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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #186

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #186

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How Easy to do Matthew 18:3 

April 28, 2001


"Except ye be converted, and become AS little children..., shall NOT enter into the kingdom of heaven."* 

*Matthew 18:3

Now consider this statement recorded by the converted and altered conscious mind of Edgar Cayce.

"...for THROUGH self man WILL understand its Maker when it understands its relation to its Maker, and it will only understand that THROUGH itself...,

...and THAT understanding..., the KNOWLEDGE as it is given here in this state (of altered consciousness)" *

*Reading 3744-4

When the mind receives and applies the knowledge given in the Readings...,

...the exact Words in Matthew 18:3, not only become a possibility, they will become a virtual reality for every mind that is WILLING to apply that knowledge and it really is easy.

This writer will not provide Reading numbers for every specific bit of knowledge that is found in the Readings.

If the reader has any doubts that reader can check the Readings themselves.

Are you ready?

"Ye must be converted."

First, who is Ye? Ye is self.

Only the mind may set self aside, and  then the mind opens and becomes a new  child like mind that CAN enter an re-cord in the kingdom of heaven to the Father which is within the living created body.

When the mind sets self aside, guess what the new mind becomes?

An angel. Take a look.

"Yes--THROUGH thy angel, THROUGH thy self that IS thy angel--does the self speak with thy Ideal?"*

*Reading 1646-1

The little children that the Father is referring to are minds that convert their self conscious minds into angelic minds that learn directly from His Consciousness.

To the dismay of many fine and righteous religious leaders, this is very easy to do.

First thing the mind learns is, how to set the self conscious mind aside.  It is very, very easy.

First, know that self has blocked itself into its OWN conscious mind.

The spiritually stripped block letters the mind learned to move into blocked words, and blocked words in blocked thoughts, and all those blocked thoughts formed a BLOCKED consciousness.

The mind literally built a blocked wall of consciousness around itself that is stripped of His Spirit, and "seems" very difficult to break out of.

Again, the law that is EVER present: like attracts like; like begets like. 

There is an easy way out. 

The Spirit of God, The Spirit of Lord fulfilled every Letter, and over came the blocked law that was as written in stone.

That is WHY the Spirit of the Lord said He IS Alpha and Omega in THE Revelation for the mind---Revelation 1:8.

Ok, so how does the self conscious mind break out of the bondage that it has entrapped itself in?

Simply undo whats been done and open the blockage.

How do you do that?

The mind simply begins to move the letters that formed the blocked words to open them up and THEN pass through...,


...the new opening matches His Pattern that the mind has imprinted in its mind.

As the mind opens the block words. the mind itself opens, and when the mind opens, the body opens, and His Spirit will rise from within and meets therein with the angelic, converted child like mind, that was able to pass through. 

The opened word matches---provide important signs that the young new angelic immaculately conceived mind out of itself will find..., it begins to step THROUGH its own self conscious blocked mind into His World of Consciousness.

Remember, it is against the written law for the SELF conscious mind to ever move a letter set within a blocked word. If the mind does not believe that, just try taking a spelling test again.

Phooey on following and obeying the  "spells" of the Letter the Law.

This mind is willing to break through that blocked wall of the blocked words and begin to follow His LIVING Spirit that has fulfilled every letter the mind uses to write down the words that become as etched in stone, including the Law of Webster, that contains nothing but blocked words that the mind had better "spell" correctly.

Here are just a few simple blocked words that this self conscious mind has learned. 

It will break the written law, open the words by moving the letters As His, and look for His signs along the Way, to make sure it is entering into HIS Consciousness.

Always remember the law that is EVER present: like attracts like: like begets like.


Out of 26 letters that that mind has been given by the spirit of the Lord...,

...(t) is (t)he only emblematic letter symbol that the mind has ever willingly returned to the Spirit of the Lord.

I return it, and open "the" that is a perfect match to His Pattern.


The mind is BOTH physical AND spiritual, and it can be here and there at the same time. (t)here.

si( )n

Gee, what original letter of HIS could the mind possibly move to within the now opened word sin that would lead to a sign along HIS Way? 


God's Race

Letters are Emblems that are lent to the mind itself, and then the mind moves them back to the Father, so the mind, and the soul, and body, of the individual, and the Father may then move and manifest As One.

All 26 letters that the mind moves, must be emblematic* letter conversions, that are actually Love Letter Returns to Him, that must take place within, and by the mind, in order for the mind to be converted to a little child again, in order to enter (in) through the m(in)d.

*See the Reading 288-27  


"It is Finished"

"When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said it is finished: and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost."*

*John 19:30

What did Jesus finish?

According  to the Readings, Mary manifested the Personality of God that  was the Word of God made flesh in the form of Jesus.

God, the Farther, the Creative Force, completed the Pattern through the form of Jesus that He began through the form of Adam.

When Jesus died, the Pattern was finished..., 

...and in so doing...,  

...God, the Voice within Jesus..., a grand finale...,  

...literally crossed His OWN t...,

...which the mind had taken as its OWN. 

God, The Father, The Universal Holy Spirit, The Universal Creative Intelligent  Force...,

...that resides within every living human created body...,

...provided a Pattern that every mind could follow to re-cord to Him within the living created body As One.

Edgar Cayce tapped into that Universal Consciousness...,

...and the knowledge received through that connection was duly recorded as edification for the human mind.

Included in that knowledge is HOW the mind may connect to the Universal Consciousness.

Here is the question. If you owned a business, which would be most profitable to you?

Sell the knowledge that the source provides, or sell the source that provides the knowledge?

Its a no brainer, and the A.R.E. knows that well.

It is more profitable to sell you the knowledge bit by bit then sell you the directions on HOW to tap that Source, known as the Creative Force, directly. 

Ironically, the Readings do provide the knowledge so that the mind may go directly to the Source.

It is there.

And the original Search For God groups found it.

The Edgar Cayce Companion is by far  the most authoritative and direct route to obtain the knowledge necessary to re-cording to the Father within.

B. Ernest Frejer spent 15 years researching, extracting, and recording the knowledge that the mind needs to know..., order for the mind...,

..and its companion, the soul, to complete its journey back to the Father, the Creative Force, God.

It as been the hopes of this club to help direct certain minds to that knowledge.

The work of this writer is finished, and if it has helped even one mind find the Way, it has been worth it.

The club will remain open, and if anyone would like to be a co-founder please let me know.

All the previous messages have been archived in the Riverside Warehouses at

God bless you in your desire to seek the Truth and the Way.


This concludes the number of the Riverside Warehouses.



May 5, 2001


These three letters are the symbols of the Spirit of GOD that was with GOD in the beginning and is IN our alphabet today. 

Alpha and Omega was the Greek Alphabet moved by the mind 2000 years ago. 

The Spirit of the Lord said, "I AM Alpha and Omega."* 

*Revelation 1:8

I AM the Letter Symbols that the mind has preveiously thought to move as its OWN. 

The mind as changed its OWN alphabet often, 

His Spirit has never changed. 

Here is HIS Alpha and Omega moved by the mind of today, as its OWN, in the most powerful country of the world. 

Included in this Alpha and Omega, are the three measures of meal, G-O-D..., 

...and when the mind mixes these into the alphabet..., 

...G-O-D, will leaven the WHOLE alphabet AND the mind that has contained that alphabet...., 

...because of the law that is ever present: attracts like: like begets like. 












May 11, 2001


Hypnosis was the way that Edgar Cayce entered an altered state of consciousness that allowed the words of the Readings to be manifested through his altered mind and created body.

"The mind acts upon the resuscitating forces of the physical being, by and through suggestion."*

*Reading 1992-3

A word of caution:

"It is also dangerous to submit to submerging of self through hypnosis, unless the body-mind of such an operator is in accord with constructive, forces in the body."*

*Reading 458-1

The creative forces in the created body are constructive and +.

Either self AND a conductor must be sure that suggestions are + and constructive.

Here is an interesting, interactive site, one may find interesting to review.