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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #179

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #179

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===================== The Imprinted Pattern April 6, 2001 ===================== (Q) "Should the Christ Consciousness be described as the awareness within each soul, imprinted in pattern on the mind and waiting to be awakened by the will, of the soul's oneness with God." (A) Correct. that's the idea exactly.* *Reading 5749-14 on page 228 of The Edgar Cayce Companion. The key question for the mind to determine is WHAT is the Imprinted Pattern, and HOW does the Imprinted Pattern get imprinted on the mind? Here are some clues. First the Pattern itself. What is it? According to the Readings, that Pattern is the Pattern in Jesus. Take a look. "ye are made strong --IN body, In mind, In soul and purpose by the power in Christ. The power then, is the Christ..., ...the pattern is in Jesus.* *Reading 2533-7 on page 225 of the Edgar Cayce Companion Ok now, the pattern is in Jesus, and that pattern somehow gets imprinted on the mind. The mind has free will to do as it pleases. So somehow the mind itself must be willing to Imprint His Pattern. Now, allow the mind to remember this. According to the Readings, the mind acts as a stylus that records everything whether or not the mind is even able to recall it.* *Reading 1885-1 on page 84 of The Edgar Cayce Companion. According to the Readings, Edgar Cayce was able to tap into the recordings of an individual's mind including the past lives that have also been stored in the individual's mind. So in essence. the mind may have imprinted His Pattern in a previous lifetime and simply recalled that Pattern in this lifetime by re-viewing the Bible. Apparently, this very well was the case with Edgar Cayce. The revelation of a past life of Edgar Cayce as Lucius, who, supposedly, actually wrote the Gospel of Luke..., ..the revelation of a past life of his own son, Hugh Lynn Cayce, as the Disciple Andrew..., ... and the revelation of a past life of Charles Thomas Cayce, his own grandson, as none other than Luke..., ... they ALL most certainly imprinted the pattern in Jesus by the stylus of the their minds during those incarnations. It must be more than coincidental that only one of these persons read the King James Bible that contains His Pattern... ...67 times. Through the determination of the own free will of their self conscious minds..., ... the minds of the son and grandson, who have been the chief builders of the ARE..., ... have basically discarded the Pattern in Jesus, that apparently had been imprinted on their minds that is ready to be awaken by their wills..., ... and that Pattern, that they tossed out is truly the Stone that becomes the head of the corner.* *See Matthew 21:42 All three of these men minds were very aware of their past reincarnations. The role of father, Edgar Cayce, kept pointing to the Bible as the source of the Pattern that the mind may imprint. He pointing to it, not once, but 67 times. Apparently, the son and grandson were so intrigued with the astounding mind of their grandfather..., ...that the they simply bypassed the crucial role of the Pattern that the mind imprints..., .. in favor of studying the mind from a purely psychological point of view. The rest is history. The Cross was the only symbol that the Pattern IN Jesus ever had.., ..and it has certainly obvious that it has been distorted and rejected by the ARE. Apparently, there WAS an emblem of His Cross on Reading formulated products..., ... and there WAS an emblem of His Cross that the Father, Edgar Cayce, himself, had installed on the very door of the vault that houses his Readings. The bad news and the good news is..., ...that the builders of ARE who merely built the house that houses the Readings have rejected His Stone..., .. but the Readings themselves, which any mind will readily see is that..., ... His Cross was NOT rejected by the altered conscious mind of Edgar Cayce that produced the Readings. It is all there.The signs of HIs rejection are reflected in the ARE symbols. The distortion of His only Symbol and the outright rejection of His only Symbol is very apparent in everything labled by the ARE. Yet, the Symbol of His Cross IS there. There..., the Readings themselves, that literally embrace the Symbol of His Cross. From Adam onward, there are those that attempt to deflect the truth, hide the truth, or simply reject the truth, of the Stone that becomes the head of the corner. Fortunately, the Readings themselves, were literally built on the very Stone that builders in the physical world often reject. Even the Readings state that the Readings themselves should be tested. Go to the ARE website. Try to find His Symbol that has NOT been distorted. Go there. Check everything out. Click on the ARE Press page while you are there..., ...and see if they even offer the King James Bible that was such an awesome influence in the life of Edgar Cayce. You will not find it. Why not? THEN sign up for a membership and review the Readings On-Line. Just type in cross and see what you will find. You will be absolutely amazed at what you WILL in he Readings ... ...that you WILL Not able to find at the web site. The ARE policy is to refund the cost of membership if at ANY time if you are not satisfied. Take a look. the truth presented here is revealed there. You have nothing to lose and very much to gain. Blessings. ================================== The Religion of the Cayce Readings. April 6, 2001 ================================== Here is an interesting web site that also confirms the Stone that the ARE builders have rejected. Blessings,