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His Cross June 6, l999


"As He struggled alone with His own Cross... ye... ye struggle...

...HAVE the assurance that His presence abideth."

"Keep ye the faith... not the cross as a sacrifice...

...but as the cross... the WAY... the LIGHT...

...the LIFE"

"For without the cross there is no crown."
"If these (hardships) are held continually as crosses, or as things to overcome...

...then they wll remain as crosses."

"But if they are to be MET...


...the spirit of truth...

...and right IN their own selves...

...they should create...


...for that is what will be built."*  
*Page 361 of the Edgar cayce Companion.


In the Pattern's Book...

...The Bible...

...there is literally a...


...that is the...


"...IF any man will come after me...

...let him deny himself...

...and take...


...his cross and...


For whosoever will save...

...his life...

shall lose it ...

and whosoever WILL lose his life for my sake...

...shall find it."*

Matthew 16:24 


The Pattern was the ONE ON the cross SET in the ground.

These are the signs that show EXACTLY HOW Selves deny themselves... 

... and take UP their own crosses...


Here is the sign that Self may deny self and become as a little child of promise.


Here is the sign that the mind of (S)elf knows HOW to take...


...its own cross and...



...the cross...(t)he cross


(S)elf takes UP its own (t) from the His Pattern...


...and returns it to (t)he...


...of truth that is WITHIN.


Speaking and the Pattern

June 6, 1999


"Believest thou not that I am...


the Father...

...and the Father...


"The words that I SPEAK unto you...

...I SPEAK...

...not of myself...

but the Father that...



...he doeth the works."*
*John 14:10


"Count it joy, then, even as He...



...are called by Him in sevice... LOVING service... thy fellow man...


...this lowly...


...unworthy channel (Edgar Cayce)...

...has HE chosen to SPEAK...

...for the PURPOSES of this soul...

...have been to do good unto his brethren.* 

*Page 242 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


The Words Spoken THROUGH Jesus...

...set forth...

...the Pattern for the mind to follow.


The Words Spoken THROUGH Edgar Cayce... 

...literally verify that it is...


...for the mind to follow the Pattern... preparing the MIND... a CHANNEL...

... as the WAY...

...for the Father to speak from...



Jesus set the Pattern...

...Edgar Cayce verified the Pattern.


Signs seen following the Pattern.


This is the sign that the mind of Self...

...may transform Self away from Self...

...and go...



This is the sign that the mind of  (S)elf...

...actively acknowledges...

...WITHIN to the Father...

...that His Son went to the cross as atonement... the mind of (S)elf...

...could follow... making attunement to the Pattern of His atonement.    


This is the sign that the Father will forgive the sins of the mind...

...that has moved away from the Father...

...and that the Father...


...will allow the born again mind to transform those sins into signs along the Way.  


WITHIN the human body there is the temple...

...WITHIN the temple there is the altar...


...and UPON the altar are the horns of the altar.

This is the sign of the horns of that altar...

............( )............*

*Exodus 27:1

The horns of the altar are the... of the trade...

...that allow the minds of (S)elves... little children of promise... transform...

...the letters it has been using as its own...

...His Spiritual Letters... passing them THROUGH...

...( )...

...the horns of the altar...



Remember the picture of the devil?



Nothng is by chance when viewed from the perspective from...


*Page 44 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


No apparent everlasting life here when the horns are...


Sort of like the golden calf perhaps?


The image nation IS the kingdom of heaven...


...the human body.

This is HOW the minds of Selves will enter at will WITHIN the image nation.




...The minds of selves will transform themeselves to (S)elves.

This process allows the minds of Selves to detach themselves from themselves. 

It is sort of like making it possible for a camel...

...corded to the word camel... go...


...the eye (i) of a needle :)




...The minds of (S)elves will break wide open the word imagination that has been... etched in stone and...

...tied like a cord to the imagination of the minds of Selves.

...imag (i) nation.

The minds of (S)elves will remove the...

...self (i)...

...from this word as they enter the word therein.

The minds of (S)elves... builders...

...will then simply insert His letter E for the (E)arth plane of the body...


...the opened word.

....imag (E) nation.

Transformed (S)elves have just entered the kingdom of God...


... the transformation of the...

...word that...






...and BOUND... their imaginations.   

Pretty simple. Very profound.


(S)elves like to play this song...

...Green Acres...

...for it sort of reminds them of... 
...His Green Pastures... the 23rd Psalm.

The Pattern and the new application

It is not by chance that those minds who view the subject matter of this club... so by chance.

Those minds are seekers...

...those minds are children of promse.

...those minds may be the future leaders of the NEW application of the SAME religious thought.*

*Page 413 of the Edgar Cayce Companion


The temples and pyramids were an earlier example of going WITHIN.

Most recent examples are for the mind to go...


...a church, temple, or synagogue or other physical structure for communion with the Lord. 

The New Application will be for the mind to go...


the most perfect structure ever created for the "soul" benefit of the human mind...

...the human body.

The human body is the perfect "building" structure...

...for it not only provides the the perfect place of worship...

...the human body provides perfect housing for the soul and its companion the mind.


The human body is a micro-universe specifically designed... allow for the unfoldment of the human mind to return and become AS ONE...

...with our Father, our Maker.

This IS the second birth... is the birth of a new mind out of itself. follows the PATTERN of the immaculate conception born...


...the Virgin Mary.

The human mind FIRST learns...

...WHO... is by...
..."looking OUT for itself".

It then...


..AWAY from Self...

...and goes...

...WITHIN... find...

...where it came from...

...and return to its maker...

...the Father.


In essence...

...the cycle of the mind returning to its Maker... beginning to commence now.


The Bible...

...the entire Bible is ...


...of the soul and the mind of that soul...



...entrapped in the matter of the earth plane.




...the body...

...the mind... following His Pattern...

...may lead its own soul out of that entrapment and back to its Maker...

...the Father.

The Father...


...Jesus... both were as of ONE Mind...

...literally returned to show the mind of Self...

...the Way out of the entrapment.



...Edgar Cayce...

..verified the Pattern...

...and literally points the the mind in the new direction... go...


...the human created body...,

...the only Temple that houses the mind and soul.

Very Simple. Very Profound.


Ross Peterson

Who in the world is this man?

Edgar Cayce said that ANYONE could do what he did...


...they were willing to set self aside... help others.

Allow the mind to take a look!

The Entity Born Again and Again 6-09-99

EACH time a human being is born into the earth plane... begins to learn to develop a personality called self.

Self enters into the earth plane many times.

It is really the soul that enters the earth plane each time with its mind and takes on a physical body. 


...of ALL the learning experiences of the  personalities developed by the soul's many involutions... called the entity. 

Thus, the soul is an entity that has experienced many liftimes or personalities.

The soul's mind of self...

... always becomes encased... it reincarnates...


...the earth plane of the human body. 


"EACH entity MAKES a record upon time and space...

...through the very activities of that...


...the mind."*

*Page 84 of the Edgar Cayce


The BODY that houses the mind and soul.... literally a microcosom of the the entire universe.


"...the physical body...

...that becomes that channel...


...which the mental and physical and spiritual...



*Page 245 of the Edgar Cayce Companion


This is what Jesus, the Pattern, did.

This the same Pattern followed by Edgar Cayce...


...Ross Peterson.

This is the same Pattern that is availabe to everyone.

"Remember," he says, "they told me I was the most...


...person they had ever tested.

If I did it...then everyone has the  chance.

Truly, I believe that being psychic is as natural as breathing...

...and learning the skill is everyone's birth-right."

*Page 181-182 of Ross Peterson: THE NEW EDGAR CAYCE

All of these men have manifested  the higher consciousness or...

...Christ Consciousness...


...the OPENING...

...of their minds...

...which in turn...

...the storehouse of knowledge...


...their bodies of Creation.

The "relative" state of higher consciousness is in direct proportion to amount of self...

...self is willing to set aside for the Ideal.

In this club selves are just beginning to learn the process by setting the letters of self aside... see signs along the way.

Men like Edgar Cayce and Ross Peterson have been willing to set more of self aside through the process of hypnosis so that there bodies would become more perfect channels.

This higher consciousness has been long been predicted...

...and is now becoming a reality.

The learning of (t)his skill will be rather commom place in the future.

The revolution of electronic
communication is man's...


to duplicate the natural law of communication expressed by men like (ayce and Peterson and the Pattern, Jesus. 

Just allow the mind to look...


...the word (elect)(roni)(c).  

The name electronic carries the same characterisitics of the Pattern.

Self leaves self...(nor-i)

(elects) to enter within to meet its Maker.

That re-union is called the (c)hrist or the (c)hrist consciousness.

The only problem is that a electtronic (de)vice does NOT have any consciousness... does not and never will have freewill.

Just as the Pattern's Book, the Bible states...

"...there is no NEW thing under the sun.*

*Eccleiastes 1:9

There is no need for a NEW super computer to be made.

That computer already exists.

It is simply the mind, as the builder, to learn HOW to...


...itself away from itself... (p)lug itself into the...


...of its own created body that is the source of all knowledge.

Physical electronics are only tools to help the mind to learn HOW to reach that consciousness.

Will power

Will power by itself is somewhat misleading.

Has a mind really every bent a spoon with will power alone?

Has a mind ever tried to stop smoking cold turkey by will power alone?

Many have tried to stop...

...but even with tremendous effort...

...many have failed..

..and have even died...

...because the will power of their minds could not over come...

...the awesome power of desire or craving. 


Listen closely to this secret.


The function of will power is NOT a force that the mind uses...


The function of the will of the mind is to....


...a powerful...


...into a powerful...


...that may be easily manifested as a Creative Force ...

... that will move THROUGH and OUT the Created body.

Creative forces are of the Pattern of the body...

...and they are POSITIVE.

When a human being is born...

...the desires...

...of its mind is like a negative sponge... inherently draws negative forces.    

The mind SHOULD sort of "work" like  the old phrase..

..."the Power of Positive Thinking"

But even the "Power of Positive Thinking...

..."still" leaves the will of the mind to do the job itself.

All the WILL of the mind needs to do is to...

...convert the negative incoming force to the positive force and then release that force...

...from the body... a manifestation of the Creative Force.  

This is the same as changing the earth poles of the body.


A simple example of the conversion process.

Here comes an awesome powerful deadly negative force of craving to the body and mind of someone trying to quite smoking.

Here comes the mind and throws out  the little will power to fight off this awesome force by itself.

No match.

But if will power will first convert that negative craving force to an... equal positive force of Anger...

..and then allow the the created body to release that Positve Force  of anger directly back to the source or essence of the craving force...

..the cigarette itself.

In essence, the mind will have just destroyed a negative force...

...with its very own force...

...converted by the will of the mind... a Positve Force...

... that may be easily re-"leased" by the positive created body.

This is the exact same Pattern that litte David use against the giant  Goliath.

Will does not use its OWN power.

Its role is simply to convert the negative incoming power... a positive power that may be used and manifested by the opened created body.

"Likes beget likes."*

*Page 36 of the Edgar Cayce Companion. 

Very simple. Very powerful 

the Book of Revelation and Self 6-10-99

The Bible is literally the Pattern of HOW the mind and body...

...may unfold into His consciousness.

"If you will read the Book of Revelation with the idea...

...of the...

...BODY... the interpretation... WILL understand yourself...

...and learn to really to analyze...


...mentally analyze others.

But you will have to learn to apply it in self first."*

Q- Does Babylon symbolize self?

A- Babylon symbolizes self.*

Q- Are we correct in interpreting the seven churches... the seven spiritual centers...


...the physical body?

A- Correct.*

*Pages 203-204 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

Here is HOW to learn about the Pattern of Self by re-viewing His book of Revelation...

...from the point of view that...

...Self = Babylon

Merely allow the mind to substitute self everytime it sees Babylon in this book.

Starting with Revelation 14:8...

Babylon is mentioned again in verses...


After re-viewing those verses in new light...

...It is no wonder that the Voice emanating from wihin the body and mind of Edgar cayce said...

..."stand oft aside and watch self pass by."*


Because self must fall away...

...and watch (S)elf pass by and go...


*Page 172 of The Edgar Cayce Companion