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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #187

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #187

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God's Case for Re-corded Letters



A revelation is a true understanding that the mind is capable of perceiving.

This is the true revelation that a man named John was able to perceive from within himself.

" I AM Alpha and Omega".

Alpha and Omega, was the beginning and ending of the complete cord of Greek letter symbols that John had learned to have at hand to develop his conscious mind.

Prior to his revelation, John had made no mental connection that the Spirit of God was anyway corded to the letters John was moving to develop consciousness.

Once John made the connection that the letter symbols he moved COULD be corded to the Spirit of God...,

.. and that the Spirit of God and Letter Symbols moved by the mind were As One...,

..John could THEN begin to write the Book of Revelation as his mind and soul were now connected within to the Son, the Spirit of God, the Creator, the Father, that was within his created living human body.

John's pen became an O-Pen as the words then began to emanate from within him..., the Spirit of God AND the mind and hand of John began to move the Spirit of God's Letter Symbols As One.

When John made the revelation that the letters his mind was moving as his own COULD be returned and corded to the Spirit of God...,

...his mind WOULD also THEN be corded to the Spirit of God which would result in  his mind being transformed into the Christ Consciousness rather than to remain stuck in his own self consciousness.

This all happens because of the law that is ever present: Like attracts like, like begets like.

If the mind is willing to return and  transform its own letters to the Spirit of God according to...,

..."I AM Alpha and Omega"..., 

..the mind, itself, most assuredly, will begin to follow...,

...and suit itself into His Consciousness rather than always remain in its own. 


Cayce's Case for Re-corded Letters 

6/20/01 8:53 am


Cayce made a case for the mind to move letters and re-cord them to the Spirit of God known as the Creative Force.

Letter symbols to the physical aspect of the mind are severed letters.

Re-corded letter symbols to the altered consciousness mind..., was IN the mind and body of Edgar Cayce..., 

...are letter symbols corded to the Spirit of God rather than to the mind of self.

Cayce set his own mind of self aside so that letters corded to the Spirit of God could move and manifest THROUGH his created body that had heretofore "contained" the flow and movement of the Spirit of God..., the mind itself.

In his altered state of mind, Cayce often said the mind of self must be set aside.

In order to do that, the mind must be transformed.

Edgar Cayce transformed his mind through hypnosis.

During that process of hypnosis, his mind transformed itself by severing letter symbols corded to his mind and allowed them to be corded to the Living Creative Spirit within his body.

The severing and re-cording process of letter symbols is the SAME Pattern established by Adam who reincarnated as Jesus.

The Pattern is that Adam severed the Cord of Letters to the Living Creative Spirit, and the Adam returned as Jesus and re-corded it.

Here are the most important words in the Readings that describe THIS Pattern of severance and re-cording.

"Follow that known in thine own PRESENT known as i-e-o-u-i-o-umh., for the RAISING of that from WITHIN of the Creative Forces..., it RISES along that which is SET within the inner man as THAT CORD of life that once SEVERED, may separate, does separate, that balance between...,

...the mind. the body, the soul."

*Reading 275-43

During this most important Reading, the altered conscious mind and body of EC is telling 275 to follow the letters that she ALREADY knows at present...,


What kind of Letters?

MOVEMENT letters, and the letters EC referred to just happen to be the movement letters, vowels, of the entire English alphabet she ALREADY knows.

Adam severed that cord of movement letters between the mind with free will, the created body, and the soul within his created body.

He returned as Jesus and re-corded the Letters, He AlLREADY knew between his own mind, body and soul. 


His mind and soul returned to the earth plane with the conclusion...,

...and made the Revelation...,

...that the Living Creative Force, the Spirit of God...,

...WAS in the beginning the letter symbols the mind moved, IS the letter symbols the mind moves, and WILL BE the letter symbols EVERY mind moves in the end.

"I AM Alpha and Omega" said the Spirit to John in Revelation 1:8. 


Jesus, the Reincarnation of Adam 


6/11/01 12:17 pm


The Soul of Adam, the Master Soul and Mind, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of ALL creation from where all souls were created...,

...returned to this earth plane through the channel of the Virgin Mary.

God, the ONE FORCE of ALL Creation, including the creation of the created body, was called Father by Jesus, the Son, and was within the created body of Jesus.

The immaculately created body of Jesus housed the Master Soul and Mind called God.

In Adam, in the beginning, the Spirit of God, the Soul of God, and the Mind of God were One. 

Remember that every created mind has free will, and is the companion and guidance system of the soul.

In Adam, the mind of Adam severed itself, and its soul, from the Spirit of God.

From Adam to Jesus is a recorded Pattern and Way set by God so that ALL souls would be able to learn and return to Him through the guidance system of every soul. the mind. 

The Pattern is that the children of God, individual souls, have wandered away from God as their minds wandered away from God as in Adam.

The created body of Adam died, but the soul and mind never die, the same being true for every mind and soul that enters the earth plane.

The created physical body dies, but the soul and mind live on. 

The Pattern and Way that God set continued As the soul and mind of Adam returned to the earth plane as Jesus.

The Pattern is that His mind and soul had returned to be As One again with the Father, the Spirit of God. 

Again His body dies, but His Mind and Soul had returned to forever be As One with God.

Every born mind and soul that enters the earth plane through a created body is born in sin, as its mind and soul being away from the Father.

The Force of Creation, the Spirit of God, within the living created body that houses the mind and soul, literally provides the passage Way for the mind and soul to re-unite with the Father of all Creation WITHIN the provided creation called the living created body.

Once the mind and soul have made the re-connection to His Spirit. that connection will remain in the mind even after the body dies.

All souls and companion minds wandered away from the Spirit of God, the Father, in the beginning.

Adam's mind and soul was the Pattern of that wandering in the beginning.

His mind and soul, through his immaculately created body, produced through the Virgin Mary, revealed the Pattern that every soul and its companion, its mind could be forgiven and again re-unite with the Force of Creation, God, our Father.

Allow the mind to make that re-connection, not for the sake of the mind itself, but for the sake of its, companion, its soul. 


His Signs are in the Clouds 


6/9/01 11:01 am


The Bible states that He will return as they had seen Him go. 

How did He go? 

Into the clouds. 

Will He return through the clouds? 



Whenever the mind is prepared to see Him. 
How can the mind prepare itself? 


Remember that the Father, Son, and Holy spirit are One? 

Remember the Words the Son spoke were of the Father and were Spirit? 

Remember that His Spirit said I AM LETTERS? 

Remember that the Readings stated that the mind is BOTH physical and Spiritual? 

Now, allow that mind to look at some clouds. 

Does the mind see Him? 


Why not? 

Because the mind SEES only the PHYSICAL CLOUDS and NOT what is attached to those CLOUDS. 

What is attached to those CLOUDS that the mind does not seem to see? 

His Spirit. 

His Spirit is corded to those CLOUDS. 

The PHYSICAL CLOUDS are corded to letters that are BOTH physical and Spiritual. 

Watch what happens when the mind goes into the word corded to the CLOUDS. 

There is: 

Christ (C) 

Lord (L) 

God (O) 

You (U) 

Deity (D) 

Spirit (S) 

In order for the mind to see His Signs, the mind needs to look not AT the physical object..., 

...but INTO the words corded to those physical objects. 

I AM Letters that are Spirit and are As One corded to the physical object. 

WHEN the mind views and MOVES its "own" letters as His Spiritual Symbols..., will see His Spirit beginning to descend from the "CLOUDS". 

The mind will begin to see His SIGNS by the MOVEMENT of His Letters in the very block words that the mind has corded to physical objects. 

Remember HOW Adam moved letter symbols to name everything except himself? 

A coincidence that within the name Adam, corded by the Spirit of God to Adam..., 

...indicating a blockage or (A) dam which blocks the flow of living waters (words) from within?

It is no coincidence, but was a co-incidence within created body and and mind of Adam. 
Here are two block words stored in the conscious mind. 



See His Spirit? 


These movements will reveal His Spirit that was, is, and will, be Alpha and Omega. 

(MOVE) (MEN) (t) 

A Perfect Attunement to take up your (t), Alpha and Omega, and follow Him. 


Remove His G, Alpha and Omega, the Spirit of (G)od, and the word becomes SINS. 

Re-place His G and SINS become SI(G)NS along His Way. 

That is HOW the mind may see His Signs.