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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #189

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #189

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Moving the mind into attunement


5/8/01 12:08 pm


From the point of view of the physical conscious mind that is basically negative from birth, the word is devil.

From the opposite positive point of view that comes from God within, the word may be seen as...,


Remember how we are always told to think positive?

If we were born that way, we would not have to be told that.

The devil is a sign of having lived in the physical conscious mind..,

..but is dead when the mind enters in through His Spiritual Door.

The mind is BOTH Spiritual AND physical..., 

...because the mind has the ability to move letters physically as its own...,

...AND may move them Spiritually as His.

When the mind acknowledges that "I AM Alpha and Omega" IS the Spirit of the Lord, the mind may then go in and out His Door through the movement of letters As His AND as its own.

The Spirit of the Lord then knows the mind's voice and the mind then knows His Voice..., 

...and the mind will see signs in its very own opened words that it enters through.

He was the Word made flesh.

His Signs will be found in our very own words as the mind moves its own letter symbols as His.

Here is an example and a sign.

"He was IN the WORLD, and WORLD was made by him, and the WORLD knew him not."*

*John 1:9

Why not?

The Lord spoke Spiritual Words and the mind heard with only physically attuned blocked and dammed up ears that could not hear His Spiritual Words...,

...for it only learned words whose letters have been stripped of, and blocked from, His Spirit...,

...and thus there is none of His Spiritual movement when the letters are moved by the mind.

Watch what happens when the word WORLD is opened by the mind moving its letters as His.


There is the WORD and there is the Spirit of the (L)ord IN the WORD As One...,

...and the mind then moves As One with His Spirit..,

...when it leavens ALL of its own letters as His...,

...for now the mind is directly corded to His Spirit.

It IS the born again thing. It is the mind that makes the Revelation that it may be immaculately born again directly out of itself by moving its letters as His..,

...rather than as its own...,

...that the mind has literally taken for granted as its own.

The letter symbols the mind moves have ALWAYS belonged to the Spirit of the Lord.

The mind has simply taken them for granted as its own by following the course set by Adam where Spiritually stripped words were then handed down from generation to generation. 

Is it any wonder that the Lord, thy God, named him A(dam)?

That is why the Spirit of the Lord gave this Revelation to John who was IN Spirit that day and could hear His Spiritual Words...,

'"I am Alpha and Omega".

The Lord said these Words to John, not once but four times, in hopes that EVERY mind would begin to understand HOW to hear. 


"Seek and ye shall find" 


5/8/01 1:46 pm


...or hide and seek is a fun game, as the mind becomes as a little child at play with the Spirit of the Lord moving letters As One with Him.

It is truly a game of "Seek and ye shall find"...,

...or hide and seek.

His Spirit is hidden in our very own blocked words.

Because our minds must use our free will to be As One with Him...,

...the game for the mind is to seek HIM, rather than have HIM seek the mind...,

...and He will therefore hide in our mind's very own blocked words.

Here is another sign.

CHILD---a blocked word

C H I (L) D--- the word unblocked

The (L)ord is not only hiding in the converted mind of this child*..., 

...the Lord is also hiding in the word hid.

*Matthew 18:1

His hiding in hid is further confirmation of His Sign.

The opening of the word CHILD, and then seeing His Sign is another Sign along His Way.

The Lord is sort of hiding in the holy of holies that is within the blocked words that the mind has used to form its own blocked self conscious mind.

He is hiding within the within of the self conscious mind.., 

...that only the willing mind itself can find.

Hide and seek is a game that every child seems to already know at birth.

Play peekaboo with a little infant and you will see. The child will smile :) The child knows.

"Seek and ye shall find"...,

... is His Game that re-conditions the mind into transformation as a converted CHILD that is As One with Him. 


Re-union in the "House of God" 


5/10/01 1:10 pm


His Spirit is also within the living human created body...,

... along with the human mind, and its companion, its soul..., 

...and they all may be As One.

The living human created body is a creation of God..., 

...and God, as Spirit, also repairs or heals that body as the housing provided by our Father, God...., 

...for the mind and its, companion, the soul while in his Creation called the earth plane...,

...from which the human body created body is also derived.

It is absolutely true that one cannot kill His Spirit...,

...but the free will mind is certainly capable of separating itself, and its companion, from His Spirit. within that very living human created body that contains the mind, and its companion, the soul...,

...AND His Spirit.

His Spirit would never will A separation..., 

... but the free will mind (the natural mind) has often separated itself from His Spirit of Creation that also resides in the living human created body.

When the mind returns to His Living Spirit within that "House of God"...,

... the mind and its companion re-unites with 
His Spirit..., 

...and that mind and soul..,

...becomes a mind and soul IN Christ....,

...IN a "House" built by God, our Father...,

...rather than IN a house built by man. 

Just as Jesus said...,

"Believest thou not that I am IN the Father, and the Father IN me?"*

*John 14:9