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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #183

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #183

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The Easy Way to Attune the Mind. 

April 20, 2001


"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall FIND rest unto you souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."* 

*Matthew 11:30 

These words indicate that it is easy for the mind to escape its own self consciousness mind and to go in and out of the Door of His Consciousness at will. 

For the past 2,000 years there are those who would like the mind to think that it must go FIRST go through THEIR door in order to learn HOW to enter through HIS Door. 

All of these people have done a wonderful job of preserving the Pattern in Jesus that is in the Bible that the mind needs to imprint and follow. 

The same is true with the Edgar Cayce Readings. These people have done a wonderful job in preserving the Readings that provide the knowledge that leads to understanding of HOW the mind may use His Pattern to go in and out of His Door. 

All of these people certainly are of good heart in their jobs of preserving these wonderful sources of knowledge that is literally food for the mind. 

But they seem to, somehow, get in the way and become stumbling blocks for the mind that desires to enter within. 

Well, like they say in football, if you cannot run through them, just pass over them. 

That is exactly what we are going to do here. 

We are going to pass over the keepers of these two remarkable sources of information and weave the words from both sources that will provide us with the understanding that leads to EASY access for the mind to go in and out of His Door. 

His Door being the Universal Consciousness that many refer to as the Christ Consciousness. 

Actually, there is one other source of information that the mind must consider. 

It is the dictionary that contains the building blocks (words) that has allowed the mind to build itself a self consciousness mind. 

As the mind has always had direct access to the dictionary, there will no need to by-pass anyone to access that information. 

Now with direct access to just these three sources of information, the mind as the active force and builder, will literally weave a wedding veil that will allow the mind "escape" or set aside its own self conscious mind..., 

...and to go in and out of His Consciousness at will. 

Because we are going to go back and forth between these three sources of information..., 

...let's give each source an acronym and this symbol will represent notes from this channel. ( ). 


According to the Bible--The King James Version of the Bible that Edgar Cayce read at least 67 times and contains the Pattern IN Jesus that the mind needs to imprint and or recall. 


According to the Readings---The Edgar Cayce Readings 


According to Webster--Webster's dictionary because it was the first and most famous guide for the mind to follow. 


Ready to start weaving? Lets go. 

AR---"For it the mind is BOTH physical AND Spiritual" 759-12 

(That knowledge allows the mind to know it may be BOTH, so that it may go in and out His Door.) 

AB---"Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall NOT enter into the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3 

(Unless minds become converted, and become as little children they cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Where is the kingdom of heaven? Take a look.) 

AR---"It as been given by Him that is Life, that the kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven, is within...thy body IS the temple of the living God; a tabernacle, yea, for the soul." 987-4 

(So far the mind has learned it must be converted or transformed as a little child in order to set its OWN self consciousness aside and move into His consciousness that is within the created body. 

Now we know WHAT the mind must do and WHERE the mind must go, but the mind still needs to know HOW to do it.) 

AB---For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that SEEKETH FINDETH; and to him that knocketh it shall be OPENED". Matthew 7:8 

(That is exactly what we are going to do next to find out HOW. So those that are willing, please stay tuned to this channel. 

A hint on the HOW to begin, the next excerpt is very, very important) 

AR---"By the use of that in hand does one reach the next plane." 5472-1 

(Every mature self conscious mind ALREADY has in its hands what it takes to reach the next plane of consciousness.) 

(Next: What is it that we already have at hand?) 




What we already all have at hand.

April 21, 2001


(Before we get into specifics what the mind already has a hand, here are a few vital characteristics of the mind that the mind needs to know about.

It is most important to know that there are two major forces in the created body that are at odds with each other from the birth of the created body, and they are within EVERY created body.

One force is called the active force of the mind (emblematically known as the Son in the Bible).

The other Force is what the Readings call the Creative Force, which is also the Reactive Force (emblematically known as God, the Father in the Bible).

The Pattern, established in Jesus, is that the mind, the Son, the active force with its free will, makes the attunement to the Creative Force, the Father, within the created body.

Because HIs Mind and Body made the One Atonement to "finish" the Pattern...,

..every mind may NOW make attunement that leads to at-onement with Father..,

...through the LIVING created body, and that at-onement is called the Christ Consciousness. 

With that information in mind , the mind, as the ACTIVE force, makes movements and these movements create vibrations that resonate throughout the created body and are recognized by the Creative Force.

Here is what is sort of interesting.

Most minds would probably, and logically, consider that the higher the mind vibrates, the higher the consciousness it may reach.   

Not true. In fact, the opposite is true.

AR--"The lowest form of electrical vibration gives creative forces, rather than the highest. It is the high vibration that destroys. 933-3

In essence, the mind has the natural ability to slow down its own vibrations, and to match them in attunement to the Creative Force within.

Ok, now with all that information the mind has at hand, it is time to reveal what the mind ALREADY has at hand that will assist the mind in reaching the Christ Consciousness.

First, another quick look at the mind itself.

It is the active force of the mind that  moves things that create certain vibrations.

What are those things? Those things are thoughts. 

Thoughts are things and the movement thereof creates vibrations.

"Mind is the builder and that which we think upon may become crimes or miracles. For thoughts are things..." 906-3

The question now is HOW does the mind form thoughts that are things?

In essence, the mind moves and strings symbols that are letters into little blocks called words that the mind again moves and strings those little blocks into blocks of words called thoughts.

In essence, thoughts are things, because the essence of thought is the movement of real physical things called letters or symbols that the mind moves that produce vibrations.

One last thought before we NEXT consider a revelation that should literally startle and awaken the mind so that it may move into a new realm of awareness.

AR---The mind is BOTH---physical AND Spiritual. 759-12.

Stay tuned to this channel.



The Things the Mind Moves  

April 21, 2001


Can the mind, only with its own free will, move or bend things such as spoons? Not likely.

However, there are physical things that the mind CAN move by its own free will.

Those things are called letters.

AR---"Thoughts are things" 906-3 

(Thoughts are produced by the mind that literally moves and blocks "things" called  letters into words then blocks those blocks of words into bigger blocks called thoughts).

Remember, how, as little children, we literally moved little blocks, with letters attached to them, into little words that we learned?

The blocked word (the) is formed by the movement of the block letters t-h-e within the mind.

In essence, the physical aspect of the mind since birth...,

... as been moving block letters to form block words that form block thoughts..,

..and all of those block thoughts taken together form a blocked self conscious mind that self has literally blocked itself into.

Even today, take a look at the computer keyboard. Do not the letters that are permanently mounted on keys...,

...look an awful lot like little blocks that move?

Ar---"The law that is EVER present, like attracts likes: like begets like." 541-1

(In essence, the very letters moved by the mind as its own, have formed a blocked encasement of self consciousness that the mind is unable to free itself from.)

Letters are symbols and are the only things that the mind can move.

The Spirit God has literally LENT the mind HIS 26 Letter Symbols to move as its OWN to allow the mind to know itself to be itself.

When the mind learns that, the mind has reached the plane of maturity of being conscious of itself.

The mind is, then, in a position to move the SAME 26 Letter Symbols as His that will allow the mind to escape its own consciousness and enter into His consciousness at will...,

...yet will still allow the mind to know itself to be itself.

Here is the bottom line. The human mind, beginning with Adam, has stripped the Spirit of God from the letters it has been given in order to build a self conscious mind through the movement of those stripped letters. 

God allows this to happen. The self has to learn to become conscious of itself before it may return to be, not God..,

...but to be As One WITH God.

The Pattern produced by Adam for the  human mind to follow, as an eager builder, unwittingly, and literally, causes the mind to  "block" itself into its own self consciousness that it has built.

To the rescue comes the Pattern in Jesus, the reincarnation of Adam, the Word made flesh, to show us HOW to escape the consciousness that we have blocked ourselves into.

The Pattern in Jesus is THE Stone that is often rejected by the builders, that eventually becomes the head of the corner.

There are all kinds of statements in the Bible and in the Readings that support HOW the mind may open of the blockage of the self conscious mind...,

...and then HOW the mind may enter into  a higher Universal Consciousness called Christ that the human mind is destined to achieve. 
Next: Plenty of supporting statements regarding HOW and WHY the mind may do it.