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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #185

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #185

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How Easy and Joyful It Is.

April 27, 2001


Once again, here are key words set forth through the Pattern in Jesus by the Father that the mind CAN literally follow.

"And said, "verily I say unto you, 

Except ye be converted, and become AS little children...,,

.... ye shall NOT enter into the kingdom of heaven." 

Matthew 18:3

That same Voice of the Father that emanated through Jesus also said,..,

"For my yoke is EASY, and my burden is LIGHT."*

*Matthew 11:30

How many religious authorities have taken these Words above at their face value?


Every religious authority has own own pet, "In other words", what Jesus is trying to say in Matthew 18:3.

The have all missed the boat.

Just look at these other Words that emanated from the Father within Jesus

"He that hath ears to hear, let him hear."

Matthew 11:15

"By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand: and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive."

Matthew 13:14

"For verily I say unto you, that many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those THINGS which ye hear, and have not heard them"

*Matthew 13:17 

EVERY created body has ears, so what is the problem?

Here is the problem. From birth every mind is trained to hear and understand words that emanate from a non spiritual source like their parents, teachers, etc.

Remember how the Readings state that the mind is BOTH physical AND spiritual?

The mind simply has never been taught HOW to understand spiritual words, only the physical words that they learned from birth to develop self conscious minds...,

...whose letters of those words have been stripped form His Spirit.

So the mind tries in vain to understand
spiritual words with a physically attuned mind. It will never happen and that is WHY the human mind tries to say, "In other words."

Instead of trying to tune into HIS Spiritual Words that emanate from within,  the mind tries to bring HIS Words to its OWN level of physical self consciousness rather...,

 ...than allowing the mind to raise its OWN consciousness to HIS Level.

That method has never worked in the past and will never work in the future.

The Reason?

The Father within will NEVER move against the free will mind. It is the mind that MUST make the FIRST move to return within to Him.   

Sorry self conscious trained religious leaders, you have done a wonderful job of preserving His Words..,

..but you have simply been barking your OWN tree instead of HIS.

Because of all this ambiguity and misunderstanding..., 

... ONE certain individual recently entered this earth plane to set the record straight.

What did he do?  He followed the Pattern set in Jesus. He set his conscious mind aside so that the words he spoke emanated from within his created body RATHER than his self conscious mind.

He made a conversion of his mind so that knowledge pertaining to spiritual words would be made clear to the human race.

He literally made it clear enough so that Spiritual Words such as in Matthew 18:3 may literally be taken at their face value..,

... so that minds would never have to resort to using "In other words" again .

Next: The impossible becomes so easy.

How easy and joyful it really is for the mind to literally fulfill God's Prophetic Words in Matthew 18:3...,

...,WITH the added knowledge in the Edgar Cayce Readings that is literally available to the human self conscious mind that is willing to seek.

Stay tuned,
