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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #180

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #180

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Scholarship Memberships According to the Readings..., ....nothing is by chance. With that thought in mind..., ...this club is going to sponsor 10 free one year scholarship memberships so that those individuals will be able to access the entire Edgar Cayce Readings on-line. The only hope of this club is that the recipients keep an open mind regarding the Pattern in Jesus..., ..and the focus of this club will remain on the spiritual unfoldment of the individual mind. The club will still continue to use "The Edgar Cayce Companion" as another tool of reference. The Purpose of this club will continue to focus on the spiritual aspects contained in the Readings, and it is hoped that the club become truly interactive as we review the On line Readings together. There are other clubs in Yahoo that discuss the health relate issues in the Readings. The free scholarship memberships are open to the first ten members of this club that respond to this message. Pease send your response to: Hopefully we will have enough members to begin the on-line study. The day after Easter would be a most appropriate date to being. That is Monday, April 16, 2001 Also, if you are already an ARE member it, it would be helpful to let me know. It really should be an enlightening study, Blessings to you all, Tom


Intuitive Studies?

April 8, 2001


The A.R.E. has a web page on study programs called:

"The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies."

It is quite a remarkable web page to look at, and this is what to look for:

Again, in the upper left hand corner is the dove and something that sort of looks like a Cross.

Then there is this person walking in the desert that sort of looks a little like it might be what the mind might perceive as Jesus.

Then there are all these symbols that sort of look like a Cross, but not quite.

Why in the world would all these linkable symbols be on this page?

They, probably, were carefully conceived and  were put there, not by the world's greatest psychic, Edgar Cayce...,

..but under the directives of highly trained psychologists who know very well the power of symbols.

Again, try clicking on the various parts of the symbols on this page.

Every click goes to the SAME page.

Now the question remains, why are these, "sort of seem like parts of Cross symbols" there in the first place?

They certainly are not each a symbol corded to a particular page to go to.

Maybe the ARE could answer that question, but most assuredly will not.

Why not? Because they cannot give a logical answer.

Their basic modus of operandi is silence to answer such questions.

Take a look.

Maybe because there is NO Cross, as the Emblematic Way, of the "Cross and the Crown"..,, really is just a person wandering lost in the desert, and trying to find its way...,

...and having a little trouble trying decipher which way THOSE symbols are pointing.

Take a look. 

Now, consider the recommended agenda for forming a Search For God group.

According to the ARE website: Search For God study groups: 

"They generally use the following format, however it can vary from group to group. 

Opening with a moment of silence(prayer) Group business Sharing the application of the study. 


(Is not the Cross THE Symbol of the Bible?)

Sharing and dream sharing
Study the text, A Search for God
Meditation on Affirmation 
Prayers and close with the 



The original Search For God groups, have ALREADY completed their mission.

Those groups met during the 1930's, and yes, most of them, apparently were housewives, who did not have the credibility that PH.D.'s would provide...,

...according to consultants to then head of the ARE, Hugh Lynn Cayce, whose son, Charles Thomas Cayce, Ph.D. in psychology, is now head of the ARE.

If Bible reading is such an integral part of the group search for God, would it not  seem plausible that the ARE Press would  at least recommend the Bible, if not offer it themselves?

The mentor, the advisor, the  director of those first Search For God study groups was not neighbor John Smith down the street, it was Edgar Cayce, himself, literally giving directional Readings for these early groups.

Believe it or not, they DID find God...,

...and the Pattern of that FIND is in Jesus.., 

...and the Power of that FIND is the Christ.

Check the actual Readings out.

A must read are the Readings on the Cross and Crown study that those early,  "no credibility housewives", groups DID under Edgar Cayce's psychic direction.

In essence, what has taken place is that the ARE is charged with preserving spiritual writings...,

...and, at the same time...,

... is trying to influence those writings...,

...with physical conscious minds that are PH.D. psychology oriented..., 

...which is a high degree of development of the SELF conscious mind...,

...that the Readings, ironically, state that must be set aside.

The mind, no matter how smart it is, simply cannot go from one state of being to another, without FIRST doing something else, and the Readings even warn against trying to do it without including that FIRST step.

An emblematic transformation MUST take place FIRST in order for the Self conscious mind to enter the higher form of consciousness, known as the Universal Christ Consciousness which is THE Ideal that has been adopted by the ARE.

WHY in the world has His Symbol of the Cross has been removed from the ARE scene?

Simply because the Self conscious mind refuses to use His Emblematic Cross as the only Way to the Crown..., 

...the Self conscious mind, rather than setting itself aside, and following His Cross...,

..,simply ignores HIS Emblem, and sets IT aside..,

...and tries to climb up some other way in an attempt to "suit" itself.


Excerpt from Reading 288-27...,

...and who is # 288? 

It is none other Gladys Davis Turner, his personal stenographer, who recorded the actual Reading for so many years. 

 "Nevertheless, it to be correct---but DO NOT make the mistake, as so often is given THROUGH these channels...,

...of ATTEMPTING to DISCERN spiritual interpretations with a material mind, or material interpretations with a spiritual mind...,

...UNLESS same is SIGNIFIED by that incident, accident, or state of being..., EMBLEMATICAL...,

...or of any activity that is of the nature that represents a condition--see?*

Reading 288-27 on page 2 of The Edgar Cayce Companion 


Just as the Pattern in Jesus, the real  truth is IN, sometimes, what the mind cannot see, rather than in what it can see. 

Check it out. Go through everything ARE that exists today...,

...and count the number of emblems that  resemble His Sign of the Cross...,

...and report those finding, if it is even possible, to this discussion group.

Blessings to those that their only desire is to seek the truth.


The Readings and the Cross

April 8, 2001


Excerpts from Edgar Cayce Reading 254-78 on the Cross 

July 17, 1934

"EC: The Cross as the emblem, with the dove and the olive branch, brings peace to those that seek rather to give to their fellows that which is helpful and hopeful in their experiences. 

Because many interpret that they have received contrary to thine own manner of thought, find ye not fault with them; for He has given, 

"They that gather not with us scatter abroad" that which may open the door, the way, for those that seek to know the Maker, the Giver of Life, eternal. 

Glory ye in the promises of thy Lord, thy Master, thy brother, in those things that He would do in the earth through thine feeble efforts. 

For He will give thee strength and will bear thee up to meet the burdens of the day, the hour. Faint not. 

Be not overanxious, for His ways are thy ways if ye seek to let Him have His way with thee. 

The Cross grows brighter, and yet a cross for EVERY ONE. 

Without the cross there is no crown. 

Without the bitter there is no sweet. Without love, ye are lost indeed." 

[GD's note: We interpreted the above [254-78] to be a personal message of encouragement to the A.R.E. Staff. 

EC asked his friend, Miss [275] to draw the A.R.E. Seal using the emblems, which she did.] 

See Source File Key #254 on Feb. 1937 for NEW A.R.E. booklet carrying imprint of THIS seal on cover, under 254-92

; also original of the drawing sent to EC on 6/25/35 by Miss [275] was lost. [See Source File Key #254 for Miss [275]'s interpretation of the seal.] 

 See Source File Key #254 for Robert A. Adriance's 1968 booklet called HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE WORK READINGS, using a design of the seal. [See Par. R1 above.] 

Hmmm, Very interesting.

If the ARE gets the On-Line Readings back on-line, be sure to check this entire  Reading out.  



The A.R.E. Builders Reject Jesus  

April 10, 2001


History seems to have a way of repeating itself.

"The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner." Matthew 21:42

This Verse is in the King James Bible that Edgar Cayce had read at least 67 times.
Here are some excerpts from the Edgar Cayce Readings.

"As man found himself OUT OF TOUCH with that complete consciousness of the oneness of God..., became necessary that the will of God, the Father, be made manifested, that a PATTERN be introduced into man's consciousness." 

"Thus the son of man came into the earth, made in the form, the likeness of man; with body, mind, soul. 

"ONLY IN Him, THROUGH Him, BY Him may one attain to that true sonship, that true fellowship, that true relationship to the Creative Forces or God."  3357-2

"The Pattern is in Jesus"  2533-7

"The Cross leads the way, ever!"  307-15


The Powers that built the A.R.E...,

...on the foundation of the Edgar Cayce Readings...,

...have literally cast out the Pattern in Jesus and His Symbol of the Cross..., 

...that is the KEY...,

...that allows the mind to connect to the  Universal Christ Consciousness that the A.R.E. openly professes to be THE Ideal that the mind should strive for.

How bizarre can that be? They have cast out the only Way to that Consciousness.

NOW that the ACTUAL Edgar Cayce Readings are becoming widely accessible..., 

...WITHOUT middle men muddling the waters..,

...the truth that His Pattern and Cross IS the only Way..., certainly revealed in many, many more Reading excerpts than in those just stated above.

You can see for yourself.

Again, this Pattern and Cross in Jesus that has been WILFULLY rejected by the builders of the A.R.E...,

...WILL soon become the head of corner within the minds of many who WILL reach that Ideal plateau called...,

...the Christ Consciousness...,

...regardless of the contrarian efforts of the A.R.E.

The Readings predict it.

Through the grapevine it has been heard that even A.R.E. employees are often very uncomfortable as they must walk on egg shells..., NOT to even mention Jesus or the Cross in the same breath with the words Christ Consciousness.

The Readings say EVERYTHING should be tested.

As a preliminary test, go through their the their entire web site and see if you can find a true rendition of His Cross and the word Jesus.

Then give the A.R.E. a toll free call at... 


Tell them that you have read that the Christ Consciousness is the Ideal that everyone should strive for.

Then ask them to direct you to someone who can recommend the main approach that one should take in seeking that Ideal.

Compare their words to the Readings above. 

Blessings to those that seek to test the waters of Truth that emanates through the actual the Edgar Cayce Readings.


The A.R.E. is in Denial

April 11, 2001


The Association for Research and Enlightenment is in Self denial...,

...regarding the importance of the Pattern IN Jesus...,

, THE key factor in the mind's ability to achieve the Universal Ideal Christ Consciousness.

The Universal Christ Consciousness is the stated official Spiritual IDEAL of the  A.R.E.

They, or anyone else that follows the A.R.E.'s line of thinking...,

... will NEVER reach that goal...,

... because A.R.E. is denying THE Pattern that is in Jesus that includes His Atonement.

Here is the evidence and here is the proof.

The Readings state that the Pattern is in Jesus.*

*Reading 2533-7

The Readings also state that... 

..."The ANSWER is to KNOW His way, is EVER within...,

...(and) KNOW that attunement, atonement, and at-onement are ONE.*

*Reading 2174-3

Now consider these THREE factors that are ONE very carefully.

attunement - atonement -at-onement 

Attunement is the adjustments that the mind makes. It attunes itself to something else.

At-onement is the re-union of the mind, that is the active force, with the Creative Force within, which, according to the Readings, is God, the Father.

That effect of that re-union moves the mind out of its Self conscious state...,

...and into the Universal Conscious state of mind that is referred to as Christ.

In essence, the mind makes attunement adjustments so that it will move into at-onement with that Pattern of Consciousness.

The question then becomes, WHAT does the mind make attunement adjustments to...,

... in order to reach at-onement?

The mind needs only to look at the third factor that is ONE with the other two.

The factor of atonement.

What is atonement?

Because it is the Self conscious mind that is going to make the attunement adjustment.., should go to where it usually goes to look up a word, the dictionary.

According to Webster...,

"...atonement --- "the act of of atoning-- satisfaction given for a wrong doing, injury, amends, etc.--agreement or reconciliation.--The Atonement, theol...the redeeming of mankind and the reconciliation of God with man...,

...brought about by Jesus' sufferings and death."

According to the Readings, because of that ONE Atonement, the mind is ABLE to make attunement that becomes at-onment, they are all ONE.

The Ideal Universal Consciousness is built on the foundation of the trilogy that ALL three of these words are One.
Remove atonement, and the mind is left without the Pattern in Jesus, that it may make attunement to.

The proof of denial of His Pattern, that includes atonement, is in the Self conscious image that the A.R.E. has created for itself.

His Cross, that is the ONE symbol of His Pattern that includes His Atonement.., virtually impossible to find on anything emanating from within the A.R.E.

Check all the various symbols on their products , books, literature, or on their website at...,

The lack of finding anything resembling the Symbol of His Atonement, will prove that His Atonement, that is part of the Pattern in Jesus..., NOT an essential factor in the quest of the human mind to reach the Ideal Christ Consciousness...,

...according to the minds that direct the A.R.E.

They MAY say that the Pattern in Jesus is one way, but there are many other ways.

Oh really. Please tell us about some other atonements that we can follow?

The A.R.E., as an entity in itself, not necessarily its members, which this writer is a life member thereof..., physically, mentally and spiritually in denial of the very Readings it is in charge of preserving...,

...that describe the vital importance of His Atonement which is part of the Pattern that the mind must attune to.

The Readings are correct. 

The A.R.E. itself is committing a grievous error. 

It is trying to persuade individuals that they may be able climb up some other Way.*

"He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climb up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber"*

*John 10:1

And guess who is widely known as the door?

Blessings to those that are beginning to see the light.