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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #188

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #188

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The Alphabet and the Law of One 


5/21/01 10:30 am


According to the Edgar Cayce Readings..,

...the Pattern in Jesus is the Pattern that the mind should learn to follow. 

The essence of that Pattern is the Law of One.

The Law of One states that two or more may be AS one, yet still be, AS two or more.

According to the Readings the mind is BOTH physical AND spiritual.

That statement is a reflection of the Law of One.

According to the Bible, Jesus stated that He was in the Father and the Father was in Him.

That statement is a reflection of the Law of One.

According to the Bible, the WORDS Jesus spoke were Spirit, and they were the WORDS spoken by the Father within Him.

That statement is a reflection of the Law of One.

According to Revelation 1:8, the Spirit of the Lord stated He WAS, and IS, Alpha and Omega.

That statement is a reflection of the Law of One. His Spirit and the Letters are As One.

The letters, A to Z, that that every mind was given as a child, that were handed down from generation to generation...,

... were given to the child without any forethought that they ALSO may be a reflection of the Law of One.

Consider the letters A and H.

The design of EACH of these symbols is a perfect reflection of two coming together As One.
A and H just happen to be the two Letters God gave to Abram to form his new name Abraham.

How and where did God give these symbols to Abram to become Abraham?

According to the Readings, God was the Creative Force WITHIN the mind and body of Abram, the SAME Creative Force that is within EVERY human being that enters this earth plane. 

The letters A and H are ALSO God's Spiritual symbols that witness each other in truth.

They both are perfect reflections of the Law of One. 

According the Readings, the major glands of the body are As One with the churches that John, in the book of Revelation, "moved" letters through.

The two major "churches" in the human CREATED Brain are the Pineal and Pituitary Glands.

When the key first root letters, P, of these two words are opened and moved by the mind, they easily may form the one letter B.

The one letter symbol B may easily be moved and open to reveal two P's.

Watch what happens when the word Brain is opened.

(B) rain

What often happens AFTER a child is born?

The child is B (A) PTI (Z) ED with sprinkling of a little water. 


So perhaps the mind will "emblematically" open the glands of the Brain, and the other major glands, so that His letter symbols may pass through according to the Law that the letters that the mind moves are BOTH physical AND spiritual.

His Letters and our letters are As One according to the Law of One. 

When the mind, as the builder, works within, and through the "churches" within its own created body by moving the tools of our Father's "trade"...,

...our letters as His Symbols...,

...the mind begins to enter the understanding of the "AH HA" "Revelation" experience...,

... of the beginning and ending...,

...that is expressed in the Bible...,

... as A Revelation given to the mind..., the Spirit of the Lord...,

...that He IS, WAS, and WILL BECOME the Alpha and Omega that the mind, and its companion, its soul, moves again to become again...,

... As One with Him.*

*Revelation 1:8 


Taken As Our Own 


5/17/01 8:55 am


Allow the mind to review the words in this Reading.

"KNOW, the earth and ALL therein is the Lord's.
ALL thine OWN is lent thee, NOT thine, but Lent thee. Keep it inviolate."*

*Reading 2622-1

That ALL includes:

---The human created body that is housing the mind and soul.

---The soul

---The mind

---The letters that the mind has taken for granted and continues to move as its OWN.

It is the Will of the Spirit of God, that is within His Creation, called the created body, that is the real house of God, that the soul return to His Spirit to be As One.

It is the will of the soul to do the same.

It is only the stubborn will, of the free will mind, that continually desires to "suit" itself....,

... that has blocked and prevented this re-union from taking place.

The free mind has simply continued to follow the pattern of thinking established by Adam.

If any mind thinks this is not true, allow that mind time to ponder the name of Adam. 


A-Z and Alpha-Omega 


5/16/01 8:46 am


The Spirit of the Lord stated four times that He IS Alpha and Omega.

The Words Jesus said that He spoke were Spirit and were of the Father within Him.

Allow the mind to consider this.

Did our physical fathers, mothers, teachers, professors, or even the dictionary, EVER state that OUR letters A-Z were of Spirit?


Why not?

No one as ever suggested that A-Z might ALSO be of His Spirit.

According to the Readings, the mind is BOTH physical and Spiritual.

If that is true, then the letters that the mind moves are also BOTH physical and Spiritual.

A-Z have simply been stripped of His Spirit.

Stripped and handed down from generations to generations of our parents and teachers. 

That is WHY Jesus returned as the Word made flesh to say, in Spirit, I AM the Letters that the mind has been moving as its own. 

Learn to move A-Z as His, and His Spirit will move in attunement with the mind that cords its letters back to Him.

Again, here is the stripped and blocked word "the" that the mind has been handed down.

Is there any His Spirit corded to this word "the" that is probably the most common word in the English Language?


Well, watch this attunement when the mind moves and cords "the" to Him.


This movement is a perfect emblematic rendition within the mind AND body that he was one with the cross (t).

Think not that our Real Father would be pleased that the mind AND body IS ABLE make such an attunement...,

...that reflects Revelation 1:8...,

...that is THE Revelation for the mind, that is the builder.., 

...that its OWN letters may be corded to His Spirit?




5/6/01 8:52 pm

When the mind follows the law that is ever present....,

...that like attracts like, and that like begets like...,

...the mind may transform itself back to His Spirit..., it transforms its letter symbols that it moves as its own...,

....back to His Spirit.

SINS are minds moving away from His Spirit.

When minds moves towards His Spirit through the movement of its letters as His...,

..SINS are literally transformed into...,

... His SI(G)NS in words that the mind may then follow.

It is that easy. It is that profound.



Is the Bible a parent thesis? 


5/7/01 10:34 am


In essence, the King James Bible...,

... might be considered a history and parent thesis of WHO the parents were..., 

...of Jesus, the Master, the Word made flesh, the Pattern for the mind to follow. 

His Father, God. His Mother, the Virgin Mary.

Because the Pattern for the mind to follow was IN Jesus, HIS Parents are THE Parents of every mind, and its constant companion, the soul.

Here may be the Pattern of OUR true Parents.
God is the Force, the Christ, the Father and the Son, the Living Spirit that resides IN every living human created body.

The Virgin Mary is emblematic of EVERY mind that resides also within the created body..., 

...and is capable of producing a new mind immaculately out of itself.

All is One according to the Law of One God.

Jesus, the Son, and the Father were One.

The Spirit of Jesus and the Spirit of the Father ARE One and reside within the created body.

When the mind applies that Law to itself, the mind may transform itself to be As One with the Father and the Son, the Force, the Christ, God, that resides within the created human body.
Not One, but As One.

That is the parent thesis Pattern that God produced THROUGH Jesus for the mind to follow.
Again, when the mind transforms, and cords its letters to Him, " I am Alpha and Omega"*, and then MOVES them..., 

...the Father and Son then MOVES from within As One with that mind..., 

....that is WILLING to make the transformation.
*This is most likely what John did WHEN he was in Spirit....Revelation 1:8

Now for the manifestation of a SIGN that this may very "well" be true.

If the Master DID manifest a parent thesis, THEN according to the Law of One...,

... the letters IN the words parent thesis should be easily moved by the mind into ONE word.

They can be. Take a look.

parent thesis


When the mind takes up its OWN cross t and moves it to match, and become As One with HIS cross t, of the Word made flesh, the two may be As One.

Parent thesis has just become parenthesis.

According to the Law of Webster, the Law etched in stone, whose letters are "blocked" into words, that the mind has been trained to follow (sin)ce its physical birth..., 

...parenthesis---from the Greek word--- to set aside.

Could it be true that the SAME symbols used to set words apart..., 

... may be used by the mind to re-cord the mind and the Word made flesh together?

Could this (move)(men)(t) also be a sign of a mind willing to take UP its OWN t in order to follow the Word made flesh in Spirit?

Could the movement of letters As His, by the mind, in these simple English blocked words also be signs?

The blocked words the and this...,

...easily become (t)he and (t)his.


History and Moses 


5/8/01 8:15 am


The word History is a blocked word. 

Sometime and somewhere during the development of the self conscious mind, the conscious mind has stored this blocked word in its own self consciousness. 

It is against the written Law of Webster to move the letters of the word History. 

Remember the Law that is ever present: like attracts; like begets like. 

History is just one example of the many blocked words the mind has stored in its self conscious mind. 

These block words have literally blocked the mind in itself. 

And what else becomes blocked in with the mind? 
Its constant companion, its soul. 

Remember that the Word made flesh entered this world to save us? 

He was called the Christ. 

His mind was NOT a self conscious mind. 

His mind was a Christ Conscious mind. 

What is the difference? 

The self conscious mind has wrapped and trapped itself in itself. 

The Christ conscious mind, that is AS One with His Spirit, breaks the Letter of the Law for the mind, now in the form of Webster...,

... by breaking open the blocked words, by MOVING the letters of the words, and thereby entering into the Consciousness of the created body. 

That Consciousness is called the Universal Christ Consciousness..,

... for every living human created body is universally built and maintained the same way. 

Now allow the mind to take another look at History. 

Can the SELF conscious mind break through this word? 

Probably not. 

Why not? 

Two reasons. 

First, the self conscious mind has learned it is against the law to ever move the letters of this word so that it may open the word. 

If any mind doubts that, let that self conscious mind take a spelling test on the word History. 

Second, the mind has simply forgot the Law of One, where two or more may be As One, yet still be two or more. 

The Children of God follow the movement of His Spirit of the Law that fulfilled every letter used in the Law written in stone that is now in the form of Webster. 

The Spirit of the Law is Life and moves. 

The written results are dead words as they are blocked and written in stone. 

AS Moses was writing the Law, AS it was being given to him by God, the performance of that act was the movement of the Spirit of God IN the mind AND body of Moses. 

Once the words were etched in stone there was no life or movement to those words. 

Those lifeless, etched in stone words, were then handed down to the rest. 

Lifeless, etched in stone words, have been handed down from generation to generation and are now in the form of Webster. 

If any mind doubts that, look up the root sources of words in the dictionary. 

History is just one of those hand me down words etched in stone. 

Now allow the mind, as a Child of God, to apply the Law of One to the word History. 

It will use this Law to break this blocked hand me down word wide open and reveal His sign at the same time. 

History has just opened to this sign---His story. 

History Hi(ss)tory His story

His story is His Hidden Manna in the mind's very own blocked word History.

According to the Law of One, two or more may As One, yet two or more. 

The blocked self conscious mind only sees History. 

The Child of God that follows the Law of One sees Hi(ss)tory. 

His (s)pirit and the Child's (s)pirit are As One yet two. 

Thus, the mind is able to break through History to seek His story which is His Consciousness rather than to continue being blinded by its own blocked self conscious mind.