGH itself..., ...and THAT understanding is the KNOWLEDGE as is given here in this state."* *Reading 3744-4 =========== That state his voice is referring to is the state of his altered conscious mind... ... and not the state of Virginia. Every human mind that has seen these words has a choice. The mind can ignore the words, pay lip service to the words, or really learn the knowledge that this altered conscious mind is offering. No where else on this earth plane is this knowledge made a available. Those that ignore it may continue to face the harsh realities of karma. Those that begin to learn the knowledge given in the readings may allow them to bypass much karma..., ... and begin the process of entering life everlasting with its Maker..., it begins to understands its relationship to its Maker. The choice belongs to each mind with free will. Helpful hint: The little will power force of the human mind is no match for the Maker, the Force, and Father of Creation, The Force within the living HUMAN created body. However, if the mind is willing to attune to that Force as One force...,, ...that is already ready patiently waiting within the created body for a positive response from the free will mind..., ...that combined Force then produced..., an awesome thing. It can be done, and the Mission of the Readings is to give every mind the knowledge..., ...that every mind is destined someday acquire for the benefit of its own soul and Creator. So allow your mind to get over it..., ....get on with it, ....and just do it now. Blessings.


Going Through Self

July 17, 2001


Is it possible for self to go through self?

Yes. And the Readings provide the knowledge that will allow the mind to understand how that is done.

According to the Readings, the mind is the builder, and it is the individual mind that learns how to leave the self conscious mind it has built, and enter into His Consciousness.

According to the Readings if the mind refuses to leave its own self, it will keep bumping into its own self, and that is unwise.

Ok, So if it is able to leave its own self, what does it bump into, if not itself?

It will bump into its angelic self.*

*Reading 1646-1 on page 9 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

How come? Because the mind has learned how to transform itself into its angelic self...,

..and THROUGH that transformed self, it will have access to His Consciousness.

What other Consciousness? The One and Only Spiritual Consciousness that stated it is Alpha and Omega.*

Revelation 1:8

Remember where the Readings stated that one needs to use what it already knows?*

*Reading 275-43 on page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

What the conscious mind ALREADY does know, is its alphabet of letters.

When the mind transfers its own already known letters that are tied to self..., His Spirit and THEN moved by the mind...,

...the mind becomes transformed and transferred out of itself and into its angelic self.

This process of self moving THROUGH self is done through the transference of letters corded to self..., letters corded to His Spirit.

As the letters become transformed, the mind becomes transformed because of this law that is stated in the Readings.

"The law that is EVER present: likes attracts like; like begets like."*

Reading 541-1 on page 36 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.  

Now, for a couple of signs that most people have never seen.

The missing link of the knowledge to understand is given in the Readings, and it  just happens to be on page, 111, or more appropriately put..., one one...,

...of The Edgar Cayce Companion

All is one with God, and according to the Readings, nothing is by chance.*

*Reading 1825-1 on page 44 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

Here is a sign that self may truly leave self in the manner described above.

When the mind moves its own letters as His, Alpha and Omega, which is the essence of His Pattern, the Pattern IN Jesus...,

Here is the sign that allows the mind to enter into His Kingdom of Consciousness, the Kingdom of Heaven, as a little child, which is also part of His Pattern.*

*Matthew 18:3 

Self transforms and moves itself into (S)elf...,

..the Spiritual angelic (S)elf of self. 

A little child of God.

Blessings to those that are willing to allow their minds to make the transformation that every mind is destined to make sooner or later.., 

...not for the sake of self, but for the sake of its companion, its very own soul.


Signs Given to the Angelic Self

July 17, 2001


When the mind moves away from self and into its angelic self..., becomes able to see His Signs in its own words, and in the words of others.

Here is how that works.

The conscious mind cannot see His Signs, because it has blocked itself into its own consciousness by the very blocked words that it has used to form that consciousness.

That is why Jesus, the Word made flesh, the Pattern for the mind to follow, was manifested..., set the mind free, so that it may move into His Consciousness, the Universal Consciousness of the Father, the Creative Force, the One Spirit that is the One Force that manifests everything created, including the living human created body,  

The word block is an example of a word the conscious mind may not move.

The mind has learned it cannot move the letters of that word. It is against the written law, now in the form of Webster, to move the letters of this, or any other word.

The mind has learned blocked words and those words have formed a mind that has, ironically, blocked itself into its own self consciousness.

It breaks through self by breaking through its own blocked words to find His Signs in those now open, and heretofore blocked, words. 

The self conscious mind sees the blocked word block, and sees no sign because it cannot enter and open the word.

Watch the angelic mind open the word by moving the letters.

(B)LOCK ---now shows a sign that the (B)rain and its two major Glands, the pineal and the pituitary, have been blocked from attunement to the Force that will move through the glands of the created body when the mind and body are open.

The mind sort of enters into a chain re-action that the mind of self starts by opening blocked words.

The opened words opens the mind, the open mind opens the glands of the body and then the Force from within begins to move and the mind begins to also move within and the re-union begins to occur between the opened transformed mind and the Creative Force.

The self conscious mind only sees Glands as a closed blocked word.

The angelic mind sees the opened word (G)lands which are truly (G)od's lands and Way within the created body.

It is the mind that goes within and opens those (G)lands by moving its letters as His.

The mind is able to do this when it has learned the true significance of "I am Alpha and Omega"...,

...which is the key Revelation to open the mind AND the living created human body.

Remember the Pattern of John sending letters through the churches, which are the glands, according to the Readings?

Here is even a another Sign of the direction that the mind goes when the word corded directly to its mind is opened.

The word corded to the mind is mind.

As the mind is opened by opening the word corded to the mind...,

... the opening will reveal His Sign indicating the direction the mind is to go.

m (in) d.

So, open the words the mind already has at hand and begin to look for His Signs.

The signs manifesting within the opened words will reveal the next steps along  along the Way home to our Father for the mind and its  companion, its soul.

"Seek and ye shall find" is absolutely true for the mind that is willing to venture inward as it begins to open the bondage itself has created.
